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My First Supernatural Encounter


Before I start the actual story, I'd like to say that I understand that some people might discredit this account because of my age at the time, but I can assure you that this did occur, and my memory of the event is quite vivid. This is the first encounter of this kind that I can remember, and is one of many that I have experienced across the years. There is a history of witchcraft in my family, much of it black magick, and certain misfortune has befallen my relatives. It is the general consensus in this and every household in our family that relatives placed a longstanding curse on my grandparents and their descendants - if only their immediate progeny.

It was a mild spring day, noon at the time. I was about 4, perhaps 5, and was playing out in the sidewalk in front of our house; the sidewalk generally provided the optimal terrain for my Hot Wheels to drive in. It was quiet out, partly because it was a residential area in a fairly calm neighbourhood, and the rest was owed to the fact that most people were at work or in school.

So there I was, doing what kids do, concocting the wildest scenarios I could, pitting the drivers of my Hot Wheels against treacherous roads in high octane races - each of which could have been their last. And so I was for some time. My mother, of course, would check on me periodically, perhaps being driven to do so more often if the terrifying thought of some stranger kidnapping her only child crept into her mind.

I recall my mother opening the front door and me looking up to reassure her of my well-being with a smile. This time something was different, however. She did open the door, but she never made it all the way out. The birds ceased to sing their songs. The sands of time froze. I immediately knew something was wrong, but the simple fact that my mother had stopped dead in her tracks, that neither she nor anything else in the world seemed to move or make a sound was overwhelming.

I never managed to find a reason to explain what was going on, at least not at that moment. My attention was torn away from my mother, from the fact that time had stopped. I had the inexplicable urge to look to my far left, to the alley between the last home and the place of worship at the block's end. There, in the alley, next to that last home's fence was someone... Something. The figure donned a long, black hooded robe. There was a deep, yawning void where its countenance should have been and nothing where its hands should have protruded from robe's sleeves.

I didn't know what to do then and there. I suppose there was nothing I could do. It walked away before I could decide that I would do something. And there was no way to explain it, but I knew that it was this creature that had caused time to stop. I knew it then, and I know it now.

I suppose that that is the event which propelled me to study the occult, the catalyst which has fuelled my interest in it all my life. I now believe that this creature was a demon, an angel, but a fallen one. I don't know of any that can stop time, even amongst the demon kings, but this one did.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, HazMan_III, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
Red- I have stated before that these creatures have always existed on a plane that transcends the physical, and although I'm quite sure that they're capable of manipulating the signals in our brains, I don't think that was the case in this event. Because they are such capable creatures, it's difficult for me to say exactly what it is that occurred. It could have been a number of things. I've considered many different possibilities, but again, all I can do at this point is speculate.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-18)
I don't think that entities can stop time. More to the fact they can cause an illusion in your mind that makes you think time has stopped. Out brain is run on electrical signals and if one knows how to manipulate those signals it can easily give someone the presumption of certain evetns occuring like the stopping of time.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
HazMan_III: Thank you for your reply, yes I am in agreement with you in your description of the demons, and I myself was leaning towards your "Blind Spot" theory. But in the end as you mentioned all we can do is speculate when it comes to things of this matter.

Thank you once again. 😊

HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
Aussie- As I've stated below, I've considered that perhaps I was not entirely conscious during this event and that that state may or may not have been induced by the entity I encountered. I am also aware of how our sense of time is affected when we're in a different state of consciousness, but generally speaking, I don't think anyone is ever really aware of any change in the way time moves. Having said that, I honestly don't believe I was forced to project onto an astral plane simply so that the creature could make its presence known to me. I've had other supernatural encounters across the years, but this is the only one where time seemed to stop.

In any case, I'd like to say that I'm not particularly concerned with the how of this encounter. I don't really find that it's important. I'm more curious as to why this entity presented itself to me and who it is.

Oh, and thank you for the thought. Still much appreciated!
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
BadJuuJuu- First of all, thank you for the feedback. It's always appreciated. I'm glad we finally agreed upon something. I hope I haven't discouraged you from reading my stories and offering your input in the future. As I've said before, I'll accept any feedback, and I do enjoy the discourse when it arises.

