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Real Ghost Stories

The Haunted House Attraction


I have always been excited by the idea of paranormal activity because I was the only one in my family who ever experienced it before. On vacation with family we decided we just had to go to the haunted house. I was with my Uncle, Aunt and cousin. It was our last stop before we left and we were excited.

I couldn't wait to go but when we were buying the tickets outside I felt a weird vibe from the building. I know you are probably thinking 'of course it was a haunted house. You were probably just scared' and if I was reading this I'd be thinking the same but it was not fear that I was feeling. What I was experiencing was a feeling that something wasn't right. Of us all I was the one everyone least expected to get scared and I hid my bad feeling well. However, as we entered the building, I started to feel sick.

My cousin could tell something was wrong and when I started to quietly explain what was going on my uncle decided to scare the two of us. She wrote it off to being afraid. I decided to just get with it, not wanting to believe that I was experiencing anything else as we entered a haunted house. I knew, even then, that it was not fear though. I felt like this before in my house, which is another story.

When we went through, I'll admit I was impressed by the house, however I felt nervous knowing that something was not as it should have been. Nobody else felt it, which I found odd in our 10 or so person group. When we went through the rooms the feeling got stronger as we drew closer to what I refer to as 'the dark room'. The room was pitch black and the small lights that came from the necklaces we bought at the entrance didn't help. Only my cousin and I got one and now they were useless.

It was in this dark room that my uncle had to let go of my shoulder to feel around for a door or something. I now felt even more hopeless because I no longer knew where I was going and didn't have my uncle to help direct me. As we made our way through this room everyone was silent but me. I wanted out. I was desperate to get out of that room. I felt ill, I couldn't see and I started to get a strong headache. When we were in what was the middle of the room I felt someone grab my shoulder and judging by the size of the hand it was not my uncle.

When I confronted my cousin about it, to see if anyone or anything touched her, she said that nothing did. There was no light source in order for anyone in my group to grab me. When the hand grabbed me it was strong and larger, which didn't math the profile for anyone near me. It was then that I panicked. Those who went with me still do not know about this story.

It wasn't until after we got out of that room that my headache went away and my uncle grabbed my shoulder again. When we got out of the house and went back to the car I still felt a little ill but as we got farther away I was fine. I don't know who or what is haunting that haunted house attraction but I want to go back in the future and find out.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LovinU812, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vanlewie232711 (1 stories) (42 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-30)
i refuse to go into haunted houses because a few years back living in Texas my sister and her then boyfriend took me and my boyfriend to a Rob Zombie themed scary/fun house just by looking at it I said oh no not me and we waited for them outside, I watched as people were coming out there were a group of "goth" came out and let me tell you they were cleaning the make up off screaming never again! So as you can see I tend to freak out over simple things and there is no way in this world I would ever put myself in that! I don't know where you are in SC but if you can look up the Cottagville haunted hay ride it is awesome and fun to I might add they do an awesome job at given you the guest some serious things to think about. They add a little true biblical and local history to the themes every year that my family went and my nephew the daredevil only sat with his hinney in the air and face in the hay the whole ride! ❤
midnight1105 (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-24)
Not too long ago, we went to an old jail that had a lot of history of both female and male people both good and bad. I know the feeling you felt because I felt it that day. I was fine until we reached a long corridor of old cells. I whispered to my dad that I did not want to go in there because I had a bad feeling but the only way to get to the rest of the jail was to go through so clutching my dad's jumper, we went through. I was shaken up a bit when we came out but then we came across another load of old cells and when we reached the doorway, I absolutely refused to go in. I felt as if I was short of breath and I felt weirdly sick. I waited outside the door for dad until he came back out. When we walked away from that area, it felt as if a sudden weight had been lifted off of my shoulders. I'm guessing that some feelings like this, you just have to trust and go with. I found your story very similar, thanks for sharing it! 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-20)
To add to what Miracles said, I'm not sure if you've ever heard of or been to the Disneyland haunted house attraction or any of the theme park ones like Knotts Scary Farm, which comes around during Halloween, but they have some pretty tricky tactics to scare people in those things. One that always gets me is the traditional hidden air gun that sends out little gusts of air across the room, which feel VERY much like a cloth-type material grazing you. They have some excellent special effects all geared toward--as Miracles said, scaring you. I suppose theoretically you might have encountered a spirit but I have to say, given the environment, it's probably not likely.
Petersspirit (4 stories) (144 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Hey LovinU812,

