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Was It A Spirit?


Warning: English is not my first language so, sorry if I made any grammar mistake.

So it started at the end of school year. I'm a girl and I'm 14 years old in 7th grade and I live only with my mom. I was tired because of the final exams so I decided to go straight to bed. My mom's laptop crashed, so she was using my computer and I remember she stayed in my room until I fell asleep.

In the middle of the night I woke up and someone lying on my bed next to me. He was facing me. I couldn't see his face, just a black figure in the darkness, but it looked like a man to me. I was still sleepy, and asked, "Mom is that you?" But then I asked myself "Wait... Why would mom be in my bed?" I wanted to get out of bed and run to my mom's room, but then a force pinned me down on bed, and I couldn't move my body. I tried to scream for help but no sound came out of my mouth. I tried again and again but nothing. He stretched out his hand to touch me, but somehow I managed to move my head in the opposite direction, and then I fainted.

When I woke up, it was still night and I was in the same position. I looked back at the place where he stayed and nothing was there anymore.

In the morning I felt tired like I didn't had any sleep at all, but I thought that maybe was because of those exams. Anyway, I told my mom what happened and she said that it was just a nightmare... But it felt so real. And I'm sure it wasn't a dream.

So days passed, and the day before yesterday when I was sleeping I wanted to turn on the other side, and then something pinned me down on my stomach. I wanted to turn again, but I couldn't move my body. I felt a strong pressure on my chest, and I couldn't breath. I felt a presence on my bed. Then I fainted, and when I woke up I felt very dizzy and powerless, and I felt this way all day.

By the way I have moments when I feel like someone is touching me. So if anyone can help me and tell me what's going on, I would appreciate it a lot. I read on internet about incubus attacks and I'm not sure if that was an attack or not, so please help.

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, FluffyCloud, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-13)
I believe Miracles raised a very valid point. Back on 10/09/2016 you said, "... And this account wasn't mine before, it used to be my cousins account, but she gave it to me because she wasn't using it at all, so now it's mine and I don't know how to change the age..." This means your cousin had this account for awhile.
However your profile clearly states that it was created on 08/22/2016. Same date as this story was published.
Now, not even 3 DAYS ago, you've gone and stated,"... Anyway, about the account, I told my cousin about what happened to me and she made this account. At first I didn't wanted to tell anybody, but she made me write this on the same day when she made this account..." You're now saying, that she didn't have this account that "she wasn't using at all", but created it expressly for you to post this... So which is it? If you lie about something as the creating of your account, well then everything you've stated comes under question as to your ability to tell the truth.
And being rude to Miracles (or anyone else here) that doesn't impress anyone. It just shows you are too immature for this site and probably should go play elsewhere.
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-13)
If you don't have anything useful to tell me than I think you should be the one to quit. I said it before and I say it now, If you don't believe me its your choice, I really don't have any reason to write stupid things or fake stories on the internet because I have school now and I'm also busy with my exams.I'm just checking from time to time if someone have written something for me.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-01-10)
FluffyCloud - this is getting more ridiculous by the comment. You should quit now, while there is a chance one of our members might actually believe you.
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2017-01-10)
Thanks, for the compliments, anyway, about the account, I told my cousin about what happened to me and she made this account. At first I didn't wanted to tell anybody, but she made me write this on the same day when she made this account. I was sleeping at her house that day. She was worried about me and she made me write my experiences. She is practically my best friend. Its okay if you don't believe me, many people don't but I don't blame anybody, I just want some answers. I know it seems unreal but my grandma made a tarot card reading and she said that a spirit is actually following me.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
8 years ago (2016-12-14)
Fluffy Cloud - I just read both your stories and I have to say I am really impressed with your grasp of the English language, with it not being your first language. I had to look at what country you listed because I was sure you were from the States.

You said you are using your cousin's account. But your profile shows you registered the same day you submitted your first story.

