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When my fiancee left his home to be with me, seven states away, we occupied one of the rooms of the house that faced the front yard. It was because of this we were able to witness most of this strange phenomenon that keeps happening around my house. It's an experience I wasn't wholly aware of until my fiancee started bringing it up. I'd caught glimpses, little flashes of white in the window that, when I turned to do a double-take, weren't there anymore. An odd shape, something I couldn't define, hanging around the windows or near the rosebush. Oftentimes, I brushed it off as the white picket fence, though rarely did I see this light anywhere near it.

Though, as my fiancee settled into the house and began to get accustomed to it, he often commented about seeing flashes of light from the corner of his eyes, as well. Once, he could have sworn he saw a pale white face staring in through the window. It was always at night when this happened.

But, one night, as we entered the house, my fiancee stopped abruptly and stared into the dark lawn. I stopped, confused, and asked what was wrong. He pointed towards the rosebush, claiming he'd seen -- for one brief second -- a small humanoid figure there, watching us, clinging to the criss-crossed wooden screen. He'd been pure white, according to my fiancee, and didn't move: Just one solid pose, and a stare.

Creeped out, we both moved inside the room. I didn't feel particularly threatened, just unnerved, at the time. Sightings kept occurring now and again, over the past year and a half. We'd always see something moving... A light, when no cars were on the road. Perhaps the faintest glimpse of a face-like shape in the window.

Eventually, we moved to another room in the house, the largest one. This one cannot see the front lawn, so when the sightings of this odd white figure abruptly stopped, due to our relocation, we started to forget about it. Friends were brought to the house as our new roommates, and they accompanied both rooms that could easily see the front lawn.

But then, I saw something that made my blood run cold. One of our new roomies hadn't quite moved in yet, so the room was still totally empty. The door was open, the window was dark. I happened to look into the room, and to the window. It was too dark to see the fence, and judging by the angles from the hallway, I wouldn't have been able to see it even on a bright, sunny day. Just the house beyond it. So, normally, this window was solidly black. But, not this time.

Perhaps I saw it for a nanosecond longer than usual, or it startled me so bad that the sudden burst of adrenaline let me take in more detail. But what I saw wasn't just a regular ovalesque assumption of a face. I saw a broad, round forehead, which tapered into a long, thin chin. I saw sunken-in, hollow looking eyes, dead black. I saw a long, thin nose, and an impossibly huge, toothy grin, the teeth of which I could barely see through the blackness. The rest of this face was a stark white, like porcelain. It looked very much like a goblin... And while it didn't look completely malicious, which is to say it wasn't glaring angrily at me, I felt my alarm level skyrocket.

All this happened within a second or less. I slowed down as I moved past the door... Stepped back, slowly. It was gone. Feeling very cold, I quickly hurried back to my fiancee, to report what I'd witnessed. Not long afterwards, I picked up a pencil and paper, and sketched out what I'd seen, as best as I could from memory. I showed it to him, and he nodded, affirming that it looked a lot like the faint glimpses he himself had seen.

I showed this picture to our new roommate, as well, when he finally moved in. It was the first day, and I felt urged to warn him. It has been a month or two since, and he has reported already seeing this goblinoid in his window, looking a lot like the sketch I drew. This, I'm not sure is paranoia or otherwise, since he'd seen my attempt to sketch it. He believes in the paranormal, like my fiancee and I, though none of us in the building seem entirely terrified of these repeated sightings. There's been no scratches on the wall, no footsteps, no bumps in the night. Just this goblin-like figure, smaller than a human, that seems to enjoy hanging around the front lawn and grinning at people.

I'm wondering what kind of haunting, if any, this might be. It may or may not help that we live under a power line. At night, very few cars are on the road, and it's so quiet that we easily notice when a nighttime car DOES roar past. Each of these sightings has occurred when there was no car on the road. While the picket fence is white, it is often hard to see through the windows during the night, because the lights indoor don't quite reach it and it never got as bright as the goblinoid did. Is it possible that hauntings like this get stronger over time? I didn't expect to see our little yard monster that night, especially not in such shining detail. Any thoughts or opinions would be appreciated!