I did enjoy reading your sharing and am not ammediatly going along with most of the other posters. Though I am open to what they said I have to throw in the fact that you can feel ghostly pressence ahead. Before you enter a building you can sence them. As I did right before entering my brothers house and on other moments in my life. I also never like to walk into a hospital, I just start feeling sick walking into one!

I would like to know if this house you did visit does have a haunted history.

Greetings: Peter
LovinU812 (2 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I will read your comments and answer to them when I get time later in the week. Thanks for taking the time to read this story and this comment:)
LovinU812 (2 stories) (2 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Guys I did not know that my story was published so sorry if I didn't answer your questions but I did read a few comments and I want to make it clear I have been to plenty of haunted houses and most of them were a lot more "scary" than the one I was at. I was not just scared or panicked or any other word you can think of.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Lovin - okay, what the heck, I'm going to put my "crackpot theory 😆" out here anyway, even without your answer to my question. Haunted attractions are intended to scare you. That's the whole purpose. The scarier they are, the more money the attraction rakes in and the better chance they have of bigger crowds next year.

The hand on your shoulder could have been your uncle, as Devious suggested. Being that it was dark, you were already nervous as you stated so that mistake would be easy to make. But what I was thinking is the people paid to work the haunted houses hide in the rooms to deliberately freak the thrill seekers out. Sometimes the scariest thing is something simple like a hand on your shoulder when there is no one you can see behind you, rather than someone wielding an axe or chainsaw jumping out in front of you.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I think you were scared and anxious because of the darkness and the environment. As 510mot said, mice can become elephants when your mind is already on edge. It's also obvious to me that your uncle was trying to scare you, so it's not much of a stretch to say that he was the one who probably grabbed you.
lonely2 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
I don't see how you didn't scream or nothing. I would have. You are a brave person, Maybe I would have wanted to go back, but at the same time I would be afraid that the next time it would do something dangerous 😐
zombiesarecommingforme (3 stories) (32 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Sounds like a case of claustraphobia. I often get panic attacks in the darkness. Especially if it is in a small room with others.

Not saying it couldn't be paranormal though.
JustCurious (2 stories) (434 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Wow 510mot. I can't imagine what it would be like to be robbed at gun point 😨 I remember hearing about a gas station once where a guy went in to rob them and all he succeeded in getting was a hersheys candy bar 😆

510mot (3 stories) (262 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
Years ago I was a convenience store clerk in a rough area. I didn't go to work each day afraid but I was well aware of the risk. One day a guy walks in and immediately I Felt on edge. He robbed me at gun point. The police caught him just hours later with the money and a small. 22 calibre hand gun. The funny thing is when I described the event to the cops the perp was 4"taller and the gun was large calibre. The point being when on edge mice can become elephants. 😐
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
This sounds like you are describing a Halloween or theme park haunted house. Since those are intended to be unnerving, I don't know what to say. It's tough to make a call on whether there could be a legitimate haunting in an environment designed to mimic a haunting. There could well be, but difficult to say where, or if, the artificial haunting ends and the true haunting begins.
If this were a tour of a real haunted house, rather than a themed house, it seems odd that one of the rooms would be so dark. Just seems the tour company would want everything well lit to display the house while the guide tells the stories.
I'm sorry, I just don't know what to say on this one.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-04-19)
LovinU812 - this is a Halloween attraction, right? Not a haunted house that someone lives in and you have been told is haunted? Just trying to make sure I have the facts right before I make a comment.

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