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Ghost In Mckendree Morgue


I was filming the remains of the old McKendree Hospital complex in Fayette County, WV. One building there is often called "the morgue" by locals.

This location is deep in the forest and is reached by a one lane dirt road. I had no signal on my phone for miles on this road. I located "the morgue" and began walking towards it. I was not sure how much space I had on my camera so, as I approached, I turned on my phone in case I needed its camera. When I stepped up to the doorway of "the morgue" suddenly I had a perfect signal on my phone. Only in front of this doorway. I took out my camera and shot a short video.

When I got home I played the video and saw and image of what looks like, to me, a woman walking past the doorway on the inside of this building. The image looks like a woman holding a tray, or something similar, in front of her. She is wearing a long dress with short sleeves. She moves from the left to the right at first slow then fast. It almost looks like she's startled and bolts out of view.

The building has two nearly identical rooms in it with a doorway into each. I filmed both doorways and studied them carefully. I wanted to see if the image was possibly just a lighting affect. Although the rooms and doorways are very similar and were shot in the same light, there was nothing interesting in the video of the second doorway.

I have no idea if this building really was a morgue but I am positive it sits on the McKendree hospital complex. The hospital was open from the early 1900's to the late 1950's. First it was a mine/railroad hospital then it was a retirement home for African Americans. Many people have died here and I believe my camera captured one of them.


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wvseller, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-12)

Thanks for the reply and clearing up just what the vid was showing.

Is this an area you could camp in and do a night time investigstion? Are you planning to take more and, (should that be an; or nothing at all?) or different equipment on this next trip?

With almost no 'cell service' I would recomend taking a friend with you the next time you go (if you were alone last time). IF something were to happen then at a minimum they could go for help... At least far enough away to find cell service and make a call.

Welcome to YGS and happy hunting.


wvseller (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-12)
[at] Rookdygin Yes the looped video is from the longer McKendree video. I was filming with my Samsung 10 megapixel camera. I took out my phone in case my camera needed batteries. My phone started vibrating by the first door. I thought it was just unread messages. Then as I moved away I look at the screen and it was Facebook updates. Glad you saw the scary road video. That is McKendree road, it goes past the old morgue. The whole trip across actually takes about two hours. I didn't see the image until I got home and played the video on my computer. I'm planning another trip there soon. There's another structure there I didn't get to.
Thanks to everyone for your interest and comments. Also I'm glad know about this community. Having lot's of fun here. ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)

I have seen the 22 second video your link leads to. I then watched a 5 minute and 29 second one of you walking around and in it you point out where your phone gets a signal... It appears that this is the video that you pulled your 22 second clip from. I also see a 13 minute 59 second video about a scary road, which looks a lot like the area around the Hospital from your Oringnal post.

As far as the video goes...

I see the 'lighter' area you are talking about... But I am not 100% sure it may be a spirit... It may just be pixilation due to it being brighter outside and dark inside the building and the spot moves in the oppiset direction from which you pan the camera swing the camera to the left but this 'distortion' moves off to the right... Or at least seems to.

Did you film video with a camera and your phone? Becasue in the 'longer' video it 'shows' where you got a signal... And its in front of the door on the right... The second door... NOT the one with the 'shape' in it... Something else... I do not see where you 'switched' from a video camera to your phone... It looks like 'one continuious take' to me.

It looks like a right proper place for a 'haunt' but in my opinion I just do not really see it. Thanks for sharing and keep hunting.


sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
Hi Wvseller, I tried to see the video many times but I could not locate what you said. Your response to Bibilio may please be clarified fully. Because your narrative says that you saw the apparition when you played the video. Please do respond with more details.

Regards and respects to you.

wvseller (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
[at] bone_rose I'm going to try some color filters and see if it can be improved.
wvseller (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
[at] abbykay I was just interested in the history of the place. I'm not an avid ghost hunter, but in my there have been many supernatural events. I wish I could post some of my pictures here.
wvseller (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
[at] Biblio It's inside. It steps into view on the left, pauses, then moves quickly to the right just before I move my camera.
wvseller (2 stories) (9 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-11)
[at] Tweed Watch the left edge of the doorway, a greyish image appears there. Just before my camera moves to the right, the image dashes to the right. It's easier to see in the last section of the video.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-10)
Hi Wvseller,

I have the same issues and questions as Biblio. I can't see any apparition and would love to know where she is located in the frame.
Ohh! Do you mean she's a shadow? I just made out a shadow within the door, inside the room. When I watched and paused for about the 10th time!
I'll have to have a look again with different light conditions. It's so hard to see what I *think* is a darker shadow inside an already dark and highly contrasted area.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-10)
Greetings, wvseller.

I was delighted that you included the link to the uploaded youtube video, as I thought that it would clarify my questions; I watched it three times. I'm afraid that I didn't see it. I realize that the video is the same clip looped to make it easier for the viewer to see the apparition and, having read the story first, I thought I knew what I was looking for. Perhaps it's because I'm watching this clip in broad daylight that I'm not seeing it. Was the apparition inside the room and passing across the doorway, was it inside the room and exiting through the doorway, or was it initially outside the room? I'll have to look again, later, when it is not quite so sunny and cheerful outside.

I do have a question about your narrative: you stated that you saw the apparition on your camera when you went home, then you state that you filmed the other doorway to make sure that it wasn't a trick of the light, etc. I commend your trouble-shooting your own evidence (any effort to think critically about what you see, feel, or presume is praiseworthy). Did you notice the anomalous presence when you were filming the first time, and check the other door to see if the camera caught a similar phenomenon, or did you have to return to the site to reconstruct the filming in comparable weather *after* you saw the entity on your phone recording?

Thanks for clarifying,

bone_rose (1 stories) (14 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-09)
Hmm seems like a good story although the video isn't very spot on in my opinion.
abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-09)
Wow...thats awesome. I think its better everything was recorded rather than you seeing it. I guess it would have scared the hell out of you. I was wondering, are a ghost haunter, investigator or anything like that? Because I will never go to a place called 'the morgue' even if its in the middle of the city... Lol...
Nice one, thanks for sharing

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