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Comments for Her Abductor: Page 3

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510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
WOW! My kid is watching Child's Play in the living room! Some coincidence,eh?
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Cool. I'll definatly look into it.
Sounds like a great film from what I read.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
jc will look that up when I get a comp that will let me do stuff 😠
Darkness was a great film had to be from wes craven
510mot you missed a fair bit but just go with the flow sure you will pick it up
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Story is in. A whopper, 4600 characters. Thank God I;m finished!SO...What did I miss? πŸ˜†
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Hahah I remember that movie now that you mention it Taz old classic mate!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
story was he was done for murder and "fried" soul escaped into powergrid and searched for cops and main witness used electricity to kill them off one by one great film recomend it
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
according to an article that came up when I did a search on it (article was written in 2009) there going to or did a remake of Shocker

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
dont think so jc its called shocker by wes craven back in the 80s it came out can't get any more info on it yet work comp blocking it as its video so annoying
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
ah. Sounds like a heck of a vid though. I think I know what one you may be talking about. Was Matthew Broderick (not sure if I spelt his name right) in it?

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
granny sounds like a cool idea for an adult doll (no not that kind πŸ˜†)
Darkness looks like we will have to keep hijacking stories for now then 😊
Jc the idea of a haunted powergrid was in a film I was years ago can't think of name though must have been thinking of that when mentioned old sparky but the guywas evil in that though
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Granny! Chuckie chuckles haha I can just hear what that would sound like lol. πŸ˜†

I totally agree with you Taz something like that would suit us all perfectly, but as you said there is always someone that stuffs it up for everyone 😠
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
haha. My old one was deleted. I was starting to get to busy and wasn't checking the website often enough and decided to have it deleted. Kinda wish I kept it now.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
i got a few old ones now can use one of them if lou asks us to get the hell off his post lol
Hope he has not got email notification his inbox would be ott by now lmao
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
evidence used to frame someone is always bad, and can explain why someone could be angry and haunting through a powergrid.

And I remember the chat. I use to have a profile on here back when that existed

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
thanks for info darkness why do some people have to spoil things like that? So inconsiderate personaly I do think people like that should be removed and email add blocked like f/b do
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
DARKNESS, Chuckie chuckles are the best!...Yeah taz, I think they tried that once, and it must not have worked out too well 😒...Maybe we should skip over to someone else's story and stop clogging Lou-see's!...I'm sure he doesn't mind, but, well... πŸ˜†
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
oh yes jc that's even better or someone set up with dodgy evidence framed convicted and sent to old sparky now haunting through the electric power grid looking for the conspiritors πŸ˜‰
I think I might need medicating as well as the straight jacket
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
There used to be a chatroom on here Taz but it was removed because it was being abused I presume Granny what are your thoughts? πŸ˜•
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
zzsgranny while you nicly asking martin for a convention for us all to come to could you mention putting a chatroom on here too? Save us hijacking someones story just an idea
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
yeah, true. Not only that but what about those put on death row and put to death for crimes they didn't commit just because the evidence was wrong, or taken care of properly.

Not saying the law bad, and not meaning to offend anyone, but it happens every so often.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
for sure jc not calling the law but it does happen and there is not the chance to jump out of the way like in the movies thankfuly its rare but who knows? πŸ€”
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Love it Granny haha yeh Chuckie wouldn't stand a chance in hell lol! Bloody Childs Play haha it was on the other night had a bit of a chuckle to myself lol πŸ˜†
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
taz890 - I like it! Sounds really plausible to cause you know there is atleast a few innocent people killed wrongfully when something happens with the law.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
sorry zzsgranny at work and facebook blocked will be on there later and will be adding you all I swear
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
jc one better the spirit of a person wrongly killed by getting caught in a police chase and angry enough to need justice before can cross over and your game upset them as they were passing so their way of giving the 2 finger salute or even the bird (I have said bedfore I need help)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
DARKNESS, we'd get you and Aussie here, come hell or high water! ❀...Even Chuckie couldn't stop us! πŸ˜†
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
My Facebook has been basically acting like a zombie today... Acts good for a minute, then goes all mental and crazy and dead on my the next... Lol. I'll try and respond to your request when I get the chance.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
The Stanley Hotel eh geez that would be awesome pitty it's probably 15000km away haha
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yeah, only a little of the movie was filmed there, but it's another really haunted place here in the US!...Would be so cool...

