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Real Ghost Stories

Night Knocker


Many years ago, I was separated from my husband and living alone in our remote Michigan country home. This weekend our children were at his home staying with him. I had worked a long International 3 day trip and had commuted home from Chicago O'Hare. It was late when I arrived home tired. I took my luggage in dropping it by the front door. I grabbed a snack and answered a call from a relative. Then I headed straight to the bathroom and drew a hot bubble bath. I shut the shades before getting into the tub even though there is nothing but woods behind my home for 3 miles.

I was relaxing in the hot water when I was jolted alert by hard banging on my front door. The outside screen door was metal and the noise it made was very loud, it traveled down the halls and through the closed bathroom door. It continued with a urgency bang, bang bang in threes the loud knocking went. I grabbed a towel and feeling annoyed at the rude loud knocking, I thought to myself only my mother would knock so loudly and she's probably not alone so I better get dressed. I quickly put my uniform back on. I went to the front door and as I turned the corner the knocking stopped suddenly.

As I reached for the door handle to throw open the door, the hair on my neck went up. I felt a cold chill go over me and a sudden feeling of doom. I pulled my hand away from the door handle and up to the door shade to peer out into the night. I expected to see my mother but my porch was empty. I turned on the light and looked out my driveway was empty. I looked to my right at my other driveway to my barn it too was empty. I picked up my phone and called my mother as I peered from my entranceway out into the night. I told my mother what had happened as I stood there looking out into the night.

As we spoke behind me I heard the sound of my hall closet door handle turning ever so slowly and I turned to see it swing open. I screamed so loud that my mother yelled is someone killing you. I said no the closet just opened on its own. She told me to go look inside. My legs did not want to move. I was about 8 feet from the closet. I was finally able to look in. It was full of Coats & such no room for a real person in there. My heart was racing. I was now fearful and I called my neighbor to shine his lights on my house. He drove down it took him a long 15 minutes, my mother stayed on the phone with me until he arrived. I did not investigate, I grabbed my suitcase still by the door while my neighbor who lived 2 miles away was in my driveway. I got in my Tahoe and left. Whatever it was that night, felt evil.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, LadyMonticello, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments but I won't participate in the discussion.

SpookyGrrl (7 posts)
7 months ago (2023-12-15)
Hi, LadyMonticello! I have a podcast in which I narrate ghost stories to music and special effects. I know it's been a few years since you posted this so hopefully you will see my message. I'd love to showcase your knocking ghost story. Let me know!:) ❤
aedeboni (4 posts)
4 years ago (2020-12-03)
Personally I think this was a great story, and that we should be welcoming to people like OP and happy that they take the time to post here. This site wouldn't exist without them.
aedeboni (4 posts)
4 years ago (2020-12-03)
She definitely didn't open the door; I thought that much was clear. People should really read more carefully before making snippy comments about "plot holes".

All the mean, accusatory comments on this site are such a turn off for someone who just wants to enjoy reading the stories. That's something I've wanted to say for ages but I never bother commenting.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-30)
"As I reached for the door handle to throw open the door, the hair on my neck went up. I felt a cold chill go over me and a sudden feeling of doom. I pulled my hand away from the door handle and up to the door shade to peer out into the night."

From the way I read it, she never did open the door. And I can speak to mothers and neighbors showing up at inopportune moments - sometimes you just don't want to get caught in a towel and if that means an unannounced guest gets inconvenienced for a few minutes for having inconvenienced you, no injustice there.

Frankly, even if she did step out on the porch, I can muster a decent amount bravado there in the false sense of security of the porch lights' glow and proximity to my own threshold but not necessarily enough to venture one step beyond that if faced with something frightening.
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-27)
Thanks for coming here and filling us in with some of the back history about your story; it explained a lot. Also, it's good to read that everything worked out well for your family.
Take Care, LightMight
LadyMonticello (2 stories) (5 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-27)
At that time I could not afford to move. If I was renting it would have been different but I own this place. I work in the big city & crowded places. When I'm home it's very peaceful here & quiet. If it had not stopped I would have moved. But my Corgis and I are happy here.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-26)
*gasp* you replied!

So, I'm curious why didn't you move? I mean after all that time and bad things going on. It would be the logical thing to do.