I guess I am having a hard time believing your experiences are real. It just seems like a story.
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Hi roylinx,

About everything you said about " not being interested" in what other said, well, I gotta say I did the "Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method " and that helped me (by the way, many thanks to Tweed and a big hug ^^, thank you so much) . I waited for like a few days, and I'm feeling so much better. I didn't said anything because I waited patiently for the effect, and then, I planned to tell you guys about my progress. I feel more free now, and more comfortable (also, thanks for your help Biblio, I followed your advices and I'm good now ^^ a hug for you too).
I don't feel completely safe yet, because at night I kind of get a little scared... (I just feel a presence around me... And when I remember my last experiences... They just give me a shiver) anyway, I started to hear voices (trying to communicate with whatever is following me, and In my mind I heard whispers and then a man's voice, It was talking with me like in a sarcastic way, and he was laughing. I don't really remember what it said, but it was something perverted) , and I didn't expect him to answer, but it kind of did so... At first I thought that maybe is my imagination, but I clearly heard a voice. Sometimes, I feel something touching me... It doesn't happen often like before, but when I lie in bed, I feel tickles on my neck and legs.
By the way, the guy who was in the hospital, came today to school and surprisingly he behaved very politely around me (not in a perverted way or in a sarcastic way like before) and he was very friendly and actually, we had a nice chat.
Thanks for all your help guys, if something else happens I will let you know.

Thanks again and a big hug,
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Hi roylinx,

About everything you said about " not being interested" in what other said, well, I gotta say I did the "Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method " and that helped me (by the way, many thanks to Tweed and a big hug ^^, thank you so much) . I waited for like a few days, and I'm feeling so much better. I didn't said anything because I waited patiently for the effect, and then, I planned to tell you guys about my progress. I feel more free now, and more confortable (also, thanks for your help Biblio, I followed your advices and I'm good now ^^ a hug for you too).
I don't feel compltly safe yet, because at night I kind of get a little scared... (I just feel a presence around me... And when I remember my last experiences... They just give me a shiver) anyway, I started to hear voices (trying to communicate with whatever is following me, and In my mind I heard whispers and then a man's voice, It was talking with me like in a sarcastic way, and he was laughing. I don't really remember what it said, but it was something perverted) , and I didn't expect him to answer, but it kind of did so... At first I thought that maybe is my imagination, but I clearly heard a voice. Sometimes, I feel something touching me... It doesn't happen often like before, but when I lie in bed, I feel tickles on my neck and legs.
By the way, the guy who was in the hospital, came today to school and surprisingly he behaved very politely around me (not in a perverted way or in a sarcastic way like before) and he was very friendly and actually, we had a nice chat.
Thanks for all your help guys, if something else happens I will let you know.

Thanks again and a big hug,
Jorell0329 (1 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-18)
Im making a guess here but I think that "faceless shadow" you saw is an illusion made by "sleep paralysis", I'm not really sure, try searching it and see if you meet any of the symptoms.
TheSkeptic (21 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-17)
Sounds like sleep paralysis in which you wake up in the middle of the night seeing "entities" and feel paralyzed. Quite normal, I recommend googling and reading up more about it. Nothing paranormal here.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-17)
FluffyCloud, have you find these in the same site? As I have been reading the comments and your very well reply, I was wondering if you really are having a spiritual attachment. No, I don't mean I don't believe you; it is just that by only reading all the helpful comments, you seemed not to be interested. I mean no harsh on you but I guess most of the people here will have an explanation, for every reply and new questions you have. Reading the following, it kind of made me think that you have done your research, only in a particular site or book.

I wanted to answer and do some more researches for your case, but looking at all these comments, I have a feeling that you have to be more open minded. There are information all over the internet, good or bad, there will be some answer that you want, that is just my guess.

Best of all from São Paulo

FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-15)
I read on the internet about symptoms of a spirit attachment, and all things are happening to me:

*Waking up in the early hours after going to sleep and finding it hard to get back to sleep?

*Sensing or seeing presences?

