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Stacey Was Here 2


I am in my second year of university and am staying on campus again. After the last weird experience I had in 2012 I questioned staying on campus again but decided it would be best for me as I live far away from the university I attend. I have been here since February and its been good up to only a few days ago. I am not in the same room I had last time which is a plus but only a few doors up from where I was. Recently it has been hard for me to sleep mostly because of stress of study I think. Some of my room mates have been coming up to me and telling me they have had weird things happen to them during the night, one of the guys said his shower turned on and off and so did his lamp at exactly the same time. Another room mate told me his pens and work books have been going missing, I just tell them its nothing and not to worry I haven't told them about my experiences but have been thinking about telling them.

After a few other small things happened to a few more room mates they all decided to do a Seance. I sat a bit away from them and watched because I am very on edge about that sort of stuff. They made a bad attempt of a Ouija board and sat around and started to use it. As soon as they put it on the table (no joke) it flew to the ground. Everyone including the guys screamed. After that everyone agreed it was a bad idea and put it away. Everyone sat up in the lounge room after that, no one felt like sleeping. When we started talking about what could have possibly happened the TV came on and the volume went all the way up. We were all too scared to move to turn it off. We are all still very frightened about what I am about to say next...

One of the guys was about to get up and turn the TV off because it was very loud and students in other units would start complaining, but before he could he fell back on the lounge holding his stomach. He was crying and he lifted his shirt up to see what was wrong with his stomach. On his stomach were 4 bright red scratches or what even looked like burns. Everyone was panicking. I told the guy I was going to the freezer to get ice because he said it felt like it was burning but he didn't want anyone to move off the lounge. We all slept on the lounge that night.

The next morning we woke up to find out that the scratches were gone from his stomach. I think it's Stacey again but it could be something even scarier. Please help!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Crissangelfan22, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-17)
hi all... I havnt had anymore experiences with this thing but I am having a break from uni at the moment its just been pretty stressful and this event has been playing on my mind a bit. Bad dreams about different things won't stop so I decided I need to get out of there for a few weeks.
Ms_sparkles (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-09)
The place you are staying in clearly has more spirits, and this is not Stacey because she didn't whant to hurt you. Do you still feel threatened or do you feel like you may be safer? If I were you and your friends I would always have something with me that made me feel safe (like a jewelry) Has anything else happened to you since the second... Thing?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-08-09)
akhilesh00korba - please wait until the Submissions Page reopens to share your experience, as others are patiently waiting. I realize you stated you are new to the site, but this is how we do things here 😊

Also, as I am one of the mods and may end up with your story to edit, please take plenty of time to make sure your spelling is correct. We don't have time to make these corrections and your story may be returned for that reason 😊
Theonewhoknows (17 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-04)
Hey there,
Your experience clearly pinpoints the presence of an notorious entity however you must also be sure that there is no foul play and that none of your batch or room mates have anything to with all this. Make sure no one has access to your room except your room mate. Before jumping to a conclusion pertaining to the supernatural, be a little skeptical and try to prove it rationally. If you've already investigated this and don't have any way of explaining it then you might have just landed yourself into trouble.

First of all, thank you for being so descriptive about all the occurrences, it really helps understand what could possibly be haunting the place or you.

The entity that haunts you could most likely be a poltergeist.
Poltergeist are spirits that are very notorious, noisy, hyperactive.
They rarely or never manifest, they are known to be very fidgety. Poltergeist move objects around, play with the television, are very noisy, break objects like glass utensils, lanterns etc. Basically they are very restless in nature and are very interactive. Like most of the things in nature, Poltergeists also are of two kinds, the friendly and the evil.

All the occurrences point out to the presence of a Poltergeist except one. Scratches are not a trademark style of Poltergeist, but Demons.

A Demon is an entity... Malicious by nature, purely evil. It has just one agenda for its existence that is to make mankind suffer. They are masters of deception and often trick people by, manifesting and haunting the person in the form of a human spirit. This is how it tricks the person to think that the spirit that is haunting him or her is friendly and is harmless. Most people become victims in the same manner.

If it is a demon, moving out or shifting to another apartment won't help, it simply latches on to you and follows you around.

