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Real Ghost Stories

Her Abductor


It was a typical summer evening, approximately 7:00, as I finished the repairs to the plumbing and packed up my tools to put them away. I was working in what was the converted farmhouse of our business property and decided that rather than carrying all of my tools to my truck, I would store some of them upstairs for the night. Other than the installation of the necessary fire and safety equipment needed for a commercial property, the second floor had escaped the large renovation process we had administered to the rest of the property and remained as it had been when we bought it two years prior and was now primarily used for storage.

As mentioned in my previous posts, the property is highly active. Having traced the history of the area, we discovered that the tract this building sits on, and the acreage our home, three miles away, sits on; were both part of what was once one large farm. So we often have similar experiences with what sometimes seems to be the same forces, at both properties.

A month prior, I had been told by a clairvoyant that a Native American girl was buried somewhere in the woods surrounding our home, and had an experience with her (see "The Hunt") the previous fall. Since that encounter, many unusual and somewhat menacing events had taken place.

One such occurrence happened one evening, after my family had retired for the night. I was lying in bed watching television. My wife had dozed off so I was surfing the channels with the "mute" on, looking for something worth watching. It had been an unusually hot day for late spring in Maine so we had the bedroom windows open to cool off the house. Other than the occasional draft, the night was dead still. I could hear the frogs and crickets chirping, and the occasional rustle of small creatures that were rummaging about the forest floor, which begins a mere ten feet from our side of the house.

On about my third cycle through the channels, I heard a fairly large stick break in the woods outside our window. Presuming it was a deer; I stopped what I was doing and listened. The leaf litter and brush in the woods near the house rarely allow for silent passage, and on many occasions I had heard animals outside our bedroom as they skirted the small opening our house sits in. Whatever I had heard had now fallen silent, as had the frogs and crickets. After several minutes I decided that whatever it was must have been smaller than I had first presumed, and had snuck away silently. I was just about to resume my hopeless attempt at finding something worth watching on television, when I heard the crunch of what sounded like someone stepping on the gravel path along the side of the house.

I quickly turned off the television and slowly lowered my feet to the floor in the darkness. Just as I was standing up to take the two steps to the window to take a look, a quiet rustle began in the distance. I listened as it quickly grew louder, shaking the leaves and branches of the trees, transforming into a large wind gust that blew through the open window directly into our bedroom. As I reached for the window to close it, I heard the front door of the house, which is directly at the bottom of the stairs blow open and slam against the wall. My wife woke up understandably confused and disoriented and asked me what was going on. By then I had stood up and pushed down the sash of the window, and outside, the wind had subsided as quickly as it had commenced. I told her that the wind had blown open the front door, to which she responded with a sigh and rolled over to go back to sleep. I walked out of our room and turned left to the staircase and descended.

The front door to our home, when left unlatched, had blown open in the past; and I presumed that the last of our teenagers who had arrived home a couple of hours prior had forgotten to turn the lock in the doorknob to secure the door. Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, a light in the living room immediately adjacent lit the doorway enough for me to see. I reached for the door, and just then heard a loud noise which sounded like our dining room table being slid across the hardwood floor from out of sight in the next room. Seemingly too loud to be one of the cats, I hesitated briefly and looked in that direction. Hearing no other noises, I reached for the door and inspected the handle. The lock was indeed engaged. Presuming it had just not been pushed closed fully, I guide it towards the doorframe to close it. When it had gotten about one third of the way from being closed, the door was ripped out of my hand and slammed shut with enough force to make the house shake.

Knowing that what had just yanked the door from my control was more than just a gust of wind; I stood in front of the door, looking at it, not knowing what was going to happen next. Turning away from the door, I walked across the living room to the dining room to investigate the noise I had heard a minute earlier. Our aging, overweight, but extremely territorial Shetland sheepdog, had managed to wedge himself halfway through one of our dining room chairs and had gotten stuck between the seat and the cross member. Normally friendly but assertive towards any visitors to our home, he had on similar occurrences met me at the bottom of the stairs when the door had been left to blow open. He was now stuck, trembling, standing in a puddle of his own urine. Whatever had caused the door to open and yanked it from my hand had frightened him significantly.

