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Desculpe, Ele Se Foi


I was driving with my dear friend last Saturday. She was texting with her sister about one of their relative whom has been in the hospital for quite a long period.

What I heard from my dear friend is that the man is their uncle, and he had fallen off the roof top during a constructing work a year and 3 months ago. He landed, head first, his back was cracked (curled?), his ears bled, and his system other than his heart had shut down. He was rushed to the hospital. He had never woken up ever since due to serious brain damage.

I was saying that I hope that her uncle will get well soon, then my phone buzzed (I put it on vibrate mode all the time) and there was a text message from an unknown number.

I asked my dear friend to read it for me "Desculpe, Ele Se Foi" (Sorry, he left). "Eu pensei que era uma mensagem de texto" (I thought it was a text message) I asked her. She told me that it was what it was written there. I was thinking who that person could be.

The next moment my dear friend received a call, it was a call from her mother telling her that her uncle had just passed away. What a coincidence?

I had checked the number, it was not her mother. I thought it could have been some of my dear friend's relatives, but she told me that none of them know my number. Of course, I do not remember meeting any of her relatives other than her parents.

I drove her back to her home so that she can do whatever she need to. I headed back to my new house to fine from whom the text is from. I even asked my sister if she knew that number, but she told me that she do not have a record from it. I checked in my old phone as well to fine a chance that it could be some of my old friends, but none of them have the same number. It could not have been the hospital too since I have never visited her uncle.

Does things like that happen to any of you? I am not really sure if this is really just a coincidence or is it something paranormal. It feels eerie and very odd.

Love from São Paulo


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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, roylynx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-05-02)
RSAChick, Hey! Thanks for finding it for me and sorry for the late reply, busy with my new terrarium:-)

Indeed, it is strange until now and I really am still wondering "why me?"


RSAChick (115 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-30)
Hi Roy, here is a link to your sister's story you were telling Lucia about:

If your latest story is a coincidence, then it is a very eerie coincidence!😨
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-26)
Valkricry, Thanks for the information!
Indeed, eerie coincidence.
Thanks for commenting too!

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-26)
Roy, I found this article you might find interesting on why Portuguese and Spanish are so similar and different:

A text message, from a not in service number with appropo meaning - all a bit much for coincidence.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-26)
Lady-glow, Portuguese king and Spanish king were brothers Portuguese king has a verbal issue that is why it made the language different lol No, nothing political, world. It's just a joke.
True it could be a coincidence but yes, very weird.

RCRuskin, I understand, but really the timing is so... You know.

CuriousDee, Yup, indeed it is amazing how they are capable to do magic on our modern device, we have more to learn from "them".

BeautInside, Olá! True, it makes sense that way. Obrigado!

Thank you all for all the kind words, I will share them with my dear friend!

BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-26)
Olá Roylynx,

For me the timing and the message makes it too much for a coincidence... Even though RCRuskin's theory is plausible, I think it is a bit too much. I heard and read about spirits/ghosts being capable of manifest through electronic devices, so it makes sense that your friend's uncle would try to send a message. I just think that probably he got the wrong number?

Please send me condolences to your friend.

Lady-glow, Portuguese and Spanish are indeed very similar! 😉

God bless. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)

First, my condolences to your friend. Second, how strange! I for one don't believe in coincidence's. It definitely sounds like your friend's uncle reaching out. The other side is amazing as far as what they are capable of doing. Especially with electronics.

Great story, thanks for sharing. 😊
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
I want to add my condolences to your friend and her family. May his Memory be Eternal.

My gut feeling is that this was just a coincidence. A misrouted message sent through the cell network, with bogus information in it.

The timing of the message, however... 😲
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
Hello Roylynx, I think it can not be just a coincidence. May be your friend's uncle wanted to know her that he was no more in physical state, so he choosed the best possible medium present there which was the mobile.
Perhaps it could also be possible that your friend may have been thinking about her uncle in her consciousness. Perhaps this may be the reason why the information about his death was confirmed so quickly because of this interconnection.
My condolences for your friend's loss. Thanks for sharing such a good experience.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
Disculpe, él se fué... Spanish and Portuguese are so similar! 😆

Sometimes spirit uses the most unexpected means when sending a message... It could have been someone dialing the wrong number but, still, sending you a meaningful text.

roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
LuciaJacinta, Yup! I know exactly what you mean and I agree with you. This is actually not the first time, the first time happened to my sister, I think I have a story here, can't remember it though lol
Sorry, I have had too many things happening at once these days lol

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
I've had text messages from beyond as well. Except they came from phone numbers I knew but senders never sent them etc... So they were unexplained. I really don't believe anything in life is random. Even if it was a random text message from a random phobe number on accident, you gotta wonder why you received it at that point in time when you were thinking of the deceased... Yes some things are random but I believe even the random isn't random if you know what I mean. 😊
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
Jubeele, Well I start to think that something is with me these days... I did try to dial back but it was not in used... I did ask my friend but she did not know who the number it belong to, well it's not in use so...

AugustaM, Guess what? I did try to dial back but that number is not in use, strange? Well thinking back I hear some noise from the phone, hackers? Hmm...

AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-25)
I definitely would have tried dialing the number back or googling it - just to have all possible information.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-24)
Roy, my condolences to your friend for her loss. 😢

This is a curious incident. Did you check with your friend if the number belonged to any of her relatives? Have you tried calling the number to see if anyone answers it? 🤔

Maybe it was texted to you by mistake. The timing of the text was rather strange though. Do you think it was a coincidence...? But I've experienced too many weird "coincidences" to be entirely sure of anything these days. Like when I make seemingly offhand remarks about things that later turn out to be true <yikes>.

Rex-T had an experience with Arthur, the "Ghost in the Wire". It's possible that spirits may be able to affect phone lines and electronics.

Still, it's bit spooky to think that someone/something could've been listening in on your conversation with your friend - and then "answered" you! 😟

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