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Ghost Stories in Category: Misc: Page 1

Fragrance Out Of Nowhere In Home by Akkikad

This is not so scary experience but a mild one. But still the questions remains same, how did it happen? FYI, I don't use perfume neither my wife uses it when in home. This incident happened while I was staying in Singapore along with my wife and my 3 year old kid. I got a job there and we had...

Legend Of The Oni by blosomes

First of all to explain what Oni is. In legends or children's stories, Oni is an imaginary human-like monster. It is said to have horns on its head, naked and wearing a loincloth made of tiger skin, and to be monstrous and wild in nature. Oni are often imagined as monstrous creatures, but they c...

What Was That Banging Sound? by Prathu453

Today, the story which I am going to share with y'all is a bit scary and real experience which happened with me last year in 2023... The story revolves around my gym... First let me share the details of my gym- My gym has 3 floors- On ground floor, there is weight section, CrossFit section an...

Labor Day Encounter by The_Lost_Voyage_11

I am going to preface this story by stating that I'm not entirely sure what exactly happened to me, but based on other occurrences in my life and the experiences of others, I believe a supernatural element was involved. This past holiday weekend, something extraordinary, although for me, unexplai...

Abduction It Seems by CantunSEEit74

On April 15, 2023, I entered my Stick Indians story here on YGS. Within 3 weeks of it popping back into my mind I sent the story here. I really had no idea 2 visions were going to break loose from my memory in a little over a year. In my stick Indians story this happened in 1990 alone in my cabin. I...

What Did I Do? by blosomes

"Você pagará pelo que fez." (You will pay for what you did.) I heard a deep voice in my dream and woke up around 4am. I was begging for forgiveness the moment I woke up, but will then become conscious, and would wonder what really or who really did I talk or was with. I always forget what I have d...

Vacation Went Wrong by notyourgirl22

This is my first time to share my scary experience. This is about my uncle. We went on a vacation in our province, Cebu. When we got there, we saw our aunts, cousins, my grandmother and grandfather, and also my uncle Dodong. We bought food and went to the beach. I also experienced going to a "di...

Bike Accident by jessica2k67

A month ago, I was riding my bike home after school and I was in a pretty bad mood because of school stuff. My mind was pre-occupied and I was thinking about random stuff until at a point, I took a turn and motor bike came straight at me. It didn't hit me. Instead it turned at the right time. But me...

Local Hero? Or Is It Actually My Guardian Angel? by blosomes

Remember I use to go to a particular shopping mall back in my hometown in Brazil? I used to experience or should I say witness a ghostly boy in blue shirt saving people or kicking bad guy's a$$? Well, for those who are new or do not remember those stories there is one story posted with this account ...

Is That Me? (my Doppelganger) by sudabi777

I am working as a BPO employee in BGC, Taguig. Originally, I am from Laguna, but I am currently renting an apartment in Taguig by myself. Every weekend, I travel back home in Laguna, ideally after shift. I am on a graveyard shift, my schedules starts at 2 in the morning. Let me also describe a l...

Two Fiascos, Two Unusual Rescues by Linjahaha

This date of infamy took place in 1972 just two weeks after I turned 18 years old. I became engaged to Bill, my former first husband, and biggest mistake of my life. Unfortunately, that misfortune was not known to me at the time. It took some years to learn. I was dating him for close to a year whe...

Clicking Noises by Dindin

I just moved to Kentucky from Illinois. I've been here a month and until last night I've not experienced a haunting. The place I left had a lot of action that was happening regularly. I even accidentally recorded 2 ghost voices and heard those voices myself afterwards a few times. The reason I'm ...

A Dream Or Reality Part 2 by SashB

Today I am sharing what has recently happened to me. Last year I would always wonder why I was always sick and we were having constant financial issues to the point that we won't have food to eat. I became so fed up that I had given up hope, I just stopped praying. This was until I came upon a v...

A Misty Memory by GingerRead

My parents were married in the summer of 1984. The reception took place within a small church in my hometown of Kingston, Ontario. The church was adjacent to a vast cemetery, renowned for being the burial site of Sir John A. MacDonald, Canada's first prime minister. My maternal grandfather was in at...

