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Real Ghost Stories

Jeff Jeffedy Jeff!


I suddenly remembered long ago, when I was still a little child I used to have an imaginary friend called Jeff. I imagined him as a person whom looked like the alien, "grey man" (pale grey skin, big eyes, oval shaped head, small body, long fingers and very intelligent).

I would talk to Jeff whenever I feel unhappy (things like, when I cannot have any cookies from the cookie jar, I have to finish my milk when I do not want to, etc lol). I remember I will talk to a robot figure representing Jeff and say, "Jeff Jeffedy Jeff, veja isso? Os adultos sรฃo sempre assim! Eles nunca pensam em meu sentimento, jรก que ainda sou pequeno!" (Jeff Jeffedy Jeff, see that? Adults are always like that! They never think of my feeling since I am still small!). I will then make the already very loose head nod so to make myself think that Jeff agreed. LOL

When my grandmother started to visit us frequently, my memories with Jeff had thinned, well, age did matter too I guess, but I never had completely forgotten Jeff even though the broken robot figure is thrown away. I still would "talk" to Jeff, when I was alone, before my mother got pregnant.

I remember once my cousin visited me and we had a big fight I was alone sitting on the edge of the dark corridor of our old home crying. I guess it was my imagination, Jeff came to me in my thoughts, he was asking why I am crying, I told him that I had a fight with my cousin and that he was being mean and things like that. I told me not to worry since in the future he is going to suffer in his own love life.

Years past, I had forgotten about that moment me and my cousin fought, I even cannot remember what the fight was about. Of course my sister would not even know that things like that had happened, she not even born! I heard about my cousin, he is now working in a local hotel as a manager. He had got married and divorced several times just in a few years. Rumors were around, my cousin became a "Play-Boy" who would cheat on any woman he is with, every time he was caught on bed with other woman, and he was once caught by a detective sent by one of his ex-wife.

I do not understand why he would behave that way, the more I think my long lost imaginary friend would pop-up and say "eu te disse" (I told you so).

I do not know if that was my sixth sense sending "Jeff" to tell me a shameful prediction on my cousin but I have heard that during childhood, many of us would have this long lost abilities which we human beings all have. Do you think that this could have been my sixth sense or something? I do not have it now and I never would talk to "Jeff" since I no longer need him in my life (I mean, imaginary friend... Come on!).

Do you all have had an imaginary friend whom sometimes really scare you or have special abilities? If so do share it and let me know if you think it is some kind of spirit or not.

Love from Sรฃo Paulo


Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

roylynx (guest)
6 years ago (2018-01-30)
KatelynC, Sorry was away and busy...
Hmm...Why don't you write a story and tell us about it?

KatelynC (12 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
sorry for late reply and yes
Again sorry for late reply

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-07)
KatelynC, Thanks for your comment! Sorry for the late reply.
I think I kind of missed it during my trip.

You do "hang out" with spirits? Are they always around? Hmm...

KatelynC (12 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-01)
I do, I hang out with spirits all the time so I'm use to it, makes me feel less lonely ๐Ÿ˜œ
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-16)
RedWolf, How informative! Yes! That is something that I found in some of the reports and things that I heard from people! We human beings naturally have the ability to interact with spirits but had somehow stopped in some point. That is very helpful!

I am not sure if there is a "third eye" but I do have a feeling that in nature animals do communicate with spirits, somewhat like how they show animals talking to some pixie in some fairytales. Got lots to talk about but I don't think it is about ghosts so I stop here.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-14)

People have been on the fence about imaginary friends. There are people that say that very young children speak and interact (play) with spirits. At around 6 or 7 sometimes older they stop. Some people will say it's because the parents hammer into kids heads that there are no such things as ghosts and they are too old for imaginary friends. Other times kids just stop believing on their own and close their third eye.
I hope that helps.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-12)
Lady-glow, Ah... I understand about the tiny keyboard of iPhone lol
Please feel free to ask me anything from the story:-)

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-12)

Hello and thanks for the clarification, I was puzzled thinking that the detective was acting like one of those pesky paparazzi whom stop to nothing in order to get a good picture.

