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Demons: Fatal Attractions


I live in Augusta, Georgia. I'm 17 and I've lived in the same house all my life. My house is about 106 years old and was built by my ancestors. This is probably going to sound like a rip-off Stephen King novel, but the woods behind my house used to be a cemetary. As you could guess, that might cause a few interesting incedents. All my life I have seen peculiar things, such as moving/levitating objects, voices when I was home alone, though the real "haunting" didn't start until I was about 16. I had a sort of obsession with demons and darkness, though I never looked up real demons past animes, because my parents were straight Christian. However, I met my best friend, Shakira, who shared my demon obsession.

One day we decided we wanted to "summon a demon", a very stupid inclination, but I suppose we honestly didn't think anything would really happen. So... We googled it. Having a jolly good time, we took Shakira's oil crayons and drew a huge pentagram on her bedroom floor with an eye in it. I took a notebook and sat in the center of the star, I used a form of summoning usually used on ghosts, rather than demons, which is writing the demon's name over and over again. I kept my eyes closed while doing so. Soon I could hear footsteps circling the pentagram, after a moment I could feel the strange sensation of nails going up my back, in fear I opened my eyes. My vision blurred, but for some weird reason, I swore I could see a red pentagram on the wall before me. After that, nothing happened, just as we assumed, we finished our day and I went home.

Soon strange things were happening to us. We both kept seeing black figures that looked the same to us. They were made of black mass, they were tall and thin, the curves of their body were sharp, and they had glowing red or white eyes and appeared generally mouthless. They would appear in mirrors, in our beds, in our showers, and generally any where else you would generally want a demon to not be. My house starting losing power every 2 days and when that happened, these things were everywhere, it seemed they lived in the shadows and would crawl out of them. I began to think I was hallucinating them, because my mum and dad didn't see them, perhaps Kira and I were schitzophrenic? However, I soon realized my cats, Patches and Azzy, took notice to the creatures and didn't like them one bit.

After a while I actually got used to being followed my these things and they actually started to go away. Now... The thing about demons (if that's what they are) is they're kind of addictive. Even with all their creepiness and threatening demeanor, they give off a sort of fatal attraction. At school, I became close friends with Katie and Aimee, I told them about my supernatural encounters.

Aimee's mother was Wiccan, so she'd already heard of such things, but Katie took an immediate interest, she wanted me to help her summon one. So being the type of person who likes to try their luck, I agreed to. Aimee, Katie, and I skipped class and hid in a bathroom stall. I'd studied better this time, I drew a huge green pentagram on the wall, cooked up an herbal "summoning elixer", carved the demon "god" Sallos' name into an orange candle and got to work with a Satanic prayer. This instantly got to us, I suppose this was an aura this time, it actually wasn't scary, it was intoxicating, like some strange high. Take note we took no drugs during this incident.

We heard a voice whistling a Beethoven Symphony, we felt exhausted, I looked to my friend Katie to realize her eyes were rolling up a bit out of exhaustion. When the candle was blown out, the smoke snaked up the pentagram like veins. Reading that pentagrams are "the star doors to Hell", Katie decided to lay against it with her eyes closed. After about 5 minutes she collapsed, I thought she was playing with me until she burst out in tears and swore that she'd seen her dead little sister in the pentagram.

After that, I don't mess with demons anymore. I still see and hear things sometimes, I don't talk to Kira or Katie anymore, but so does Aimee. It seems these dark things follow me. My boyfriend, Roy, claimed to see these same beings. He, being very spiritual and supernaturally intact himself, claimed to summon light beings in my room, which I personally call them angels. Now I occasionally see white and gold orbs, too.

I can't say for sure we're not a bunch of mentally disturbed teenagers with nutty cats, but I can say I personally believe in demons and angels. I converted back to Christianity now and have barricaded my bedroom in crucifixes. I don't see "demons" now half as often. I burned all my demon names and pentagrams and wear a rosary every day. I hope one day, I'll escape my dumb decisions to play with black magic. I guess the moral of the story is don't "dabble" in demons or they may "dabble" back.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, rainevalentine, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Aviman (7 posts)
13 years ago (2012-07-17)
Sound scary I would be. If you want to get rid of the demons get the sword of the spirit and pray for authority over the demon in the name of Jesus
meda1 (12 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-03)
this is not good, you shouldn't do that. I'm glad you stopped. That's scary stuff
ivory (9 stories) (77 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
rainevalentine: You know what you did the right decision of stopping your "demon obsession". I've been involve in Wicca once but I stopped practicing when a almost dangerous accident happened to me.
ngute80 (220 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
I tend to agree with everyone so far. You said that you were obsessed with demons so that's probably you thought you saw "demon shawdows" and such. Honestly you very lucky that's all that happened to you and your friends. But I'm glad to hear you don't " summon demons" anymore.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Whenever I have read stories of teenagers summoning demons, Bloody Mary or other assorted denizens of the lower astral regions, I've always wondered: what in the world are they thinking? Why are they doing this? I know kids get bored, but is that all it is? (I didn't develop an interest in ghosts & demons until a middle aged adult, following a scary experience I'll relate at one point.)

Your story provided an excellent tip regarding the pull of these experiences: "The thing about demons (if that's what they are) is they're kind of addictive. Even with all their creepiness and threatening demeanor, they give off a sort of fatal attraction."

Great observation! Whatever these beings are, they appear able to reel us in like fish on a line. They cannot offer genuine spiritual experience (happiness, joy, peace) but provide a counterfeit excitement, driven by obsession. Young people, having less knowledge of the world and of themselves, are more easily taken in. The initial opening may be excitement, curiosity, boredom or the need to explore a hidden part of life, but the hook is addiction.

Good post!
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Ha! Well it seems our machines are bent on making us look stupid. Lol
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
I am waiting for the OP. This discussion may turn into something very enlightening. The OP does understand a lot more than some people I know based on some statements in the account.
WTH - We may pick up some new tidbits of info...
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
You have the answer again brother! And Mizmimi, I didn't have them either, but they are there now!

MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
adsouza- I would have agreed with you as well, but for some reason it only showed Jav as replying. I didn't see any comment before her, where now I see 2. Lol Stupid computer.
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
MizMiMi - Psychoneurosis is a state of the mind where it does things you mentioned. It is normal, yes. And it tends to show up more in teens.
MizMiMi02 (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
I agree with Jav. I think when people do things like this, they expect certain things to happen. As a result of that, the mind tends to go into overload due to fear, excitement, nervousness etc.

I would suggest a cleansing method, and to think things through a bit more before doing anything else like this. Once you open that door, there's no telling what will step through.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Sounds like you were doing much more than dabbling. There are summoning methods here I never heard of, but I don't have a thing for demons. Or raising the dead for any reason. Honestly, I think it's a case of wild imaginations myself.

adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Research psychoneurosis (Also known as neuropsychosis). Interesting stuff there.
GhostGirl33 (1 stories) (5 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-01)
Very intersting, I am assuming you don't recommend this to anyone. I know how to cleanse a home. And I am a Christian for sure. I just have quite and interest in the paranormal.

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