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Location: Wisconsin

Year: 1995

My first step father was a retired drill sargent when he met my Mother. After, he was a self employed contractor, apperently normal work wasn't good enough for him.

Often my step brothers and I were dragged along to help because it was cheaper then paying other people to do the work, nothing like child labor.

He was ripping out plaster walls in a old derelict house and replacing it with new dry walling. The job was contracted by the city of Greenbay, the house would later be put on the market.

The house was right across the street of a old cemetery, which bothered my brothers and I a bit, we were all only in our early teens.

So we start tearing down the plaster, ripping down the lats and removing old dusty insulation when suddenly I hear a scream.

One of my brothers comes running out of an adjacent room, holding his nose, blood pouring out of it. He tells us "something" punched him in the nose.

My step Dad starts to say "That's a bunch of bullsh-" when the door from the room my brother came from swings open violently on its own and then slams.

Everyone, including my step father runs from the house. He ends up deciding that's enough work for one day and we go home.

I think that was the last time we helped him. After that all of us refused to go with him. He tried several times to get us to go back, but we always managed to avoid it.

A skeptic to the end, even on his death bed, he insisted it was something else. If anything else at least he stuck by his convictions.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DongMaster, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

holychants7 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-24)
Wow! Thanks for replying.

You made it easy for me to understand the concept a bit more. Really appreciate it. I think it will take a lot of time and effort to understand the Demons though.

And yes, the next time I have a query, I am surely going to come to you. 😉

Regards and ❤ ❤
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-24)
Yes I know what you mean by waiting at the front door. They want to be invited in so that it is harder to get rid of them. Then they start to wreak havoc and are almost impossible to get rid of. If you ever hear these knocks and nobody is there just tell the entity it is not welcome and it has to leave in a forceful tone
I had almost finished the whole thread when it stopped typing then I dropped my tablet and lost everything.
As for using the Ouija Board in a holy place it depends on what you mean by holy place. A cemetary is never a good idea as you never know what will come through the O.B. Or what will follow you home. I don't know if your priest would let you and you friends use the O.B. In church. If on the off chance that you are allowed to you will probably get a deceased priest or super religious person come through. I always advise people not to use a O.B. Because you never know who you are really taling to. Demons are not only bad news and liars but they can immitate whoever you think you are talking to.
Now to your last question. You say that in your religion says that if a soul moves to other dimension it is reborn. You ask why if you call them with the O.B. Then why can they come to you as they are reborn? I have a theory on that. Maybe that soul has not been reborn for some reason as of yet. Possibly because the baby they were supposed to be born into died just prior to being born. Or the spirit is waiting to be reborn into another baby. Here in the States some people think a baby has a soul at conception others think a baby doesn't have a soul until it is born. Of course don't forget my warning about Ouija
holychants7 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-24)

Pardon me for mentioning one of your stories here. It was just to prove the validation of my question. 😢

I by no means doubt the story, just a bit curious as I myself have been dealing with creepy things all my life. So I understand not to make fun of others who are dealing with the same.

I hope you don't mind.

Regards and lots of ❤ ❤
holychants7 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-24)
RedWolf, Hi,

First of all thankyou for sparing your time to answer my questions.

I think you have missed some of the submissions here, that is alright. I don't expect you to know about all of them 😊

There are a few stories here like "cheap hotel" or "unwelcome visitor" by Geetha50 (though there was ringing of the bell mentioned instead of the banging), those are about the entities trying to enter the house. I don't say here that the above are made up by any means.

Just want to know why they have to be standing outside the door waiting forthe door to be opened.

I hope you now know what I, mean to ask.

And waiting for the answers for 2nd and the 3rd.

Thanks for your time,

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-23)
I don't know if Rook will be back on this posters story so I will try to answer your questions as best as I can.
To your question about if a spirit is powerful enough to hurt someone why does it have to bang on the door. Why can't it just come in as you've read in other stories.
First I must say that a spirit like that can come in with someone who is not sensitive or non believer. I have never heard of the banging on the door but I will not disrespect anyone who believes that just because I have never heard of that. If you come across a demon or spirit strong enough to hurt you while playing with the Ouija Board and don't close it properly it can come out through that. Some people won't keep mirrors in their house because they believe that they are portals for spirits to come through.

To your second question if you
holychants7 (1 stories) (13 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-23)
I have been visiting this site quite a long time now and found you to be most understanding and helpful of all posters here (respectfully).
I have had few encounter throughout my life. And I am not able to understand a few things about paranormal, which I 'know' you can answer.
1) if any spirit is so powerful to hurt anyone, why it has to bang on the door before entering? Why can't it just get it (as read in some of the stories here)

2) what will be the outcome if we perform ouija board in some holy places. Will the spirit who answers be good or there will be a no-show.

3) as per our religious belief, if a soul passes to other dimension, it is reborn. Then in that case if we try to call them with OB, how can they come as they have been reborn.