Fascinated And Shook by Linjahaha

I just 'had' to submit this as it happened this past Tuesday on 2/6/2024. I was driving to the credit union early in the morning. I had just gotten off of work, and wanted to take care of a bill, and draw a little money out. The road I take is called Rocky River Drive. It takes me to Brookpark roa...

Dark Vail During A Funeral by blosomes

My friend's uncle passed away few weeks ago. I went back to Brazil for his funeral since he was one of the helpers who introduced me to my grandmother's tribe. No, not a person from the tribe but something like a tour guide? If it is not for him, I would never have met the same tribe my grandmother...

Hoping They Are Still Here <3 by Alexandra89

I wanted to share several of my strange experiences regarding paranormal activities. My name is Saska, and I am from Serbia. I am a teacher of Spanish and English languages. It happened not long ago. My brother passed away at such a young age (38), and my family and I were experiencing immense g...

Little Gifts Out Of Nowhere by Linjahaha

Those of you whom have read my accounts are aware of the fact that I am a widow that was married to a truly wonderful man. The love of my life. However, I realize that I'm not the first, nor will I be the last widow on this planet, but on with this account. It was only a couple months after my dear...

Jeju Island's Snake God by kim0307b

To describe it: It is about three times the size of the anaconda in the movie "Anaconda." And, like a human, there are changes in facial expression. When snake God appeared in my dreams, snake God appeared very soft and warm. Snake God smiled very warmly. And then, translucent, it appeared a...

Death Comes In Three Knocks And The Curse Of Our Family by Manila78

My Grand Father comes from a poor big family, but through diligence, their Children have become successful in life. Several strange stories are attached to our family. Here I narrate two which I have experienced several times. Death Comes in Three Knocks Whenever a family member or persons con...

Māori Tapu In The Far North by MichaelMorris771

I first met Milan as a shy thirteen year old. Milan was a lecturer in history at the University of Auckland. He was one of my father's drinking mates at the Senior Common Room Club, the drinking hole at the Old Government House that was set aside for academic staff. My father had introduced Milan...

Is Something Paranormal Happening To Me? by gugglemolly19

Firstly, I would like to say that I have been reading stories on this website for 10+ years and like to consider myself knowledgeable about the paranormal. I'm not very good with grammar/correct sentences so please bare with me. I've had various paranormal encounters throughout my life that I plan o...

Dreadful Encounter by dazybloop

Greetings to all, It hasn't been easy for me with all those negative and frightening things occurring around me, the things that could go beyond extent, it just leaves instant goosebumps and all I feel is insanity filled within me. I've always been a person who experiences dreadful events. You...

Why Did It Come To Me? by Spirit2022

First let me begin by saying Thank you for taking the time to read this. It's greatly appreciated. A little back story to before this experience happened. My husband and I had recently reconciled after 11 months long separation. Which has almost resulted in a divorce. We have 4 children toget...

The Divine Being by dazybloop

'What just happened?' these were the words I articulated when I happened to experience a moment of blissful air passing by, having chills all over my body. To start with, I go to college and as a student, I go to tuition after school most of the days of the week which sometimes causes me to retur...

A Samaritan From The Other Side by nacpat88

Hey everyone. This incident happened to my family. Not sure if we can call it paranormal. It was in year 1987 at Yadgir in Karnataka. While I was part of the incident I was too young to remember. My mother narrated the incidents when I was older. The temple of Lord Malhari (an incarnation of Lord S...

Foreign Language In The Night by Pelatiah

Have any of you ever dreamed in a foreign language? Or gotten short messages that way? Today, while looking in my i-phone notes for the password to my bank -- I can NEVER remember all these passwords -- I ran across something I'd written there in the middle of the night weeks ago with only a vag...

Physical Duality? by aussiedaz

Several years ago, when my wife and I lived in an outer suburb of Sydney following a pretty normal mid-week day of activity, work, home, dinner, TV, etc. It was in the early hours of the proceeding morning, that I'd experienced an account, that was unique on its own in comparison to other accounts I...

