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Real Ghost Stories

Galloping Ghost


Growing up in a haunted home, there were several things that would happen on the regular that I just got used to. Someone sitting on the edge of my bed. Heavy, loud footsteps in the kitchen (like work boots). A little girl's giggle. But there's one instance that never matched anything else that ever happened in the home. It really scared me during the moment it happened.

I was probably in the 8th grade. I know I was at least 13 because I didn't get my "fancy" purple bedding until my 13th birthday. One morning before school, I was lying in bed playing on my phone, wide awake but trying to find a way to play hookie. My mother had been calling my name. After she finally said "No! Five more minutes and you'll make us all late! Take some medicine if you have a headache!", a gust of wind blew directly into my face.

Obviously, that startled me, but it wasn't the end. The wind continued to blow directly into my face and the pictures on my wall started to sway from how strong the wind was. It seemingly blew from my closet right at my bed and covered the room. I backed up against my wall (my bed was in the corner of the room) and stared at all of my belongings swaying and tipping. I closed my eyes and waited for it to stop.

After several seconds of closed eyes, I heard what I swear literally sounded like a horse, galloping at full speed, in circles around my bedroom. It was so fast and so loud! Thump-tha-thump-the-thump, I heard it getting faster and harder and louder, in circles around my room. I peaked through my fingers and saw what looked like heat waves, circling around the center of my room.

Finally, my mom yelled again and I could hear her coming towards my room. Once she entered the hallway, it all stopped. Totally dissipated.

I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom, nearly knocking my mom over. She threw her hands in the air and told me to hurry up. I brushed my teeth, threw on any clothes I could find, and pulled my hair back without brushing it. No matter what, I was definitely not staying home or in that room one moment longer.

I mean, I very much doubt that it was anything bad or intending to hurt me. And I've never mentioned it to my mother. By that age, paranormal happenings were as commonplace to me as replacing toilet tissue. Even the things that spooked me didn't leave lasting scary impressions anymore. Honestly, whatever that was, it probably just came from a spirit that was about as sick of my attitude as my mom was and just wanted to scare me out of bed. In retrospect, that's actually pretty funny!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, flowersgrowback, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Ann4shadow (1 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-01)
Hello flowersgrowback,

I've read all of the stories you have shared and think they are well written. I am sensitive as well and have had a few encounters I will be sharing on here too. I've been reading stories on here for some time and I really enjoyed yours! I look forward to reading more!

Thank you!
Youdrag (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-15)
Wow only a few hours, and I already have a bad impression here? 😢 people always disliking my posts. Go ahead and dislike this one. Call me a troll. Whatever! 😕
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-07)
Well there was a spirit in the basement that didn't like women especially me so I only went down there when I had to and I was always
Hurried to get back upstairs
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-06)
Haha thank you Red! And it's nice to know I'm not alone on the haunted childhood home thing!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
What an experience you had. But you handled it well, that is as well as one could expect. You are so used to the paranormal you would make a good paranormal investigator,heck,the spirits would show up to meet you. 😆. Seriously though he fact that the paranormal doesn't freak you out most of the time is a great thing. I too grew up in a haunted house so I Know what it's like.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-30)
Aww shucks Flowers, you make me blush. 😳

Damnit 50 characters
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)
Hi, Tweed! I love it when you comment on my stuff. It makes me feel like a new girl who just heard "hello" from one of the cool, popular kids. Hahaha

I don't know if anyone felt vibrations. I don't think anyone else noticed it. I'm surprised my mom didn't. Or maybe she did and she thought I was being loud and watching TV or something instead of getting ready. Now that you mention it, it was pretty loud, so I'd be surprised if she didn't hear it even from across the house. But like I said no one commented on it, so I have no actual clue. Haha
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-29)
Hi Flowersgrowback,

What an experience and told so well! Wonder why galloping. I would've hightailed it out of there too! Do you know if anyone else felt vibrations in the house while it was happening?

Thanks for sharing.
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
Oh, it was a beautiful house. We pulled up the carpet to get to the original hardwood and it was so nice. Unfortunately, after my mother remarried, my family wound up living elsewhere. But I've driven by our old house thousand times since then (my best friend still lives in our old neighborhood) and it always seemed to sell and then go back up just several months later. We left it in amazing condition, so I can only imagine some people don't like active haunts (imagine that!). But the newest owners have had it for a year or so, so either they accepted the spooky like we did or the ghosts are gone for whatever reason. I hope it's the former!
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
Great galloping ghosts! The house certainly DID have a past! A paranoid Peter Piper! The poor woman!

Sad history aside, the house does sound visually fantastic, (I'm a MidCentury addict)!
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28) THE barred in home* the bedroom that eventually became mine.*

Sorry you guys! My last comment wasn't very clear. I typed it out pretty fast at work.
flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
SDS, I suppose I should've been clear. I didn't want to stay there for the remainder of the day. Only once did an experience deter me from sleeping in my bedroom for a night, and it wasn't that particular experience. As far as I remember, I didn't notice any changes to the "feel" of the room after that.

AugustaM, before the home was built (1959), the land was just lot of trees with a stream/small river running through. My backyard sloped and would've backed up to the stream/small river that was gone (I think through man made means) by the time my family moved in (1997).

The only owners before us were a couple who built the house. They'd wanted to "size down" after their children left home by building the 2,500 square foot home with three bedrooms and a massive kitchen/bar made for entertainment (what an era the sixties!). Eventually the woman became sick and the man seemed to be losing it over the circumstance. He barred the windows and caged in the front porch, believing his wife may leave to have an affair when he wasn't home- not that she even was able to do such a thing in her condition. Eventually, she died of her illness (I don't know what it was) in a barred in home in the bedroom that eventually mine.

My mother didn't tell me any of that until after I had moved away to go to college. Apparently she and my father knew at the time they purchased the house but never wanted to frighten me or my younger brother.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
Hi flowersgrowback (great handle, by the way!) - I like your writing style - well done! What a wild experience! Maybe it was a mischievous spirit passing through... I can see a long ago cattleman or calvaryman passing through, seeing a kid disobeying and lazing about in bed and deciding to put the fear of heck into them lol But since you have experienced other things in that house (can't wait for more stories) maybe there's something tied to the area - do you know the history of the property or neighborhood?
sds (14 stories) (1436 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-28)
HI flowersgrowback, you narrated it well. Compliments. You said that you did not tell your mother about this experience and you never wanted to be in that home or in that room. Did you mean to say that you did not stay in that home or sleep in that room thereafter? Well, I don't think so. If what I think was correct, what it was like subsequently when you came back from school? Was there any other incident in relation to your experience on that day or night or subsequently?

Please do respond.

Regards and respects to you.

flowersgrowback (5 stories) (22 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Thanks for the comments! I really appreciate taking the time to write them. I'm glad you guys liked my story!
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
Wow, that's absolutely freaky! I don't really have much to add or ask, but that was a pretty wild experience there.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-27)
flowersgrowback- 😊, that was a great account. I was thinking the same thing as I read what you thought the spirits intentions were. Maybe it wanted to stay home by itself that day.

Thanks for sharing!

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