Check for signs of demonic presence:
1.Rotten Meat smell
2.Black smoke without any source
3.unusually seeing shadows around.
4.heaviness in the air.
5.noises (loud thumps, footsteps etc)
6.Religious objects broken or thrown around.
7.nightmares, sleep paralysis.

In all cases, a person must firstly be sure of what is haunting them, so must you. Find out, differentiate. Gather some basic evidence. Call in a Paranormal research team to investigate.

Always remember:
1. Never use the ouija board, even experts with immense knowledge have locked this damned object of destruction away. In most cases it always goes wrong and it accidentally opens up a portal. There are chances that such an event might have happened when your friends tried it. Immediately discard it.
2. Never Challenge the entity, this will make things worse. Also never lose faith in God and keep praying everyday. Demons feed on human energy and emotions specially,sadness, anger, hypertension etc.

I suggest you call in the experts and get rid off whatever haunts you. Bless your room.

Take care!
kaz432 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
OMG... Hang in there kid tell your friends all about your other experiences and be sure to pray to god.
javonni1 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-08-02)
wow scary 😉 first of all tell them. The need help too. You don't know what they bein though. Get out of their! 😕
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-29)
wow so many comments how awesome 😁 if anyone has any other questions just let me know thanks guys
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
If you have any favorite posters, I find this time wonderful to catch up on any other entries they might have. I generally don't comment on old stories, but I do read them.
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
Valkricry, thanks haha I just love reading new ones. I downloaded the app and read a bunch of them also. But its always fun hunting for some oldies but goodies, there's a couple out there that are actually very entertaining.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
Andreaa, new narratives generally start popping up around Tuesday. With submissions usually being re-opened on Monday. I know Miracles said something about it the other day, as the mods are wondering too. Honestly, I don't know what a story might go through before it's handed to them for editing, or what might be the hang-up, but yep, it's been awhile. However, there's like gazillion stories on this site, we could read some of the older ones.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
LOL, y'know the comments on this story are longer than the story. Great story, great posts! Learned a lot from this one!
Andreaa11 (54 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
Sorry if I am diverting the comments, but does anyone know when the new experiences are going to posted up! I'm going through YGS withdrawal here!
mattgary (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-28)
Hi, I just got an account I really loved your story that what made me want to get an account and read more on this website 😁
Groovieghoulie (1 stories) (13 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-27)
If you do decide to dispose of the ouija board please consult with someone well versed in their disposal. Those boards are portals for things from the other side and if they are destroyed or burned then that portal can be closed off for good... I read somewhere not to ever burn or destroy one unless you know what the heck you are doing... You could get hurt very badly or stuck with the entity for good... Hope your friend was ok... I do know that had it been three scracthes that is supposed to be the sign of the trinity and may mean demonic activity. Four scratch marks I've not read or heard anything. Please be careful when dealing with a ouja board though. I will never touch one again... Had a very scary experience with one when I was younger. Be safe, and be careful. Hope all is ok.
JayGamer (31 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-27)
[at] Crissangelfan22,
Really scary experience you had there, I think you should dispose of the ouija board and have a cleansing. Hope everything goes fine for you.
Take care.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-26)
I agree with you about the foot prints, all we have right now is a solid maybe. On the bright side it wasn't the peeping Tom my neighbor had. But maybe I had a peeping ghost. 😆

I'm glad that you enjoyed the stories. My husband was a bit embarrassed by his mistake. But he felt better when he told his parents about it just as his mother was taking a sip of coffee. We were all laughing so hard we were almost ROTFL.

No I doubt it is Stacey but I could be wrong. Stacey may just not like
Joe,but the scratches just don't make any sence. Like Val said keep a journal and even if it doesn't seem to be of any consequence write it down. The little things sometimes fit into the bigger picture and help
Things fit together better.

elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-26)
Crissangelfan22, does anyone go in your rooms when you're gone, like to class and stuff? If not, maybe Joe could try his experiment while he's out and the room's locked?

Val, I think sometimes stories like the railroad crossing one stick around so stubbornly because they're such good stories that we want them to be true.