The Stranger N The Shower by Spoopy_storee

One time, when I was like, ten, I was trying to go to sleep. I had just come home from an Iron Maiden (A great heavy metal band, you should check it out) concert, so it was like, 12:30 at night. So I'm trying to sleep, and I am counting the time to pass it. So then, it's like, 1:33 before I know it,...

Lost In My Room by Twilight1011

It's been awhile since I've shared anymore of my paranormal experiences, and have been meaning to write about another one of them. This is one that had happened to me when I was a child, so I don't remember a lot of details from it, but do remember the ones that I could never forget, which were the ...

Man In A White Car by Servant

Man in a White Car There are times when all of us have passed through a gauntlet of trial and tribulation. We have become discouraged, broken-hearted, or not only disappointed in life but have peered beyond the precipice of despair to slip and fall into its depths... I am fortunate to have ha...

Were They Just Dreams Or Something More? by 8-bitDemigod

It's been quite a while since my last post on here. Where have those two years gone? Nothing extra ordinary has happened in those intervening years that I had noticed until 4 months ago. I was put out of work due to injury on the first of May this year. My surgery was two weeks later on the 19...

We Summoned Something: A Strange Experience by The_Lost_Voyage_11

The following is a story I've been meaning to convey for sometime and due to a recent submission by another poster, who's story in part has a similar occurrence, prompts me to relate my experience. This happened when I was a teen many years back in upstate NY where I grew up. I had a rather bizar...

I'm The Son Of A Demon? by HauntedJurist

This story happened to my mother and some supernatural thing that surrounds me. I was an accidental baby. Being an accident, my mother does not want me to be born. She was considering aborting me. She had a last-minute change of heart after intense crying and praying in Quiapo church. A few mo...

There Is Another World by Paul1

I have read almost all of these Ghost Stories and I felt the need to comment for all readers. I am also educated in certain fields that take into account the reality of God and the Heavenly courts. We are here on earth in a physical form but spirits do exists. Some are not good, most that try to con...

Was It Really Me? by Jcct

I want to share an incident which took place 12 days ago with me. And I don't know what you all will think about me, but I swear I saw it. I am now 17 and will give my IGCSE exam soon. For my exam, I have to move here and there to do coaching's. I live in Bangladesh's capital city, Dhaka. There i...

Two Episodes Of Curious Nature by believe_sceptic

I have been a long time reader on this site, but have never taken the time to set and write up my experiences. Both these incidents have been years apart and no way connected, but they are pretty fresh in my mind. Hope they are a good read for all! 1. It was in 2010. My husband and I lived in a ...

Three Days Ago by Jcct

One day I was at home, preparing my school work. My dad and mom went for a marriage party and I was at home due to ongoing exam of mine. The time was (most probably) 9:40 pm. After completing my work, I went to the restroom. After coming out, I felt like a shadow moved quickly in-front of me. I thou...

Who Pressed The Button? by RCRuskin

My dad passed away less than a week ago, relative to the time I'm writing this. Cancer is the official cause of death, but given he'd not eaten for 9 days and not had anything to drink for 2 days prior to his death, the rational part of me says to go with starvation. Yesterday, I saw something weird...

Table Tapping In Gifted Science Class After School by Zander

In 1976, I had been placed in a science class in middle school for gifted students. Our teacher presented a unit about the psychic sciences! As it turned out, he was a gifted automatic writer. I remember that various students in the class who studied foreign languages tested his automatic writing ab...

My Parents Saw Me, But It Wasn't Me by Juan_Doooh

I'm sorry this story will be quite short, in a way scary but most definitely curious. Years ago when I was a teenager like many I lived at home with my parents. One night I got home after visiting with friends. I went to my parents room to let them know "I'm home". My father woke up and asked why...

The Music In The Night by InTheNight

This all happened years ago. As a child, I got a cheap acoustic guitar as a gift, but never learned to play it (it's also child-size, so...). I kept it on my bedroom floor against the bookshelf. At some point I started hearing the strings when I was laying in my bed in the dark and trying to slee...