I helped him loose and cleaned up the mess. He calmed down relatively quickly and after confirming no downstairs windows were open that could have caused some bizarre cyclonic vacuum effect, I went back upstairs. "You didn't have to slam the door, did you?" my wife muttered. I apologized and told her it had slipped from my hand when I was closing it, and got back into bed, my heart and mind racing to try to determine what this event could mean.

Back at our place of business, this previously described event far from my mind, I gathered up as many of my tools as I could carry, leaving several in a pile behind and proceeded upstairs. I set the tools down in what had been one of the bedrooms of the house and turned back toward the stairway to go get the rest. Just as I lifted my foot to descend the first step, I heard an audible metallic clink from below which sounded like my tools being moved in the room I had been working. Knowing I was the only person in the building and that I had locked the front door to our business when I arrived, I stood at the top of the stairs wondering if an employee with a key had returned and would poke their head around the corner any second.

The space at the bottom of this staircase was once the front entrance of the old farmhouse, and had now been reduced to an emergency exit. The exit door was at the base of the stairs about five feet away from the bottom step. As I faced down the stairs, there was the door I had left open to the room on the right and a closed half door, to the left into another room. I stood motionless for several seconds, listening and waiting. No employee appeared and no other sound could be heard. Thinking I must have left the tools piled in a manner that one had slipped off another and made the noise I heard, I again shifted forward to take my first step down the stairs. Just as I started to move, a man, seemingly of Native American descent, walked out of the room I had been working in on the right, crossed the landing at the base of the stairs, and proceeded out of sight into the room on the left. I froze. I did not move, and don't think I could have if I wanted to.

To say this man was menacing, was an understatement. From the top of the stairs looking down, he was so tall that I could not see the top of his head. After this incident, my oldest son helped me with an experiment where he knelt at the bottom of the stairs and raised a tape measure from the floor to see how high it would have to be for me to lose sight of the tip. At a minimum, the man was 6'9" tall. He was not dressed in traditional native attire, at all. He was dressed in a weathered and dusty-looking dark suit, with what appeared to be a collapsed top hat under his left arm. Thinking about it later, he looked like a Cherokee in the Trail of Tears timeframe, when the government dressed the chiefs up to look like Abraham Lincoln and took their pictures to show how "civilized" they had become.

From the one and a half seconds, I got to view him, I recognized from his facial expression and his determined gait that he was not, in the least bit, happy. My first impression when I saw him was "Someone is in my building!" He appeared as solid as you and me. As large as he was, he made no sound on the hardwood floor, even though he moved quickly and seemingly with a purpose, the back of his suit jacket trailing behind him slightly as he walked.

Five minutes after I had seen him, I still was frozen in fear. By now I had guessed that he was a spirit and not a living breathing individual; but he had portrayed such an ominous presence in the brief glimpse I got of him, I wanted nothing to do with him, living or dead. I spent several anxious minutes assessing the building in my mind, trying to decide if there was a way to exit the second floor without going down the stairs. At that point I would have preferred jumping out a window, than going down those stairs. I got the impression that even though he did not look at me or acknowledge me, he must have known I was somewhere nearby. Even though he did not act as if he had seen me, I felt from the experience that I was who he was looking for, or that at the least, I was supposed to see him... And fear him.

After about fifteen minutes, I slowly began to go down the stairs. Upon reaching the bottom, I received the final confirmation I needed to determine this man's form. The room to the left of the stairs that the man had entered had a half-door that was closed... To open the door, the hinges were such that you have to pull the door into the landing at the bottom of the stairs. So a person traveling as this man had, would have to stop, grab the handle and pull the door towards them to pass through the opening. This man did not hesitate in his path of travel and seemingly passed through the closed door just out of my line of sight, without opening it.