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Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-03)
I know your question was asked ten months ago, bbydoll, but no. Not frequently, at least. Sometimes I'll catch a vague glimpse of him, always at night still, and always watching. Freaks me out, but I no longer go looking for it... Just notice it here and there. We sort of just co-exist now.
bbydoll (5 stories) (43 posts)
10 years ago (2014-06-13)
i am curious how your situation is going, please contact me! I may have some advice. Is he still appearing?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
BJJ: I know, huh? There's a lot of info about elementals on that site. 😊 😊
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Welcome to YGS, Beargrin. 😊
Honey is a good gift for elemental spirits. Anything sweet and without preservatives seems an appropriate choice really. Also, things that are safe for the wildlife, so no chocolate.
You may find some helpful info by looking at the legends of the Native Americans from Oregon as well as Granny's link. There may be something in their myths that fit your neighbor.
(Granny, loved your link. It's in my favorites list now lol.)
Beargrin (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Not a particularly low spot. I left a bit of honey, as it was really all I had at the time. But the area seems a bit dry despite the rain we've had, but I didn't test the soil too much.
SwampwaterBoonie (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-07)
Beargrin, thanks for the prompt reply. It seemsI may have a sense about this. I can never really be sure what I have without asking afew questions. I will continue to pay attention to my thoughts and see what else I get. Emotionally, I got that it was pleased but that does not speak to intent. Is there significant drainage nearby? Hastheir been rain? I think it stays near water or a low spot that stays wet. It is normally shy.
Beargrin (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)

We have our own garden, which Kryo tends to mostly.
As well as a massive blackberry bush in the back yard, neighbors have an apple tree that hangs over our fence.

However, nothing in the front yard unless the watermelon seeds took root in the soil.

She does want me to mention here that at one point someone tried to kill the blackberry bush with poison... But it just ended getting better rather quickly. Not even a year passed, from what she said.
SwampwaterBoonie (7 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
The impression I got was that of an earth spirit. Are you near food bearing trees? The long limbs is for locomotion through trees. Do you grow any of your own food? Sorry for the odd questions but at imes I have gotten strong impressions from a story but they are usually hard to correllate. I got the impressions of leaves and a dank smell also like mildew or spoiling berries. Does any of this seem familiar?
Beargrin (3 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
[at] zzsgranny

I am Kryo's fiancee.
I can almost guarantee that there was no music playing at the time.
The most that likely could have been picked up during one of the sightings? If I recall correctly I was playing Skyrim. But. No music turned on.

Our renter friend was out by the fire pit. No music playing there either.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
I found an awesome page that describes most of the gnome genre. You'll be surprised by the resemblance some have to your drawing. Also, I was really interested in those named "Dunnshenchas" as you say the being didn't appear to have ears, these are female and wear scarves that may conceal them; and most of the male types have some kind of facial hair (not all, but most)

Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Also. If there is any doubt about the picture, which I know there is always doubt about truthfulness and all that... I did indeed sketch that picture. I share the same name of Kryodrache on Deviant Art, in case anyone is concerned I just picked up an image off the internet. I tried to get it as close to what I saw as possible. I don't exactly have photographic memory, but I'm good when it comes to recalling shape and proportion. The eyes did look a little inset, almost like it was a porcelain mask.
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Well, let's see... I can't recall if we were playing any music during the first few glimpses. But, I remember when my roommate was outside, and he was just tending to the campfire, and had nothing mechanical out there with him. When I saw his face in the window at night, it was dead quiet, everyone except my fiancee was asleep.

