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Comments for My First Supernatural Encounter: Page 1
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HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
This the only encounter I can recount with this being in that form. As a child I remember there being a large tarantula on one of the posts at the foot of my bed. It would simply perch itself there and stare at me menacingly. I'd call out to my mother, who would of course tell me there was nothing there. She never actually came in to check, however.
It was only a couple of years ago that I decided to research what tarantulas symbolize. I found that they were a representation of evil. I never felt particularly threatened by this or any other sort or evil, just a bit uncomfortable. They've never attempted to attack me to date, so I've never been afraid of demons or anything of the sort.
I'll be sending in more stories concerning ghosts and other entities I've also encountered, so please check in every now and then.
It was only a couple of years ago that I decided to research what tarantulas symbolize. I found that they were a representation of evil. I never felt particularly threatened by this or any other sort or evil, just a bit uncomfortable. They've never attempted to attack me to date, so I've never been afraid of demons or anything of the sort.
I'll be sending in more stories concerning ghosts and other entities I've also encountered, so please check in every now and then.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Is this the only enounter you have had? Are there other encounters with this 'thing' or any others" Just curious if this was basically the start of paranormal occurances for you.
God Bless!
God Bless!
vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
the only word I would believe about fallen angels (demons) is from the bible and it doesn't go that in debt about them. The rest is written from the mind of man, and we are fallible. Anywho, I had a similar experience with time. A comment from someone on one of the stories I wrote reminded me of it. I don't think I'd even thought of it since juniour high. When I was around 12 or 13 and a friend and I were sleeping out in the back yard. It must have been spring or fall because it got a little cool at night. We were both chewing tobacco, (which neither of us did very well but the spitting part seemed cool at the time I guess), and we had a spit can made from a folgers can sitting between us. We were on cots, the kind most folks had back then. I don't know the time but most likely around 12 or 1 in the morning. We Lived in choctaw oklahoma which isn't far from midwest city where tinker air force base is. "AWACS planes". We had grown up seeing all types of military planes coming and going, training missions, and such. We were both looking up at the stars and talking, about what I don't know. Probably had something to do with girls though. Anywho, we spotted a light moving across the sky that seemed to be moving slower than the planes we usually saw, then we noticed that it didn't have the usual blinking lights or colored lights on aircraft. Civilian planes and military that bright would also usually have their landing lights on or at least like I said we should be able to see strobes or red or green or something. I don't recall that either of us made a big deal out of it, it wasn't until later when we went over it that we pointed these things out to each other. Now when I say slow, I mean slow, as moving across the sky. We kept talking and would look up and it had barely moved. We'd watch and it moved slightly so we just thought it was real high but terribly bright. A few minutes later when it was approx. Right over us. But you know, still way up looking like a pokey plane, we both bent over at the same time to spit in the can that was sitting in between our cots. I can still see it when he spit; It was like on your DVR now when you freeze a picture. The spit froze in mid air for a couple of seconds, so did he, and there was a light that lit up not only our back yard but through my side vision I could see the yards next door and even the ones past that as plain as day. (and we had good sized yards) It was like daylight at noon time. At the time we had a weak back light. The house to my south had a yellow one that had been there since noah docked the ark and was dirty, the one to my south was on an enclosed porch and was pretty weak, and the ones past those on either side had normal low watt bulbs. I knew this for a fact because they all had kids my age and I was over there pretty much daily and after dark. We both saw the same thing. I went in and turned on my back light it didn't even light up our spit can very well and the neighbors lights were out and they were asleep. We talked about it for a while and probably mentioned it at school but nothing ever came of it since we never actually got probed. At least that we recall Anyway, Insignificant, but just one of those childhood memories that you forget sometimes.
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