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Comments for I Keep Seeing Something Out Of The Corner Of My Eye?: Page 2

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Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Crs. My humble advice, in line what Badjuujuu wrote (so I think): Concentrate on contributing on the stories and let this go.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)

Of course her safety is my main concern. My home business usually stays at home and anything regarding the site I post. Since everyone was so upset over her posts I was trying to calm the up rise among members.

I am still trying to do this apparently with very little success. Would you all like for me to delete my account and find another site because apparently no matter how nice I am about anything someone is offended. I am still being bombarded with negative comments with the exception of very few members and I am not even responsible for the happenings.

What of the story I posted, isn't that what this site is for? It is a discussion board for paranormal experiences not snooty rooties that want to continue starting trouble.

In my opinion my daughter did not create the soap opera-it existed long before she decided to imitate me. Look at all the posts concerning that. Days of our lives plays everyday.

I suggest the people that do not come to this site for paranormal experiences to tune in to a soap opera and stop singling out one or two people to bully. I have entertained you because the webmaster told me to do just that so that they can step in on my behalf.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
It is my opinion, that ole Hotrod was yet another pretend ID, from a former "jaded" poster. The thought crossed my mind after their fist couple posts- now it rather seems obvious... Who knows? Proxybyproxy.
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Probably a good idea to replace the paddle with some "child proof" software, or restricted access to the internet. If I know 13 year olds, "punishment" in any form seems to push them more towards the very thing they are being punished for.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Interesting. This is the first time I've seen you mention potential harm to her instead of embarrassment to yourself. Still, the fact that you said she should stay away from you for the time being because you're mad at her for, in your words
"#1 imitating me
#2 trying to put people down because of posts
# making me look like a fool," is just plain disturbing. Your posts make it seem like your priorities are a little off.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)

Oh but it is serious, my 13 year old flirting on line with Lord knows who. That is very serious. She needs to know that the world isn't as pretty as she thinks.

What is she had tried to meet this person?
Very serious ramifications. It is dangerous and girls that do this put themselves in harms way. She has no idea what could have happened.

See it is not just the comments but the danger of the situation is what she received the paddle for.
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Crs. Thank you. I second Badjuujuu.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Crs, this isn't really any of my business, and I probably shouldn't say anything, but this little fiasco isn't as serious as you seem to think. It's just a website, it's not that important. Let it go.
And now I'm butting out. Have a good un.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Isolde, I did leave a comment concerning a garden faery and straightened out the confusion concerning the faery protecting the writer while her husband was gone but after that my daughter was to be doing her homeschooling and I will leave hearts from time to time but not with every post.

As a matter of fact the last post I left was to you, explaining what I meant by the faery entering her house due to protecting the writer while her husband was away. Then I gave the computer up to my daughter.

After that it was more posts between her and Hotrod. And she left you a nasty post. The next day I was confused as to why you were apologizing and you asked if we were okay now and I was confused. So I said of course we are okay and I think I left hearts on that post.
I only realized the next day what she had done. After I looked at all the BS she had written on my behalf.

I am actually pretty mad at her for:

#1 imitating me.
#2 trying to putting people down because of posts.
#3 making me look like a fool.

I took her cell phone privileges, she is on restriction and I put a paddle to her bottom.

And I am still upset with her so she needs to stay away from me for a bit because I love this site and she has almost ruined it for me. GRRRR 😠
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
crs: Kids now-days, huh? 😆 Honestly, the e-harmony comment did make me raise my eyebrows, and give a little "WTH?"! But I figured I roll with it anyway. In this type of forum it's hard to know who's who 😊. Glad you straightened us out though. But, we did need some comic relief LOL!

Just for the record, I did enjoy your story! Thank you for posting 😊
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
I have no idea why I left 'those two' in my previous comment. I meant 'are those the only ones'. Sorry.

Isolde to the coffee machine... What's up with me lately?
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
[at] crs. Thank you that was most helpful. But are those two the only posts? In the story about the sleeping creature I believe your daughter made some more comments. It was around the same time and she was pretty fond of Hotrod there too and also left those cute little hearts in her comments. Maybe you should check those comments as well. 😁

Thank you so much for your reply.

crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)

I agree with your thought. I too believe some are come into this world with this gift and the child is able to voice and talk a little better about what they see.

Most children with autism also see these things and are often targeted by entities. I helped a family in South Carolina that was having problems with a not so nice entity targeting their autistic son.