Has This Pair Of Earrings Provoked A Haunting? - 2 by Rachel9997

Since I first noticed the paranormal activity taking place in my house and at my workplace, I've had a few more encounters. In my last post with this title, I referenced something I termed "the draft" which may or may not be the manifestation of my grandma since everything started after I began we...

Across The Miles by Miracles51031

It's been awhile since I've submitted anything. Not that there hasn't been activity in my home or experiences that I could share, it's just YGS and my paranormal life had to take a backseat to my real life. The following is one experience I have been meaning to share for a while. Saturday morning,...

Unexplainable! by parvathi_p

I have always read real incidents in (Your Ghost stories) since really long. But here I am today to share my experience. I reside in Hyderabad but due to the current situation of covid I came to my hometown Kerala. So, one night we decided to watch a movie (Myself and mom). After dinner and cleani...

A Crayon From Nowhere by Panini18

Welcome to my 5th story. I haven't mentioned this but I'm retelling my paranormal encounters starting from the first time I experienced it up to the present, my recent encounter happened just this August 2021. After this, I'll maybe post 3 or 4 more stories and that would be it until my next encount...

Did A Ghost Follow Me Home!? by DarkDaisy_13

Two weeks ago I and my sister were exploring the woods behind our new house. It was pretty boring but breath taking in a way. There was a little creek that ran from the front of the woods to the rest of the houses and beautiful Willow trees. Me and my sister dipped our feet into the cold water and h...

Doll Clowns by Panini18

Now here's my second story, if you've read my first story (Weird Silhouette) you'll have an idea what the room of my cousin looks like. I'll explain what the whole house looks like in this story. My second encounter also happened during my preschool days, this time I was maybe around 5 or 6 years o...

Exit 40 by Mweat

In 1999, my mother and father were on a trip from Oklahoma to visit us in California. Along the way they pulled over to change drivers. My mother called me, and told me that he had a heart attack and died along the road side in Albuquerque. My brother and sisters picked me up after I finished wor...

Weird Silhouette by Panini18

My first paranormal experience was when I was maybe around 4-5 years old. When I was about 3-4 years old, I remember being afraid of gorillas. This started when my aunt and I visited one of our neighbors on our street, their house was around 8 lots away. By the way, we used to live in a subdivision ...

Former Skeptic Incident 9/26/2021 by Scoops

It has been along time since there has been any incidents in my home. Since my last entry many years ago things have been really quiet. It's almost like everything just stopped. Since my last entry there has been many changes in my life. Marriage, job, new family members, dogs... Something happened ...

Fiddler On Church Steps by goblinkwain

First of all I have to put the obligatory "long time reader, first time submitting". I have been reading this website on a near nightly basis for a long time, I love it. Second, I'm not really positive that this was a spirit. It could have just been a person, but it was supremely strange and definit...

We Are All Connected by Cherubim

I was talking with a friend that told me she didn't believe in coincidences, that there really are no accidents and every thing happens for a reason. As I sat alone and pondered this thought I came to the conclusion that things are meant to "go wrong" on this planet to teach us something. It's g...

Ears Ringing And Seatbelt Malfunction? by Pelatiah

I admit the two things in the title don't really go together, though they happened within a day of each other. This morning I left early to go to the doctor. Traffic was good at just before 7am, and as I passed the commercial node in my neighborhood, driving my five year old Toyota Mom van with ...

Table Tipping Aftermath 2 by Kindly_refrain

Just over two years ago I submitted an account ( that was an update to another of my accounts ( dealing with a haunted fire hall and then the subsequent haunting of one...

Mysterious Disappearance Of 100$ Bills by mitch2021

It started way back 2018. And first it started missing from my wallet. I like to carry cash just in case and the 100$ bills are the ones that disappeared. My husband and I bought a safe. I AM THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS THE COMBINATION, and MY HUSBAND AND I AGREED TO THIS. MY HUSBAND WHO WORKS AND THE MA...

Beside Me by meinmein

Just another boring Sunday night, I decided to download some game apps. From scrolling in the app store I found some ghost app, and downloaded it. I am just curious and tried it. At first I am confident, and just laugh. In the map, the red dot is located in the upper west. I am quite terrified becau...