Redwolf, I loved both the story about your husband and your jeans and the story about the teenager running in the snow. Thanks for sharing them!
Crissangelfan22 (6 stories) (21 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-26)
HI EVERYONE. So I think we have all come to the conclusion that this isn't stacey? I have come to that conclusion to after all the help and comments I have got from people. I have been busy over the past few days with school work etc and haven't been able to reply. Ok so "joes" experiment didn't work out how we planned A resident supervisor came in and left footsteps everywhere before we could even start the experiment. I think the rooms are only around 12 years old. The girl now in the room I was in last year left last night she quit her uni course packed her bags didn't say a word to anyone and just left. We all think she saw something in that room. Last night we were all up watching movies and could here someone singing outside the door Joe ran out to check who was there and nothing was at the door.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
I think 'prints' is just one of those things, where we'll never have a solid answer. Maybe it depends on how much energy a spirit has? Just like in manifesting. At this stage, I simply don't know. Nothing like a good solid 'maybe', for an answer. Lol
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
sds & val
I was watching Ghost Hunters one night which I only watch once in awhile. They were in a house in the south which during the Civil War was used as a hospital and I believe also underground railroad. At any rate Jason and his partner heard foot steps in the attic. They dusted the walkway with flour and Jason told everyone on the team to stay out of the attic. The team was the only people in the house. A few hours later Jason went back and checked the attic and there were bootprints in the flour. Nobody on the team were wearing boots.
BUT on the other side of the coin. When I was a teenager I was taking a shower and had the window open a bit to let some of the steam out even though it was winter and snowing pretty hard. I had finished and turned the water off and I heard someone running in my back yard. I looked out of the window and saw a teenager wearing a denim jacket running past the window and went behind the detatched garage. I dried off quickly and got dressed fast and went and told my parents. My mother sent my father out to check out the back yard. When he came back in he was white. Despite the fact that there was several inches of snow there were no foot prints in the back yard except for his
Ms_sparkles (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
This is NOT Stacey she was clearly not trying to hurt any one, this is a force full angry spirit and I would advise all of you finding a way you deal safe to protect your selves, go online and find wats to protect your selfs (there are many effective ways trust me) .
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
Dear Val, thanks for your kind explanation on the powder and its use. Well, as you said, except with laboratory conditions, which does exist in real life, it is only hypothesis. I just asked my question to you for clarifications and I got clarified. We hope that Joe comes up with something and if Criss is able to post the results and upload what has been taken in camera, perhaps we could come to some understanding, if not conclusion.

Regards and respects to you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
See what happens when you blink? 😆. Well, at least my theory of skin-oil seems right then. 😉 I tell you it is almost impossible to keep up.
Seriously, I had not heard of the debunking. I wonder why they always said it was a uphill grade then? 😕 Optical illusion maybe?
See? This is why I usually double check, and offer up links on most of the stuff I've 'heard', reportedly true can turn into debunked real fast. It also illustrates why we need to ask questions, and do research before leaping to 'paranormal'. After my own 'powder tests' I have to wonder if maybe that is why the alleged foot prints found (every time) using the same technique were always barefoot? And found in locations most don't scrub often - like basements. But, what about wet foot prints? Or tiny hand marks on windows and mirrors? Tricks of light? Optical illusions? Intentional pranks? Guess we'll never be 100% certain. But it sure keeps things interesting!
Thanks for pointing that out, Elf! And... Uh, yeah I googled and found your info several places. Lol
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
Okay, I got several things wrong. The accident was in Salt Lake City (but Utah and Idaho are practically the same thing, right? 😜) It happened in 1938 and the streets in San Antonio are named for the developers' grandchildren. Snopes has a page on it. Sorry I don't know how to do a link on my phone. 😳
elfstone810 (227 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-25)
Hey, Val, that railroad crossing in Texas has been debunked. While there *was* a terrible school bus accident that killed a lot of children in 1912 (?) it wasn't anywhere near Texas. (I think it was in Idaho but I'm not certain). The streets around the railroad crossing in San Antonio are named for the children of the developers who built that subdivision. Cars roll off the tracks because there's actually a slight slope there
And the talcum powder only brings up fingerprints that are already there, like when the police "dust for prints".
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Swims, a little sage burning never hurt anything. Not as far as I know anyway.