Dan- Well, if you believe that the demon kings in hell are fallen angels of the highest rank, then we can agree that they have the ability to manipulate matter, whether it be used to create a physical form for themselves or otherwise. It is for this very reason that I write off most possessions and demonic encounters of any kind as having to do with demon kings. It is my opinion that they have very little interest in tormenting us or committing any of the petty crimes we often hear demons being held accountable for. Having said that, I have a few theories, but I'm sure that there are many possibilities as to what caused the seeming halt in time.

Being that the most powerful of these entities can manipulate matter, I don't think it's a stretch to say that perhaps it did not keep time from moving, but rather stopped the movement of all things within my immediate vicinity. These entities have always lived in a realm that transcends the physical, so I'm sure that creating a "blind spot," so to speak, to conceal the area might have been in the works.

I suppose that we could say, for argument's sake, that it occurred in a dream, and that it was orchestrated by the demon. Perhaps I imagined the entire occurrence. Quite frankly, I don't believe the latter, being that my recollection of the account is incredibly vivid, and unlike many of my other dreams, everything was as it would be in the real world.

For one to be certain of what happened and why, the demon in question would have to be asked, and at the present time, I'd say that it is not a possibility. Perhaps someday I'll figure it all out, but until then, all any of us can do is speculate.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-17)
In regards to previous stories and time standing still, I can ad something to think about here... Monkeylemur had an experience with her father where time stood still and the same too in my Story nightdemon or nightmare, Granny Son Brandon also had a similar experience from memory?... The interesting correlation between M/lemurs my story and this one... We all believe that this experience was so real we were all sure it happened on a physical and conscious state...Hazman, I believe with your story as like ours you were induced into subconscious state and a projected spiritual realm... Probably by another source a fallen angel? Maybe... Since this particular experience interested you to follow the occult perhaps that was the reason and design for it? You know how you hear often people and physics say... They don't know there dead... That is because when some people die they become stuck or even controlled in these illusionary realms where time doesn't move like ours here on earth, perhaps might explain why some hauntings go on for centuries... The difference with you me and lemur we had a living body to come back too... So the actual experience has a time frame... Just as evil can manipulate this realms so to can the forces of good... Like with lemur... Having such an experience with her father was a blessing.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Great story HazMan_III Firstly to answer whitebuffalo's question, I think it was one zzgrannys stories where the whole time slowing, stopping etc was discussed although I could be wrong.😕

HazMan_III: I do believe that it may be possible for demons to have an ability to slightly alter our own perception on time, but I don't believe that they can meddle time itself. What are your thoughts on this?

Thank you for sharing

BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Well said. I wholeheartedly agree that people who can't control their anger will have difficulty performing magick. Tough to focus one's will while seething with rage, which is another reason why I think curses fail. People attempt to perform curses while angry and can't calm themselves enough to properly perform the spellwork. By the time they've calmed down, they usually don't care about trying to send a curse anymore. There are a few people out there capable of cold anger, those are the ones who I would take seriously if they made a threat of magickal retribution.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
For the most part, I'd like to say that the most knowledgeable and powerful practictioners of magick are weary of the that rule and limit the amount of negative energy they send out. Malevolent magick is to be saved as a last resort, and I'd say that a good percentage of the time those who aren't disciplined enough to control their anger are also incapable of performing magick properly.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
The code of silence is all well and good, but I still think curses are BS. Perhaps I only think that because none of the curses that have been sent my way did anything, not even the ones I didn't find out about until later. Maybe those curses were futile because the person doing the cursing wasn't quite as powerful or knowledgeable as they thought. And perhaps anyone powerful and knowledgeable enough to perform a true curse wouldn't do it anyway. I would think anyone who could actually perform a curse would be aware of the Rule of Three and not want to risk it.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
I'd once again like to point out the code of silence. If I didn't make it clear enough before, allow me to do so now. Let's say someone decides to put a curse on you, and they unwittingly make their intentions known you. Even if you aren't aware of any protective rites at the time, you still have a will, and you are quite capable of manifesting it in different forms. Any energy you send out will affect how well someone's will is manifested, for better or worse. You don't need to have any knowledge of magick to protect yourself or negate someone's curse. Any magick you practice is to remain largely clandestine for that very reason.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Yes, YOU might understand what personal demons are, dear, but if you look down through the rest of the comments, you can see that others are not quite so well informed as you appear to be.
And again, I have got to stand by what I said about curses, as just like BJJ, I HAVE been "cursed". The intent was purely dark, and yet it could not get through. And that was all before I even knew there WAS such a thing as protection rites.
Thank you.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Uh, I actually agree with WB on the curses. I've been threatened with curses several times, none have worked. Even the guy whose wife assured me his curses were real, so I should just kiss his butt and save myself some pain. I told them both to get a grip, he cursed me, I called him a superstitious idiot, he cursed me again, nothing happened either time. It was quite amusing actually.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
Whitebuffalo- I understand what personal demons are and I can assure you that when I face them, they don't manifest themselves in any form that I fear. I wasn't afraid of those creatures then, and I don't fear them now. Also, according to that theory of yours, since time seemed to have stopped, by that account personal demons would be ruled out.

