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valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Swims, it does sound like you're describing schizophrenia like Red said. I'm not an MD either, and since I don't know your friend, I can't say for sure. Did he ever happen to say what he was diagnosed as?
There's several ways of cleansing a person, some very invasive and some not so, but if this is truly a medical condition then no cleansing is going to 'cure' it. Notice, I said medical and not psychological BIG difference. What type of cleansing did you have in mind?
Encourage your friend to see another therapist, especially if it has been more than 2 years since his last exam. There's been a lot of progress made.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
You gave me a good chuckle when you were explaining to Elf how you came to your scratch theory. It reminded me about years ago when my husband who has a much larger pant size than me just picking up a pair of jeans out of the laundry basket and quietly trying to put them on as not to wake me. I heard a noise and as my children were little I woke up to ANY noise and I saw him standing there with my jeans stuck at his knees and I couldn't help him because I was laughing too hard.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
As usual Val has given excellent advice. As she has pointed out doing a cleansing on someone who is of questionable mental stability could do more harm than good.
I am not a medical professional but your friend needs a full medical workup done. He needs blood work done to rule out a chemical imbalance or other problems that can be treated with medicine. He also needs to see a neurologist to get an M.R.I. And or a C.A.T. Scan done on his brain and brain stem to rule out tumors or aneurysms. These tests may also show up any other abnormalities that could explain his behavior. He may be schizophrenic which by your description sounds like the most likely culprit. But as I said I am not a medical professional so please don't be frightened by what I said. Just tell him or his parents of your concerns and ask that he get a full work up to put your mind at ease. It could be his family is in denial and if an outsider mentions concerns they may take action.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
Val, oh my goodness yess he has seen therapists taken medication, dropped medication, self medicated, court orderd therapy, the conversation flies. Especially when the conversation flies is when I think there's more than one person speaking. And this is a someone who was fairly competant, and tough.
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
Let us know how Joe's experiment turns out. See if you can upload the film for us to see (YouTube is good for it) if he does catch something.
Boxers, hmmm? Well, most of those do have soft elastic, which shouldn't leave marks. And he didn't have anything up against his middle? 😕 Now that is a puzzler...
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
Swims, has your friend been to a therapist? Sometimes there are illnesses involved, and medical reasons need to be ruled out before you jump into trying to cleanse a person. Also, in my opinion, people who have questionable mental stability do not mix well with things of the occult; Ouija boards, séances, hoodoo, voodoo, etc. They are too easily victimized, either by let's say otherworldly influences, practitioner's of such arts, and of their own minds. You're friend may not be 'crazy', but quite seriously in need of medical help.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
This is excellent advice. A lot has been brought up about ouiji boards and mental illness here, which makes me have to ask; a friend of mine says he wants to get one, he used to use them a lot when he was a kid, and he misses it. I should mention that this guy-sweet as the day is long- is screaming bat-shiat crazy, with a history of problems that he can't shake. I do mean screaming and talking to himself if anything is amiss. I think he needs cleansing. What do you do in this case?
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
thanks again so much for all your advice and theories I really appreciate this. Val "Joe" was wearing Boxers at the time I remember because it was cold and all he had on was boxers and I was laughing at him for being so stupid. ''Joe" and my other friend let's say Freddy made the Ouija board it was basicly cardboard and numbers and letters and they looked up where to place the numbers and letters on the internet. I tried salt around my door and some people who experienced things like me put salt at there doors to and Joe suggested he dosnt do it so if something happens to him and not to us he will know it was because of the salt. Luckily nothing happened to any of us. Recent update though as of like an hour ago 'Joe' has been mentioned to me that he wants to try and catch something on camera he saw on this movie people put powder on the floors to try and capture footsteps and stuff so he's going to do that tonight.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-23)
Hello Crissangelfan22, like others I am sure that it could not have been Stacey as I read your first narrative. It seemed mild and totally different from what you experienced here.

Val, what a wonderful advise you have given. The suggestions for closing the Board were excellent. Yes, many people, especially youngsters use Ouija Board just for the heck of it and never close it. I have a theory. Let the OP answer this question. Who did the home made Ouija Board? Perhaps he was doing it earlier too and after the session was over, he just didn't close it earlier and something might have definitely come out of it. This happened to one of my friends over here and he used to draw the Board and he almost committed suicide and it took a long time, I am telling you years, to recover from the trauma and he became nearly mentally deranged.