I do want to make a little offering, now, just out of curiosity to see if it's taken. If it is an elemental, a spirit of nature, I'm actually really glad to have him around: and my fiancee has voiced, after reading this, that he was honored to have seen its body as well.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Now that's a good area to explore. Kryodrache, can you recall if anyone was listening to music or watching a specific television show, or if your activities were similar at the times he was spotted?

I ask because I have little ghostie that touches me while I'm watching Ghost Adventures, of all things 😆, and it's mostly during the scary parts like they're trying to get closer or something 😊.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Well...from what I understand as a rule elementals (and yes, granny, that includes brownies, fey, the wee folk, et cetera) have a deep mistrust of humans in general. They don't hate us, but really do not trust us. Who could blame them? We cut down their homes to build ours. Not to mention what we've done to the eco-system. We disrespect nature at every turn. How ever if one can befriend one it is a friendship for life, or so the stories go. They are curious and generally rather timid unless crossed.
I think he's just very curious. You might try leaving a treat by the rose bush for him. According to legend they like sweets. I think BJJ mentioned that earlier.
Weird, to me the picture does look alien-ish too! Lol
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Never thought of the music 😉 Can you imagine? 😆 Lesson learned: never judge an unknown by its looks 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
I'm pretty sure we look as strange to them as they do to us. Could be why they keep to themselves lol. Or maybe they just hate our music. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
BJJ - I know, I feel awful! I started to say in one of my previous comments that if he and I were neighbors, we'd definitely have to have some sort of communication worked out that way I could get used to him 😆 Hell, his reaction to me might be the same 😆 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Tsk, tsk Miracles lmao. It is an unsettling image though.
Kryo, I'm still thinking he's an elemental. And he truly (in my opinion) seems to be behaving in a friendly fashion for his kind. They aren't really the type to stroll up and say hi. He's letting your household see him, he's observing you. It seems like a relationship, albeit kind of awkward atm, is being established. Could be friendship at some point in the future.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Thanks, Granny 😊 - there's just something about that... I don't know what it is that gets me. I think it's the eyes. Not sure though. Going to look at the picture again 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Miracles: 😆 He's kind of cute in an ugly kind of way 😆 😆

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
And now I've made myself feel ashamed because I have tried to teach my kids that you don't judge someone based on their looks, which is exactly what I just did. Ugh...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Kryodrache - I hadn't read your story before tonight and I apologize for that. But when I realized there was a picture, that caught my attention and I had to take a look.

Ummm, I'm not disagreeing with anyone at all. I'm just sharing my initial reaction to that picture. It freaked me out when I looked at it. I said, out loud to myself, "Ooooo wow 😨" Honestly it scared the crap out of me.

Then I went back and read your story because my first instinct when I saw the picture (instinct, not reaction LOL) was it resembles an alien. Then I read the parts where you said he is "pure white" and this reminded me of the Nordic Aliens. Now, if he is a Nordic Alien, he is definitely one of the homelier ones 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Kryodrache: Thank you for the pic! From that, in my opinion, he seems to closely resemble most of the depictions I've seen for brownies/leprechauns etc. And I could be wrong but I think they are considered nature spirits.

Kinda creepy that your friend saw him INSIDE the house though, huh? I really think that since none of you are getting any negative vibes from him, he's just pretty curious. It's possible that the sightings may lessen the longer you stay in this house.
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-06)
Oh dang, I didn't realize this had been put up! And, like a derp, I forgot to check. So, I have a few updates to make. But first, to the comments!


...Huh. An elemental? Interesting. I did notice how it keeps mostly to the front lawn, I figure it's bound there or something. Now that our window is over the driveway, I haven't actually seen this face. Do elementals normally show up as vaguely humanoid shapes? I've gotten unnerved by it from time to time, but that's because it keeps showing up in dark windows. As a note to add on to this story...

The roommate that saw this guy, as well, when I went for a little more information, told me he was in the backyard when he saw this guy. And the face he saw was looking through the KITCHEN window. It always seems to be facing that general direction, but what startled me is this meant our roomie saw this visitor from inside the house!

