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Our Little Ghost Boy


My husband and I bought our first home in March of 2011. We decided to change out the floors and do some painting starting last January. When we replace our master bedroom floors is when the little boy started showing up. My husband tends to flick the fitted sheets in his sleep. One night the noise was getting to me and I shook him and asked him to stop. He said it was not him making the noise, that it was keeping him up, too. I looked to my left and that is when I saw him. We have a nightlight in the bedroom so I could see him clearly. He looked to be about four years old wearing a grey t-shirt and blue jean shorts. He had no shoes on and had glasses and blond hair. He looked at me, giggled and then disappeared.

The next night my husband saw him in our bathroom just standing behind him at around 2:30 in the morning. I thought he may only show up in the bedroom or at night, but I was wrong. I was in my kitchen at around noon getting my dog's medicine when I saw something in my peripheral vision. I looked to my left and he was stooped behind the couch like he was playing hide and seek. I said, "Hi" and he giggled and took of toward the bedroom. I was startled but decided to go look for him. I checked our office and the bedroom but couldn't find him anywhere.

He has made numerous appearances and seems to be shy but playful. He's only ever said "Hi" once and waved. He seems to be scared of storms, that is when he comes sits at the foot of the bed the most. I have noticed shoes rearranged on my closet shelf and both our cat and dog like to go sleep in there when they never showed much interest in our closet before. We have toys for when my nephew comes to visit that go off on their own or are moved from where we last put them. At Christmas we spotted him peeking into the living room when we decorated our tree. He has never been past the couch in the living room.

We are the third owners of the house, it was built in 1996. The couple we bought it from never mentioned losing a child, but then again we had more of a buyer/seller relationship rather than a friendly one. It makes me curious as to who he is and why he is in our home. We are not really frightened of him, just startled sometimes when we see him. However, we are becoming used to his little visits and pranks.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ValerieB, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Narella (guest)
12 years ago (2013-03-11)
This story made me smile. Maybe the little boy was just passing through and decided he'd hang around with a nice family.
valkricry (49 stories) (3294 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
Falls over giggling at granny. Well, it's true I suppose. The wee ghosties at the school quieted down when I sang to them. But then, maybe they thought if they were quiet I'd think they'd gone and stop 😉If you ever heard me sing you'd understand that. 😆
bluemoon94 (1 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
I agree with the lucky part. Not a lot of people get nice ghost, especially little children, often. I believe magnets would help communication as well and the toys seem good for him. 😁
psychicmama (1 stories) (51 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
This is a sweet story! With that short of timeframe, some neighbors may know if a little one died in the neighborhood.

Maybe he'll offer you his name if he asks.

He may end up being a little helper and good company! You are lucky! Please let us know about his future visits!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
valkricry: I'm not sure what they'd do with a treat either 😆, but I think they'd appreciate the effort. I try to convince my hubby it's my ghosties eating all the Oreos, but for some reason, he never falls for it 😆.
Cliney1212 (4 stories) (121 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
I love this story he sounds so cute and playful... The fact that the animals like him is a good sign too... I would definitely research the house/area it would be nice for you to know his name and history. Please keep us posted I've added this one to my favourites 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)
He sounds like a sweet kid. Love the idea of giving him a stocking or basket for holidays. Kind of a crackpot theory I had once, but those refrigerator letter magnets? I've always wondered if a child ghost might like those and use them for communication. Never tested that as a means of communication, just wondered about it.
Zack84 (8 stories) (32 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-09)

Renovations and painting in particular seemed to have a major role in inciting our own paranormal experiences. The longer the renovations dragged on the stronger the activity appeared to get as well. The "haunting" if that is indeed what is happening may not be related to the house that currently stands there. It might be worth investigating the area to see if there were any other structures that stood there in the past.
valkricry (49 stories) (3294 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
Hi ValerieB,
1996 wasn't all that long ago, so you might have some success in searching past obits in the local paper. The library might have them, or you could call the paper and ask. If you can locate the previous two owners surnames it would really narrow down your search.
If you decide to do as grany suggests, then I would suggest letting him know it is meant for him. Not sure what a ghostie would do with treats though...
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
Or, with Easter approaching a small basket? Sorry for the double post, that thought just came to me 😆 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-03-08)
ValerieB: That's pretty cool that your pets seem t enjoy his company 😊. One thing you could do around Christmas time is hang a stocking for him with a little treat or small toy, or maybe get a special ornament for him.

Keep us posted 😊

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