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Exorcism Experience


Before I begin, I would like to say that this story may seem to be embellished or all-together fictional. However, this is something that truly happened to me and I am reporting it in the most factual manner possible. If you have questions, feel free to ask them.

This event took place about 2 years ago. I had just gotten back from game night at a friend's church, though I was not a Christian at the time and still am not.

I was sitting around the living room of my parents' house where my mother and some friends that we had were talking about how wonderful god is. I disagreed vehemently with them and could feel the anger building in me, though I did my best to hide it as I would have gotten in trouble for not following my parents' religion. They went on about god for about 45 minutes, and during that time it became harder and harder to conceal my rage and it felt as though this level of anger was not possible to be had by a person. Eventually I was growling under my breath, and though I tried not to, I could hardly stop myself.

When the friends, a man and two women a little older than me, noticed this they suggested we all hold hands and pray. I held the hands of my mother and the man and as they began to pray, I could feel myself digging into their hands with a very strong force. After this had gone on for a while I can remember dropping suddenly on all fours and letting out a loud, growly scream. At this point, they began to pray over me and I continued to scream on my living room floor.

When this had been going on for some time, the mother of these friends had come over along with the rest of the family to try to help me. I had no idea when they came in because I was fading in and out of consciousness. The mother started to anoint me with oil on my forehead and I could feel a slight burn but nothing that would even cause me to say ouch. However, the spirit inside of me was still screaming as if it were on fire, though I felt almost nothing. It sounded as if some unknown language was being spoken when the spirit in me screamed and to this day I have no idea what was being said. My face felt like it had a buzzing mask attached to it that was slowly being pulled away, but was still somehow connected to me. The feeling is similar to what a person feels when they are leaving their body during astral projection, but it was not my soul that was leaving.

During the entire episode, my dog had been barking inches from my face in an effort to protect me. I was told this part later because I was unconscious of it at the time. He was not barking at me, but as if something were attacking me and he was scaring it away.

This praying and screaming continued until around 3 AM. I cannot remember the spirit leaving me or what happened to end the exorcism. I can only remember sitting on the couch crying and wanting to get away from everyone and just go to bed. I also have no memory of the following few days after that, most likely because this event was very traumatic and is to date the most terrifying thing I have lived through.

I still do not consider myself to be a Christian and this experience did not convert me. I believe that it was not god's power that was used to help me escape the malevolent spirit, but I believe that it was their own power and their belief in their ability to help me. I also do not say that this was a demon because I cannot know if it was this or some other kind of being. But it was a spirit that wished to harm me, and so I call it a malevolent spirit.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DarkRose666, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Integrist (83 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-01)
To clarify a bit on 2nd1st's question:

Infestation: when a demon attaches itself to a certain place (i.e. "infests" it)

Obsession: when a demon provides suggestions that are very difficult to ignore/shake of (as if one were "obsessed" with the suggested object).

Oppression: when a demon begins to target a person's life, which can affect health (mental and physical), job, social ties, etc... This is basically a war of attrition, by which the demon attempts to weaken the target's resolve to resist (free will) the demon's advances. This is an attack from the outside.

Possession: when someone gives up and grants the demon permission to take control. This is an attack (or rather, a forceful take-over) from the inside.

I hope this helps.

- Integrist
Leigh35 (2 posts)
8 years ago (2017-02-06)
Hi DarkRose,

I am producing a new TV series about modern day exorcisms. I'd like to talk to you further about your experience. Would you be interested in contacting me? Research [at] cmjprod.ca. Thank you!
DarkRose666 (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-27)
Biblio: Not to worry. Nothing can weird me out anymore. No, I haven't read or seen Game of Thrones, but that is a pretty neat line. I honestly think that's awesome how you can deduce things like that just from one story.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-24)

I just see the patterns and presume they're usually accurate; I don't have 'voices' in my head; they're more like hints. (Voices would be so much more useful.)