Also, I've finally found the sketch. Http:// This is what I sketched, that one night after I got a clearer view of him. The eyes were nothing but shadow. I didn't see any neck or body at the time, but judging by what my fiancee says, it had a squat body and long limbs, which is something I have yet to see. I don't recall any hair, or any ears... It's always just this similar expression.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
Kryodrache: I agree with the other posters, hence the category. A "Nonhuman entity" isn't always a "D" word or angel or even divine for that matter. It's funny that BJJ mentioned that they like gifts, food being one. Why not try placing something in the bush that other animals wouldn't like, like a little dish of wine? May surprise you in the morning when it's gone LOL! 😆
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
Ok, have to correct myself. It wasn't Edain McCoy who made up information on elementals/faeries, although her research is shaky as all get out. It was Kisma Stepanich. Bottom line, avoid new age authors.
Ok, going away now. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
It does sound like a curious elemental. I say curious because of the peeking in the windows. Perhaps living in /around the rosebush. As BJJ said, Elementals are of nature itself. According to some of the old legends, they were here long before man. They have never been human. Gnomes, elves, fairies, and brownies are considered to be elementals. The Apostle Paul speaks of 'enslavement' to the Elemental Spirits of the Cosmos in Galatians. If you follow St. Paul's argument, the elemental spirits "enslaved" both the Jews under the Law and the Gentile Galatians under paganism. I only bring that up to help illustrate that elementals have been believed in for an awfully long time.
I think as your Goblinoid, as you call it, grows in trust you might see it better. Generally, elementals avoid people. Call it an evaluation period. Perhaps it's decided you aren't a threat.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
Kryo, going to go slightly off topic and try to answer swim's question.
Swims, I believe an elemental is a spirit, born of nature itself. It isn't a ghost, angel, demon, etc. It's a class of entity all it's own, and follows it's own rules. None of the guidelines we use with ghosts and such apply to elementals. You can't, for example, ask them politely to not bother you. They aren't human, and don't understand the concept of "bother." You can't try to exorcise them, they aren't demons and couldn't care less about a little holy water and prayers. They simply exist, and do whatever they please, whenever they please.
It is possible to be on friendly terms with some of them. They like gifts, and sweets (such as home baked cookies) seem to be well liked. Some like shiny things, crystals, jewelry, etc. Depends on the elemental, really. If you're on friendly terms with them, it just makes life all around more pleasant. They can be terrors if they are pissed. Respect the land, and the elemental itself, (no shouting or cursing at it) and they will respect you. Respect their boundaries (no drunken frat parties in the forest) and they will respect yours.
I've never heard of them being able to look like whatever they want. The way I understand them, they pretty much are what they are, and look how they look. I have no idea how the current concept of elementals being creatures of awe inspiring aesthetic bliss got started. They look like they look, which is frequently odd to our eyes. Probably as odd as we look to them. 😆
That probably didn't help you any at all. It's a complicated topic.
And just for the record, please don't waste time reading any of the new age/"magickal" books that claim to be about elementals and faeries. They're utter rubbish, to put it mildly. Those authors are just out for a buck, and don't know or care about the topic. One, Edain McCoy if I recall correctly, actually admitted in an interview that she just made up things that sounded "fun." Seriously, don't bother with new age reading material. On just about any topic. 😭
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-02)
I agree with BadJuuJuu here. This could be an elemental and that the specific patch of lawn has value to this creature and could be sacred. You don't seem to be dead scared of this. Almost like your slightly frightened, but also trying to make sense of things rather than running around screaming GHOST!

It could simply be curious and trying to peek into the window to see what's going on. I would try to co-exist rather than get rid of it. It might've been there long before humans made use of the land.
Swimsinfire (11 stories) (556 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-01)
Why the wierd shape I wonder, they can look like anything can't they. What is an elemental? I knew everything has its specific shape of energy because my son just taught me how to see it, but I had't seen a human form.

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