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Comments for Spirit Known As Mable: Page 1

Return to the ghost story Spirit Known As Mable

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Perfect timing on the "childish behavior" statement...

I guess I will refrain from those sixes as you suggested... Where are my ouija wipes?

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Won't you ever learn? We warned you not to mess with the sixes! Now what have you got yourself into?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
To everyone who thinks we were hard on the author,
If you are new here take note, because we don't put up with nonsense on these boards. Nor do we put up with childish behavior. If you aren't old enough to be here, we will catch up to you. If you are here just to lose the boredom of your summer vacation you should also know that we won't put up with your hissy fits. Many of us have had to deal with your B.S. Before and we won't do it again. So learn to behave in public, and don't embarrass your parents by acting like it's your first time out.
Act like you've been here before and careful when you challenge the grown-ups, we've experienced much more in our lifetimes and can tell when you are making it up. Careful not to piss us off kids.

johntravis28 (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
OK, I'm very confused. Where is this 4 year old story that the FBI were going to investigate?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
I agree with Cookie123,
You should all apologize... To think that you would hold an author to a standard as unreachable as the truth... You should all be ashamed.

Oh, excuse me... I just took a laxative and am going to go try and poop triple sixes for my next submission... I tried it with the dog, but he can only do triple nines... He must be dislexic or sumpfin'?

cookie123 (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
i never actually "jumped" to defend ghost_hunter101. I am leaning on both side of this argument, but it sounds to me like you guys are all pushing her around. Obviously there is like five people (probably adults or teens) against one little girl that apparently is so stressed that she thinks lying would help her get out of this mess, but apparently it only made it WORSE. Ghost_hunter101 should apologize and so should you guys

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DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Everyone who jumped in to defend the author, you should check out the four-year-old story "she" commented on, calling the author of that story a liar and then admitting to lying about her age and threatening members with her "FBI daddy". This person is obviously a liar and a troll. ❤
cookie123 (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
(to) ghost_hunter101,
I am sorry you had such rude and immature people say such rude things. Why were they saying that stuff to you? I would be crying trying to plead to them the truth. Maybe they just don't believe it, but I totally believe it. Good Luck.
❤ cookie123 ❤
cookie123 (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
i agree with lovingmama,
Your story was a little confusing when it got to the vomit, but before that I can see you getting freaked out. I like your story. I hope that thing won't ever follow you again...
❤ cookie123 ❤
lovingmama27 (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
i believe everything you say to be exactly what you saw. But I also think you may be over analyzing the vomit... Obviously I'm not the first to suggest that. Don't let other peoples opinions get to you though, easier said than done. Especially when its something like talking about something that most people would label as a load of crud. But then to talk about it where it is suppose to be accepted and to have it be thrown in your face lake that...ouch. But you can't expect to have everyone be friendly. You seem very sweet! And thank you for sharing this even though you got rude comments from it. That's brave if you ask me!
❤ loving mama!
cookie123 (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-14)
Wow. That is really realistic. It sounds like sleep paralysis, but then your dogs did that stuff and the unusual noises made me believe that it wasn't just sleep paralysis. Good job writing this. Good luck with sleeping. 😁
Shini (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Just going to throw a bit of learned psychology out here, cause I saw something about it in the story/comments...

Often times, the brain WILL try and find patterns within chaos, such as little "Cujo's" doggie vomit.

This is because the brain has a ton of information to organize, so a mess of whatever will cause it to actually form patterns that were never really there.

Ever see those people who think they see Jesus in toast? Yeah, same concept.

You may bring up the fact that your mother saw it, but what I just mentioned still applies. And when you mention it to her, the "power of persuasion" also sways her brain to form the same pattern, especially if the vomit, or other jumbled object is untouched (Now don't go changing your story now that I've said that tidbit).

For references, I'm going to list one about patterns the brain creates and I will also throw in one for sleep paralysis, as I think this also plays a role.

For patterns:


For sleep paralysis:

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Ok. Ghost_hunter.

You are causing yourself stress and getting very worked up about what other people are saying to you. Sometimes you just have to let things roll off you back. That is all apart of growing up. You will hear things that you won't like and you will encounter people that won't like you. That is the way of the world.

Stand back and look at things from our point of view. It is not every day that we hear about seeing faces in vomit. In every situation that could be paranormal it common to look at all non-paranormal possibilities first.

I will break your story down and look at everything.

Sleep paralysis can be caused by stress. Or medication. Mine is always caused by medication that I take. Sometimes I have sleep paralysis for paranormal reasons but most of the time its medical. So just saying that you don't have SP isn't acceptable. We are going to say that you do have it because it has happened to you. SP is caused by your body still sleeping but your mind is awake. Something must have woken you up while you were in REM to have this occur. You were getting these episodes while dozing off. If you have been under stress then your body is tired. Your body fell asleep before your mind did.

During SP your brain continues to fire electric signals. Sometimes these signals can be seen other times our vision is blurry. There are numerous reasons why people can hallucinate during SP.

I think you dogs were reacting to your stress while you were in SP. They can feel us panic.

From my stand point I feel that your SP episodes were related to stress and the mist you were seeing and hearing was just an effect of the SP.

Now you are clearly stressed out more at this point and you are very scared because you are experiencing something new for the first time.

Dogs are great survival experts. Vomiting is actually a survival technique our body uses to get rid of something that can cause us harm. When we eat something we are not supposed to our bodies get rid of it. Animals are no different. I think your dog ate someting is shouldn't have and it just threw it back up. My dog is stupid and does it all the time. The other day she threw up something that was bright blue. Don't know what the hell she ate but is was gross.