I have no idea if you've seen/read any of the the Game of Thrones ("A Song of Ice and Fire") material, but this season, the actor Peter Dinklage (he plays cynical, hedonistic, and calculating dwarf Tyrion Lannister) got one of the best lines in the entire canon: "I drink and I know things; it's what I do..."

Sometimes, explaining what I do and how I do it can be exhausting, but typing it out isn't anywhere near as difficult as explaining it in person!

I do hope I've not weirded you out too much.
DarkRose666 (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Oh wow Biblio. I hadn't ever noticed those things before. That's a really interesting assessment. I hope you're right about that and thank you for such a kind description.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)

I had no intention to sound creepy or weird; I read a lot of written material because I teach High School English and run a Library for a living! Here's what I noticed in two consecutive short paragraphs, accompanied by my thinking about the details I've quoted.

#1. From the nature of your descriptive sentences, I suspect you are someone who is very kind to others, even at the expense of your own peace of mind. You discuss keeping rage bottled up for three quarters of an hour! [My inductive reasoning: a. For self-preservation; b. To prevent hurting anyone else's feelings; or c. Both. As you had willingly gone to the games night, "b" is the more likely response.]

#2. Even during the traumatic experience, you could feel yourself "digging into their hands with a very strong force." Typically, this is not the sort of detail which a self-centered person notices when recounting his/her experiences to a group, especially as the person writing about the experiences is already the focus of the readers' attention. You -like anyone- value the company of your friends, but when undergoing an experience well outside the run-of-the-mill for a paranormal website, you noticed the effect you were having upon other people. [Deductive reasoning: despite not being enamored of their religion, you remain concerned with the wellbeing of others, even when the majority of people would be panicking about their own safety and/or sanity at that point.]

[Hypothesis: #1 and #2 in conjunction suggest you are a caring person, even a self-sacrificing one, who prioritizes others' needs above her own.]

There's more in the other paragraphs, but these were the first two I noticed when I read your experience.

I hope that clears up any confusion; I tend to do this all day, every day, with writing, body language, art, and music. I'm not a psychic, just intuitive; that means I'm embarrassingly wrong about 20% of the time. If the above reasoning about your personality is in error, please let me know! Being wrong & knowing why is always useful information, too.

DarkRose666 (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Biblio: Thank you for your advice. But I do have one question. What do you mean "the kind of person" I am based on my writing style? I'm not upset, only curious.

Tweed: Yes that's probably what happened.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-23)
Hi Darkrose, haven't really got much advice that hasn't already been said. But wanted to let you know sometimes the YGS emails can disappear in spam folders, which may be what happened to you.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
DarkRose, thank you for taking the time to type out your responses, here.

I know how it feels to become disillusioned by a church hierarchy, yet feel respect for those who participate in it because of their sincerely-held beliefs. As an agnostic, I always support the Salvation Army (they bailed my family out of a jam two generations ago; I owe them) and I support a Christian charity working in Rwanda because they only preach if they have permission (mostly they get on with "Doing the Lord's Work" and helping their fellow human beings to become self-sufficient).

I agree with your assessment of collective willpower as an effective force for good. However, Rook's point (that it does take time for a spirit to become attached to a living person) has an equal-and-opposite phenomenon; it can take quite a long time for a group of spiritually-strong individuals to remove a malign entity which resists being exorcized. Not every supernatural event has a dramatic beginning; searching your memory for when it started could be a tiring and futile undertaking.

Please be aware that spiritual energy can simply feed of of naturally occurring sources; your narrative reads as though you may have some anger with which you have not dealt. For example, some people bottle up their frustrations and rage while telling themselves that everything will calm down, it'll be ok, etc. The anger (resentment, frustration, sadness, or whatever 'negative' emotion it is) is still there, but now it is a latent pool of rage under the pressure of ordinary daily life. I wrote 'negative' emotion in quotation marks because we tend to associate those feelings with bad experiences, but the emotional state is a normal and healthy one; acting on one's frustration --even saying 'I'm so upset I can't talk to you until I've cooled off"-- is the right thing to do. Feeling that continued anger/resentment is a danger to you or to others is adding fear to the mix of emotions. There is a possibility that a malicious spirit is still lurking around, but you MAY just be hiding from the feelings which it exploited before it was forced out. Consider taking up an activity to let the anger out physically (swimming or cycling would work; it doesn't have to be a violent activity!), or do some calming breathing exercises to re-establish your sense of equilibrium.