JC and taz, I sent you both a request on facebook... Already got 510mot, so c'mon you laggers!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
well in that case that's the ONLY place we should go then for the second ygs get together can I surgest chillingham castle uk most haunted so they say
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
yeah. Cryptic message would make it more interesting 😐. I know! Since I was running from the cops what if it is a spirit of someone that had some sort of tie to a law enforcement officer that died a tragic death and wanted me to know since I was running from the cops in the game! 😐 😐.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
The Stanley is on Colorado. It's the hotel The Shining was based on. It's on my list of places to go, if I ever get around to it lol.
And yeah, hanging out here is definitely my preferred thing to do tonight lol.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
zzsgranny if anyone could get him to say yes I'm sure you can but where is this hotel? And is it posh enough for us to grace its doors that's the thing!

Badjuujuu you know you would rather be here than watching some dvd be honest with yourself lol

Jc still holding out for the criptic message idea though but worth checking the electric just in case it is something boaring like that
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
9:08 pm on a long Tuesday lol. Too tired to even go turn on the dvd player to watch Trigun, so I'm just going to scan YGS. 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
aiafaith: Javelina never mentioned selling them, but we'd all pay her for her time to design and make them! LOL...

Speaking of Martin, Some of us think a YGS convention would be cool!...Like at the Stanley Hotel?...Please, please, please?...Should we bug the crap outta him until he caves? πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
yeah there are a couple of other people that were in the house. Didnt think of checking with them. Will ask them when I get the chance next. I didn't have my light on in my room (only thing on was the t.v.) so if any lights etc. Was effected I wouldn't have noticed. But I'll probably ask them and keep you posted.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
im good thanks darkness to be honest I think everyone that commented last night should get one poss with added staps lol oh and its 2.55 am here
[at] aiafaith1 javalina is not selling tee shirts on here but had an idea for one from a comment here last night for a straightjacket design and asked for photos if found to be sent to her via email or photobucket but if she did mention selling them I'm sure she would not do it without martins permition plus she would be un indated with orders from all us loons lol
Jc anyone else at home that might have noticed electric playing up? Or you could ask the neighbours when you get chance throwing ideas around now
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yes DARKNESS. Its 8:49 p.m. Tuesday night where I live 😊

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Taz how are you buddy? Yeh I know I am very qualified to where one of them mate haha!

Aiafaith1: I rekon Martin would probably want one of them! Lol
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Very true, I'm waiting to see if that happens again but if it does it again I'm going to pay more attention to what happens and see if there are any give aways over if its a surge, etc.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
JC Glad I still have one of the crew onboard I'm curious to know is it still Tuesday night over there? It is currently 9:45am wednesday here! These time differances always do a number on me! Lol
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Wait, sorry. I'm too lazy to read through all of the comments here. Javelina, you're making T-shirts and selling them to people on this website...? Haha. Don't you think Martin might have some restrictions on that?

Best Wishes
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
could have just been electrical fault/ surge unless it happens again you might never know
Hi darkness now if anyone deserves a straightjacket tee shirt I would say you do (not saying your mad but just deserve a speical t that's all) will chip in with the postage mate 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
πŸ˜† Dont worry DARKNESS I'm still on. πŸ˜† but it seems a little dead tonight compared to last night.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
You know what sucks when I get on here everyone is off its like your all out to get me haha! πŸ˜†
Javelina I think what your doing is absolutely awesome, spose I will have to give you extra money for shipping to Australia! 😁
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
haha. That is a great pun. Lol. That whole T.V. Thing completely caught me off guard. Out of the two or three years I have lived here its the first time this t.v. Did that to me.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
thats for sure last night I wrote a message and when added 5 more had come up tonight there would be more life in a grave yard (pun so intended lol)
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yeah, and I can understand that with work. And tonight does seem rather quiet compared to last night. By alot.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
hi jc noticed that myself just went real quiet personaly being at work had bits to do but it sure is not as busy as last night
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
So where did everyone go?