*Having the feeling of nits or fleas in the hair

*Receiving a sharp pin prick feeling over the legs, hands and arms

*Do you have a phantom illness (the doctor says you are ok)

*The thought of having a phantom lover?

*The feeling of something crawling under your skin?

*Horrible nasty thoughts in your mind, possibly hearing voices

*you could have the feeling that something is crawling in your hair?

*Do you have really sudden bad thoughts (you think them) but you know they are not yours

*The feeling of despair and wanting to end your life

*have you had bad dreams with unusual creatures in them

*Does one of your eyes mist over at any time (a bit like they can in the morning)

*If you are a woman do you get irritation around the legs

But still... I don't know the reason yet...
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-13)
Thanks guys,

Ok so, I will go to that church were I went with my class (by the way its a Catholic church) and I will talk with the priest, because he was kind when he spoke to us. (Maybe some of you understood differently what I meant... Ok so I felt better in that church, not worse, so that's why I thought that it is not actually a good spirit because if it was, it could enter with me in the church) My grandma also thought me and my parents a long time ago how to " clean " the house if we feel a bad presence in it, and I will try it. I tried to talk to my friend about this, and she actually believed me. She said that I should find a medium that can talk with the entity or an exorcist (but I don't believe that I can find one so easy).

Thanks for your kind words and support,
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)

We do believe you. We believe you are having these experiences. I'm sorry that your parents do not believe you. You don't have to go into explicit detail when discussing this with the priest; just tell him that you would like him to pray over you and you'd like a blessing because you're feeling an unpleasant, trapped sensation which left you when you entered his church. I recommended you bring along a friend so you would feel neither trapped nor foolish when visiting this church.

You have had a series of unpleasant experiences; it does not necessarily mean you're going to be labeled "possessed" or "insane" by those to whom you tell the details. Isolating yourself from your parents, your friends, or a minister (especially one whose church seems to project an aura of faith, good works, and devotion to God which protects you from your "protective" spirit) will only leave you more vulnerable to attacks which terrify you.

You do have our support, which should give you confidence that there are people out in the world with whom you can share this information without being criticized. We are here to give that support and advice, but you *also* need to take definite steps to block/remove the supernatural interference from this unpleasant, abusive, and dominating entity.

Be strong, trust your gut instincts, and protect yourself with the means available to you.

little_baby_squid (1 stories) (2 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
How often does this happen to you?
I don't know of many priests who wouldn't take something so spiritually damaging seriously. I think it wouldn't hurt to ask, and I feel Catholics are more into entities and possible exorcisms. I was raised Baptist and most Baptist priests feel that entities are a sign that something isn't right with you and god (I don't believe this I have stopped going since I was old enough to choose)
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
Hi everyone,

The thing is that I fell someone following me, so I don't think that my house is the problem here, but I will try. About my parents... They still think that everything happens to me is a dream, and they don't believe me, that's why I came here in the first place, and that's why I'm sharing this with you guys, because I fell that things are getting worse and worse... I thought that talking to a priest would be useful too... But wouldn't he think that I'm crazy or something? I mean, are some of them that know things about entity/demons etc... But some or them don't, and I think that this kind of priest could not help me with my problem, and maybe take the wrong idea, so that's why I'm confused right now, and I don't have anybody else to talk to about this...
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
Thanks, for the back-up, Tweed.


The reason I keep mentioning that you should talk to a priest, confront your nocturnal attacker when the events are occurring, etc., it that we can only offer you advice over the internet. We are here to help, to explore, to discover, but we are not a good substitute for a friend or a family member in the real world to whom you can turn when you need a flesh-and-blood person to talk to. Please, do the cleansing ritual, speak to the priest, and draw strength from the experience of removing the unwanted interference from your life.

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
FluffyCloud, Biblio, everyone, hi!

Much drama taking place here.

Alright, FluffyCloud I'm pretty sure this is somewhat common in teenagers. I had a similar thing start when I was about 14. It 'started' but being a bit of a paranormal smart alec I worked out what was going on pretty fast and banished it. So things never escalated.