Back in the 1600s, the Catholic church issued a proclamation that anyone seeking an exorcism would probably benefit from seeing a physician first. If the physician was baffled, then it was time to bring on the exorcist.

Take care of yourself; it may feel selfish from time to time, but if you're the kind of person I suspect you are from your writing style, you need to take care of yourself so you'll be strong enough to take care of other people too.

DarkRose666 (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-22)
My apologies for not replying. It took a while to get up on the site after I submitted so I forgot I had posted it. I see some of you are upset by that and I understand. I kept watch over my email but none came and I assumed that my story had been rejected. I will now address the comments.

The reason I believe that their will could drive out the spirit is because it was a collective will. It was not one person but an entire family doing this. To me that's enough energy to cast out 1 spirit. I can't believe in a biblical God anymore because I've found too much fault in the bible. Maybe there is a creator but I doubt it is attached in anyway to the bible. I don't mind Christian comments. I may not share your belief but I understand your perspective.

I can't tell you when this spirit took hold of me. I remember being miserable as a child at the age of 9-10. It probably lived in me for years. I was 16 in the story. I am 20 now. I still feel the same misery and some of the same hate, though it is not as severe as it was then. Maybe the spirit never really left or maybe my rational, human hate that I have now comes through what I've endured at the hands of the church.

My old profile was DarkRose13.
I would rather you not look it up because I was a cringey idiot back then. But I can't stop you.

About what shushantkar said; I don't know the name of the church. It was pretty much non-denominational from what I remember. But this family was African and I wouldn't be surprised if any African spirituality was mixed in with Christian practices.

Lynx; no I'm not a Christian. My family and the family performing the exorcism are very Christian. The dog was fine up until the point that I was being exorcised. I think it was either a spirit or me having a mental breakdown. The reasoning is that those are the only two things that could cause this event to occur.

Kiiko; By your definition, this would be a demon. Like I mentioned earlier in this comment, I think this had been taking shape for a long time. My house then wasn't a happy one and I saw shadow people a lot there. It was quite the common occurrence. So it is likely haunted. Or I am likely haunted.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
Biblio - one thing I have found I like about your comments, among other things, is you read ALL the comments. Not just the story or the top comments, but all of them. Sometimes there are details our members miss when they choose not to read everything.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
Well said, Augusta! Miracles, too, is right on target.

The O/P, DarkRose, simply describes the events to the best of her recollection, admits to gaps in her memories, then states she was so exhausted that she wanted everyone to leave her alone. Each of these steps is a reasonable one when trying to recount an honest narrative. To prevent any misunderstanding, she provided us with her own perspective, then she included her family's beliefs and practices for coping with their traumatic confrontation with a malevolent spirit. Objectively, she is presenting the details of her terrifying ordeal in clear, rational paragraphs.

DarkRose has indicated no inherent antagonism to the Christian faith --indeed, she'd just attended an activity with family and family friends at their church-- merely a disinterest in following the practices of that religion. As she states "I disagreed vehemently with them and could feel the anger building in me, though I did my best to hide it as I would have gotten in trouble for not following my parents' religion," we can presume the scenario unfolded somewhere between the ages of 8 and 18, but that's a very turbulent decade in anyone's life.

While I do wish that DarkRose would respond to some of the questions to her story (Rook's first question would be a good starting point), and to some of the requests for background information (see Miracles' first posting in the comments). If devout Christians used Christian prayer as a method for helping DarkRose to overcome the situation, they would see the outcome as a justification for depending upon their Christian faith. This is a combination of logical fallacies ("Begging the Question" being the most blatant); please note that her dog also tried to protect her, but no-one has questioned her failure to convert to living in a kennel and barking at the mailman.