The rational explanation Val given could be one of the aspects the OP should consider regarding the burn. But still as advised by Val in her comments and Rook in your earlier narrative, please maintain a journal. But I do not think the dreams, which you are getting frequently, have anything to do with your experience in the Ouija Board. As advised by other posters and Val, try to bless and cleanse the place involving others, who did the seance.

Try to have a protective shield around you. To create a shield please go through the cleansing method of Rook. It is available in his profile. Try to build a protection around you and ask your other friends involved also to do the cleansing and have a shield around them. This would help.

Keep us informed of any further development.

Regards and respects to you.


P.S: Great job Val and Redwolf. My kudos to you both.
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Interesting, Elf. I tend to see it more as brain-storming. We all have different levels (for want of a better word) of experience and abilities, so there's an endless wealth of information to be had, as well as the comfort of numbers. (So, it isn't just me!) Or, it could be as the Mad Hatter once said, "We're all mad here!" 😆
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
One of the things I really like about this site is that so many of the members are willing to look at stories rationally and consider normal explanations. Even better is that it's generally done in a way that's not ridiculing or being condescending towards the person telling the story.

It's been, what? One-hundred-and-fifty years almost? Since the first few scientists started taking ghost stories seriously back during the Victorian era. We've come a long way and learned a lot since then, but we still have so far to go. I believe that it's only in the spirit of open-minded inquiry that we can hope to advance our knowledge.

*Getting off my soap box and going back to my quilting now. * 😳
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Thank you for your kind compliment. 😳 I actually feel bad for folks going through scary stuff, and know how easy it is to overlook the logical. Of course, there is no way to know if I'm correct or not. I've this theory that all our advice can be off-kilter, because we're basing it on facts that can be 'off'. Usually this isn't intentional, the OP of the event simply is saying what they believe is the facts. My scratch theory came to me when I was peeling off a pair of snug jeans and experienced some red marks myself. Pretty painful too. (Teach me to wear my daughter's! 😆)
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Red, I do believe you're right. There have been times, when I've posted and then saw yours and they were identical in sentiment. 😆 Maybe it's our well-grounded country roots? Who knows? 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
As usual your advice is excellent. I found it very funny that we both said Stacey probably knocked down the ouija board. I swear I was typing my post and didn't see yours until I posted mine. I guess great minds think alike 😆. I think we have given the same or similar advice while typing posts before. 😆
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Maybe the reason your home made ouija board flew to the floor was because Stacey didn't want you and your friends to play with it. You really should not have torn it up without closing it properly.
I have a very simplistic way of making spirits leave my house. Many years ago I was told that if you tell a spirit to leave it can not stay. First I say the Lords Prayer and then I ask for protection for myself and my family, naming each person and my animals naming each one. Then I tell the spirit (s) they MUST LEAVE my home and property and may NOT return. Most of the time this works for me.
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
I like Val's suggestion about the marks on your friend's stomach being caused by his clothing! I never even considered that, but it's very possible. I also like her idea about cleaning the lounge and wiping everything down with salt water.