Now, FluffyCloud this is going to sound harsh and it's meant to. Here I'm reading a lot of talk about unwanted attention and so forth. But not a lot of talk about actions taken to prevent it. Biblio has linked you to a cleansing method we love here.
Here is the cleansing info from that link. If you want this to stop, give it a whirl and repeat it as needed:


"Rook's Cleansing and Shielding Method (as used by myself and many other members of this site)...

Recipe for a Home Cleansing/Shielding... (allow for two or 3 days to complete)

Day one: Open all curtains window and doors with screens installed, let fresh air and sunshine into the home. Have all closets, cabinets and other 'dark spaces' open so that as much natural light as possible can enter those spaces. After 2-3 hours take a broom and 'sweep' out each room (this is symbolic and you do not have to really sweep) focus your thoughts on sweeping (pushing) out all negative energies / entities /thoughts. Close home up after completing each room of your home... Please do not forget your garage if you have one. (Optional) Light incense (sandalwood or Dragons-blood works well for me) and let aroma fill the home, and/or play a tape that contains your favorite Church/Positive, Upbeat (songs that give you good thoughts) songs before you begin sweeping.

Day two (or three): Once again open all curtains, windows and doors. Take a White candle (Optional) to the center most point of the home, sit on the floor and place candle in front of you. Light the candle (visualize a white ball of light) and then focus on the flame... Visualize the flame (white light) filled with positive thoughts, energy. (Say a prayer at this time if you so desire... Ask for cleansing positive energy to fill the candles flame/white light). Hold this 'image' in your mind and then visualize the flame (light) slowly expanding outward, visualize it filling the room your in, every corner and 'dark space'. Continue to visualize it's outer edges pushing away (burning away) any and all negative energies/entities out and away from each room in your home. Once you have visualized this flame (light) filling your entire home, picture it expanding to your property lines. Hold this image in your mind for a few moments then visualize 'anchoring' this flame (light) where you are sitting which is the center most point of your home. Once you have done this. Take a deep breath, relax a few moments and then blow out the candle. (If you didn't use a candle just let yourself relax a moment or two.) "

Now you can create a shield for yourself using the 'home shield' technique but instead of focusing on your home visualize the 'flame' simply surrounding you instead of your home... Best time to do this is after a nice shower using a rosemary scented soap (rosemary is good for purification and protection.) "
nymeria (4 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
Hello FluffyCloud,

After your last comment, I was wondering if you shared your latest experiences with your mother. I would recommend speaking with her despite your experiences being kind of "personal", because in that way you will not feel lonely and valnurable for the "entity". I would also go as far as suggesting performing Rook's ritual with her, or any other rutual according to your religious beliefs. If you think she will dismiss your situation, then speak to any other adult that you feel close like father, grandparents etc.


FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-12)
Hi Biblio,

Yesterday something very creepy happened. So I was tired because I studied for school... And I fell asleep immediately. Then I had a dream someone was on top of me, like a shadow, and for some reason, I don't know why but I said " Get the (swear word) of me" I mean I don't swear in real life... So 😁... Yeah... Ok, back to my story, and I woke up, I wanted to stand up but I could still see something over me, But it disappeared quickly. In the same time I felt a strong pressure on my chest. I don't know why, but I turned my head on the right side (I was sleeping on my back) and maybe I thought that it was just a dream, I don't know, but suddenly I felt a hand on my right leg and It started pulling me. I felt scared, but in the same time I wasn't doing anything, I DONT KNOW WHY IN THE WORLD I DIDN'T FREAKING SCREAM OR MOVE, I thaught that maybe it was some kind of trance or I maybe I was just sleepy and that's the reason. Then I turned my head and I started to move a little bit and it was gone. I can assure you, that It was real because I was on a different part of the bad, like almost at the edge of it. I still don't know why it did all of this... It happened at 4:41 am... I couldn't sleep all night after that...
You told me to try to speak with it. I tried but it wouldn't answer... Oh and I wanted to tell you something important that happened in my previous message but I forgot about it. So It's about my chemistry teacher. That happened a year ago, when everything started... So... I brought some info because she required that... So I found interesting information, and she started to say things and (I don't really want to tell all the details because this is not important now), she kind of made fun of me in front of the class. After that I cried and all my friends consoled me... Ok so after that lesson, a day passed and she did't came to school. Then I heard that she was in hospital because she had a... Heart attack... And she didn't came like for 2 weeks to school. Don't worry, she is ok now, but she moved to another school...
And sorry for my english, I'm much better orally. Writing is not really my thing in english, sorry about that, and don't worry about that. (by the way I live in Bavaria ^^)