This was a great thought and I do indeed agree with you. The age this gift is noticed by adults is around two so I do believe you are correct, it is something one is born with and these children often grow into very powerful sensitives.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)

I would be happy to let you know of the comments between my daughter and Hotrod.

The horned god and goddess.

The entire I realize that you have been waiting for me love story thing,

The I do know your name although we are so far apart eharmony deal.

The story about the buck.

The comment made of hotrod being a magical practitioner

And the about telling him I am 1/4 Cherokee and he is sensitive.

The last post I made on my story before all of the rubbish was telling everyone that my ghosts are protective of us due to one of them showing themselves to the snooping friend of my daughter. That was a true post by me.

Pretty much every reply back to hotrod from that point on was my daughter.

Thank you so much

valkricry (49 stories) (3272 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
I was reading your comment to BeyonDaVeil, about many children coming into their abilities at around the age of two and I had a thought. Could it not be, that the age of 2 is around when others start noticing? Around 2 kids are mobile, have some speech, and have personalities. Prior to 2 we tend to think all their actions are in response to some 'normal' stimili around them (even dancing dust particles). At 2 people start noticing or wondering what jr. Is reacting TO. So, I wonder if maybe those 2 year olds are gifted from birth but it takes that long for those around them to start taking notice?
Please forgive any typos or errors in my message. Not even 5 am and I haven't had enough coffee yet.
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
Crs: well, wellcome back.
It surely explains the dual-personality feel (and others) had from your comments.
Don't you hate it when kids do that:-). Mine are still to small, but I would kick their *** too:-).

Could you help me with something? I would like to know exactly what comments were made by your daughter.
If you would be so kind. It would things more clear.

Thank you.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-25)
CRS, your story is fascinating. I am sorry you have had a rough time here the past day or two. Hang in there!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

Yes I do not know what it is with my family but all came into our abilities around the age of 2. Including myself.

Some people are just born with this. Many others I have helped have also stated that their children started experiencing the unknown at this age.

It seems to be common amongst the strongest sensitives. I do not understand why this particular age. But I am helping two other families right now with their children and in both families the children involved started having experiences around the age of two.

My son has accepted this, he is now four and his sensitivity seems to be increasing at a phenomenal rate.

Thank you!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

Thank you so much for understanding and I do feel as if I were targeted. I did send a message to the webmaster and I am awaiting a response.

Yes it was a great surprise to find all of the handles put back up in the kitchen. I thought at first it was someone in the house but everyone thought I had done it.

I do make jewelry and the younger woman does love this process, I feel her watching me sometimes in my sewing room. She is so interested in the entire process.

I do know that this was a German family because almost every fixture is stamped 1970 Germany. Some are dated before 1940. This house was built in the 30s and the fire happened in the 70s.

Also the older gentleman that pinched my bottom while I was re-caulking the ceramic tile in our master bath said to me "good job" in a deep German accent. I believe the immigrated to the US and were well to do for that time period.

I am worried for the family and often wonder if they would like help moving on. I even asked out loud and when I did they reacted negatively by knocking things over and showing slightly more aggressive behavior, light bulbs that are energy efficient and brand new suddenly going out. They should last for several years. The cabinets being opened on their own in front of our very eyes after asking if they would like to go to the light.

My dreams were even interrupted that night by dreams of worms and maggots. So I believe they are here to stay. With this sort of haunting, a house blessing to force them to move on would only anger them in my opinion.

They have run everyone else that has lived in this house off and I believe it is because their home was mistreated by previous tenants. This disrespected them.

I have been asked on more than one occasion by surrounding neighbors why we would choose this particular house and how are we able to live here. It is a known fact in the community that the house is haunted.

I won't tell my neighbors this but I dreamed that this was the house that we would end up living in. The house is exactly as I dreamed it would be both outside and inside, plus I dreamed that the house would be located near a cul-de-sac and it is. In fact it was the first house we found. It's as if they were reaching out to us and did so through my dreams.

They wanted help restoring the house and some how knew I would see the true beauty within the house and appreciate it.

I am so happy to help them because they were ignored for so long. I do hope to find their names. The newspaper article did not mention their names.

Oh and one more thing, my husband was a non-believer until we moved here and he started seeing the same apparitions out of the corners of his eyes. He said he will never question me again regarding the fact that there is indeed another plain of existence. I believe that my ghostly friends became tired of his funning me so they showed him!

