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Comments for When A Demon Shows Itself: Page 1

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rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
From my experiences and everything I have researched I'd like to know how this ex-roommate/baby daddy thought he was able to not only summon but control an entity as powerful as a demon while sitting in a bathtub? REALLY A BATH TUB?


You seem to understand the concept of 'good and evil' and 'angels and demons' which my Faith teaches me are real entities as well... But what about the human spirit... Our soul... This is what a 'ghost' is a human spirit/soul that has not 'crossed over' or one that has but has chosen/been allowed (religious beliefs here...) to return and watch over/guide us.

Here is a 'quick' break down...

(My Opinion)

3 Levels... Highest... Angels and Demons exist on this level... They have free will, those that 'choose the right' they can 'cross over' from the Highest Level to the Lowest Level (Earth) where they inhabit a physical body becoming that bodies soul but in the process that 'spirit' has crossed from the Highest Level, through the 'Middle Level' the Spirit Realm, the realm of the Astral, the Fae even the Jinn call this 'home'. After crossing two 'levels' the 'High Level Spirit' has lost lots of power/energy and its memory of where it came from. In order to return to the Highest Level it must 'relearn' the things it 'knew' when on the highest level and during its time in the physical body it has that chance... If it doesn't it goes to the spiritual realm and may come back in another physical body, the cycle of reincarnation.

That is a very short version of my personal beliefs and how the spirit world is organized. The 'long version' is a lot more religious and this is not the site for those details.


mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
I don't think you will betray your faith in God by believing they are real, rather you believe they are ghosts, angels, or demons. Not to take that to mean that I think that is what you are dealing with, I don't know for sure what you are dealing with.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
This is the part of Perhaps' story I was addressing, and I think the whole reason behind her submission:

"I am an eternal skeptic. I believe in things such as God, angels, demons, etc... But when it comes to ghosts and such, I tend to be on the fence. I am a spiritual person and can feel good and evil... Even just by walking into a room. But I am undecided about "ghosts" of people who have died.

I hope you all will read my story and give me some objective viewpoints so that I may become a little more open to the idea of paranormal happenings. Or perhaps I'm looking to be convinced that I am not crazy, but rather simply in denial."

So, yes, I did say: "sometimes one's religious beliefs tend to cloud one's mind to the extent that they can't see the obvious."

I have friends from various belief systems. Some don't believe in angels/demons, some believe that every spirit is a demon masquerading as a loved one etc., still others believe in angels/demons and human spirits. I can't tell anyone what to believe, all I can do is relate my own experiences in hopes to persuade the "demon only" crew to take a look at other possibilities. I feel that is the quandary Perhaps finds herself in.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
Fact, you can't have a positive without a negative. There is no 'good' without 'evil'. No 'beautiful', without 'ugly.' How would you ever know happiness if you had never known sadness?
It's like Logan says, "by being open to the idea your not betraying your faith, instead your reconfirming with who/whom your faith stands..."
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
I didn't read where Zz said religious beliefs clowd your mind, she said go with whatever your faith teaches about getting this thing away from you and your son. Gotta agree.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
I don't think Perhaps is denying the existence of evil. I don't want to speak for her, but what I gleaned from this post is that she's confused about how a human spirit can stick around instead of going where her religion has taught her.
ILee (1 stories) (91 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
I don't feel that by believing there is real evil that it means you betraying your belief in God. I will agree with Logan on the fact that if you believe in God, it's not a far fetched idea that there is evil.

As far as when to talk to you son about this, there really isn't a specific time frame considered as the right time. You as a parent will make the best judgment. Talking to your son about this can help you both learn how to protect yourselves. Knowledge is power!
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)

What you siad made me think "I fear that allowing myself to be open to such things will somehow betray my faith in God... Or something like that"

My two cents, if it helps... If you trust and believe in God then its given that there is also a dark one out there. So by being open to the idea your not betraying your faith, instead your reconfirming with who/whom your faith stands... Does that make sense to anyone?
Perhaps (2 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
I greatly appreciate the responses.
I know this entire story sounds ABSURD so I expected some harsh treatment but I'm thankful I didn't receive any.
I believe you all are right, I need to step out of denial and accept that some things are beyond my control.
If anyone has any good advice on how and (when) to speak to my son about these things I would appreciate it. Maybe I should encourage him to not be as big of a skeptic as I am?
I think "zzsgranny" is correct in saying that one's religious beliefs tend to cloud one's mind.
I can openly admit that I don't fear the "supernatural"... But rather... I fear that allowing myself to be open to such things will somehow betray my faith in God... Or something like that. (sigh) Difficult to explain, but yes you all are correct.
Thanks again for reading!
Caz (342 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
Hello Perhaps,...I can't give you a rational explanation for these things, but maybe nobody can, so you may have to accept at some point, that there are many things that just 'don't have' a rational explanation [as yet], but 'do happen' nonetheless. All I can say is, if these things ever again give you cause for concern, there is a prayer called 'The Michael Invocation', the link for which someone posted on here a month or two ago. I can't remember who, but whoever it was, if you read this, I'd like you to know I'm very grateful! I've found this prayer very helpful indeed! Here's the link for you Perhaps and anyone else who needs it! Http://www.victorianparanormalconnection.com.au/MichaelInvocation
allesgute154 (3 stories) (254 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-20)
Really scary story. I have limited knowledge on this, but I have heard that demons can be kept away with salt, holy water and praters, all of which I'm sure you know. Take care. May God bless you and your child.
mamachong (11 stories) (228 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-19)
Ok so I believe you already know what this is. I don't thik you really need any advise. Being of the christian faith, you should have a fairly good idea of how to get rid of them and protect yourself from them. If not, then contact your preacher, or who ever you trust to guide you. If that is what you are desiring.
logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-19)

Thanks for sharing.

I appreciate how hard it must be to see your sn go through things you did when you were his age. You have been through enough to know what can be explained and what can not. So like you said, your in denial but there is no place to run from these... Is there?! Guess you just needed to tell someone, happy you wrote it out for us. I am sure you will handle it, whatever it is.
WhiteWolf (4 stories) (147 posts)
11 years ago (2013-05-19)

I too have come across a person who claimed to be able to control and summon demons the thing is A demon can not be controlled you can summon it but there are no leashes for them find yourself lucky that it did not harm you.

My friend who I no longer speak to told me of his demon friend who follows him every where and acts as a guardian, I told him that he was just being used after that I felt something in my backyard and it was a demon but not his it was another that was sent by my former friends demon companion. I did prayer for protection and the 2nd demon has not come back.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-05-19)
Perhaps: How much more evidence do you need? 😊 I stopped trying to convince others of the existence of ghosts a long time ago. One will believe whatever one believes. However, and I say this with no offense intended, sometimes one's religious beliefs tend to cloud one's mind to the extent that they can't see the obvious.

I really don't think there's anything anyone can say that will help you open your mind to the possibility of human spirits or ghosts. That's a personal journey and one that has to be taken alone, unfortunately. I think maybe a good start would be to read some of the accounts on the site in the category of "Visits From Family/Friends". But again, only YOU can open your mind to the possibility.

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