Seemed like everyone was commenting for a while

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Ok, so the t.v. Thing still is sitting on my mind. Ah well. Maybe it was a fluke, or maybe a spirit, idk. Will think on it more later. Just going to let some music play for right now.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
[at] Cosmo,
Just checed out those pics. That's a pretty good place to start, you have a lot of good shots there! I forwarded them to the old mans account and he'll start on them in the morning (works graveyard). Can't wait to see what he comes up with, this is going to be fun! πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
and I like the criptic message idea also.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Well, if its the game itself its the first time its ever happened to me while playing it. And I was running from the cops in the game (had a little bit of fun with road rage and the cops didn't like it) so that may be something.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
thats ok then 😊
It could have been a loose connection but if it was a spirit message sounds a bit too criptic unless there was something obvious going on in the game.
Saying that it could have been the game its self a small fault or something?
(still like the criptic message idea myself)
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yeah, I'm ok. I messed with all the video input connections, sound input connection, etc. And couldn't recreate it. May have been a spirit interacting with my game to give me a message, Idk. Lol. But yes I am ok for those that are wondering

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
wow jc that must have been freaky you ok? I hope you are no idea what it could have been f you can't make it happen your self, could be someone don't like your game lol
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Was playing my game (Saints Row 2) and the t.v. Screen started to flicker and then the volume jumped way up and a minute later it was back to normal 😨 don't know what caused it but I can't recreate it 😨

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
510mot looking forward to seeing it.
Javalina will email if I find anything useful and might have to order one when done too.
Jc not a problen and what just happened?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Jav - I picked up on it because of the boyfriend who builds houses LOL. I'm always listening and sending out feelers πŸ˜†. Drumming up business, Jav, drumming up business. And when he's in the market for tees or sweatshirts, I'm looking your way.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Jav, I just emailed you a bunch of photos. JC, what happened?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
JC - put it on here or one of our other stories. I don't think Lou would mind, but since he's not here to ask, you can pick one of mine if you're more comfortable with permission.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Guys the creepiest thing just happened to me just now, and don't have enough info to really type a long enough thing in the submit story page to make it a story.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Those who don't have photo bucket or don't want photo bucket can just send them to my email. Yeah, I'm kind of the one you'd figure to be serious about it I guess. I can't help it, we have a tee shirt printing business. I can't just let thia opportunity pass by, it seems too fun to pass up.
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I just finished my manuscript and now all I have to do is type it up and submit it. Its a long one like Lou's.Its called "Wait!I still have questions!"and its about a phantom phone call. It is most definitely a true story and an important event in my life. I hope you all enjoy it.-Mike
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
sorry taz890, just was curious about those ones but I'll stop the food chat for right now.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
thats not fair justcurious I said I would stop the food chat and then you start it off again but seeing as you asked no we don't and the site I found that imports to uk don't sell them I have seen twinkys in movies and would like to try one day.
Javolina yes know your not jokeing will keep eye out and have to message you if I find anything not got photo bucket
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I kind of thought you were serious, but wasn't sure. LOL! I think it's a great idea. I will see if I can find some pictures to get some ideas off of. 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Those shirts sound like a really good idea in my opinion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Jav - I'll send my size and address when the shirts are ready. And, yes, I knew you were serious. You don't joke about something like this 😐 ❀. Oh, yeah, hahaha, and money!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
You guys do know I'm serious about these printing shirts, right?
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Lol. Well do you guys have Twinkies over there? Or Ding Dongs? Or Devil Dogs?

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
justcurious looking forward to reading your story and have to put my hand up to the food chat so help me I have a sweet tooth and wanted to know what else you guys get we don't promise no more food questions 😊 (he says with srawberry and cream rock in mouth lol)
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Story has officially been submitted and hoping it gets published to the site. I haven't written a story of any kind in a while though so I hope it was written well enough to get published.