Thank you so much,
valkricry (49 stories) (3272 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
First of all, let me assure you NO ONE is holding you accountable for Hotrod' for attention. If I may be completely honest, I had noticed the difference in your writing style, but was not sure what to make of it. Actually, I'm kindof relieved it was your teen and not you. (I could not believe 'you' were evidently buying into his -I don't even know what to call it.) If it makes a difference most of the 'ranting' was brought about in reaction to Hotrod. I am just sorry that he targeted you to use in this manner.
Anyway, it is over and done. I don't know if anything can be done about the points your daughter cost you, but I intend on giving you one. Perhaps others will join me in this.
Now - back to your experience!

The spirits are actually helping with the renovations!? That is so cool! I can imagine finding the drawer pulls and such already put back for you was quite a thrill and surprise. You can't ask for a better endorsement of what you are doing.
You make jewelry? That's pretty interesting and I imagine quite the temptation for the young woman. 😊
A fire took them all? Perhaps if you dug just a little deeper you could locate their names as well.
Sorry for the long post.
scarlettsnowe (1 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
LOL. So we were all fooled by a mischievous 13 year old? LOL. Hee, hee... 😆
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

I am sorry about the ranting of others concerning my 13 year old getting into this site. Seems that everyone but you participated in the ranting between my 13 year old and Hotrod13. I had no idea.

Now answering your question, Yes I did find more on the history of this house. It was partially burned and everyone passed of smoke inhalation.
2 teenagers, 2 younger children and 4 adults. I knew my son is gifted. He has become close with the younger children. The charms I use for my jewelry making are still coming up missing from time to time. I always find them again in unusual places like under the bed or sitting on a counter, I keep all of my projects in my sewing room so I know it is the younger woman of the house. She loves jewelry.

The older man is still pushing me to fix the house as it was. The older woman seems to like the fact that I have used fixtures original to the house.

After I cleaned the brass well I left the fixtures out because I was tired and just decided to put them back on the cabinets and drawers the next day. She couldn't wait that long because when I got up bright and early the next morning, the had been put up for me.

No human did this, My husband was out of town and you can't get a teen to do a darn thing now a days but they are sure good at trouble. I have more trouble out of the human variety that I do my ghostly friends.

Thank you for not participating in the childishness of the others and sticking to the story line. All of the childish responses were indeed responses to a teenager, I guess she did this just to get an uprise out of the community-it worked.

Again Thank you.

crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

Why did or how could anyone believe the ranting of a teenager is an adult, come on. How is this possible? Please someone give me an explanation, how could a 13 year old fool so many fully grown adults? Someone could have emailed me. I am contacting the webmaster to get all of this childish behavior reported such rubbish!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Oh my goodness Isolde, A TYPO-I am seious about MY experiences
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Goodness hardly any of these posts are about what is serous to me the true writer of the story. It has been turned into nothing more that a discussion board for lies due to my daughter.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

After what my daughter did I do need a new identity. Lord have Mercy I am fixing to take care of that. I love this site, HAD a descent karma and I am as serious as any of you about me experiences. I am so upset with that girl!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

Yes what my daughter did was just hilarious, I'm going to kick her butt
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

You are the only one that noticed that yes someone was impersonating me. Thank you!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

Everyone was fooled by my daughter. I do not need eharmony, I am happily married.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
At some point my daughter got on the computer and decided to post for me. I would like everyone to know this and I am very apologetic to you all. I checked my board to day and had no idea what is going on. Plus I see she gathered many negative responses. Looks like every one was fooled here including me. LOL I am finding it funny that this happened. Could anyone not tell this some of this was the wording of a teen's over active imagination? I am so disappointed.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
I'm glad to be in such good company about the mistakes. Granny, I've done the same thing with misspelled words! 😁
scarlettsnowe (1 stories) (79 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
LOL, you guys crack me up! 😆 I like what you guys are saying on here about typos and all that!
valkricry (49 stories) (3272 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
I'm guilty of trying to correct a typo only to find I typoed a different word in my correction. 😕 Happens to us all I guess.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Narella: 😆 I do that all the time! Either that or criticize someone's spelling with misspelled words LOL! 😆 😆
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Don't you just hate it when you make a sarcastic comment and leave some of the words out? Okay, I'll try this again. I'm concerned about the health of some of our commentators. They seem to be having a lot of conversations with themselves.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
I'm a little concerned about the health of some of the commentators. They seem having a lot of conversations with themselves. 😕
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
... Or a new alias...