And you said you don't know what kind of person I am. So, everyone says that I have a good heart. And many priests said that too, that they feel it. I'm a kind person to everyone and very sociable. I'm always laughing and I like helping others. I always felt alone, and I wanted someone to spend time with, someone who would understand me... But NOT in this way!... Ok so, I know this description of me isn't really helping, but at least you got an idea about what type of person I am.
Also, I think that if it was some type of good spirit, It could enter in the church with me, right?

Thanks for your time Biblio,
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-11)
Greetings, again, F.C.

(Hope you don't mind the truncated version of your screen name. Please, just call me "Biblio;" everyone else does.)

I want to start with a key point you made: "Recently my class and I went to the church near our school for a lesson with the priest, and when I entered there, I felt free, I can't describe the feeling, was like I'm not in some sort of chains anymore, but the moment our lesson ended and I got out of there, I felt like before... Again in a cage." Whatever feels like it is protecting you -and it may think it is doing so- is also making you feel confined or trapped. Having an unseen presence on the other side of the shower curtain is NOT giving you privacy, it's NOT being protective, it IS acting like a pervert. As you feel consistently trapped or constrained by this presence, no matter what its intentions are, they're having a bad effect upon you. Being protective of our loved ones is fine, but we can't smother them with constant supervision; you do not need to to feel like you are under observation all the time because you'll resent the person/entity that is hampering your life.

You ask, "why would someone be obsessed with me? I mean I'm just a boring teenager with a normal life... What's so special about me?" My response to this is two-fold, and I don't want to hurt your feelings at all. The first part is -essentially- unanswerable: "why would someone be obsessed with me?" I only know your screen-name, and you appear to be Deutsch (my grandparents had friends in Stuttgart). However, I can tell you that it is impossible to know why someone else's obsessive mind fixates upon an individual, an activity, or a behavior as the subject of obsession/fantasization. I know that I love Sci-Fi t.v. Shows and movies, for example, but I hated some very popular ones, such as "The Matrix." Now, I could go into detail explaining why in a rational conversation, or -without my explanation- I could just leave you mystified. Sadly, this example directly parallels your situation; in order to find out why this individual has fixated upon you, you'd have to validate his fixation by going to ask him. I suspect that this would make you very uncomfortable, and I further suspect it would boost his efforts to spend time with you (physically or otherwise).

Beyond anything you've typed into our conversation, I know nothing about who you are as a human being; for me to answer your question, "What's so special about me?" would be presumptuous. However, I can quote one of my favorite lines from Doctor Who: "...nine hundred years of time and space and I've never met anybody who wasn't important before." You are an individual; you matter simply because you exist, you interact with others, and you learn about the world. THAT matters; that makes YOU matter. I'm an existentialist; I do a lot of research about a great many topics which interest me, and I can offer you no certainties in life other than the obvious one: you exist. While you exist, make your life matter. Make a difference in the world, and DON'T let some sadly-deluded individual make you paranoid, fearful, or angry. If you decide to revisit the church to tell the minister that you're uncomfortable with some of the aspects of your life at the moment, but you found his church reassuring and would like a blessing, then that may help you to get started on the path to being free of this interference.

