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Real Ghost Stories



I'm just newly registered 'cause I love reading real experiences of the paranormal. Although for me,"paranormal" is not the correct word. Because we and everything we do,say,everything that surrounds us, is made of energy. And energy (the good and the bad one) never gets lost. It simply transforms itself. Like Einstein said:"Nothing was ever created and nothing gets ever lost. It is simply always there."

And that's why I never doubt if anyone's telling stories about ghosts,demons,spirituality etc. Because it is a part of us. If the energy expresses itself as harmful or dangerous,it's difficult to deal with.

Well,now I want to tell you one of my stories. This happened 10 years ago and I was working as a nurse in a hospital for old, helpless people. Most of them were constantly lying in bed, slowly dying, in a sort of a coma. I was on the night shift with a very dear female member of my team. We loved to work together. Imagine that we were the only two healthy persons in a house filled with 120 patients. Of course, half of them were able to look after themselves and completely independent. On our main check-up and take-care tour that took place from 3.00 5.30 a.m.,we had two wards left (changing pampers, give medication, made people drink...).So we entered the 2nd ward an I heard a strange kind of noise. Very loud and clear, with some disturbances, like a radio, but I couldn't understand what the person was saying. It was a female voice. I told my friend to listen and she said:"Strange,seems like someone has put on tv or the radio".

I answered:"Stephany,how is a paralyzed person doing to put on a radio or tv?Anyway,this seems like a person talking next to us, not from inside a room which door is closed."

She looked at me:"You're right. But let's continue".We were listening, but the voice suddenly stopped. And so I thought:"Maybe I'm just tired".

We went to our next patient and had to change the entire sheets, wash the man an put a fresh pajama on him because he and the whole bed were full of liquid excrement. So this took us a lot of time and we were running from the bed to the bathroom an so on.Finally,Stephany told me that she would put a new shirt on the man, so I started to carry all the dirty stuff outside in the hall, were our caddy was placed. Because of our need in sheets,blankets,skin products, towels etc., the door of the room was open to have free access to the caddy. So I turned my back to my friend, and I heard her talking with the man, moving him etc. A sheet fell down on the floor while I was walking, so I had to go down to grab it from the floor. And the moment I took the blanket I looked through the open door into the hall. And I swear, a little old person in a white nightgown passed through the hall. It didn't touch the floor, it was like floating, completely silent.First,I thought:"What the f...?Stephany was just now at Mr.X'bed-what is she doing in the hall?" (Remember that as nurses, we were dressed in white). The logic question that, if Stephany would have left Mr.X,I would have seen her leaving the room,didn't come to my mind. I simply stood there like frozen. All this happened in seconds.

I heard Stephany's voice behind me:"Hey,what's going on? You want to carry that dirty sheets all night?"She laughed.

I jumped and said:"Steph...but you were just outside in the hall?!"

"No,I was dressing and installing Mr.X. Remember?What's wrong? Your face is as pale as snow. You feel unwell? You need to throw up?"

I put everything I had in my arms on the floor an ran into the hall. I still saw the apparition of the woman before she vanished through the wall. Steph came after me as I was standing there with goosebumps all over my body an trembling from terror and cold. We were in the midst of the summer, but I swear you, in the hall it was as cold as in a refrigerator. Steph said:"Wow!Why is it suddenly so cold?" She hadn't seen the woman. And I told her-don't ask me, why I said this-:"We have to go downstairs.Mrs.Z has just died."

Incredibly,she looked at me."What?How will you know? We just looked after her, she was sleeping."

"Steph,I swear, she is dead. I've seen her ghost passing through the hall".Confused,my friend followed me downstairs an when we entered Mrs.Z'room,it was a peaceful and warm atmosphere inside. In fact, she died a few moments ago. Her body was still warm. So we called the med. To have the attestation an at the end of the shift, we washed an dressed her in a beautiful gown. I was silent all the time. But Steph couldn't believe it. She was talking, asking me questions...

