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Comments for Closest Thing To A Demon: Page 1

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Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Tweed, I sent you an e-mail concerning one of your stories. 😠
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-31)
Augusta, wow I'd never have thought to do a cleansing of her grave, thanks for that suggestion! I had a giggle at your way with words 'mean spirited old baggage' 😆
It's sad to learn that so many can relate to having known someone like this. Not just on YGS but in general when I tell people about him, which isn't very often. It's weird to think how he checked every 'mean' box there is to check. I like the old scratch conclusion, very fitting.
Family have each dealt with him differently, which is remarkably well. I think knowing that my Grandmother was on their side made all the difference. The place is on a large block so there's plenty of land to disappear into during the day when/if he was home. I think that's how Mum and my Aunt and Uncles coped day to day. ❤
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-31)
I am having a very hard time appropriately phrasing my comment - I too found this hit close to home... And what a wretched kinship it is to share! But I had a grandfather who very much fit the description of your own who has also since passed (and continued to cause problems) though his exit from this life wasn't nearly so dramatic or fitting. Sounds like it was the devil himself (just the way you hear about him in old folk tales) that chased him through those woods - if this was a legend I would say Old Scratch came to take him back! I doubt not one bit that it was that mean spirited old baggage outside your late grandmother's room that day just trying to ruin the moment and it makes me glad that you can still remember the happiness in it meaning that he failed! I hope what damage he did to your family in life has since healed. Have you ever considered doing a small cleansing at your grandmother's grave? It might kick his nasty spirit out of the running and let your grandmother come through ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-30)
Val, bless you for feeling for my Grandmother. ❤ If it wasn't for hearing her and her friends voices during that weird moment I doubt I would've submitted this. Wouldn't want to give him the attention. I'm glad I did though, because the yellow detail has always baffled me. Thanks for that information, I really appreciate it.
It's baffled me because I wondered if he meant to show himself in that form, I'm sure he did. But was it purely for shock value or was it partly genuine, I've wondered. After yours and L's take on the yellow I guess his appearance was part genuine, in a way. Sort of a manifestation of his own horrible ways, though I'm sure he was aware of his appearance, that's the impression I got.
The corpses I remember were mostly mottled pink/blue/purple like bruising, or more monotone grey. One was all blue, which was odd, as was the more yellow one. Strange as it may sound the ones in 'funeral make up' unsettled me, whereas the unmade up ones didn't. 😕 I guess that was because I was exposed to a lot of horror movies as a child lol. But his appearance in the dream really got to me.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-07-30)
Tweed, like Melda, I had to back off of this one for a bit. I actually, had a cry for your Grandma. Her situation hit a bit close to home.
There's a chemical used in embalming: Glutaraldehyde. It leaves a yellow stain in the tissue. In 1992 (I think it was '92) a new method of embalming using different salts and chemicals was invented. But from what you said, he was only seen by your Mom when she ID-ed him - I doubt that he was embalmed yet, but it's possible.
However, some folks do turn 'yellow' once their blood stops circulating. Adipose is yellow in color, and sometimes when circulation stops it becomes very pronounced through the skin. Some folks turn grey, others bluish No one really knows why this is, beyond the circulation having stopped.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-30)
Lady Glow, while typing this up I realised what a strong woman my Grandmother really was. She was very independent for her time. 😊

Melda, no worries. I don't mind who does or doesn't respond, it's cool. 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-30)
Tweed - I think many of us have skeletons in our closets.

Our family has one too - never spoken about anymore. Fortunately not my maternal granddad - he was a wonderful man. My paternal granddad died before I was born but by all accounts a very well-respected and kindly individual.

There was somebody else, also a relative, who my family turned their backs on. I thought he was great - but that's because for some reason he liked me and didn't harm me at all. However, he harmed many others. I had to wait for years to finally hear the true reason for his exorcism.

This is still rather a painful memory, which is why I didn't respond to you earlier.

Regards, Melda
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-30)
Manafon - Thank you, I'm purring. You aren't so bad yourself 😊

Not sure whether I've reached the 50 mark.

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Tweed: thanks for sharing such a fascinating experience.
Your grandfather was mean in steroids and not willing to let anybody around him to live a happy moment.