Ever seen the movie 'Identity'?
Tune in on YGS!

Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Hotrod: Aren't you getting bored with this? Perhaps you need to get a new hobby.
valkricry (49 stories) (3272 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Well I have to say, the idea of an entire family of spirits living under a roof is...well, charming. They're together, and from what you say happy, even if a tad mischevious. (pinching your bottom?!? Cheeky fellow! 😊 😆)
Have you learned more of the history of the house?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Narella - yes, I wondered the same thing when I read her story, but thought I remembered crs explaining what charms meant. Glad I could help 😊
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Miracles: That's what I thought. On other sites charms sometimes have a different meaning so I just wanted to be sure. Thanks!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Narella - not to answer for crs, but in one of her comments below she says this, "I have figured out that the women of the house are how my little charms keep coming up missing. She loves jewelry or anything that resembles it."
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Could someone explain what the OP meant by charms? I think I know but I'd like to be sure.

Granny: I discovered something important after reading your e-harmony comment. Drinking a Coke while laughing and sitting at a keyboard can really cause a mess. 😭
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
val - a new "personality" for an older member. It gets regurgitated every once in awhile, though. Delusional? More than likely 😉

But I believe we've derailed this story more than enough, so let's all try to get it back on track 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3272 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
So now you expect us to believe you are some sort of diety? (shakes head sadly). You are either severly delusional or... Just a very sad person, who will do anything for any kind of attention.
1 day ago in a post crs wrote "As I said I am 1/4 Cherokee" and you replied to that post. Http:// That same day (within a hour) you posted to this thread that you 'felt' that crs was 'Native American'. Real hard to 'devine' something that was told to you. Did you really think no one would notice? I could continue on about the true depth of the deciet involved, but let's say if you're going to lie, then at least do it well. Charlatans will always meet with their down fall in the end.
Just one more thing... Multiple users or accounts for multiple personalities?

This comment from Hotrod13 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

You ask why am I perturbed? I can happily say that I am not, at least if these words from you are true...

"I will use a different platform as suggested by you. Bye bye ygs and esteemed members and mods."

Please enjoy where ever it is that you may be going and may the road rise to meet your feet (quickly I hope...)



This comment from Hotrod13 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

If you do not have advice, and I do mean advice... Not this crap you are passing off as advice, this back and forth sh*t that you have been doing... Then your comments will be deleted.

You are not, I repeat NOT, all-knowledgeable and to pretend to members who may buy into this that you are is not only way out of line, but it could be harmful if you don't know what you're talking about. And Hotrod? I don't think you know what you're talking about.

Enough is enough, Hotrod 😐
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Yes Hotrod... ENOUGH has been said and I for one am offended that you have the nerve to say this...

"Till now you havelbeen relying on your intellect to know, whereas I am beyond intellect. Iam above vice and virtue, goodnes and evil. Iam the ever beautiful. Praise and ridicule are the same to me. Whosoever believes in me shall be saved and find that his troubles have deserted him. For he who doesn't want to believe in me, I harbour no ill will. I am not interested in numbers."

Quoting scripture is one thing, saying that YOU will save whoever believes in you is outright DISRESPECTFUL!


This comment from Hotrod13 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

BeyonDaVeil (1 stories) (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Good Day 2 All! Wow! You are seeing things at the corner of your eye BUT your Son is actually seeing and talking... Well that's not Normal. Only a few gifted with that ability can do so because not everyone is designed to See or Talk to the World, Beyond the Veil, that's what I call it 😊.

Good to know that the forces are Kind & you guys are knowing each other well. Just be careful & understand their "SIGNS" as renovating someone's house is not an easy task. You may not bump into something which they like to keep for centuries to come. You should take care or probably leave a note 'Do you wish to keep this'? And wait for a response.

Take Care & Good Luck! God Bless
27flowers (2 stories) (25 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Anyone got any messages for me?:p
No disrespect, I really enjoyed your story crs1331, and your first comments but I now feel like you are a completely different "user"...or have I missed something?
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Hahaha the later comments on this story had me laughing! What happened to the good old nitty gritty theories and explanations that we used to have. Fellow loonies things have changed here, especially over the last 2 years, now we can find partners and heaven knows what else just by frequenting good ol YGS! 😆
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Oh, wonderful, what a tale is spun in the comments.
Haha... I can see for miles and miles...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-24)

I truly, truly mean no disrespect but after reading this exchange between yourself and Hotrod I am very, VERY confused.