And when you've all finished with the lounge, you can come and clean my house. 😆
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Screaming monsters sounds like typical nightmare stuff to me, and not paranormal. Most likely a manifestation of your fear over what is going on, coupled with study stress. Understandable, that which we don't understand we fear. Let's take a look at what has actually happened. Story one, writing on a fogged up mirror: "Stacey was here xoxo". X stands for kiss and O for hug... I admit it just appearing like that can be unnerving, but it sounds more like a 'I was passing by and wanted to say hi' than a threat. But then you doubted the girl you were watching when she said Stacey said it use to be her room. So maybe she was just confirming the girl's word. Add the child had no fear, and I think nice spirit. Small kids are great indicators of good/bad.
Now this Ouija thing... Gut feelings here - you say the board flew to the ground before it was used. Maybe Stacey knocked it off, doing y'all a big favor in my opinion. Not used at all? Then nothing opened. No worries. If it was not used at all, then the door/portal wasn't opened, and nothing could have come in.
The scratches/burns on your friend's stomach... Well since I can't see them to evaluate, again I have to go with my gut feelings. Scratches and burns do not look alike. Neither (not even paranormal ones) disappear overnight. This is going to sound nuts, but I want you to think about what he was wearing. Was his pants snug? Elastic band or belted? Jeans? How far above the waistband were these marks? It's possible that the pants made the marks. Standing up the pressure was released and the parting from flesh caused pain (which can feel like a burn) and yes, it can produce multiple marks. The same holds true of folds in a tight shirt - like a muscle shirt. Couple this with the atmosphere at the time, and as you said, you get panic.
Another theory: Stacey might have just wanted to put enough fear into you guys to protect you from yourselves.
You might want to do a bit of research on this Stacey. You have two excellent clues to start with a first name and a room number.
At this stage, I really don't see anything for you to be overly worried about. But start keeping a journal about these events. In your case, be sure to look for constants. Let's call stomach boy Joe, just to simplify things. If Joe keeps appearing in your entries, then this might all be related to him and not you.
You could invite a neighborhood priest/minister or other clergy of your preference over to do a general blessing of your room and the lounge area. If you think that might cause a bit too much attention from others, then I suggest the following: Volunteer to clean the lounge area, and wipe everything down with a solution of salt-water (you can add holy water to it), while doing this envision a bright light of protection. Go easy on the salt about a tablespoonful per gallon should do it. Make sure you get everywhere. If there's windows open them to allow in sunlight and air. Play some happy music. You could have those involved in the séance help you, as it could help abate any fear they still carry. You can also do this to your dorm room or any room that seems to harbor activity.
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Hi Amihet I will try that and I will Also try the salt like Valkricy suggested. I brought some rock salt and will try it tonight.
Amihet (5 stories) (94 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
Chrissanglefan- I have talked to people who have tried seances and some had very bad experiences, you never know who's lurking around waiting for an invitation. I myself will never, ever participate in a seance or use the ouija board. That stuff scares me. Its possible that something sinister has slipped through and scratched your friend. My belief is that a friendly spirit wouldn't scratch or hurt anyone. Maybe my friends on this site have a different opinion. Try rook's cleansing method and burn some sage if anything scary happens again. Hope all goes well for you.
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-22)
thanks every for your advice... But the board is tore and in the bin now I'm scared after what people have said it will make it worse, but really we didn't use the board we were about to then it fell to the ground by itself. The bad dreams I have been having are screaming monsters coming on my room and writing in fire on my walls. After what happened with a guy in my unit and the scratches we have promised not to tell anyone about it (apart from on here) and as far as I know knowone else knows but us. If anything else happens I will write it on here.
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)

Thank you for the information. You would think precautions would be taken, or at least hope. However, how many youth take the time to learn all this? To them it is a game in hopes of a little spine tingling eh?

Perhaps it would be a good idea to list your directions along with Rooks cleanse?
Thank you for taking time out to answer.
I found the link below if anyone is interested.

Blessed Be

valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
First I would hope that one took the proper precautions when opening the board: i.e. A prayer of protection, properly greeting the spirits and affirming only positive energy is welcomed.
Closing a session is not complex, and I guess that's why people tend to overlook it. Most do not even know there are warning signs that a session must be closed NOW. If the planchette starts doing "figure eights," or counting down from Z to A, or counting down from 9 to 0, end the seance by moving to goodbye. Any of these 3 things happening indicates that the spirit is trying to escape from the board. If you start getting rude responses to questions, it's best to close the board. Tell the spirits good-bye. If it has been a positive experience thank them for talking to you. Announce out loud that the session is over and move the planchette to good-bye. If you wait a moment often the spirit will move the planchette to goodbye in return. Indicating they understand the session has ended.
Take the time to wipe the Ouija off with a soft, dry cloth before putting it away.
Some folks get very fancy with their rituals, I prefer simple and basic.
My word of advice with Ouija's? Don't. All too often, evil wears a disguise of sweetness. The Ouija, like any other tool can be misused and often is by folks who think they know what they're doing. And even in the hands of someone, who is well practiced it can backfire. It's something best left alone.
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)

Tell us how one closes the board if you please. It's obvious from all of the stories a little education is in order.
Thank you,

