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Ghost In The Backwater


This is my first ever experience with evil spirits. Fortunately or unfortunately I experienced something which is beyond our reach.

Basically am from Bangalore. And this incident happened to me on Jan 2016 in Karnataka, India.

One of my cousin owns an estate in Shimoga, Karnataka. The estate is located adjacent to the back waters. I planned to visit their estate, which I do very often. But I never had any hint about what am going to experience this time.

Ghost In The Backwater

I have a best companion of my life which is a GS (German Shepherd - named 'Kanna') and my habit is to take my GS with me where ever I go. So myself and my GS drove to the estate and reached by noon around 3 clock. The day passed and in night we all had dinner together.

After dinner, I took my GS for a walk near the back water region around 10'o clock. All of a sudden my GS started barking in a very strange voice (which I never heard before) by looking at one particular direction which amazed me. Then he started pulling me forcibly. I didn't understand what he was going through. Later, all of a sudden I sensed some weird things happening and I felt someone is running and coming towards me from the back side (the direction in which Kanna was looking at and barking). Then I clearly felt someone pushing me hard on my back and I fell down and it pained like a hell. After this Kanna became very aggressive and looked like he was chasing away something with its shout. He started pulling me even harder and we ran from there and reached the estate. I told all that happened there to my cousin and even they were shocked to hear this incident. Then my back was paining due to that hard push. Later when checked, I had a red mark on my back and the pain was there for few more weeks. Somehow we both managed to come out of that space.

Thanks to my Kanna.

Does the Dogs really see or feel the spirits? In my case, this is damn true.

Sorry for the lengthy story. I was excited while narrating this story as it's my first paranormal experience and on top of everything, I moved by the exceptional love and loyalty of my German shepherd. He saved me.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dkashyap, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-19)
You really owe to your dog, backwater picture is very beautiful. I guess you can ask your cousin to get some information about this incident. Thanks for sharing
Martin (602 posts) mod
8 years ago (2017-05-11)
Note: some new photos provided by the author have been published.
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-04-04)
oh, Ok. It would be cool if they could though! XD
Well, at least they are sensitive to it. Kinda reminds me of the time when my very first bird started freaking out for no reason! I wonder... By the way, that bird flew out of my house a couple of months ago and is still missing. It's very sad. 😢 Today, I have three that I love, but could never replace him. 😢
Lollipopspace (5 stories) (9 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
Danm. You must have been in a lot of pain. Dogs are highly sensitive to spirits so if you go somewhere where there is a different presence in the air and the dog started barcking you will know why. (Cats are also very alert to these types of things)
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-30)
[at] ThePhoenixIsHere I doubt if any animal be it dogs or cats or birds can protect anyone from any supernatural entities.

I guess they are more sensitive to such entities and can give alarm is such an entity is in the vicinity.
bandet888 (86 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-27)
If you felt a push from the back side, couldn't it have been a real person?
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-26)
AzraelX - I read your comment with some interest.

I have had cats who have been very aware of paranormal activity in my home. I have had dogs too, more so than cats, but I can tell you that in no way do cats lag behind dogs in the paranormal category! I won't go into detail about this, after all the story thread belongs to the O/P.

As far as birds are concerned - you have just reminded me of another story I can post regarding my ex-neighbour's parrot. I thank you for that 😊

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-26)
Dkashyap - I too would have been terrified if something knocked me down, be it human or paranormal! How touching that Kanna did his best to get you away from there. Animals recognise bad vibes, whether they emanate from paranormal or human. Ever known him to take a dislike to somebody visiting? If so, be wary.

As a teenager we had a German Shepherd named Sheba. We lived about 5 minutes' walk from one of the beaches. I used to take her to swim in rock pools and the two of us used to have a wonderful time!

However there was a room in the house that she had great difficulty entering. At times she needed quite some coaxing to enter there. I felt something off there as well but by that time I was trying my utmost to ignore anything paranormal because of past experiences.

I for one will accept that you had a paranormal experience. If the intruder had been human Kanna would probably have gone into attack mode then and there and not tried to pull you back to the estate.

Regards, Melda
razorback1984 (5 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-26)
Very interesting story my old golden retriever wasn't intune with the paranormal at all but a friend of mine has a cat that chases the ghost in her home. So I can relate with the animals part very much haha!
BeagleMom (3 stories) (84 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)

You have an extraordinary friend in Kanna! I have only had Golden Retrievers', Weimaraners' and now Beagles'. None of my dogs have shown any tendency toward protection. Of course, there is not much to protect us from in our sleepy little town.

Welcome to YGS and Thanks for sharing!

Mother of Beagles
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)

If there was an evil spirit in my house trying to harm me, will my birds be able to protect me? I hope so, because I have 3!
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)
Dogs to a major degree, cats to a minor degree and to lesser degrees other animals, birds to be particular (as far we know) are sensitive to paranormal or supernatural entities.

Though there are no scientific studies to stage this as a fat, there are lot of anecdotal evidences.

Dog, cats & birds are sensitive to catastrophic disasters such as Tsunamis, Earthquakes etc.

Perhaps, they have some sort of ESP or Electromagnetic reception or perception to such events.

Similarly, they could have ESP or Electromagnetic reception of perception to Supernatural or Paranormal entities.

Then, the question is do such entities have a Electromagnetic field or so?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-25)
Dkashyap: welcome to YGS.

Your experience is intriguing and fascinating though, in my opinion, it is difficult to say if you encounter a spirit, much less a demon.

Is your cousin aware of anyone else having a similar experience? Does he know of a possible reason for paranormal activity in the area?

Just an idea, do you think it possible that some person threw something at you while hiding nearby?
Animals are sensitive to spirits and to strangers too, specially when protecting their family. Besides, the living are always more dangerous than the dead. 😐

Anyway, I'm glad nothing worse happened to you.

Thanks for sharing.
ThePhoenixIsHere (2 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-24)
Kanna is the sweetest GS I have ever heard of! And yes, all animals, including dogs, are sensitive to the paranormal, meaning that they can see ghosts.
By the way, I liked your story and I got even more carried away with my first one as well! XD

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