If this spirit is the fellow who is currently in a hospital, this is a sad state of affairs. My concern is that he seems to be able to pass on physical manifestations of his pain to other people, thus causing them pain and misery. That's just unkind, vindictive behavior. I STRONGLY recommend that you stay as far from him as possible, so as to weaken any perceived connection he thinks he has with you.

Please, take care, and consider going to see the minster (with a friend you trust to be supportive) and start clearing away some of the behaviors that have been inflicted upon you.

My very best wishes,
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-10)

I forgot to answer you question in my previous message. No one died (thank God, because I would feel guilty all my life If that would've happened) but everyone that went to hospital, had serious problems and they were just a step away from surgery, but I prayed to God to keep them safe, and they went through with out the surgery, and I'm thankful that everything is ok now... But now, in hospital is this guy that I told you about...

(P.S: I wrote a previous message down bellow, so read that too please, if you don't mind)

Thanks for your time and support
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-10)
Hi Bibliothecarius,

Thanks for your advices. Also, I wanted to tell you another details, because your the only one so far that understands me.
1) So remember that guy that had a stomach disorder? Well he has more serious problems (sorry but I don't know how it will be correct in english) and that's why he is now in hospital... He also was teasing me, trying to hug me or touch me, and even though I told him many times to stop and to leave me alone... He wouldn't listen (some classmates said that he has a crush on me)...3 weeks ago, when we argued, he wanted to punch me in fun, but I don't know how but I caught his knuckle in my hand, so that's the reason everything happened to him?...
2) For some reason I'm not scared, and I feel protected, and I tried to talk to (that person) but it wouldn't answer. Sometimes when I lie in bed or I sit on a chair, I feel like someone is hugging me.
3) A few months ago, every time I went to shower, I felt someone near me (and trust me that felt VERY uncomfortable) and I also felt someone hugging me in the same time. I just wanted it to stop, and now, I'm not feeling it anymore, It's like it gives me space, and I just feel a presence on the other side of the curtain, but every time I looked, was nothing there.
4) When I lie on my back in bed, I feel tickles around my neck and I feel uncomfortable so I turn on the other side, and it stops. Also when I say " I'm cold" I immediately feel a warm sensation in my body.
5) 2 weeks ago, I felt someone breathing right in front of my face and not just one time, but 2-3 times. Recently my class and I went to the church near our school for a lesson with the priest, and when I entered there, I felt free, I can't describe the feeling, was like I'm not in some sort of chains anymore, but the moment our lesson ended and I got out of there, I felt like before... Again in a cage.

And why would someone be obsessed with me? I mean I'm just a boring teenager with a normal life... What's so special about me?

(P.S: This is the second time I'm writing this message because I had a brownout and my computer and all the lights turned off and every thing that I wrote so far erased... I don't know, maybe It's just a coincidence)

Thanks for all your help and support,
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Greetings, FluffyCloud.

You have provided more information in your latest response, and it makes me suspect that you are being followed by an over-protective entity with *serious* boundary issues; this rules out #4 of my initial options (which should be something of a relief if you were giving it consideration).

The other 3 options are still on the table. Sometimes, "poltergeist" phenomena occur when a person with a repressed reservoir of emotions is troubled or upset. Usually this is knocking noises, levitating objects, etc.; however, sometimes people who harass or upset the focus/generator of the phenomena are subject to physical or mental ailments. [Disclaimer: do NOT blame yourself based upon this speculation! It's usually along the lines of "getting scratched" or "having a headache" when in the vicinity of the individual, and it tends to clear up within minutes of being separated from him/her. Appendicitis and stomach ailments leading to hospitalization are HIGHLY UNLIKELY to be caused by poltergeist phenomena. I included this data as a potential cause to be ruled out, not as an explanation.]

Did someone who feels/felt protective of you die of stomach cancer, appendicitis, or post-surgical peritonitis? This is just one of the thoughts which is scratching at the back of my brain at the moment, so I thought I'd ask.