Earlier conversations with Hotrod, either between myself or others and his advice to others which have shared their experiences on this site led me, and I'm sure others, to believe Hotrod was from India, and a practitioner of Hinduism (please see scary_ritwik's submission 'Zen, A Well-wisher Or An Ouija Board Demon... Http:// He has also claimed that there were misunderstandings during those exchanges that were caused by the fact that English was not his 'native' language.

Yet in this most recent exchange between yourself and him it seems his English is fine and it also seems that Hotrod is a Wiccan and not Hindu in anyway shape or form. He also seems very well versed in Wiccan Lore and Practices as he is delivering personal messages to you from Cernunnos, the Horned One Himself?

Please, if you or Hotrod could explain to me just what I've missed or just what is going on it would be gratefully appreciated because I am now very confused and wish to understand.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-04-24)
Ummmm, okay...Let's take the love affair to the e-mail, shall we? The site name is "Your Ghost Stories", not! 😆

Thank you!

This comment from crs1331 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from crs1331 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from Hotrod13 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

This comment from crs1331 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Hotrod13 (141 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
Thank you very much,crs1331.I don't know wether you are a wiccan or not, but I have a message from Cernunnos. He tells me he is mighty pleased with you.
Now isn't that cool!
I don't know how you concluded that I am a practioner of magic.
Iam not. May be you got a glimpse of my father instead, znd came to this conclusion.

Thanks again.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
Hotrod, I noticed that you are a magical practitioner, this is yet another thing we have in common. Wicca is the closest religion that I have found that mirrors my Native American beliefs and heritage. You are the first positive person that I have found on this site that I feel a kinship with. I will be honored to have you as my first friend on this site and I am always overjoyed to find others like me. Thank you so very much for the kindness that you have shown me.

Blessed Be!
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
Hotrod, You are very sensitive as I, I am 1/4 Cherokee. You have a very open mind just as I do. I am currently helping a family from Oregon that did not realize they are sensitives. They were amazed of the things that I hit on with them and invited be out to perform a house blessing for them as they live close to a cemetery. The spirits were getting the light of the mother and her son confused with the light they are to follow. I am impressed, I meet very few like me on this site.
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
11 years ago (2013-04-23)
Hi crs1331,
I would like to be friends with you. Its very interesting to note that you can induce obes. And your memories go back when you were just one.
I think you were an indian in your previous life. But most likely a native american.
Im glad we have met.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-04-21)
I have found that our spirits are protective of us. We had a visitor of my daughter's that was to stay the weekend, she was of the snooping type and our spirits did not like this at all. She went up stairs to get her cell phone and ran down as pale as can be, I told her she was still welcome to stay the weekend, even though I caught her snooping around. She simply stated that she is NOT welcome here and said that she was VERY uncomfortable. She refused to explain and could not leave fast enough. I believe she was approached by one of our spirits because she left in such a terrible rush. Now I know for a fact that our family is accepted and protected by our sometimes unseen roommates. This fact alone makes me feel very safe here. ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
I just read the other comments and I see that the other posters have already mentioned my suggestions. I see that you mentioned that there was fire in the house, that would be a great place to start because there should be records somewhere about the fire and if anyone was hurt or not.

My uncle and three of cousins do renovations and one of the things that they love to do is restore older home and they try to keep it to the original plan as possible. Growing up, I always went to help with the small stuff and I think because of that I love many of the old and antique stuff some of these houses have. Some of them are not replaceable because as you said they don't make them anymore. There is a saying, why fix it if ain't broken. So, it's a good thing that using the stuff that are already there. Personally, I think some of the stuff that were made back in those times are so much better than now. Companies now a day mass produce stuff so that it breaks down in a couple of years and then we have to replace them; which mean more money in their pockets. The stuff made back then were made to last.

So for my rant but I just love restored stuff. I think your ghost realized that you and your family are the type to truly appreciate the history of the house and that's why they pushed to restore the house.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)
I'm writing my comment before reading the rest of the comments so I'm sorry if I repeat myself. First of all, I hope you don't take offense when I say that I actually laughed when you said the older gentleman ghost pinched your butt.

