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Haunted Artworks


This actually happened to me about a few years back. I was working at my job at a grocery store in Ontario Canada. It was a hot summers day and my job had just removed the garbage compactor that sits outside the back of the store and everytime they do this someone has to go out and clean all the remaining mess that is left there.

So that day I was asked to clean up the mess so of course I did what I was asked. (No one likes doing it) So I get outside and the smell was dreadful and I started to pick up the mess when I saw oddly shaped garbage bags so I picked them up and most bags weren't closed enough so I peeked in and saw artwork, so I removed them because there was nothing else in the bag that was soiled, it was just artwork. So I pulled the bags in the store and I opened more and these pieces were weird. Someone was into drawing dark and weird things. One was a monster just staring at you which was creepy and others were monster limbs and arms and just plain odd things I can't describe.

So I see this one piece that I thought was actually pretty cool, it was a doll sitting on a wooden chair in the corner of a room. Not knowing whether it would be wrong to take these home I asked my Manager and he said go right ahead because they were discarded but not to post them online because if someone saw their art being posted without permission I could get in trouble.

So that night after work I took the piece home and showed my parents and they looked at it and kind of frowned at it, they didn't really like the piece at all. I was thinking that they were just too picky so I took it up to my room and set it down on the floor in front of my bed. I continue the night just playing video games and watching television and set off to bed and see the artwork I took and smiled and went to sleep.

The next night things started getting weird and as I looked at the artpiece I didn't find it so appealing anymore. At first I didn't realize that the doll had drawn cracks on it and it looked sad and the corner itself was painted dark to look creepy and at first I paid no mind to it but now I did. I had this eerie feeling that something there in my room and go figure right? The name of the artist was actually scratched out and I didn't notice that at first either.

So everynight as the artpiece sat there I rolled around in bed and I felt like I was being looked at from the front of my bed. This happened everynight and sometimes when I wanted to go to the washroom I'd run to my door without looking at the piece and just feeling like something was there. So finally when I got sick and tired of this feeling, I have no clue why I just felt I wanted to do it, but I took a picture of the artwork so I could get rid of it and keep it as a memory and looked at the photo and there was this orb at the top right corner of the artpiece. So I took another picture and the orb moved each time and this creeped me out because I know about spirits and such.

So that night I tried to go to sleep and I couldn't because I felt again like I was being watched from the front of my bed. The next day after a full days work, I went back home and when it was time to go to sleep I took the artpiece and put it outside my room into the hall and slept great that night.

I got rid of the piece after telling my parents I ended up not liking it and ever since I got rid of it I never felt that presence in my room of something or someone looking at me. I believe that those pieces were probably thrown out for a reason and that the name was scatched out was because the artist died and their family didn't want to keep them anymore and scratched out their name so no one could find them and return them. But something happened when I took one and I know maybe something awful occurred I do not know to this day. Hope you enjoyed my real story it will be one I will always remember

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Macer_man, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-19)
Wow! That was a really creepy story! Thanks for sharing. I would have grabbed all the paintings and sold them as a lot on ebay, (even though your parents said not to). There is some really strange artwork out there. There are some people who paint on canvas using their own blood. A little off topic, but it doesn't seem a large stretch of the imagination why a painting could become haunted, especially, dark and demented artwork. It's a shame it all had to go to the trash, those pieces probably had literally hours and hours of that person's life embedded in them. The famous painting of "The Scream" by Edvard Munch was a collection of all of the artist's personal fears put into a piece of art, (he was plagued by many extreme fears in his lifetime).
Macer_man (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-07)
To redphx

Its also the fact that I am native Ojibwa 100% so I am more convinced then most people that spirits exist for sure. I just had a feeling also the fact is I've seen one before that artwork was discovered so it led me to believe even further when this feeling of uneasiness occurred.
Macer_man (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-01)
Thanks again everyone. It was veryreal I guarntee it. No I don't have the pictures I took of the piece. My camera broke a short time after that... Odd eh? Took pictures then my camera breaks.
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Hi Macer man, this was a very interesting story. Thanks for sharing it with us. I agree with everybody here. I can only say that we don't always realise what we take home with us. My family taught me to bless everything that comes into my house. My father had a real bad experience with a second hand car he bought. It turned out to be haunted too. Thanks for sharing. Take care. Trix. 😉
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
wow! What a unique story do you still have the pictures of the painting with the orb in it that you wrote about?
That would be very interesting to see 😊
Paranormstate (1 stories) (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
Hey there, this story's really cool and sounds like somethig that could really happen. Though I also have to admit that it's a little bit disturbing! It's a good thing you got rid of that painting but I also feel somewha Sade Ed that you just got rid of it. It sounds as if there is a spirit (probably the artistnor someone greatly attached to it) trapped in the painting. But I guess getting rid of it was the only option, I probably would have done the same, hahaha.

Once again, real cool story! I enjoyed it even though it creeped me out a bit, haha.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-30)
When you think about it paintings are not something that is usually discarded so easily to the bin, they are normally kept in a closet somewhere ie: shed, basement, attic, or passed on to someone else etc. So this gives it more reason to be true that something was going on with the paintings, something I doubt we will ever find out, but would be really interesting to know. It would have been great to see them on here. Previous posters are right it feels as though the artists emotions are inbedded within these paintings it would explain why you felt that way at the time.

Thanks for sharing.

Madyrina (68 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Art is, usually, very personal and the artist is very passionate about their work. I think that DeviousAngel is right, that the artist was "exorcising" their personal demons in some way, though their work and some how the passion that they used in making the art work transfered the energy to the canvas.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
I have to agree that this was a creepy and haunted etching. I'm just glad to hear that you were wise enough to rid yourself of it. Who knows? It may have also been in just the nick of time too. No telling what would have occurred had you held onto it much longer. 😨

Macer_man (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Thanks for all your input. And yes the other pieces were etched out as well. Of course you don't think of it at the time or notice the name etched out. It was mind boggling what was happening. I agree with Angel though maybe it was their energy that was in the painting because that's all I felt at night when that artpiece sat there in my room. Theres so many things that might have been like I just thought if it were a spirit maybe they didn't like the fact that I left it lying on the floor and not putting it up on my wall? But yeah it was crazy and I've told few people about it because some I told think I was nuts and don't believe in ghosts and such but there's another story I want to post that happened too and I will soon. Thank everyone:)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
That is amazing... I have another idea as to what this event might have been. I think it was an implantation of the artist's personal emotions. You were being haunted by the "internal demons" of the artist. Art is a very powerful mechanism of expression, and of course the mind that illustrates these monsters and dark images is plagued by visions of such things. I believe the artist channeled these negativities into the pieces, and perhaps it was the artist him/herself that got rid of the paintings and etched out their name not only to remain anonymous in the event someone found them but because the negativity left them with the paintings, and they wanted to separate themself from those things.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Very interesting story. I got the same feeling as redphx and think the artist passed away due to suicide. It's the way you described the paintings as being dark and creepy. Kind of emo-ish. It is very possible that the spirit of that artist is attached to those paintings. Oh boy this story gave me the chills. 😨
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
Macer_man: Yeah, this is creepy as heck... Were the other pieces signed?...Glad you got rid of it, and I agree with red about people being oblivious to what's causing their hauntings at times...
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-29)
This is creepy as hell. I'm glad you realized it was that art work that was haunted. Most people are oblivious and would keep it around and wonder why they had a ghost. Maybe they were painted by a suicide. For some reason that is a feeling I get. How odd I've never had that before.

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