This does seem more akin to a haunting phenomenon than a demonic interaction, though -in my opinion- NO ONE should have the right to touch another person in a physical/sexualized manner without express consent. (I'm a teacher, so we do have to be alert to giving teens as clear a set of behavioral perimeters to prevent anyone from feeling violated, betrayed, etc.) I would recommend that you look on Rookdygin's profile page for his cleansing ritual ( He's a former witch and a minister who has listed a method for cleansing a home & the resident/residents of evil/unpleasant/sinister entities while leaving good, protective, and neutral entities alone. The benefit to this is that Rook structured the practice so it can be completed by anyone without conflicting with his/her religious beliefs (or lack thereof, in my case). Many members of YGS attest to the efficacy of his method, including Christians, Hindus, Wiccans, etc.

Shielding/protecting yourself should now be the main focus of your efforts. No one has the right to make you feel uncomfortable in your own body: NO ONE. Alive or dead, it's none of their damn business! If you feel resistance to performing the cleansing yourself, you may want to seek out a minister of whatever faith you find comforting, and ask that the minister perform a protective prayer/blessing over you. Repeating this weekly may be necessary for a month or so, just to keep your mind clear and protected from the sinister presence.

Given the clarity of your descriptions, you don't need to worry about such extreme ideas as demonic entities or possession, but I strongly suspect someone has formed an obsessive attachment to you.

Please give these ideas serious consideration, and act in your own best interest when selecting the path that seems right to you. Your own instincts serve you best when making a choice about how to act.

Be well and take care,
FluffyCloud (guest)
8 years ago (2016-10-09)
Thanks for your comments guys. I appreciate that you tried to help me, but still, I don't have a clear idea about what is happening to me, because I always feel a presence around me and touches, in kind of a sexual manner, and sometimes annoys me, and for a few months I had a crush on a boy... And I was always talking about him and I wanted the summer vacation to end just to see him, and then he didn't came to school. I asked his friends and they told me that he is in hospital. After that, I argued with my best friend, and after that, I found out that she had problems with appendicitis and was sand to the hospital. And a week ago I argued with a classmate because he made fun of me and my friend, and then, he suddenly stopped coming to school, and someone told me that he has a stomach disorder and was send to the hospital... And I noticed that everyone that have something against me or has a crush on me, something bad happens to them and I don't think that this is just a coincidence because everything happened recently. In general I'm very friendly and sociable and I don't want this things to happen to them, even though they did what they did... They don't deserve it... And after everything you told me guys, I think that maybe is a spirit... I read a story like mine and in comments, someone said that maybe its a lover from another life. I really don't know what to think right now...
By the way, I know who own this house before, and nobody died here. Here lived a family and we know them and we are in a good relationship with them. And this account wasn't mine before, it used to be my cousins account, but she gave it to me because she wasn't using it at all, so now it's mine and I don't know how to change the age, sorry for making you confused guys, and thanks for your advice, still, If after this message you have an idea what's happening... I would be grateful, thanks again.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-03)
What?! I've only got a few more years to be a young adult? Aww. That is a serious bummer.

I don't know, I had a very intense time when I was 14: in a cool way though. I remember sitting on my bed under the skylight playing my guitar and the sunlight coming through seemed to actually fill me up with love, silly as that sounds. It was a neat feeling.

Another time I was standing outside looking at the trees down the road (ponderosa pines) and suddenly realizing 'unnatural' things were natural, otherwise they wouldn't exist. I guess it was a pretty deep thinking/deep feeling time.
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-03)

Welcome to YGS and thank you for sharing.
Biblio has given you some good advice as he always does with his
Well researched and thought out answers. Please consider what he has told you.