Something That Followed? by mayank_holmes

Dear YGS readers, I am Mayank and I live in Patna, India. It feels so good to write here again after such a long gap. I am writing this story to share an extraordinary incident that took place in December, 2018. I was in the final year of my undergraduate degree program, and the exams for my penulti...

Astral Projection 2 Stories by Moonlitpath

Recently I've been very interested in astral projection. Taking all the precautions and extensive research etc. I have met my spirit guides, I'm very in tune with the paranormal. One night after work (I work swing shifts) it was about 4 or 5 am for some reason I think wow this is a great idea to t...

Rusty Trying To Reach Me? by Dee-J

It has been quite a while since I last submitted a story. But then again I haven't had any over the real encounters in a few years either. Honestly, I started not to even submit this story because I felt that it wasn't all that significant, but what happened was pretty interesting nonetheless. It...

Back Again by Navya_siddharth

Hope the true story I am going to share is selected to be posted and will be there on the internet forever for the people who are curious about the phenomenon of reincarnation. I am from India and I am a small part of a huge clan that consists of uncles, aunties, grand uncles (three of the five hav...

Experience Explanation by WispO

I have just registered after reading a lot of the stories here as I have lately begun to be interested in the afterlife as it is. I am a realist I do not believe anything I do not have evidence for or experienced it on my own. I would like to share a few stories I experienced in the past year. Pleas...

My Sister's Haunting Part 2 by Nikachi

This is my second submission on this site after the first one titled ' My sister's hauntings'. As I had mentioned in my earlier post that my sister was being haunted by some unknown entity for past 16 years and had caused delay in her marriage. That thing (a lady as per my sister) had threatened her...

No Moon Day by yoursmile

So, I have read most of the stories on this site which prompted me to share mine. I am new to the group, so kindly forgive me for any mistakes over here. This is not my story, its of my mom, who is a teacher in higher secondary school the past 23 years. She has wonderful aura as a teacher, as stu...

A Picture From The Future by Limey

This is not a ghost story, but one that is impossible for me to explain. It started many years ago in London, England. It was a snapshot from a dream that I had as a child. Most people have little or no memory before the age of four, and I left London at the age of exactly eight and a half. So i...

Baby Kicking My Car Seat by DanielJZ

I have been actively reading everyone's stories here and have decided to submit my own. It's nothing crazy but still really freaked me out and you will see why. This happened around May 2016 when I was dating my now wife N. N and I had just finished our dinner/movie date and I had just dropped ...

Terror At The Lake by Quasar

The recent Covid-19 lockdown has given me an unusual and mostly welcome respite from work and the ongoing rat race. Like many of you reading my story I have been connecting with my family and friends via Skype and zoom and there has been a lot of talk and recollection of past events, especially holi...

My Sister's "lookalike" by Shrinkydink

This is my first story on this platform! It happened a few years ago so I might not remember it too clearly! Around this time, I had been waking up at midnight kind of hours. I was about 9 or ten. On one particular night, I woke up as normal, my parents had gone to bed already. I decided to go do...

Are These Dark Entities That Keep Showing Up? by Chilli

I apologise in advance for the potential length of this but I would love to hear opinions from others who've had experiences. I'm tired of being afraid. From as young as I can remember, I've had experiences which I can't fully explain. I had a rough childhood, growing up with an alcoholic mother....

Antique Piano Finds A Forever Home by MrsRamsay

This story started as a reply to Phillip Kafka's recent post about "50 King Street." I realized it just got too lengthy for a reply, so decided to make it a story. It never occurred to me before that it was a "haunting" or anything paranormal, but maybe it is? PhillipKafka had talked about his ti...

Incident Of The Ring by Amena

I am new to this website, but I've been an avid reader for many years now. I've been meaning to post this strange and unusual story for a long time, but life, children and work always took priority. However now due to the unfortunate state of affairs in the world, I have some free time to write this...