I had been told by the clairvoyant that the girl buried on our property was ours to protect. That she had been held against her will, in life, and was still tormented by her captor in death. She had told us that by revealing her presence to me that early morning in the woods the previous fall she had accepted us as her caretaker. She told us a confrontation of sorts, with her tormentor, was imminent... How or when it would manifest, she was unclear.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LouSlips, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

jazzyq (1 stories) (16 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
hi I just read all of your experiences you have had a lot going on, I hate to say they were great to read because you and your poor family had to live with it but your stories are a great read very interesting and well written, I hope you don't have to deal with Jacob or anyone like him again best wishes for the future:)
JulesVNess (3 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-13)
You have an incredible style that leaves you quenched for more. I intend to check out more of your stories when I have time to jump back on the site.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-07)
Wow forget Stephen King... LouSlips-the sole creator of fear. And all true 😲. This had me shaking, with my fingers crossed hoping you'd make it out of that building in one piece. Thanks for captivating my thoughts and attention- excellent, breathtaking story. Thank you.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-01)
Hi, Anneke8.

Thank you for all of your comments on my stories. I am glad you enjoyed them and appreciated them for why they were written.

anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
This is the story with the longest list of comments that I ever saw! About 5 pages! WOW.
Another great story.
TwilightGirl90 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-06-02)
Ha! Once who I saw the story was by, I flipped. You're stuck with me, too, I guess! 😆
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
Wow Jav, I have to give you credit for seeing that as a cleansing instead of letting it get to you. There is just one thing I have to say and that is...
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right; here I am stuck in the middle with you. And I wouldn't have it any other way. 😁 ❤
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-05)
I obviously was ignorant of this individual's connection to you... In most cases I trust my instincts, I just wished I had voiced what was obvious to me. I knew from his postings that he was not legit and my picture of this individual was spot on, from what I can tell. I will give him credit, he did indeed prove himself to be an expert.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Javelina I am glad to hear that you have moved forward and have cleansed yourself of all the not needed shananigans everyone receives during life episodes. Always glad your here! 😊 ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Javelina, of all the people I've met since joining this site, you're one of the ones I'm happiest to be stuck with. Loonie power! ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Javelina: I knew you felt better the instant my migraine left me 😊...I'm really sorry this all happened... They don't know the "Javelina" we do... People come and go throughout our lives, and I believe that each one has a purpose, a reason for being there when they are... I hope to be a small part of your life for quite a while ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
sure thing miracles have a restful sleep chat with you soon 😊 good night
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
taz - just catching up on the new stories. Caught JustCurious's. Have an idea, but waiting on his reply. Getting ready for bed in a few minutes. My mind is mush tonight. Long, long day.

I'll look for you in the morning. Have a good one, okay? 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
miracles hi hun hows things your end?
Good here quiet though.
Sadly at work and can't get on facebook will pop on in morning and reply 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
[at] javalina just read this page,
What can I say? As if we would let you go anywhere!
It is not going to happen!?!
This is now family, your big sister to us all and that's that.
Put that smile back where it should be
😊 ❤ carl ❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Hey taz - what's shakin? I have to fill this with 50 characters, so did you get my latest message on fb?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Javelina - looks like walking away from it for a little bit put you in a...hmmmm...better? State of mind? I think? LOL.

Lady, all I know is you needed us and when I made those phone calls, I felt like I had to. Like I said, if I'm ever in "that place," you drag my *ss back up, okay? Even if I'm kicking and screaming, drag me back. All of you!