Please answer if you find the questions valid.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-23)
Troll Patrol
Please get your nets out find DongMaster and get him out of here. By the way Dong is quite a crude way of describing a (ahem) male body part where I come from. I find it offensive that he calls himself DongMaster I'm surprised he didn't give himself away by adding Bating. In one post he says something about he sees time after time people being attacked and maybe this site isn't safe enough for him. Well if you think this way go to another site. To be glad your stepfather died a slow painful death is disgusting to me. Now be gone.
TRUCK (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
It must be a guy thing. I can tell you how long my parents have been marries only because I was born in the same year, can't ever remember the date. I know my oldest sisters birthday only because her birthday is 2 days after mine (I always joke that she is the worst birthday present I ever got) and we moved 5 days after she was born. My youngest sister I can give you the year because I was in Japan, but I have a hard time remembering the date.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)

It must be a guy thing... Cepting for one thing... I rememeber my wedding anneversary... I remember my kids ages... But ask me what day they were born...?!?!?

Oh, and never ask my wife or I how long we have been together... We have to remember how old are oldest is... (presently 22) and then add 1.


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
I dunno, Rook... I have siblings and step-siblings, 12 of us all told (including those from both of my parents' second marriage), and I know everyone's age. But, if you were to ask one of my biological brothers none of them would know LOL 😆. Maybe it's a guy thing. Heck, even my husband has problems remembering how old our kids are 😆 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
Whoops...didn't get as far as I thought I would...

I turn 48 this July... Which makes her 44 this year...

My mistake...

On to the next...


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
I may be old... I may have to use fingers and or toes to help me do the math but I can say right off the bat, off the top of my head, that my sister is 4 years younger than me... So that makes her... Wait I'm 48 almost 49 (Really?!? 😲) so that makes her 45 in July.

Family is Family unless they were in someone elses Family first... As in the case of re-mariage...then there are step brothers or sisters and why are we still talking about this?

The OP has 'moved on' and so should we...

The Blankie has been cast and the Piper pipes on the hill as I walk away from the remains of this thread.


Larkin (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
To be fair, sleeping with your eyes open is kind of unique. I'd remember that better then someone's birthday or something.

I can tell you my sister had horrible sleep walking for awhile, I can tell you my sister had eye surgery for lazy eye, but I can't even begin to pretend to tell you I remember the year or her age.
vanessamarie223 (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-22)
I'm sorry to hear that your father was an alcoholic, I myself have dealt with addiction a great portion of my life and know that it is a family disease and affects everybody. People tend not to realize addiction is a mental illness, the same as other serious mental illnesses like schizophrenia or OCD. Addiction makes the person do negative things like being abusive to your brother. Although that may explain the behavior, it does not excuse it and I'm sorry that you had to go through that. Anyways, you sound angry with him. I hope for your own sake that your not, "anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get hurt". With that being said, about your story... Perhaps you and your brothers negative emotions torward your dad and his negative ways had created enough energy for a spirit to really harm your brother and slam the door. Also like it was already said that renovating usually disrupts any spirits in the house and could of possibly caused this. Lastly, I would like to add that this made me laugh... Your brother was probably like dude what the hell!?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-21)
I think we may have to haul out the Blankie on this one. The fact that the O/P "knew" his brother slept with his eyes open, but didn't know his siblings ages or frequency of nose-bleeds leads me to believe this is total bunk. I realize, the older we get we may have to do some finger counting 😆 but you can't spend your life with siblings and NOT know their ages.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-21)
Why are you getting aggresive/evasive. You have not answered anyone's question about ages. Surely you had to know how old your brother was? Or was he a step brother too and you really didn't care about anyone but your mother and yourself? If your stepfather was beating your mother you and your siblings why didn't you call the policer.
I'm not trying to disrespect anyone on this site but with the inconsistacies and lack of hep from the O.P. I'm going to have to call it IF anything poltergeist activities.
T.O.D. 03:00 E.D.T. 2015-6-21
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-21)
Maybe my math sucks but, he claims this took place in 1995 (age 11) , but then in comments he says his step dad died at least 20 years ago. 2015 (current year) minus 1995 =20. Which would mean he died when DongMaster was 11. Odd he doesn't mention that...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)

Trust me I know...I'm just being a bit silly but in all reality he seemed to be the type who would tell everyone how their expereince (s) had 'natural explinations' and his was truly paranormal... And no matter what anyone said that's the way it would be...

Oh...I win and I found out the 'overlap'...If he was 11 when 'Punchies' happened... And 5 years later his step father contracted cancer and 'slowly died'...then the abusive man was stil living with them or at least the memory was recent as he entered his senior year of high school, no 'stress' my rear end.

Anyway, my apologies if this has destracted anyone...