I would like to add that I have weird dreams & sleep paralysis.
Not discounting anything you have written or anyone else on this site for that matter when it comes to experiences while laying down and/or sleeping.
Having said that
I always advise that anyone who has as experience while sleeping or being anywhere near a state of sleeping to look for non paranormal reasons. My reason being that I know from experience how events during these times can appear to be so very real.
The first time I had a bout with sleep paralysis I was absolutely,
100 percent sure there were beings in the room with me. In fact I thought I was dying. It can seem that real. Even now, when I am having an episode I always sense I am lying on my back when in fact I never sleep on my back due to breathing and always sleep on my side. Sure enough when I come out of the episode I am on my side right where I laid down and drifted off to sleep.
Another thing to consider is your age. During this time of your life your mind and body are going through some rather drastic changes and I remember at 14 sometimes I didn't know right from left or up from down. Its just such a weird time in a person's life.

Again, please don't think I'm discounting your story.
Only saying to examine all rational non paranormal possibilities.
Hopefully nothing else will happen and as you move beyond your mid teen years things will smooth out.

Keep us informed and very best to you
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-02)
First, Shelby: I was thrilled to be a "Young Adult" until mid-January, when (at 39. 5 years old) YGS decided I was "Middle Aged." Let me tell you that it's a thrill to read you're middle-aged on an icy morning while eating your prescribed high-fiber cereal and trying to work the chill out of your bad knee. 😉

FluffyCloud: Incubi & Succubi are alleged "Demonic Entities" used to explain otherwise-committed Christians having sexualized dreams. They have their origin in the tale of Lilith from Jewish Mysticism (specifically, the Kabbalah), and are thus tied to legends like the Nephilim, Vampires, etc. St. Augustine included them in his writings, and everyone agreed that since it was St. Augustine, this must make sense (the logical flaw of "Ipse Dixit" -or "because he said so").

I am not dismissing your claims of the experience out of hand, as an initial reading of the events you describe indicates you appear to have undergone a fairly traumatic experience. However, that does not mean that you've had a supernatural experience with a demonic entity of extra-canonical origin. Certainly, there are perverts in the world, and -if spirits are just deceased people- some of them will be perverts, too; others will the paranoid, bullying, thoughtful, vigilant, friendly, absent-minded, and all the other character traits we associate with being a person. Given your description of the events, I'd be more concerned that your experiences indicate: 1) vivid dreaming due to stress; 2) someone capable of astral projection is harassing you; 3) you've got a ghost who feels lonely; 4) you're having some flashbacks from a repressed memory of some kind. You'll note that each of these suggestions doesn't invalidate what you've experienced, but leaping to the the most appalling option isn't always the best way to tackle a problem.

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
8 years ago (2016-10-02)
Tweed, I am 35 and this site lists me as a young adult as well. I think it lists everyone as one. It's probably a generalized thing, so unless someone wants to give out their age on their own, we all remain eternally young adults regardless if we are 14, 35, or 102.

FluffyCloud, there are a few accounts on this site with women with amorous ghost who keep bothering them. Check the stories back a few weeks, they may be able to help. BlackCatAttack is one lady's name I think, but I can't remember the other lady's account name.

May want to look up hag-ridden too, along with the incubus. Check the building and furniture history - any 'new' antiques or blankets it may have come in with?

Telling it to get the (insert curse word) off you may help too until it decides to go back to wherever it came from.
roylynx (guest)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Interesting, are you using your mother's account? If so ask her to read all the comments with you, you should have permission for that right? Lol

Anyhow, I have searched for blank-face and shadow-man, from your situation that man should be a person whom shall not be in "this world" already. He could be someone close to you and your mother. Also, you can ask your mother if the house that you guys are staying owned by other people. Hope that help.

Blessing from São Paulo

Tweed (36 stories) (2525 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-26)
Hi FluffyCloud,

Your age range says you're a young adult, but you've said you're 14, could you clear up which is correct?

Also, just to rule out possible physical causes, in both times you felt 'something' there were you in the same position? I'm wondering if a sleeping position is partly to blame for terrifying nightmares. I don't mean to dismiss what you've experienced just want to rule out a few things.

Thanks for sharing.

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