Blessed Be 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3268 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
*Heavy sigh*... "We tore up the ouija board and tossed it in the bin one of my friends also suggested we soak it." Please tell me you left something out of that statement. Everyone runs around saying "Destroy the Ouija! Break it in bits! Burn it!" Blah, blah, blah. The worst advice anyone can give. Why is that bad advice? Well if you failed to close the board, you have just destroyed the means of closing the door that was stupidly opened. This means you've pretty much trapped anything you invited in on our side of the fence so to speak. Not saying there aren't other methods to send them packing, but that was your best and easiest route.
Check with the others, who were there and see if anyone else is experiencing weird stuff, or if it's just you. What kind of bad dreams are you having? The could be just that, bad dreams and not connected with that Ouija board thing. If there seems to be a place of focus for the activity, you might try having that area blessed, or burn some sage. To be really effective the entire dorm would need to be done.
You could try sprinkling salt around your room; doorway, sills, around the bed, that generally helps.
Sprinkling holy water about wouldn't hurt either.
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
Excuse me while I smack my head against the wall.

Please be wary of trying to apply fiction to real life! The general consensus among parapsychologists (for, like, the last century) is that poltergeists are not independent spirits. When someone, usually but not always a child or teenager, is repressing strong emotion the energy can erupt, so to speak, and cause instances of uncontrolled telekenesis. Poltergeist outbreaks tend to be symbolic. If the focus individual is angry, things get broken or burned. If they feel imprisoned, locks open and bottle tops come off. That sort of thing.

What the OP is describing *could* be a poltergeist, but it seems unlikely. For one thing, I gather things have been happening for more than a year now? Poltergeists generally have a limited life span, usually days or weeks, maybe months, seldom years. They only last until the energy has expended itself and then they're done.

I think it's more likely you have one or more spirits hanging around. I've been told by psychic friends that ghosts like high-energy environments. Certainly a college dorm qualifies. If it/they can do little things like turn on lamps and get you spooked, that just generates more energy. That "séance" was probably like a shot of Red Bull.

Considering that something was willing to physically harm your friend, I think you need to be careful not to empower it. Try Rook's cleansing, don't try to contact it or bait it and ignore its antics as best you can.
BrandX (1 stories) (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
I read both your stories about Stacey and think you guys should do more investigating into this it sounds so cool I would of loved to be there to experience this try and talk to this spirit however you can without the Ouija board because them things are retarded.
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-21)
thanks everyone for your opinions 😊 I'm hoping this dosnt continue but there has been a few things since I posted this experience. I am starting to have bad dreams. We tore up the ouija board and tossed it in the bin one of my friends also suggested we soak it.
harrypotterrules (59 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
Poltergeists tend to do that sort of thing sometimes. It's not unusual. Take Peeves in Harry Potter, for example. Always causing mayhem at the castle. But he never stopped, right? As much as I absolutely HATE to say it, this poltergeist will probably be like Peeves.
Seeker1 (3 stories) (58 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
Have often heard those things should be burned. Makes sense seeing as how fire is a purifier. (shrugs)

No offense to the poster intended here. However, when are young people going to learn to stop dabbling in things of this nature?

Thanks for sharing your story, and I hope you will follow your instincts next time someone wants to act a fool. Be a leader and not a follower please. 😊

Blessed Be
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
See? Tol'ya. The proper way to use the dang ouiji boards is to pitch them in the dumpster. Wait, a McDonalds dumpster. You could burn sage and do a cleansing in whatever tradition you are comfortable with. Or there's Rooks clensing method that has worked for a lot of people. He posts on here a lot.
nativenightmarez (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
They say ouija boards act as gateways sooo when yall tried it yall let sometin else in mistake I made once
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
I've just read the first story, and I don't think that this is Stacey. Your friends tried to construct and use a Ouija Board, and even though they didn't use it, I think that they might of seriously let another Spirit/Entity inside. I dislike Ouija Boards, and I hold the opinion that you should never use one unless you know how to do it properly.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
KHCunniff (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-20)
I'm willing to bet it's not Stacey, unless between the last story and now someone aggravated her a great deal (or provoked her). But then again I'm no expert so take this opinion with a grain of salt. I mean the lack of any mention of activity toward you could I guess be evidence that it is...

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