Now, onto magick. I think I have to refute your theory concerning curses. I'm not sure if you meant only curses, or magick as a whole. There is a rule in magick, one of silence. You maintain a code of silence 24 hours after having cast a spell so that your will may manifest itself properly. Magick is simply consciously co-creating reality. Manifesting your will in the real world. The only person who has to believe it is the spellcaster.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-01-16)
We had a discussion on here, a bit ago (any of you who were involved like to point out the story, if YOU can recall it?) discussing the possibility of Spirit time effecting our purely human real time experiences. There were NUMEROUS people who seemed to recall either a slowing of time, or a straight up stalling.
I do not know if that is a perception thing, or not. I only know that more people (in that discussion) seemed to have noticed a "change" in real time.
Soo...I would have to say that within OUR fish tank here, it IS a possibility. No matter HOW improbable it may sound to some.
I have heard, in the past, Haz- that our biggest fears show themselves personally to us, in the form of what we most physically fear.
IF we are an imaginative person.
THOSE are what are called "personal demons". Those are NOT literal demons. There is no bad little gremlin from Hades sneaking up through the earths crust to be with you in what ever form you fear. It is you own thoughts, experiences and memories OF those experiences.
And just so that I am on record for saying this: Curses do NOT work, if you do not believe in them.
Thank you.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Kyle- If you take a second to read my story once again, you'll note that I realized time stopped before I was aware of the hooded figure's presence, so I'm afraid your theory doesn't quite work. I understand that time stopping sounds incredulous, but I assure you that it did, or the creature manipulated the surrounding area so as to make appear that time stopped. Choose whatever theory floats your boat, but things stopped moving and making sounds except for the figure and I.
Kyletheghosthunter (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
time didn't stop, your attention was so focused on the appartition. My girlfirend expierienced this when a hooded figure chased her across the street. She didn't hear anything.
Her stopping to my voice broke her trance
maneater12 (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
very interesting keep studying it might be something else. 😲 😳
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Feyan- First off, time isn't a creation. Like energy, it simply is. Now you and I can't discuss with any certainty that it is impossible to manipulate time or another being's perception of it. I do believe that it is possible to travel back or forward in time, but to do so requires great discipline, knowledge, and, I daresay, I highly evoluted spirit.

As far as this pure ancient blood thing goes, I say that's all hooey. There are people whose ancestry has gone on largely untainted by any interracial breeding, so to speak, and I can assure you that the knowledge and power of the ancients was not bestowed upon them by means of their genes. The body is merely the vehicle in which the spirit travels in this physical world. Any power or knowledge of ancients that comes to you is channeled from a force that transcends the physical.

As far as angels and demons are concerned, there is very little that you can teach me. I've acquired much knowledge concerning them across the years and am very capable of dealing with them without much consequence. They've never attacked me, and I'm sure that I will see off this lifetime without them attempting to do so.

Jjinca- It brings me great joy to know that people are finding my stories interesting and of sound structure. Although I know there aren't hundreds of people awaiting my next story, I can't help but thank the few people who have read and enjoyed them. I've mentioned it before, but I appreciate any and all feedback, so thank you. I look forward to having you read my other stories.
feyan (17 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
sorry my friend, but time doesn't stop for anyone. Time is one of the most powerful creation that has been placed in this world no, in this universe; in every parallel dimension time is the most powerful power that hasnt been taken over by any minds in this or any other world. 😐
But, if your family does have pure-blood of ancient than you might have just feel the thrill of dimension gate. If a curse of blood-line curse of sort has been place upon your family, pure blood will go missing & by missing I don't mean dead but sth else... 😐 & seriously look into the matter of the being that you think you saw, cause if it is a fallen angel, you got yourself a tough-cookie. Point to be noted: not only pure blooded being but people with high spirit or lack of mind control might feel this sort of thing, like the time stopped. The best thing to do is wait until the gate way closes or else you might travel to some place that on a well known triangle can send you... 😉
jjinca (7 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)

What a great story! I love your writing style, and appreciate the way you painted the whole scene.