(the discussion has gone to food again?) 😐
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
OK guys, going to need some input here. Looking for a good front and back set of photos for a straight jacket design. Thinking maybe the older type, say Houdini era type stuff that we can up load into photo bucket for the animation process to give us a line design. My husband's working on building a larger pallette for the press to encompass this line drawing. So if you see any good straight jackets out there try and upload them to photo bucket.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
omg that was peanut butter in there will be getting some of them then 😊
2 new storys to look out for from 510mot and jc great
Got update on callum story will be writing that up to day and the last spike story as promised so that's 2 I got to write up
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
It's chocolate covered cake with a peanut butter filling. Yummmm I think I need to buy me a box on the way home now. LOL! 😜
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Ok I think I got my experience from this morning basically typed up. Just looking it over to make sure nothing was left out and that everything is spelt correctly and I think I'm going to submit it and see what you guys think.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
great cosmogal will see you on there now these funnybones you mention are they the little bone shaped things or cake bar? Found a few called funny bones
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I'm in the same boat as you taz. Facebook is blocked on my computer at work. Have to view it from my cell phone. Ok taz, request sent. See you on FB. LOL 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I been trying to send some. Got one out so far but FB is acting stupid on my comp as always. Will try again later, and if I don't get one out I apologize.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
that goes to all others on facebok too add me if you like will make sure you all get accepted.
Am looking forward to my candy comming will have to look up funnybones cosmogal might see if I can get some too
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
just curious seeing as I don't see an invite to you the white padded cell door is always open so get your straight jacket on and squeeze on in 😁
Yep got facebook but at work so can't get to it (blocked) will make note of your fb name and add you tomorrow morning will message you also.
If you want to look up carl tabor pic of koala bear
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Im lookin forward to that story that your typing up! I should type up one about an experience I had this morning, I'm just trying to decide if it may have been my mind playin tricks on me since it happened shortly after I woke up but I may submit it anyway to see what other people say.

I also found those comments amusing from that time period where I wasn't able to comment due to exceeding my daily limit of comments. Seems like a lot of people have fun with comments on here.

510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Sorry if I don't post much right now. I am currently composing my biggest story to date. I am pretty sure it will knock your socks off! Will be back soon-Mike
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Ok JC, it took me a little while but I found it. LOL! Just sent the request. 😊
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
yep lol. Well I posted the URL for my profile in my last post if anyone wants to add me. Just put your profile name from this site so I know I'm adding the right person.

510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Never mind, she found me! Shows who the savvier person is concerning social media,right?
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
This makes it easier [] should take you straight to my profile for Facebook.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Well see, I had my account almost hacked into, and then I set it up so that it logs me in automatically when I pull FB up, and I changed the email that it is set up for so I'm going to check and see what email is set with it and then let you guys know if you want to add me on facebook.

Just let me know what your name is when you send the request and unless I'm having a idiot moment and don't put 2 and 2 together, I'll add you. πŸ˜†

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I found you 510mot, I just searched your email address and it came up. Oh good, I was waiting for your response JC because I didn't want to send the request without being sure. LOL!
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I had not thought of doing that! I guess I can start an account as 510mot if that would be easier.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Nah lol. Not for me atleast. I don't have anything linked to my facebook about JustCurious lol. Atleast not yet anyway.

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Great! Ok so I will send you both a request and will indicate that it is cosmo. 😊
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Ok so I just searched JustCurious on facebook and it came up. Could it have really been that easy? LOL!
510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
I sure am,Cos! My email is listed on my bio if you would like to exchange info.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yeah. I'm on Facebook. Been on it since like 2008 I believe and still using it to keep up with people.

JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
40 points is definatly a lot πŸ˜† must have been sayin some stuff that a lot of people disagreed with to get it that low.

cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Hey 510mot, taz, and JC. Are you guys on facebook? A bunch of here do and are all friends on there too. 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-19)
Yep it can go negative. Every comment starts at zero, and goes up or down from there. Once a comment gets to -5 it's hidden, and you have to click on it to read it.
40 points is a lot lol.

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