Strange Coincidence Or Something Else? by VeronicaMarie

In 2007 I was going through a very rough time, due to a severe anxiety disorder that I have. One day I was trying to distract myself from the obsessive worry and went online to look at wallets, as mine was falling apart. I've always loved those little inexpensive brocade wallets and billfolds with t...

Ghost Stole My Bracelet by DragonLadyYT

We used to have a ghost. We banished it and unfortunately that was before I realized my bracelet, made of real turquoise from the Sleeping Beauty mines in California and set in sterling silver was missing. I have searched this house of ours, even taken things apart to find it, but to no avail. I lef...

My Experiences With Black Magic by Rajine

Where I come from we do believe that there are people around us that are capable of doing stuff to harm us, cause rifts in our family, drop us down financially and lastly even cause death in some cases. In this submission I will write about some of the experiences I've had and even a close brush wit...

B1 Floor - Parking Lot by ATARAH

It was my 3rd year in college, I am living in province and need to travel to city where my school was for about 1 or 2 hours due to traffic. I always join in extracurricular activities in my university and I was a member of different organizations. When the day came that we need to prepare a lot ...

Sleep Walk Or Dead Walk? by arielic09

I'm an avid reader here in YGS and I think I have read almost all of the stories here, so everytime I read one I always thought I should share my experience too. Hence, it took me months to have the guts because I'm not that really good of telling stories through writing especially in English lol. S...

Were These Demonic Signs In My Life? by Santino

It all started when I was 11, me and my family were in the front yard no one was in the house. We were playing basketball and I suddenly stared at my sister's window and suddenly I saw a fist from inside the house behind my sister's window smash her window. Then suddenly everyone stopped playing bas...

Exploding Glass by Solveig

In the seventies my parents decided to leave the rat race of the DC area and built a home in rural southern Pennsylvania. Generally, it was not a creepy place. But, over the years there, a few things happened that could not be explained, this is one such thing. When I hit my teenage years, I star...

Meeting Ghost Of Live Person by nightrider66

I am a new member, but not new to ghost experiences. I need some feed back about my recent experiences. A little about myself. I have always had experiences with spirits, ghosts and nightmares and I can still remember each one since I was a little girl. More about that later. I am 53 now and ...

Two Bright Motionless Lights Scared Little Me At Night by Metzalnawa

I notice that some people are able to find others with experiences similar to their own. I am hoping I can have the same fortune. I was around five years old when I my experience happened. At that time my parents had me use a crib long enough to fit a five year old (hard times). The railings were st...

Grandpa Didn't Want To Go To Church by lady-glow

Following my paternal grandmother's death after childbirth, my grandfather began moving constantly with his two young children to different places, getting new jobs and starting new projects only to leave again some time later. Sometimes they would go to a new neighbourhood or to a nearby city, but ...

Someone Is Having Fun by Rex-T

Jubeele and I have had many instances of items going missing, only to reappear in places that totally defy our collective logic. What makes an impact, is those occurrences where you look several times in the place where the item should be, for no result, yet it appears in that spot, usually after Ju...

Dead Or A (stra) Live! by KenshiAdams

"Am I dead?" I wondered as I lay silently on my bed. This story is from 2011. I had moved to Delhi to join my new job, and had taken up accommodation in a part known as Mayur Vihar. I was living in with my then girlfriend, and the house was a two room apartment on the ground floor. The layout wa...

Spirit Wind by silverthane61

This event occurred when I was a teenager living in Lawton, Oklahoma. I have never forgotten it. During one November weekend, I spent the night at my friend Steve's house. During this period, Steve's church was performing an all-weekend prayer vigil for a reason that I have since forgotten. Steve...

Weird Forest Encounter by Kaitlyna93

I have a lot of encounters from ghosts, but this one is a little different. Different because I'm not sure what exactly was encountered, but I'm hoping maybe someone can read this and shed a little light on this experience. So, this was when I was probably about 17. I was out hanging out with my...

Too Much Time Frog-gigging by silverthane61

I grew up next to a military base. My father, being a retired military veteran, enjoyed all the benefits of being able to travel on and off post anytime he wished. My father was also an avid outdoorsman, and he would spend all of his free time hunting and fishing on the military reservation. Our...