If they don't want your friendship, I got 2 words for them, but I am much too polite to say them 😆 (cough, cough) We'll keep you! ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
quiet night tonight here where is everyone? Usualy more chatter than this
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
Thank you for the back up and boost to my morale. You have no idea how much we missed you over the weekend, and Pjod too. I even remember zzgranny making the comment (Oh, you would have enjoyed that). It was not just me who went through this, we all dropped our jaws collectively. It was a movie moment that's for sure. I keep picturing you watching and unable to join in and I do have to laugh about that, you just can't make this stuff up.
As it stands now, he hasn't responded, I don't expect him to now. At least not in his old profile, and without any words for me. I've done all I could, and probably too much of that. Can't say I didn't try.
I don't regret it, but I am at a crossroads about all this. Lord knows, he's not easy to get along with, but he's never been this bad, not even close. That's why I wouldn't let myself believe it was him. I honestly thought someone had hacked his account, his face book page, everything. I went skidding onto our group page that we had for a bunch of us from home to hang out and started ranting about how he'd been hacked. I told them "Don't talk to that person! It's not Matt! Be careful what you say! That's not him!" All I got back was "It's him, what's wrong with you? Are you OK? Calm down" So the crazy woman inside came out, called home to my best friend, she agreed. Came back here thinking I was finally validated, gave a cheap excuse and tried to calm down. Talked to Miracles over the phone, she's a saint you know, and fell asleep.
After I woke the next morning I got call from home, same friend from the night before, telling me she'd spoken to him and was told it really was Matt. Now, just so everyone understands, it wasn't that he was Succubussed that upset me, I really don't care about any of that crap and I never have. It was all these crazy attacks, out of nowhere, no reason, no nothing. I had no problem with that guy at all. But he sure had a problem with me! Another call from Miracles (thank you, thank you, thank you!), and lots of time to think. And read. It was a sucker punch, but I had to let it all go. So the next day I came here and wrote that last post. And people were standing with me, and I love them for it. You don't find these kind of people just anywhere. This community is different, it's special, and I'm so glad I didn't let him drive me away.
Here's the rest of the drama, and once it's out it's gone forever as far as I'm concerned...
After all that nonsense, I returned to the face book group to see if I could work a little damage control with the hometowners and it was empty. They had abandoned that page because I had refused to leave the group that first night when Matt ordered me to and started a whole new group, of which I am now excluded or blocked). Did this hurt? Nope! I actually started laughing when I noticed they were gone. It felt like a burden had been lifted. So I went back to my face book page and just started deleting. Now, there are only 3 people from that town on my list, and that was such a cleansing experience, let me tell you, that felt good. I no longer feel obligated to people who obviously had forgotten what I'm like.
Thank you all for standing with me, even though you all new better than I did. You were there. They ran. You couldn't drag me out of here after that! There is more heart on these pages, with this crowd, and you're stuck with me now.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
I am fortunate enough to be able to say that I did not have to endure what you did as a child, nor did I fall victim to the trauma you were forced to survive. It is admirable that you are able to forgive at this level. If I was in your position, I would hope to be able to do the same.
But I am not you. I could likely find a way to forgive someone who wronged me, but don't ask me to forgive someone who attacks my family. You keep shining bright for us and I'll mind my manners with this individual. I'll be the one in the corner with the warm heart and the cold stare.

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-04)
ok guys knocing off work soon so will catch anyone whos still going on fb later (about 4 hours from now)
See you later or tonight 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
nite miracles hope to catch you just before you go to bed tomorrow lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
taz - non-sense? Yep, silly stuff. You didn't even need me to explain 😆 I ended up later than I thought I'd be tonight. But going to head that way now. See y'all later 😉
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
thats a good one darkness still trying to get my head round the 2 at top of list got too many why questions kicking my brain to comment on them yet
Knew if chatted about silly stuff would drag someone out of hiding lol
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Uh watch out here they are! Good to see you girls! 😊 Didnt think we could get away with it so easy Taz mate lol love it! Yep new stories am going to read the spirit in the swamp story now! 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
and speaking of new stories will have to read them again not getting the "feel" for them as yet plus need sugar getting dozy here mind wandering off to do its own thing lol
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
miracles off to bed? Still early yet or are you one of the day time workers anyway what do you mean non~sence?
Javilina I know your a night owl and up until whenever you can be
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Hey! I'm up when you guys are! You're not losing me that easy!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
taz and Darkness - you really didn't think you were going to be able to run the table yourselves, did you? 😆

Yeah, I know, I'm up past my bedtime, Darkness! Trying to catch up. There are new stories, thank the Lord! Anyway, saw you two up to your usual non-sense ❤ and thought I'd pop in and say "hey, y'all" before I head off to bed.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-03)
Hahah yep you tell them Taz look they have all gone into hiding now lmao 😆

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