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
No worries, Rook - I think if you go read some of the comments on other stories that he left, you'll see where his attitude came from. This is something he has brought on himself, nothing you did.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
Ummm OK... Did I miss something here? No really, did I miss something?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
Just trying to see if there was some sort of overlap with when they happened.

Trying to understand if there were actually any outside stressors that could have contributed to your night terrors AND the experiences with your brothers when you were working with your step father... BUT from what you have just shared that sounds more of a one off thing and a bit harder to 'break down' by timeline.

So my apologies if I came off as 'aggressive' intent was mearly an attempt to understand the timeing between the two experiences you have shared and by doing so finding out if they may have contributed to one another.

Funny you should mention Journals... Many of the memebers here actually keep them to help us understand our experiences... They help us rememeber the details and allow us to go back and 'debunk' or 'validate' them.

So again... My apologies if I came off as 'aggressive' me (as many here can attest to) if I was going to 'attack' your expereinces as 'stories' there would be no boarder line about it. 😲


DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
from the moment I joined this site I have seen nothing but unwarranted aggression, from people accusing me of being someone else, to you Rook, hounding me with questions as if I was some sort of liar.

I came here to share some things that happened in my life and that was clearly this isn't a safe community to do so.
DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)

My step father was dead for about 5 years or so by the time I was living in the house I mentioned in the other story.

And what had happened in the story here was when I was about 11. There was a couple of years inbetween from that were my step Dad eventually found other work, got cancer and slowly withered away from it.

I don't know what you're getting at here, but I don't like it, it's coming off as borderline aggressive to me.

These things happened years ago and it isn't like a I kept a detailed joural entry of the dates of when this stuff happened.

I thought I'd share some expierances here, but clearly that was a bad idea, because you've been questioning me with no clear intent since they were published to the site.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)

If you consider yourself a 'skeptic believer' as you put it then you must understand why myself (and possibly others) will offer alternative throries as to what happened to you with the experiences you have shared... Which is two... And in both cases there really isn't enough details, history... Moving objects...manifestations...that can really help establish these as 'true activity' from spirits or entities of any sort.

In Psychological Horror you tell of night terrors... And yet reasure us that you were not under ANY type of stress that may cause them... But in this one... At least in the comments... You say you lived with an abusive step father. So my question is now this...

Are these experiences seperated by enough time that they are exclusive from eachother... Or do they overlap as the suggested timelime seems to indicate?

Senior year high school through early 30's (Psychological Horror)...Early teens (Punishies) working with your brothers for (or with) your abusive step father who "eventually got a horrible, painful form of cancer and died".

All of that sounds pretty 'stressfull' to me no matter how you 'felt' you were handling things.

So, not to offend you but it sounds as if there is more of Gravey than of the Grave in these situations. But that is just MY OPINION.

Or do I misunderstand the timeline?


valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
I guess, everything depends on one's own perspective and culture. To me, having one's own family do work for a 'family' business is quite normal, and has nothing to do with 'child labor'. There's several reasons for it:It puts more money into the family pocket for necessities. It educates the child about the business, so that one day, they can possibly take it over or at least have some trade. It also teaches work ethic. Since you were all males and in your early teens, perhaps he also saw it as character building.
From what you've said though, I gather you and your brothers may have been building a great dislike for your step-dad for some time, and resented helping him. Factor in your ages and it is possible that it was a psychokinetic episode.
It's equally possible that the tearing down of walls disturbed something. Since, from your report it seems no one went back to investigate that room, it's a hard call.
DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)

To be honest, besides getting roped into the occasional family trip or when my step Dad got us to work for him, I did very little, talked very little with any of my siblings.

The weirdest thing I can tell you is "Mike", the one with the nose bleed, also used to sleep with his eyes open, it was due to some sort of issue he had with some muscles in his eyes or face.
DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)

I don't know. I consider myself a skeptic believer. I believe in paranormal activitie, I think it's simply things that we can't current accurately explain or understand.

I also understand that there's also a lot of reasonable explinations out there and that a lot of times people simply jump to conclusions.

So to answer your question, all of the above.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
DongMaster: I'm pretty sure you're familiar with the idea that remodeling or renovation can stir up the non-living residents. This could've been what happened in this case.

I have the same question about all of your ages, but specifically about your brother with the nose bleed. A lot of early pubescent boys get nose bleeds for whatever reason. I'd think your brother would know if his nose started bleeding out of the blue, or something/one hit him 😊. So my question is, did he have frequent nose-bleeds prior to or after this incident?

Shushant: I believe DongMaster said his step-father was skeptical. 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
No that just means he wasn't any good at it but would not admit it. 😉 However this isn't about what your Step Father was or wasn't good at it's about the experience you have shared with us...

So what do you think... Psycokenitic 'outbursts' or what?


DongMaster (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-20)
I don't when you have to pawn your wedding ring and can't afford to pay your employees.

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