Lifted In My Sleep by Beenie

I suddenly woke up in the middle of the night. The front half of my body was high off the bed. Not sitting up but neither lying down. Not doing a crunch or a sit-up. At that angle that's impossible (especially for me) to hold. My stomach and my muscles weren't strained. This wasn't me holding me...

He Hears And Sees Us by Cherubim

This past Sunday I was watching TV when the 700 Club came on. It's a Christian broadcasting network that I never watch really, but I was busy around the house and just left it on that channel. During the show they will ask people if they would like to join in Prayer for other people and yourse...

Paranormal And Pregnant by Smartini13

So up until today I have wrote off all this as a coincidence. I am in my second trimester of pregnancy. We tried for years to get pregnant and lost multiple babies along the way. Since becoming pregnant, there have been a lot of weird things that make me think paranormal activity is happening. After...

Feeling Of Dread In The Middle Of Nowhere by crazypaws

Not sure if this qualifies as a ghost story... In September 2013 me and a friend traveled to the US, to go on a road trip. I'd say about a good week into our trip, we had visited Zion National Park and were staying in a hotel close to the park, in Springdale. On our last day there, the weather wa...

Walking In The Dark by Lealeigh

This is my first post here but I've been a reader here for many years. It's 3:30 in the morning. About an hour ago I woke up from a dream. My Grandfather was in it. I walked into a church and I saw him talking with a group of people near the altar so I approached him and he was happy to see me. Aft...

Can Someone Tell Me What It Is? by DarriuxDarkk

I've been an avid lurker and reader on this site and I just want to let you all know that I love this group or community as I see a lot of people are active and helpful especially on sharing insights or advices on people's experiences. Ok first thing I want to introduce my self and and a quick ba...

Overwhelmed By Sadness by adove

This happened late Autumn in Massachusetts. We were living in an apartment building with about nine other families. One night we heard the sound of breaking glass and the smell of smoke. Our apartment was on fire. No one was hurt, but everyone lost all they owned. Later we found out it was arson. ...

Sat On And Choked By Something Unseen by lilpeachyghost

This experience happened around five or six years ago, I was in a pretty bad place in my life and struggling with some things. Mainly my religion and my love life; the two didn't mesh well and I was stuck between wanting to be a perfect disciple, if you will, and the need to be completely and utterl...

Odd Energy by Karla

So our story begins 7 months ago. 4 days before Super Bowl Sunday. My husband and I went to bed as we normally do. I had a very quick nightmare about a man in a dark doorway. I was walking towards the door and just as I was going to enter the room. This man yelled "No, Stop!" But it was too late. I ...

Not Your Average Ghost by Gh0st_Knight

Around 2002 me and my brother experienced one of the strangest and weirdest phenomena together as we witnessed a ghost in the most bizarre way. One Weekend he was playing the videogame Resident Evil (The remake version) on the gamecube and this game was a horror game with zombies, he got lost an...

Urgent Help Needed With A Curse! by Didos89

First of all: Sorry for my not so good english. It isn't my first language. It also isn't my second language, but I will do my best to make it as clear as possible. I am really in need of help. Please, bare with me. Dear reader, I am a woman from Turkey and I live in Switzerland. My family ...

My Partner Saw A Ghost Figure Of Me by Fran2442

My partner messaged me this morning saying he woke up to grab his phone and saw me at the bottom of his bed, as if I had just woke up. I was crying apologizing to him and he said he couldn't hear me, so I used my pointer finger to write it in the air, spelling out I'm sorry and then, as I was crying...

I Was Young And Dumb And Casted A Spell by loneybone

I was a teenager deeply "in love" and I had a boyfriend at the time who was long distance and promised me many things. He was not very communicative and always held a lot of what he felt or had to say inside. We spoke often and we talked about a future together and it was looking good so far. We...

The Giant Pig In The Woods by wysteria1

Hey, it's me again. I have another story to share, though some of you may find it quite impossible, but it's true. It wasn't just me who witnessed it. Almost all my family saw it. Also, this is quite a long read so please bear with me. Here in the Philippines, we have these creatures known as "as...

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