BTW, what happened to you just plain creeped me out. I don't know that that could have been. I look forward to reading anything else from you.

JJ in CA
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
Cosmogal- Thank you for the compliment! I'm glad you enjoyed my story. As far as my mother is concerned, I do not believe she's ever seen anything of the sort. She's actually more of a medium, so she does best with the spirits of the departed. She's also able to travel to different realms in her dreams, though I'm not sure that she does this consciously. As incredulous as it sounds, she's brought things back from the dreamworld. Nothing big, just evidence that she's been there. And mostly everyone in my family has heard this account, along with some of my friends across the years.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-14)
HazMan, very interesting and well written account. I felt like I was watching everything first hand. Your description of playing outside on the sidewalk with your HotWheels, reminded me of when my cousin and I used to play outside as kids. He would bring his cars and all his little action figures out and we would stay outside all day long. 😊 That entity you saw must have been pretty powerful to stop time like that. I don't know of any "demon" that can do that either. Whatever it was it definitley scored a 10 on my fearometer 😨. Just curious, has your mom ever seen anything like that? And, Did you every tell her what happened that day? Thank you for sharing your story, and am looking forward to reading more. 😊
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
ZombieMomma- I can't say that I know that little green men in space suits are demons rather than complex lifeforms such as us, only from a different world. I do think that demons and angels and other supernatural entities are capable of manifesting themselves in realms other than our own, and in that respect, I believe it's quite possible that there are creatures who come from other planets or who may have always been here, but managed to remain hidden. I of course have many theories, but it's all speculation since I've never encountered an E.T. Personally.

Scooby- Thank you very much! I take my writing quite seriously, and I believe I am my own worst critic, so compliments are always accepted with open arms. Of course, I'll take any feedback- good or bad. I'm glad you enjoyed my story and I hope you'll read my other stories and find them equally entertaining.
Scooby (20 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
No wisdom to impart, no advice to give. Just wanted to comment on your writing. WONDERFUL! Felt like I was on my knees in the dirt with you playing with hotwheels! Very well written!
ZombieMomma (4 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-13)
This may be slightly off topic, but I have read that some people believe aliens to actually be demons. The whole abduction is just part of this 'breeds' M.O. (if that makes any sense...).
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Aliens, huh vulcan? Hm. I think I'm more afraid of aliens than demons. At least I know how to deal with demons.

A friend once told me that allegedly, a long time ago aliens made a pact with God and they could not go to hell. I don't really believe that, though. Aside from using a much higher percentage of their brain, they're supposed to be much more spiritually aware than us, so they don't fear death.

In any case, I suppose most information on aliens is speculation. I think far less people have encountered an E.T. Than a demon or ghost. In that sense, I'd say you're lucky. More so since you didn't get probed, as you mentioned.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
I enjoy writing, although I don't do it for a living. There's just something about it that I love. I suppose it's that it's a form of expression and I have a bit of a need to express myself. I'm also something in the way of a perfectionist. I suppose it might show up in my writing. But I digress.
Shelby427 (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
Hazman_III. Yes, that's exactly what I was thinking. That's why I said it was not human and never was. I also know that about Angels. Not having a set gender. I think Angels appear to you in a way they feel would be most comfortable to you.

By the way, are you a writer?

Shelby 😊
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-12)
I think the reason why you couldn't discern the gendern of the creature is because they don't have a set gender, just like angels. They may be slightly more masculine, like the angel Michael, or a bit more feminine, like Gabriel, but they are really neither.

I have encountered shadow people and ghosts, and have found that I can invoke demons and angels simply by calling out their names. I don't suggest you try this, at least not with demons. I posted another particular encounter below.

Oh! And they don't seem to cause harm... They've never harmed me, but I'm sure they're very powerful and capable creatures. It's always good to be cautious around and polite to any supernatural entity.

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