At home, after work, I fell in my bed, I was not afraid anymore or scared, simply surprised. I slept a few hours and dreamed of Mrs.Z.She came towards me, was much younger that I have ever seen her, healthy and surrounded by a sort of white light. She told me:"Thank you dear, for looking after me all these years.I'm leaving now". Much later, when I occupied my mind with events like this, I realized, that the "radio" we heard at the beginning was an EVP of Mrs.Z.

Hope you enjoy the story!

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Chow-Chow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-17)
Biblio--I was curious about that quote too. The closest I could find searching online wasn't an Einstein quote but one from Walt Whitman--"I think it is lost... But nothing is ever lost nor can it be lost. The body sluggish, aged, cold, the ember left from earlier fires shall duly flame again."

The psy-trance group Shpongle released an album titled "Nothing Lasts... But Nothing Is Lost". Maybe that's where Chow-Chow picked up the Einstein misquote. Great album and I could see Einstein touting its charms had he been alive when it was released 😜.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-17)

1. As I typed my question, I noticed that Chow-Chow deleted her account about 14 hours earlier. I posted the question anyway, as someone else may have the answer.
2. When I don't know something, I look it up. When I can't find it, I ask questions.
3. I'm an English Teacher and Librarian. I always ask questions about: unfamiliar topics; quotes I've not heard before; events, rituals, taboos, and customs of other cultures; peoples' abilities and skills, or their disabilities and hardships; the effect/effects that sequences of events have on perception and comprehension; unclear statements.
4. Chow-Chow did not ask for help, she wanted to post her experience for discussion. She included the quote and I had wanted to discuss it with her, as she may know more about Einstein than I do.

abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-16)
People delete their accounts because of some comments from other members.
[at] Biblio
A quote has got nothing to do with her experience. Did you really have to Google that? And also ask her to provide the original source? Seriously?
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-13)
I have to disagree with Azrael - thus does not seem residual to me, the author's assessment seems far more probable. I hope Chow-chow returns, it was a very interesting and credible account... I don't understand why some folks delete their accounts like that.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-08)
I found this story very interesting, although I did not comment on it for the simple reason that I didn't have anything constructive to say!

Closed her account? Perhaps gremlins at play? Tut-tut.

Regards, Melda
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Greetings, Chow-Chow.

When and where did Einstein say "Nothing was ever created and nothing gets ever lost. It is simply always there"? The only place Google can find the quote is in the first paragraph of this story. I'd love to see the quote in its original context.

I've just noticed that Chow-Chow has apparently deleted her account, within 10 hours of replying to AzraelX. What...? Why...?

Oh, bugger it!
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Chow-Chow, several times a year, ever since we moved in, we have aromas, usually very early in the morning. The aromas may be French toast, pancakes, cinnamon toast, coffee cake, etc, and always between 4-5 a.m., roughly. A few years ago, a new aroma, that of fresh air and gas, or oil, (something you'd smell near outdoor equipment) has joined the baking smells. We do know that the mid-20th century owners were a retired farm couple who rented rooms to college students. I'm thinking it's their residual spirits.
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Thank you,AzraelX.I think my brain is not developed enough to follow completely your explanation! Like I wrote at the beginning of my story, the event took place 10 years ago. And after this special event (the 10 following years), I have never witnessed anything similar.Anyway,it was really strange, the temperature falling, the fact that this woman really died that night... I think it was an interesting "adventure" 😁
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
[at] Chow-Chow

A residual haunting is a playback of a past event. The apparitions involved are not spirits, they are "recordings" of the event.

This is the basis of the Stone Tape Theory.
This theory follows that a particular event, often a strong, emotional or tragic event, may be captured within some physical means or perhaps 'psychically' etched within or upon the structural framework of a particular location. One possible example of such a location might be a stone or wood structure and possibly even certain metal-framed buildings, which may attract and contain various emotions and/or events that contain strong feelings. In short, this concept acts much like a tape or video cassette, whereby visual, audible or even olfactory responses are recorded and replayed at various times and location."

