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CosmicEnigma (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
Hi, The_Lost_Voyage_11--Thanks for the warm reply and I have indeed been trying to reintegrate into society and a lot of my 'health' issues had largely to do with huge waves of depression I get from time to time, but I am getting better and getting out there. While I want to address this talking point that it may be misleading to some, I want to express that to me it's been a very real part of my world, but still I have to admit, I'm ignorant of a lot. I'd really like to explore some of those links you offered if you don't mind. It'll help me find some perspective in this crazy time and either help me to handle it better or at the very least stop thinking I'm the only one. Thanks so much and god bless 😁 😊
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
Hi CosmicEnigma

Thanks for taking the time to post your experiences and ask for some feedback, which you can either take on board or reject as your reason sees fit.

Personally, I'm very skeptical of all these so-called sexual encounters with spirits.

Here's why (please bear with me); from my own experiences and a lot of research, it seems to ME that for a spirit / ghost to be able to "physically" interact with us, they need to lower their rate of vibration and we have to raise ours. The theory behind this is that the reason we can't usually see or interact with spirits is that our physical plane of matter is vibrating at a slower / lower rate than spirit, which is higher, finer, more subtle, etc.

Therefore to me, the idea of a prolonged "physical" encounter with a spirit whereby one can feel it's "body" on theirs would take a lot of effort and skill on the spirits part and a subtle but deliberate effort on ones own body and mind.

I personally had what I call an attack one night whereby a spirit was impressing / forcing (NOT sexually) itself on me, I couldn't see it but it was there, however it seemed to run out of energy after a few terrifying seconds, never to return. It ran out of puff. But it terrified me, so mission accomplished maybe?

I also believe in medium ship whereby some people have gifts whereby they can communicate with spirits, most often by receiving images or words mentally. Mediums (genuine ones) themselves will tell you how difficult it can be to "tune in" to the spirits frequency hence why so many messages are short or cryptic. It's NOT like picking up a phone, or texting.

So my point is that what you are describing, sounds highly unusual for someone who has "...relatively limited interactions with spirits." For you to suddenly have a spiritual companion, by merely trying to "open your third eye" one night seems unlikely, in my opinion.

I also believe that spirits are simply ordinary people like you or me who have passed over. If that's true, then it raises the question here: why would a stranger in spirit want to suddenly have a "sexual" encounter with a person not deceased? If spirit people are "bad" and want to hurt or upset you, they will. If spirit people are "good" and care about you, they will guide you, or fill you with a sense of love, or care or warmth. I personally don't see the point of spirits spending so much effort and energy in manifesting to have a "romp" with someone on another plane of existence.

On Earth long distance relationships are very difficult, and often don't work out. If these Earthly long distance relationships are so difficult, imagine how difficult an inter-dimensional relationship would be. Imagine the misunderstandings!

Anyway, as per usual, I've rambled on enough, apologies. But my feeling is akin to Manafon1; in my humble opinion, it sounds like maybe more like this Olivia may exist more in your mind than anywhere else. I'm not sure, we can only speculate, but that's my 10 cents worth, for what it's worth.


CosmicEnigma (1 stories) (8 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
Hey, unforgiven1--I do not mean she is 'physically' there I know better than that. I mean I feel a presence around me, I see 'flashes', i.e. A visual representation of her, hear her voice mentioning things, most of which pertain to the situation more often than not. Other people do not see her, no. I have also felt sensations such as a hand grasping mine, but only for about a second or so. I do not want to sound like I'm delusional and I admitted here, misleadingly, that I have suffered from psychological issues, most of which pertain to depression, though that statement in of itself can warrant any reader to assume these events are imagined in some way. Make up your own mind, but it's real to me and I have read other peoples' stories as similar to mine, which inspired me to write about it. I just wanted to present to a (hopefully) mature audience and find some valuable feedback. Sorry for the long post, maybe I overreacted here.
unforgiven1 (2 stories) (19 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
Hi CosmicEnigma- when you say that Olivia has taken walks with you, watches you read, has detailed conversations with you etc, do you mean she's physically there? Or do you just hear her/ sense her? Can anyone else see her? I just need a more detailed explanation to understand what is going on. Thanks.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (721 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
CosmicEnigma--I think it would be important to know what the mental health problems you reference were. It might be best to consult a mental health professional before convincing yourself what you've experienced is paranormal. This site is of course an open minded forum, and a welcoming one, but what you describe suggests very strongly that your issues might be the result of internal problems as opposed to paranormal ones.

I believe that everyone who uses this site should employ caution when reading any account, and even more so when possible mental health issues are involved. At the end of the day, we're all essentially strangers to each other here.
The_Lost_Voyage_11 (8 stories) (251 posts)
4 years ago (2021-01-30)
Hello CosmicEnigma, thanks for sharing your story! Due to its deeply personal nature I know it must be challenging talking about this, but you are among friends here. It doesn't sound like a negative experience, but there isn't a lot known about these particular entities, other than experiences relayed in stories such as yours. There are a few members, from years ago on this forum that are no longer active as far as I can tell that had personal 'relationships; with entities like these. Their experiences weren't negative either, but it was mentioned that these 'entities' wouldn't reveal much about themselves and have not even told the truth at all times. More so the encounters could become addictive and interfere with normal 'relations' with those of flesh and blood. I myself have not experienced anything like this but have known others who were and their experiences were not good, it ended up turning their lives upside down in a bad way which even today is not resolved. In this case much like yours, the 'entities' revealed themselves at a turbulent time in their lives when things were unsettled, under the guise of helping out. Now I'm not saying this is what's going on, I'm presenting both sides of the coin based on what I know. You had mentioned having difficulty with relationships with real humans, and some mental health problems. It sounds like this created an opportunity alongside opening yourself up to the paranormal, for some kind of 'companion; to enter your life. While she may helping you, you have to keep it in perspective that your ability to have a healthy relationship with a human being is at risk. She seems to be helping you, have you asked her about who she is, why she's there, anything about her history? I know from what I've read these 'entities' don't typically like to reveal much about who/what they really are, or if they are even appearing in their true form? This is going to come down to a personal decision for you, if you don't feel any negative vibes from her, no bad experiences, follow your gut. Be aware though you need real friendships and it seems you want a real relationship with a person as well, and you want to be open to that. If you'd like I can link you to the experiences/stories of other members like I've mentioned and perhaps that would help you? Just be careful, continue reintegrating yourself back into society and this may resolve itself. Until then, you've got a unique supernatural experience, that not everyone has had,

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