When reading your story, it came out as if the ghostly residents of the house have accepted you and your family and that's why you feel so welcomed, even with the renovations you are doing to the house. Usually when renovations are done to a house, ghosts don't like it because it means that things are going to change. I feel that the previous residents didn't feel welcome or were scared because of the way they treated the house.

As for your question about finding out the history of the house, you can:

(1) Talk to your neighbours and get more information about the previous residents and what kind of things that happened to make them leave.

(2) Check your local library. If your house is old and something happened in the house, there is bound to be some kind of article on it. Also, the librarians could be of help if you ask them to guide you in the right direction to find out old records to the house.

(3) Here in Canada, each city / town has its own archive building or department where information is store about the older buildings. I'm not sure about the States but I think you guys have something similar like a Court House or something on long those lines.

That's all I could come up with but I wish you luck on your research, restoring, and with your ghosts. Keep up posted on the events of the house.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-18)

This house did indeed have a fire in the 70s. I found this in the archives at the library. The chimney and wood flooring have never been properly repaired. I am trying to dig up more on the family. I am going to the court house records next.

I have figured out that the women of the house are how my little charms keep coming up missing. She loves jewelry or anything that resembles it. Especially the younger one. I suspect they could be from Germany due to the amount of German items found in the household such as the handles to the drawers and cabinets in the kitchen and the way they dress.

My daughter sees them, also my son, I have been seeing and hearing similar things all of my life. This gift is handed down to our children. My grandmother always told the 4 of us that we have angel in our blood. She believed this is where the gift was from. She always said Noah is but one story of survival recorded BUT it is not the only survival. This has always made sense to me.

I am just relieved that these spirits are not as mean as some I have crossed paths with. Come to think of it, I have not had a lot of problems with the malevolent spirits.

The spirits that have come through to me are in general good in nature and I even had one warn me of pending death at the ripe age of 3 or 4.
Mountaineer (4 stories) (176 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-17)
I too had a friend that I talked to and played with when I was younger. When asked about him by my parents, I told them his name (which none of us remember) and that he had died when his house burned down. Whether or not it was just an overactive imagination is open to opinion. My family and I are also always seeing things out of the corners of our eyes, and, for lack of a better expression, hearing things out of the corner of our ears. We've had very limited experience with apparitions, but have nonetheless experienced them too. I would be very interested to hear more about the history of your house and the origin of these mischievous, but benign women.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-15)
Tami thank you. I had only thought of the library. I believe I need as much information on the house as possible, I am pretty curious.
tambam (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
That is crazy! Glad they are nice ghosts though. Great article! I enjoyed the read. You can check the county records at the Courthouse and it should have more info as to the previous owners, etc. Let me know what you find out.

ChangYai (2 stories) (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
Here is an interesting link to "corner of the eye phenomenon". It can help you differentiate between "normal" shadows, and possibly something supernatural. Hope this helps.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
crs1331: That is true, the majority of people would not understand and not be able to handle these types of encounters and it understandable because it isn't a normal everyday thing to experience.
I also get the impression that previous tenants or owners may not have been treated as nicely as the way you and your family are, that would explain them not staying out there lease etc.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)

I truly have no complaints. We got a great deal and literally spiritual guidance. I think everyone else was run off and refused to stay here even through a year rental agreement, is because no one would listen and instead of helping these spirits, were afraid.

This perhaps angered our spirits because a lot of times, with hauntings of this nature spirits sometimes do not realize that they are not alive any longer. They get frustrated due to the fact that things are done to THEIR house that they do not like.

I have A LOT more experience in dealings with spirits than I do with restoration of a house. I even dream of the project to be done next.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
crs1331: Well you can't complain about that, if they are guiding you and telling you what they want and your happy about it as well it is a win win situation and you made some new friends out of it as well lol! 😁
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
To Dan,

You are correct. That is what a home this size normally costs here. We just didn't expect additional roommates.

I have had experiences all or my life and apparently I have handed this gift down to my children. I am very happy that the ghosts here are not of evil intention. I believe that this was originally their home and always will be.

I have just never been influenced in such a way by the unseen to restore. To top it off I have no experience in restoration. They have been guiding me the entire time. I believe even with the colors chosen for cabinets. The last time the handles to the drawers and cabinets were change out was in 1970.