I'm doing fine, nowadays I haven't commented too much because I mostly read the stories in my iPhone and find its little keyboard difficult and tedious to use... And my PC is buried under a mountain of junk piled up on my desk.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-11)
Lilwolf, Wow! I am sure Vomit could be a spirit so what like linked to your past life, I mean IF you believe in that sort of things, interesting and neither do I think that imaginary friend/friends are paranormal at all.

L_Melb, Oh it's a TV show? Like "Friends" and "Fool House" etc?
I kind of could imagine it as a show like "Adams Family", not the movie series, I mean the old mono-tone comedy show lol

L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
Hi Roy,
No, no the show was a comedy. A TV show from England - although maybe the way they lived could be seen as horror!
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
I use to have a strange imaginary friend when I was little, when I was angry or scared this little girl with black hair that was always messy looking and the same dirty clothes would show up. Weird thing is I named her vomit, Not sure why I was a very strange kid. But I would talk to her and sometimes when I was doing stuff I knew would get me in trouble She would tell me to stop being a stupid naughty girl but when I was upset I had a bad habit of crawling underneath my brother and my bunk bed because I never wanted to cry in front of anyone and she would lay under there with me and hold my hand or talk to me, usually by the end of it all she would tell me to dry it up and get over it. So she was a harsh comfort as odd as that sounds. She quit showing up when I was six or somewhere around that age. Anyway, interesting share I don't think an imaginary friend is paranormal based but I still found it interesting.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
Lady-glow, It has been awhile to see your comments! How are you doing?

You are free to imagine anything senhora lol

That part I did not think before I write lol Sorry for the misleading writing style.

I meant there, besides being caught on bed, he was once caught (probably some picture taken) by the detective sent by his ex-wife. That woman, I still have her contact since she is one of the manger of my sister's old working place, now is that too much info?;-)

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
I find this part of your story to be very disturbing:

" cousin became a "Play-Boy" who would cheat on any woman he is with, every time he was caught on bed with other woman, and he was once caught by a detective sent by one of his ex-wife."

Do you mean the detective entered the room where and when your cousin was enjoying what should have been a private moment? ๐Ÿ˜จ

It's easy to imagine a person coming back home only to find their partner taking advantage of their absence to cheat on her/him, but for an stranger to enter the place?! Even if the detective was doing their job, couldn't they be accused of trespassing or breaking into private property? Would it be legal to do such a thing? Or were they doing the deed in the open?๐Ÿ˜…

Sorry for all the questions, sometimes my imagination runs wild.

Anyway, I agree with Jubeele, your cousin problems are his own making. Besides, whatever you both fought for was probably as simple as not wanting to share marbles, it's hard to think karma would be that harsh on him for such an small matter.

Thanks for sharing.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-10)
Jubeele and L_Melb, I do not think I was allowed to watch any horror movie during my childhood... At least I do not remember watching any...
I shall google the movie and see it on Netflix or somewhere available. Drop Dead Fred... Hmm...


L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
Oh yes Jubelee, I remember ๐Ÿ˜
I was in primary school and started watching when my older brother introduced me.
Ah youth! Long gone... Forgive my interruption ๐Ÿ˜‰
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
I liked 'Drop Dead Fred'! It's a dark comedy starring the late Rik Mayall as the imaginary friend - does anyone remember 'The Young Ones'? (Haha, this dates me...)

You're right Roylynx, your cousin's problems had nothing to do with you. He did that all by himself!
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
AugustaM, Ah... So there is such movie out!? Lol
Well, I used to have little friend before my sister is born.
I used to be bullied around and so there is lots of spare time making an imaginary friend for me lol No, don't be sad for me, this had changed since I became a "brother". Never mind for this story, maybe I am just thinking too much lol

Em... Problem solved guys and gals, it just my "imagination" lol

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
Have you ever seen 'Drop Dead Fred'? Its a rather obscure 80s movie but worth looking up - its a comedy about a woman whose child hood imaginary friend turns up again when she's an adult - chaos and hilarity ensue!

I've never had any imaginary friends that I know of but I've always spoken to someone... Just never had a clear picture in my mind of who or what that 'someone' was. I still talk to 'them' though I pass it off more as talking to myself lol
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2017-10-09)
I did not know that it was up!
Sorry found a mistake...

"I told me not to worry since in the future he is going to suffer in his own love life."

I was supposed to mean that "he told me not worry since in the future he is going to suffer in his own love life."



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