DarkRose, we'd love some clarification on the details here, if only to allow us to ask more focused and purposeful questions.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
ashar - this isn't about her choice or religion or not. It is about her experience. Please keep comments and questions related to that.

Thank you
ashar123 (6 stories) (168 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
You may or may not consider yourself a christian but my question is that why you do not believe in the power of God?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-15)
I have to weigh in on the side of the author here in the question of 'was it god vs was it the power of the family'. I am not Christian. I am agnostic and spiritual in my beliefs. In my way of looking at things, there is a higher power (call it god or gods) but there are also a great many lesser ones - love is one them. The love a family has for one of their own - all focused on that person in one intense situation aimed at helping them out of danger - that, in my opinion, would be more than enough to drive out an ill meaning entity.

I am not saying that the Christian comments are wrong or that comments from any other religious perspective would be so either - only that the author's beliefs should not be dismissed or discounted just because they are different from one's own.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-06-14)
loneybone - don't forget, not everyone believes the same and we aren't here to try and convert.
loneybone (8 stories) (78 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-14)
I'm sorry I know what you said in your believe of god. And I cannot understand how the occurrence happened to you and you still refuse to believe in god.
And I know we have our own believes and you your own. But I highly doubt that it was the peoples will to get this entity out of you. Most people don't have the power to drive something so powerful away from someone just because they said so.
Similar things have happened to me not like this but similar and always on the name of god I have prayed and believed and he has always shown me to be there for me. There have been times in my life where I have been confused and I prayed to god to show me a sign that he is there and he has as hard it is to believe.
And I believe those people did not will that entity all on there own but in the name of god it was done.
And that is ok if you do not believe I mean why would you? If you don't see it it's not real right? But one day our time will come and we will have to face him and that is when we will find out... Anyway good story I liked it.
doomisforu (9 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-12)
That sounds like something similar that I have experienced. A spirts can effect you even if its a ghost not a demon, most likely a demon in this case it can change your personality, you could be happy, then you become angry or sad more of often. However usually you would notice that type of change and it usually take a good amount of time, and would not normally be that fast.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-10)

The O/P states that she was sitting around the living room of her parents's home where her mother and some friends that they had were talking about how wonderful God is. She disagreed vehemently with them and could feel the anger building in her, though she did her best to hide it as she would have gotten into trouble for not following her parent's religion. Couple that with the 666 in her users name which is the devils number and her refusal to recognise that the groups faith in God gave them the strength to save her from whatever. That's why I got the idea she doesn't seem to believe in God.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
Thanks Red. That clears it up. I still don't see where the O/P says that they don't believe in God, but that's besides the point. I see what you're trying to say.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
If you read the O/Ps profile she used to be Christian but the Church put her through a lot of heck yadayadayada and she decided she is no longer a Christian. Evidentally she doesn't believe in God even though the prayers and Holy oil put on her forehead didn't hurt her but it hurt the thing inside her. I believe that the faith the family has in God is what saved her but I phrased that wrong. I said that she wouldn't be able to change their minds. I should have said that she wouldn't believe that.

The O/P said that she would join the discussion but hasn't replied to anyone. It really ticks me off when someone does that. She probably meant to choose the "I will read the comments but will not join the discussion." When they say they will but don't the experience loses some (I'll say it) truth for me.

I hope I answered your question and cleared your confusion on my comment.

DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)
Red, I'm not following what your point is or if there is a question in your comment. Can you clarify, because I think I'm misinterpreting your comment to be related to their belief in God without being Christian. But I know I'm wrong there because I'm sure you know there are a lot of religions that believe in God but are not Christian (notably the Jewish religion).
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-09)

Hmm. At the end of this experience you said that you still do not consider yourself to be a Christian and this experience did not convert you.

Then you say that you believe it was not Gods power that was used to help you escape that malevolent spirit, but you believe it was their own power and their belief in their ability to help you.

