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Comments for The Ghost Who Was Looking For The Child: Page 1

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bacchaegrl (506 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-23)
Awesome story! Very spooky! I liked the whole legend come to life aspect of it. I'm surprised that your grandfather laughs about ghosts even now, since he experienced quite a traumatic event! I would be scared by that story too! I think it's so interesting that a whole village would be scared of one ghost! But I can see they had a reason to be scared!
Ms-Foresight (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-24)
Wow! Can't believe that happened! Must have been scary for him. If I ever go to India I would like to find her. Not as a death wish, I don't think she would kill a child, but very interesting story.

Grace 😆
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
14 years ago (2011-03-06)
Really it wouldn't matter what culture you come from. When a mother is searching for her child nothing is going to stop her. Your grandfather was carrying the groceries home when he came across this spirit. That, plus the fact that he knew the story of the woman's spirit searching for her child, made him look suspicious to her. If he had, instead of running, just shown her what he was carrying, perhaps she would have realized that he wasn't trying to run away with her baby at all and let him proceed on his way unharmed. So him trying to escape her attention by not even acknowledging her presence as they passed each other, then speeding up when he saw that she had turned around and was trying to catch up, only made her more suspicious of his intentions. Then he began running from her. Well, that was all the confirmation she needed and he was doomed to receive whatever punishment she deemed appropriate.
Spirits recognize human behavior for what it is, if she were just another person walking that road that night, he would have acknowledged her presence and made eye contact, possibly exchanged pleasantries, he may even have offered to walk her safely to her destination. He did none of these things.
I guess we could all learn a lesson in civility from this experience. Or just be reminded that the 'Golden Rule' is universal.
😉 😊
monsterunderthebed (1 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-21)
holy smokes he blacked out?! Do you mean he just fell asleep or did he really actually like pass out? Anyway... Cool story! He had to climb a mountain just to get home... I would of just stayed the night anyway regardless of wether I was scared of the story or not! He could of got a bus or something in the morning... Was he ok though? Like after being hit on the neck and then basically falling off a cliff? Hell of night 😕 I couldn't imagine explaining to the people in his village afterwards that he was followed by a man, chased by a ghost, hit on the back of the head, and fell off a cliff... Woah
bhavyapattz (12 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-20)
hey goldi this is a nice story I believe this is true becaus I m indian too and I know ghosts are real. They exist. Thank you
Thanks for the update.
golden_swastika (3 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-18)
Thank you for the comments guys.

[at] KimSouthO I agree with you. I have heard some similar stories too.

As Chingvang said, I believe that Love for someone seems to be a main reason which prevents souls from seeing light.

In Indian villages, in most cases the rituals done for the dead differ according to the nature of death, day of death, their age when they die, marital status, their spouse, family, kids etc... I think it might be the same in other parts of the world too. It might look funny as to why so many variations of rituals depending on so many variables but I think these rituals are there to help the unfortunate souls find light. Every soul might have a different reason for stay. Often the above mentioned variables have the explanation for a soul roaming the earth.
chingvang559 (42 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-18)
A lot of these stories are common in Asian countries, but they are hard for westerners to believe.

Back in Laos there are similar stories of the dead coming back for a loved one, wandering the nights, knocking on doors and crying. By the way nice story
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-18)
Please do not6 think I am doubting the honesty of this story... I just find it amazing how a lot of villages have similar legends and occurances,

Thanks for sharing,

God Bless!

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