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Real Ghost Stories

Nightclub Ghost


This story I am about to tell you happened to me about eight years ago. I had just started working as a doorman for a night club/strip club. Before it was remodeled it was a penthouse owned by an old rich recluse back in the late seventies. It was said she was murdered where the dance floor is on the second floor. As soon as I started I had a bad feeling about this place but at first I put it down to nerves at starting a new job.

Nothing really happened for about a week and I just about forgot about the whole thing until closing time that night. We had just ushered all the patrons out feeling tired after a long night. Me and the manager sat down for a beer. After talking for about five minutes a wine glass flew off the wrack towards our table smashing on the floor. The manager looked at me and said she must be pissed about something. I said who? The old lady he said at this time. I just wanted to get out of there but not wanting to look like a coward I just laughed it off which to this day I regret.

The next few days she made it known that for some reason she did not like me there and wanted me gone. First it started with me seeing her reflection in mirrors on the stage where the girls would dance. She would just stare at me with hate in her eyes. After that night nothing happened for a few days. I thought she was done with me but I was so wrong. After a few small instances of her making herself known...

The last is what made me quit and I have never stepped foot in that place since. It was closing time and after all the patrons left the manager asked me to check the bathrooms for stragglers. First I checked the male toilets it was empty, after that I walked into the female toilets announcing who I was. I checked each stall coming to the last one I could see two feet thinking it was a girl who had drunk to much and fell asleep I knocked loudly on the door asking "miss are you ok?" After getting no reply I got worried thinking she may need medical attention. I barged the door in and what I saw will be with me 'til I die. A woman standing there right in front of me. All I remember to this day is she had no eyes and the scream she let out was ungodly. The manager found me passed out on the floor. He heard it as well... To this day we both have trouble talking about it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sarge82, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
Sarge thanks for responding to my question I have a feeling it may be on Orchard street? Is this correct? I know Surfers Paradise rather well. If you do not want to post on this site maybe you could email it through to me, my email is on my profile. Thanks again Sarge and look forward to hearing from you.😊

sarge82 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
I just wanted to respond to those who think the glass breaking is cliche. Think of it this way if you lived and died somewhere whether it be natural or otherwise and it was turned into a nightclub/strip club I know I would be pissed and anything I could throw I would which in my case just happened to be a wine glass
sarge82 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
Hi dan yea I have posted this story on other paranormal websites one was true ghost tales under my real name chris. As for where it took place it was in queensland I was living in surfers paradise at the time.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-12)
😆 That made me laugh racoon! I guess living people break more glasses at bars too. I think that the breaking glass has become the cliche of haunted bars, which means 2 things I suppose. 1. It is included in every made up story about a haunted bar. 2. Everytime a glass breaks in a bar & the cause is not immediately evident it is assumed to be a ghost that did it (then the mind starts giving ghostly significance to all kinds of everyday events). I suppose in some cases there could be a ghost that is not happy their beloved home or business has become a bar & they throw glasses around to communicate that displeasure.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-11)
Sarge82 I have read this story somewhere before? Very freaky though, you mention you were or are in Australia. May I ask where abouts this occured?

Thank you

Cristine (41 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-11)
There are people all over the world that have strange occurrences that happen and many times a person will push the idea that what they have seen out of their minds. "If I don't believe in it then it is not real and it does not exist." But if you do believe in ghosts and your mind is open and inviting (such as with people who are creative), you will encounter the strangest things as with living people. Creative people attract the most unusual circumstances to happen regardless of their translucent domain. For instance, I have come acrossed so many people who believed they had been abducted by aliens or satanic cult memebers, or people who sleep in coffins and drink blood. I don't go looking for them---they are just automatically charged towards that creative energy of people with creative minds.
With ghosts, they are and can be in search for a certain person and perhaps you looked like someone who had assaulted her or perhaps the you being a man and you work alone is a strong invite to the paranormal. This gal's scream was an initial way in which they sometimes will communicate because it is the only thing that reminds them of the past before their untimely death. For example, I have had a male (invisible) ghost scream at me towards my right-hand side as I was sitting down, "DON'T!"
It doesn't mean anything towards me, personally. It is likely the last thing he likely screamed when the woman who killed him was in the act of bludgeoning him to death.
It is rarely ever a person attack on the person receiving teh information and it is a way for the ghost to open up the lines of communication.

You did what you had to do to protect yourself from harm by quitting your job and no one having of not been in your position should place blame on you for doing what comes very natural to the mortal living is run away and hide (protect yourself) ----always protect yourself first and foremost before getting involved in something you have little to no understanding about. ❤
sarge82 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-11)
Thank you to everyone for your comments I have one more story to post soon. 😊
Hannah-scare-me-again (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-10)
Wow I would never have the guts to go back there ever again, as I am one of those people who get scared quite a lot as I have had lots of spooky experiences in my childhood life and today. This is just somthing that might help you as it helps me, what I do is if I get scared at night or during the day, I start to whistle and somtimes I click my flingers and whistle.
Somtimes I turn the radio on or the t.v or somthing to amuse me with just to take my mind off things. But even if that don't work I just think to myself its not real and if it is, it can't do anything to me. It's just somthing that helps me and might help you too!

From Hannah-scare-me-again 😲
raccoonbonapart (1 stories) (21 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Nysa, maybe ghosts in bars break glasses because they're drunk.;) Or maybe it's because a bar happens to have more glasses than other places do. I think you raise an interesting point.
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Sarge, wow I probably would have wet myself and then passed out! 😨

I honestly can't say I blame you for never going back. I hope you have found employment in perhaps a less haunted establishment.

Good luck to you.

Fanny ❤
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Why do ghosts in bars always break glasses? I don't think I have ever read an account of a haunted bar that does not have at least one instance of a glass hovering, flying, or falling & breaking.

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Scorp2011 (18 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
Sarge--No telling why any of us is singled out, but when it happens to us persoanlly, it kind of scares the nerves bad. And btw, Ben, when you've seen something like this, you may change your advice.
BenH518 (2 stories) (13 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
I don't think you should have quit. It must have been hard to deal with but she would have stopped eventaully seeing as tho she seemed to be more scare of you then you of her. I don't think she would have tried to hurt you cause if she did why you she target just you instead of the hundreds of people she could have chosen almost every night. Great story and I hope to read more.
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
I read your story at a website caled true ghost stories and real paranormal experience. I am not scared this time.
LondonLady (2 stories) (11 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
That was a truly shocking account, I am not surprised you have trouble retelling this story, what people have been through on this web site astounds me at times. I am no expert but am certainly becoming more and more curious about 'other worldly manifestations,' to think we go about our daily life, hardly taking time to think or notice such occurrences until the moment we are affected ourselves. I think many people have trouble relaying such stories, as unless something has happened to you, many people feel they have nowhere or no one to talk to. This is what I have come to respect this website for it's so lovely to see such strong support and advice given by those who have a deeper knowledge and understanding of such happenings. ❤ Diane x
nightwatcher262 (10 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-09)
that is scary, I wouldn't have the nerve to go abck there, but then again, if I became too curius it would be a bit hard to stop myself, but anyways thanks for sharing, this is really interesting

P.s I probobly shouldn't be up this late reading ghost stories (11:00 pm)

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