You also do not say that this was a demon, because you cannot say if it was this or some other kind of being. But it was a spirit that wished to harm you, and so you call it a malevolent spirit.

What saved you was their faith in God and their belief in Him that gave them the ability to help you is what they are going to say and you are not going to change their minds.

As for me I don't know what I think or how to feel about your story because contrary to you saying you will join in the discussion you haven't answered any questions or made any statements.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-07)
Greeings, DarkRose:
I'm just going to answer 2nd1st's question very quickly, and then jump out of the way so you can explain in greater detail for those who've been asking for you to elaborate.
Demonic encounters are usually divided into Manifestation, Oppression, and Possession. Occasionally, another step "Infestation" is substituted for Manifestation, or placed between Manifestation and Oppression.
Manifestation: the demonic entity is summoned accidentally or deliberately.
Infestation: the entity begins to annoy or disturb the individual.
Oppression: the entity apparently starts to control the actions of the individual, especially if the individual is having blackouts, or seems to feel that his/her actions are inherently "wrong" but cannot stop them.
Possession: the demonic entity takes up residence within the individual, becomes anchored to various parts of his/her psyche, and is in complete control of the body for a noticeable percentage of the individual's daily life.
-Just trying to help.
2nd1st (1 stories) (118 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-07)
Hi kiiko, you mentioned that possession has three stages. Could you explain them? Just curious.
kiiko (1 stories) (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Possession of a person takes time for the spirit to manifest, which is why there is three stages. In your case, it was like there was no spirit. Next minute, possession. I find that really weird. However, the difference between maleviolent spirits and demons are that maleviolent intend to cause harm to a person or just be an annoyance. They do have a human body however. Demons are spirits who do not have a human body. A sign of demonic possession is that they will be extremely aggressive around religious items/practices, especially when things are about God.

Was your house already haunted by ghosts? If so, then your parents might of suspected something was evil going around. If the prayer was some kind of ritual, then that might of been one of the reasons. Ghosts do not simply posses someone like that.

Your friend,
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Oh so its actually a voluntary thing... As long as the 'correct spirit' answers the 'call' all is well but if the 'wrong' one answers an exorcism is preformed. That is different. Thanks for the info.



My question for the O/P stills stand however.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Sinto muito (I am sorry), I meant Corpse Venality when I said Corpse Corruption. I have pasted a direct translation without looking at its meaning lol

roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
sushantkar, sorry to bob in to the conversation, but, wow! Aghore Tantra sounds so wrong and so disrespectful for the deceased one! I am glad that your country has stated it as an illegal performance! That's a form of Corpse Corruption! It's a Crime! So how often do Aghories do their horrible ritual? That's so not good!

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
8 years ago (2016-06-06)
Hi Rook, its not forced possession actually. Once I was called by one of my friend who was practicing Aghore Tantra and he invites me to witness one of their most hidden tantras whoes descriptions is not properly documented.
The ritual which I witness was very horrific. My friend along with his fellow practicinors were built a small hut near river ganga. In the middle of that hut they have placed a dead body which I think they have picked from the river. The ritual they were practicing could only be done when they have a corpus.
One who would take the sprit inside would sit on top of the dead body rest of the people would circled him and would protect the circle by some mantras. The person who is not participating in the ritual would sit seperately in another circle protected by mantras. After the ritual starts they will call the spirit of the dead person. But that dead man's spirit would definately come it is not necessary. Sometimes spirits roming nearby could hear the calling of mantras arrives and possesses the person. Once the person gets possessed they start their ritual to get the spirit out of the possessed person's body.
The most strange thing associate with this ritual is that sometimes the people involved in the process eats the dead body. That is why term canebalism is associated with the Aghories.
Let me tell you that this ritual is totally illegle here. The Aghories perform such rituals to gain power over these entities and in their relaim sometime to disturb someones peace and harmony and sometime to get someone out of trouble.
I was witness this few years ago but personally I only experience their mangled and deformed phsycology associated with these kind of things.


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