Kudos to your grandmother for getting out of such a terrible relationship. She sure was a strong woman.
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Melda--Thanks so much for your kind words. You are a very sweet person 😊.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Benny, your impressions are the same as mine. The moment caught me off guard, which I think is why it was so scary. Up until then I'd never given him much thought. Was never even curious about him.

L, that's interesting about the yellow you saw. I've always been under the impression that open caskets meant the body was painted in 'funeral make up'. If that's true they paint the hands too. It always looked fake and orangey to me. But that was in the 1980's, it's probably improved. Canary yellow is very odd and inappropriate. Sorry you had that shock. Maybe there's some chemical/lotion which is applied that gives this freakish colour. My grandfather didn't have a viewing or open casket. He didn't really have a funeral as far as I know. But it sounds like what ever made your Aunt's skin tone also made his skin tone so vivid. Be it chemical or physical. Weird stuff, and very cheery I agree!

Manafon, wow about the wind theory. Thanks for typing that great quote out, I've read over it a few times. His theory would explain why they sounded like they were in the back room and yeah, he did crash the party. Urgh what a horrible person he was.
When you think about all the stuff that's possible on the other side, even if you're a sociopath, surely there's loads of better things than scaring someone from behind a freaking door. For goodness sake. How pathetic.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Manafon - If I could have given you 10 karma points on your comment I would have done so. What beautifully spoken words.

Regards, Melda
Manafon1 (7 stories) (722 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Tweed--This was a very interesting account. Your Grandmother sounds as wonderful as your Grandfather sounds despicable. The way you note the wind on the night you heard the voices of your Grandmother and two of her deceased friends reminded me of a guy I quoted once in a comment on someone else's account.

The naturalist W.H. Hudson had two vivid paranormal experiences that involved faces of people he knew appearing in front of him as if fluttering, flag like, in the wind. The faces he saw were of people who were at the time alive, but what he wrote about the experiences seems pertinent to your account. He wrote, "Doubtless, they were images on the brain, projected into the air, as it seemed, and their incessant windy motions perhaps corresponded with an agitation of the brain, or with the substance of it in which the affections, memory, reason and imagination reside, with perhaps other faculties we know not of or are just beginning to know."

He then states, "And if, as I imagine, the wind was the cause of the agitation of the brain--the wind or the subtle immaterial substance which pervades the brain and the winds alike, or perhaps moves with the wind--then the direction in which it blows may be a fact to be taken into account as wafting or blurring or making a vivid mental message from a distance."

I wanted to quote Hudson directly as it seems he was really on to something as your experience with a windy night and the voices of your Grandmother and two of her friends seems to illuminate. I can only guess that your Grandfather was drawn by the presence of your Grandmother and you taking her ring. Your Grandmother's presence seems to have been there to share in the event of the passing of the ring. Your Grandfather, like most sociopathic individuals, was there to disrupt an otherwise special occasion. Hopefully, the memory of your Grandmother and her friends sharing a special moment with you overrides that of your Grandfather party crashing an otherwise gentle encounter.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Hi Tweed,
It has been a pleasure having multiple accounts of yours in such a short burst, the way you write is great to read.
It is a strange time your grandfather chose to show up but I think you're right to go with what your gut tells you.
Having dreams invaded is beyond foul but at least it sounds like it's over and done with.
About the yellow thing... I remember at my aunt's funeral, they had an open casket (can't think why) and although I had no intention of going over to look, I saw her hand as I glanced in that direction.
It was yellow, I mean like a canary - shocked me and I never forgot. She passed from cancer however, so it was unlike your grandfather's death but wanted to say that, yep, there are some amazing shades of the colour out there!
Hmmm, that was a cheerful post 😕
Thanks, it's times like these when people really open up that we're privileged to read some great experiences 😊
Benny_Lundon (2 stories) (33 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-29)
Hi Tweed,
Wonderful story and well told. I can't help have the feeling your Grandad didn't want you to enjoy what may have been a pleasant experience whilst choosing that ring.
I can only imagine what he was like (I've had my own dealings with violent abusive people), perhaps he didn't want you to feel any feelings of pleasure or enjoyment at that time? Sad either way.

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