🙄 I must need something new to stream
LadyMonticello (2 stories) (5 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-25)
Other things did happen around that time in our home. My mother who watched my kids was afraid and started bringing a 22 rifle with her when she stayed with my kids. The owner previous to me died tragically down the road in a motor cycle accident, that decapitated him. My dear mother had all my gorgeous pine trees trimmed 8 ft up all the branches so she could be sure no one was hiding near the house. Some how the anger my husband & I were going through had something to do with the ghostly activity. I did get a bible out and do a cleansing from the attic too the basement with my children we demanded whatever was there to GET OUT. In time My husband and I reconciled, the kids grew up & moved away. The ghost no longer bothers us. But it did happen just as I told it. Why did it happen, I will never know. I still live here in this country home... No children but 4 dogs to keep me company.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-25)
I felt the same about this, more plot holes than Snakes On A Plane. Just turn the air conditioning on, they go to sleep.

It also felt much like those Hallmark dramas, daytime TV stuff.

But it's Halloween so it's to be expected on here.
Aliendewd (6 stories) (22 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-25)
Not to be too sceptical with this but a few things don't seem right with me.
You say you ran a bath, then closed the blind... You were IN the bath when the knocking started. Then you say you put your uniform on again before making your way to the still knocking door. So that's at least 3 - 4 minutes of constant knocking.
For me, if someone (as I would presume it to be) was knocking my door urgently, i'd be more inclined to throw a dressing gown (or Bathrobe to Americans) on, in order to get to the door quickly, even wrap a towel round me and get to the door. I certainly wouldn't get out the bath, dry myself off, then get dressed again.
Then once you've opened the door and noticed no one is there, you stand at this open door and phone your Mother (presumably on your Mobile) and proceed to have a conversation with her while standing at this open door with this feeling of doom and cold chill lingering? (not to mention, why take your Mobile to the door with you? It's not something I tend to take with me to answer my door).
THEN! Once your closet door has swung open, you CALL your neighbour to drive down to your house and shine his car lights on your home... But you were on the phone to your Mother, as you then say she spoke to you the whole time... 15 minutes!
Why did you not just make a run for the car with the outside lights on? I mean you'd stood with your front door open looking out all this time and then had to wait a further 15 minutes for your neighbour to arrive.
There's too many 'plot holes' in this story for my liking. It all makes very little since.
DarriuxDarkk (6 stories) (80 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
"As we spoke behind me I heard the sound of my hall closet door handle turning ever so slowly and I turned to see it swing open. I screamed so loud that my mother yelled is someone killing you."

I'm sorry I laughed at this, I know I shouldn't but your mom sounds comedic on my head reading this. No disrespect intended by that and seems like I would love to hang around with your mom, she seems nice and funny.

Anyway when you said that you felt a sudden sense of impending doom before you open that door, it was probably good that you followed that instinct. If you felt it as evil, it probably is.

I'm sensing that entity might have come from the forest near your house. What it was, we will never know but I'm leaning towards an elemental. Elementals can be good or bad, whatever it was might have malicious intent towards your home.

I'm curious though what was the significance of the three loud banging knocks if it were just to enter your home by opening your closet like that. It is as if, it just wants to made it presence known to you, not really asking permission to go inside like other entities do.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
LightMight - Yes you're right. I tend to be far more disappointed with those who undertake to participate and then leave everybody hanging 😕

Regards, Melda
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
Hi Melda,
I do hope you're right about that, although I find that more often than not, even the authors who say that they'll participate, actually don't answer for whatever reason. It's their option to opt out, or in ~ I guess we'll have to just wait and see...
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
LightMight - Although on occasion we find that people choose not to participate in a discussion, sometimes they do in fact change their minds. I think some people are just nervous about having to respond to too many questions.

Hopefully LadyMonticello will have a change of heart.

Regards, Melda
LightMight (4 stories) (137 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
It's a shame the author of this story has chose not to 'participate in the discussion', because I had a few question about her home too...

Living alone in a home at a remote location and having to confront unexplained knocking and a closet door opening by itself sounds completely unnerving. I don't blame her for leaving that night... 😳
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
4 years ago (2020-10-21)
Greetings, LadyMonticello, and welcome to YGS.

I suspect that this was a wandering spirit looking for an easy target, rather than a full-on haunting of your property. The fact that it got into your home despite your leaving the door closed is certainly troubling. You were right to trust your instincts and call for help.

Prior to this event, had you experienced any unusual activity in that house? Was this a one-time-only event?


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