SDS, Joe is the one who apparently had his tummy scratched, and I think has the lights/shower turning on and off by self. It could very well be completely different entity than Stacey. Quite often large places, where many are congregated have more than one identity; hospitals, institutions, schools. There is much we don't know about this school where Criss is. Is it old? Has it always been a school? If it's new, what was there before? Aboriginal history, etc.
The powder... There has been cases reported where hand prints, foot prints, have been seen in the powder. Usually used is plain old baby powder or talc. The most famous illustration of this that I can think of is a rail road crossing near San Antonio, Texas. The story goes that back in the late 30's or 40's a busload of children was stalled on the tracks and hit by a train. The spirits of the 10 children and driver remained, evidently intent that no one else should meet their fate. They say, if you stop your car 20/30 yards from the tracks and put it in neutral (some even shut off their engines) - the car will slowly at first begin to move and then pick up speed until it is clear of the tracks - even though this is UPHILL and against gravity! It's been tested and documented without fail many times. If there is light dust or powder on the trunk and bumper of the car, many claim they can see handprints left in it.
I've heard of other cases, where powder left in a reputed haunted area will turn up with footprints in it... Do they leave behind such evidence? Well, if we accept the handprint accounts (and there have been many, even in some of the stories here on YGS) then we would also have to accept footprints, no? However, I have my own theory that often it's just the result of the powder picking up on skin oils left behind. I tried this myself, place your hand against any solid surface (flat or nearly flat is best) now sprinkle powder on it, and blow off the excess - if you look you will detect a partial print. I did it several times - one appeared quite smaller than my own and another seemed larger, and a few did look like mine. Does that mean it NEVER really happens? Nope, it only means there is that possibility. To really prove it, you'd have to have practically lab conditions, which just don't exist in real life. And what about the wet footprints some claimed found at sites haunted by a drowned victim? If they can be left behind, why not the other?
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Hi and thanks Val, Elf, everybody! And I think the high-jacking is cool because lots of questions have been brought up and answered, which is what this sight is about. Least I'm thinking that, the Op is out there somewhere, probably wondering what's going on. He's (my friend) 's diagnosed paranoid, and agraphobic. All medical and bloodwork is hail and hearty. The guy's maried, no kids, hasn't worked in a number of years. Lost a management job when he went off at work. I was just going to burn some sage at his house. Didn't know what els to do.
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Dear Val, you said in your comments that Joe was the one inflicted and Criss said that he was the one who drew the Board. Then I think that definitely it is not stacey. I feel that Criss should ask Joe about my earlier suspicion that he has been doing this home made Ouija Board on various occasions prior to this or he has opened the Ouija Board and didn't close it properly. This is just a theory because without opening this present Board, why should any entity or spirit should follow the person, who drew the Board. Secondly, it was informed by Criss that the Board flew the moment it was kept on the table. So when it is not opened, there is no question of any entity coming out of it. Hence, in all likelihood that whatever threw the Board from the table, was the entity present in the room, it could be Stacey or some other entity. If it were to be Stacey, then why it should follow Joe. So I do not think it is Stacey. It should be some other spirit or entity, which could have been attached to or followed Joe. Either Joe might have had any paranormal encounters prior to this, which made the spirit or entity to follow him for whatever reason OR my other theory that he earlier prior to the present occasion might have played, either with the homemade or normal Ouija Board and didn't close it properly. Only he can give an answer to this, of course, if Criss is willing to ask his friend.

I would also be interested in finding out what is the outcome of the experiment being done by Joe.

Regards and respects to you.

sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Dear Val and Criss, I just want to know what happened to Joe? Criss told that he was the one, who happened to draw the board by seeing the internet. Why he is trying to use the powder used by movie people? Well, Val, please tell me, whether paranormal entities leave behind their footprints. I do not think so. It is quite new to me. My thinking is, if it could be caught using the powder, then by this time many people would have captured the footsteps or footprints of paranormal entities. I do not think it is going to help.

By the way, what happened to your friend Joe in the first instance. If nothing happened to any other person, who used salt, why does Joe alone trying to put the powder and try to capture something on his camera. What is or what was his experience since you guys tried to do a seance.

Please answer Criss. Val, if there is anything I didn't understand in what Criss said because of my lack of understanding his way of presentation, kindly clarify.

Regards and respects to both of you.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-07-24)
Criss, interesting that Joe made/helped with the board and was the one inflicted. Hopefully SDS sees this and offers his theory on it. Wonder if it's the same as I'm thinking... Oh, and sorry about taking over your thread with side-talk. You'll find that happens time to time on certain threads (and sometimes I'm not even involved! 😆)

Red - all too funny.

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