A residual haunting does not have to be connected with an event in the distant past. It can even be related to an event in the recent past too.

Perhaps the residual haunting is related to some woman who died in your hospital in the past 5 years.
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Thanks a lot for your warm welcome, Fergie 😁.In fact, it was a completely unexpected-at first frightening, later surprising-experience.
I will do my best to write down the events I remember!
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Thank you for your opinion. I can't and won't judge if you are right or wrong. I can only tell you that the building where this experience took place was then only 5 years old. And the apparation looked exactly (same height, same slim body, same grey chin-long hair...) like Mrs.Z. (who died that night). I did a lot of nightshifts, but I have never seen this kind of apparition nor heard these radio-like noises in 16 years. If I understand correctly, a residual haunting is something that repeats itself constantly, often in old buildings and due to traumatic events. But this woman was born in Germany and later married to Luxembourg where she had a hairdresser saloon. She never frequented the place where the hospital is, nor has ever lived in this village.
Perhaps you can give me further informations?
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
Chow-Chow, what a startling, but lovely, experience. To recognize the spirit, and to know what had happened, is truly amazing.

I love hospital accounts. Keep them coming, please.

Thanks for sharing, and welcome to YGS.
AzraelX (8 stories) (115 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-07)
I would like to think or I do think of this as a Residual Haunting.
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Thank you very much for using the expression that my story "was a breath of fresh air".Paranormal encounters aren't always scary or dangerous. And that is exactly what I want to share with other people. BUT I know that these encounters can also be absolutely terrifying.
I will publish a few more stories...
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Argette,strange how our experiences match together! An this has nothing to do with "unconscious sharing knowledge"-like some scepticals try to explain the phenomenon.Look,we don't know each other, we live far away apart from another-and we made the same experience! I live in an old house too. It has been renovated completely a couple of years ago. But I rembember as a child, a very nice old lady was living here. She was friendly and for some reason, I liked her. And she was so happy because she told my mother that, being a jew, she ended up in one of the Nazi's Concentration Camps at WW2-and survived it. But it was horrible as you can imagine. I remember she died in this house. Sometimes I have the impression of being watched, but it doesn't scare me. I don't know who it is, but it is a peaceful presence.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Hi Chow Chow

Thanks for sharing this experience I really enjoyed it. Your story was like a breath of fresh air.

It's great to read a positive encounter with a kind loving spirit that left someone feeling better off for it.

Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Chow-Chow, that was my experience, too. It was a few years ago, when my husband was doing some remodeling-type work on our laundry room/workshop area. No radios on, nothing being broadcast, yet we heard two snatches of what sounded like circa 1940s radio. One was about 10-12 seconds, the other a bit longer.

There was static and a definite old-time style to them (like news clips from the 1930s-40s). They seemed to fill the entire back of the house, and did not have a source. Disembodied is the word that comes to mind.

Our house is 121 years old and has had about 5-7 different owners.

I've worked in hospitals, too. I know how they are.
Chow-Chow (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Nice to meet you,Argette!
How it was possible or why we heard the radio-like noises-I can't tell you. I have gone through other "ghostly"experiences the 16 years I was working at the hospital. But never before and after this special event, I heard such EVP-like voices. Sometimes I wonder who wanted to communicate and what the voice was saying. Because the explanation that this was Mrs. Z talking is not prooved. It seems to me to be the only "logical" one. Apart from the disturbances (cracklings...),it was a clear female voice that seemed to talk in a foreign language I didn't know and understand. But I felt somehow strange 'cause the voice seemed to come from another dimension.
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-05-06)
Welcome, Chow-Chow, and thanks for sharing your experience.

The radio thing is something I have experienced but not in relation to an imminent death. Perhaps it is a means of breaking through...

Welcome to YGS!

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