Like someone else said. Humans automatically put faces on everything. I remember when I was little looking at the texture on my wall and finding faces. The faces would even move their mouth and talk! This was not paranormal this was due to being a child with a very active imagination.

So what I will say to you is this. So far the evidance presented does not show you have a haunting. That doesn't mean that you don't. It just means that you don't have any unexplainable evidence. I think that you are stressing yourself out and scaring yourself. You are the only one who was there and you are the only one who felt the energy during these events. You are the only one who knows what you could be dealing with. Trying to convince us that you have a haunting may not be worth your time because we analyize the evidence portrayed and come to a conclusion.

Like I said that doesn't mean you don't have a haunting. All this means is that we can't verify if based on the information given. If you feel that you need to protect yourself from this entity you have then please do so. Anything that makes you less stressed is good. If something else happens we would love to hear it. Don't get bent out of shape and don't take things personally that people say over the internet.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
You have committed the sin of lies. When you tell so many in a row then you lose. No one will ever believe you again. That's life, get used to it.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
GH101: There's this thing called "personal responsibility"...It means you should take responsibility for your own actions... No one ruined your page, or comments...
ghost_hunter101 (1 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Maybe you guys are right, I don't have a say and you people obviously DO. I know what I saw, and you guys just need to leave me alone. This would have never happened to me if if it weren't for my stupidity. Now I guess my page is ruined and it's all thanks to you.
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
What's with you and bodily functions? No one wants to know about that stuff. Unless it was spirit bodily functions. That might hold my interest. Sort of. So yeah...TMI.
ghost_hunter101 (1 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
to redphx
That is a good suggestion. I will tell you this: I have such bad stress, that I bite my nails until they bleed sometimes and I have had this one night where I woke up with such bad stomach pains and I had diarrhea and then had told my dad and he told me it was stress.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
what? Faces in dog vomit? And mable too if the blanky had not been thrown would have had to use my own, sorry but this is bull!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
[at] bacchaegrl,
I'm right there! Blankie thrown! If you can't see it through the smoke, you can take my word for it. This mess stinks to high heaven!

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Dear author:

I don't believe in holy water, so therefore, your story must be untrue. This is irrefutible evidence. Sorry to pop your bubble. 😢

Jav & company;

Quit gettin' a contact high off those fumes!
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Here, here Jav! I would never inspect ghost vomit that closely. I'd clean it up and take my dog to the vet. Pile on that blanket. I'm smoked out here too. Maybe that's why the author is really rubbing me the wrong way. I really didn't need that long description of the actual vomit. It had nothing to do with anything.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Look kid, I don't know what your problem is but, a face in your dogs vomit? I'm really surprised that this one even made through the editing process.
I wonder if you thought this was funny? To write a story about OBVIOUS sleep paralysis, and then throwing the dog vomit on it just to see if you could get it posted?
Well, I'm throwing my own B.S, blankie out on this one, I don't believe a word of it.
Excuse me for being blunt today folks. But the smoke from these fires has gotten to me and taken all my patience for nonsense away.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Well. Blood and green in animal vomit is related to mucos and is nothing to be alarmed about unless it is pure blood that seems to be coming from internal bleeding.

Now I know you say that you don't have sleep paralysis but I think that you do. Just because you don't have it all the time or even rarely. Sometimes people just get it. I think that something paranormal did happen to you but I don't think that your dogs sickness is related to it unless it was caused by stress. I think that you should do some white light protection. It doesn't seem like a very strong spirit and it doesn't seem like it necessarily wants to harm you. At this point I would just start the white light protection and then go from there
ghost_hunter101 (1 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
I did take DiDi to the vet, but she was perfectly fine. I know it seems like my mind was playing tricks on me, but my mom pointed it out too, and so I thought that it couldn't have been a figment of my imagination. I KNOW that it was there and I almost told my mom about it, but she would get freaked out and probably send me to the doctor. The weird thing was, I heard a couple of mumbled voices up there, and then DiDi was vomiting. It wasn't just smooth and liquidy, it had a texture and chunkiness to it like skin or something on a person's face, but it was green. I tried to look at it a different way, but every time it looked like a woman. She had big eyes and a mole on the right of her nose. I could draw it out for you because I KNOW I saw it and I've tried so hard to debunk it to being just vomit. I hope that didn't gross you out...
bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
I believe that seeing a mist is very plausible in haunting situations. But yeah... Did you take your dog to the vet? It sounds very ill. As for seeing a face in it, as gross as that sounds, I think you just thought you saw a face. The human brain tries to put faces on everything, it just happens, that's the way we work. I hope you got medical attention for your dog, it sounds like it ate something it shouldn't have.
ghost_hunter101 (1 stories) (19 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
Thanks Shawtyz. I haven't told anyone about it because it hasn't happened again and I think that if I just ignore it and leave it alone I will not disturb it. If it does happen again I will think about the holy water, but my family isn't very religious so my parents might just tell me I was dreaming. Thanks for the suggestions!
Shaw (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-13)
hmmm. No one can say that its sleep paralysis. Try sprinkling holy water in your house and around your bed whenever you go to sleep. Don't be scared. And don't even notice what's happening around you, if you will get attentive to any ghost activity, it will encourage the spirit to scare you more and more. So just ignore what happens.

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