They were still up and as soon as all the grime and dirt is cleaned off those babies are getting put right back up. They are made of pot metal. That is not manufactured anymore and they are stamped 1970-Germany. When I got some of the grime off of them it revealed beautiful German art work on top of them.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
crs1331: Wow $575 a month for a 4 bedroom 3 bath! That is what we would pay for a week here in Australia lol.
I am glad that these spirits are enjoying your company and family living within the home, it is definitely obvious that it is their influence on you to restore the home to its former glory. The moving and replacement of items is just an obvious and irresputable fact that they are there and obviously mean no harm. Look forward to hearing more from you.
Thanks for sharing.

MoonFall (1 stories) (48 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-14)
wow Sounds like a fun project... Restoring an old home! I'm happy to know that you are not having any trouble with the ghosts residing in your house. The old man seems to be a bit humorous.:) Apparently they appreciate your efforts to restore. Much luck and yes... Please keep us posted. 😁
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
I am sorry about the previous post... This turns out to be the house that all of the other kids are afraid of and they dare one another to go up to the steps.

All of the neighborhood kids have visited us out of sheer curiosity.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
I have talked to neighbors and they told me that no one ever stays here through out their rental agreement. The previous residents have been consistently run off and this turns out to be the house that all of the kids.
I believe we got such a good deal on our renting to own because of this. The current owner just can't keep it rented out so decided on renting to own just to get some permanent income. We have applied for other rent to own homes for much higher payments and much less house.
crs1331 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
The people that live here before put cheap carpeting over the hardwood flooring original to this house and painted over what is most likely 100 year old ceramic tile probably older. I suspect porcelain. Oh and thank goodness the original tub is still here, no fiberglass, I have been undoing the abuse to the house.

There was a lot of activity when we first moved in but when I started restoring the house the activity actually slowed down. They seem to be playful and the older man is a sport. I was removing the paint off of the ceramic and re-grouting when he pinched by bottom. And he seemed to whisper something like good job. At first I actually thought it was my husband.

The children enjoy hiding things.

Yes we are renting to own but that is still a low price. Everyone that I have talked to tells me that this house stays empty.

There is nothing wrong with this house to begin with and the previous owners were I believe left things out about the house. For instance I found fire damage in some areas.

For renting to own the house is to be in good shape. We would not have agreed if the house had been in horrible shape and well it was me that discovered the beauty under the cheap carpeting to hide the fire damage in the parlor area.

I just had this uncontrollable urge to put right what was wrong! I can't help myself. Nothing needed to be done other than weatherization. It is funny that the activity slowed once I started putting things back in order for my restless friends.

I feel that they made me restless to do their bidding and they want everything restored.
orchidale (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
Very interesting and well written I would agree it's your working on the house. So far they sound friendly but I have had my own experiences and they sure can rattle you especially when our children are involved. Try the "BI-City Paranormal" they are near by in Phenix City they have been to check out homes here in my town but my knowledge of them is limited. The small towns around you love to print the local history check out the local library for them and chat up the people there. Best of luck as I say I believe you I know how it feels to have people think you are crazy.
meow3 (23 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
Good story. Your house sounds beautiful. I wouldn't mind living in a place like that--ghosts and all! 😁
JennZ (72 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
When you started restoring your home, was it your idea to do it as the original? As for the old man spirit, that is funny... I guess that's a sign he likes you. LoL Great Story though, thanks for sharing!
theshedcrew (4 stories) (20 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
My friend, who now lives in Rhode Island use to live in Savannah, GA and every night she had a man walk into her room, sit on her bed and take his shoes off, then lay down next to her and "sleep." She told me it scared her at first but then learned to live with it... Until she moved to Rhode Island. Now she has another "friend" in her current apartment and I have seen him
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
Hello crs1331, thanks for sharing your experience. As Rook said your renovation or rather restoration of the house to its original state might have created the activity. The things that go missing in one place and found in another place prove the existence of spirits. If you feel that they are not malevolent, then there should not be any problems. To investigate, try asking your neighbours what sort of activities the earlier residents experienced or encountered, the history of the house itself from its previous owners or residents, if they could be contacted, the history of the land itself etc. If you can find out anything, please keep us informed.

Regards and respects to you.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-03-13)
"the rent is more than reasonable. $575 a month for a 4 bedroom 3 bath."

Sounds more than reasonable for rent, are you getting a reduced rental rate for the work your family is doing on the home or is your family in a 'rent to own' situation?

It sounds as if the restoration you are doing may have stirred up the resident spirits but as you noted it seems they have accepted what your Family is doing... Restoring rather than altering... All I can say is keep up the good work and please keep us posted.



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