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Ghost Stories in Category: Family / Friends Visits: Page 1

Dad's Visitation by DreamBird

After a long battle with Parkinson's related dementia and cancer, my Dad lost the fight in early July of this year. I had just visited with him a week before and he gave me no indication of knowing who I was. He became, quite literally, a shell of his former self. As his daughter it was very hard to...

Family Experience by Dev19

The day before my grandpa's funeral was a somber one. I found myself staying in a hotel just across the street from the funeral home. I had never been close to my grandpa, my dad's father, but his passing still left a heavy weight on my heart. I couldn't help feeling a sense of sadness and loss, kno...

A Friendly Reminder by Dev19

I remember like it was yesterday, the day that changed everything. It was a sunny day, the kind that makes you feel like anything is possible. As I walked out the door, I couldn't help but smile, enjoying the warmth of the sun on my skin. I made my way to the car port, ready to start my day. But as ...

Loved Ones Visiting by Rebelmama

My best friend from elementary to high school got in a car accident, and it was two days after he turned 17. He died prom morning. I can smell the Black and Mild that he smoked every now and then, and I can feel him sit on my bed. It's been 20 years ago now. My Nanny died in 2008, I was pregna...

I Think My Dead Grandmother Is Haunting Us! by sp00kyleafbug

Just for reference the ages in this story are from the time this happened, not current ages. This started when me (30F), my husband (31M), my sister-in-law (26F), her husband (25M), and my mother (52F) and father-in-law (57M), had gone on a trip to the Gold Coast while we were all off work for Chris...

Sisters Forever by GingerRead

After my great aunt passed away from a malignant brain tumour in May of 2013, my grandmother had a difficult time trying to cope with the loss of her only sister. Being a strong believer in the paranormal as well as her strong belief in possessing the ability to communicate with the deceased, she ma...

Visit From A Deceased Relative? by Loki101

Before I was born, my teenage Aunty had taken her own life. She lived in the house that I currently live in right now. I am unsure exactly where she died, but she did live her last bits of life in my House. My mother went to see a psychic who gave my mother the cryptic message that when the lights f...

From Wedding To Funeral In 24hrs by tiktokangelscpt

19 October 1995, my family and I were travelling from Cape Town to Johannesburg South Africa. We were on our way to my cousin's wedding and I was supposed to be a flower girl in it. At 02.00am, just outside Bloemfontein, a car in the other lane pulled out from behind a truck and head on collided ...

The Time I Saw My Grandma's Spirit by Wandering24fox

I was visiting family in a country for the first time 3 years after my grandma passed. We made it to my grandma's house and there were 6 family members waiting for us at the house. I saw a lady that looked like my grandma peeking around the kitchen door smiling and waving like she was happy to se...

The Senior Nursing Facility by Linjahaha

This particular incident happened within the last year, and it just occurred to me to post it. I worked for eighteen years as a Medic. After that time period it was beginning to take a toll on my back (there are more back injuries in the EMS field than 'any' other occupation.). After I withdrew from...

Thinning The Veil by Kksharp71

My Dad was an independent owner operator for 41 years. He, I and his Mom, my Grandma Vada were very close. So close, in fact, we knew what the other was thinking without even asking. I call it being "akin" to somebody. So my Dad falls out of his truck in 2010, breaks his neck, is a quadriplegic fo...

A Life Saved By My Mother - 3 Years After Passing by Pegasus593

I just recently came across this website and I love it. I've always believed in the paranormal (I think it's because my mother was so fascinated by paranormal and true crime). I wouldn't call myself a psychic, but I have had dreams that have come true and 'gut feelings' that were correct. This is...

Fathers Passing... And Return by ScareTale

Hey everyone, It's been quite sometime time since I've been on here. I kind of stepped away from the paranormal for a while when my dad's cancer came back. That's the reason I'm writing this, to share the experiences I've had during and after the dying process. For anyone that's been next to a...

Grandma Came To Visit Me by Kest

Grandma came to visit me one last time. This story is very personal for me. It occurred a little over a year today but I still remember it so clearly. I feel as if I took a little paranormal break for a little while. I worked through some personal things. Some job things that led to depression. Then...

A Nightmare And A Farewell by lady-glow

SV became part of my extended family after marrying my second cousin RM. I was in my awkward early teenage years and didn't care for him, specially since my relatives closer to him described SV as a snobbish and uppish person. For these reasons, my interactions with him were reduced to the most basi...

The Day My Father Died by phear_xiong

I don't know if this story falls under ghost stories or paranormal experiences, but I am sharing a very personal experience for me. As the title states it is a day I will never forget! My father was in hospice care at home. He laid motionless on his deathbed struggling and gasping for every brea...

A Premonition And His Voice by DreamBird

Almost a year ago I woke from a strange dream. I dreamt that my partner's dresser was missing from our bedroom and I was staring at an empty space. I awoke with a very uncomfortable feeling and tried my best to rationalize the dream as being more related to the fact we had new bedroom furniture on l...

My Cousins Death Follow Up & A Small Sign From Beyond by MsRevz80

Hope you are all doing well and keeping yourselves happy and as peaceful as possible. Last year I lost my cousin to what we were told was COVID. I wrote about my experiences during that tumultuous time in another story, which you can find if you view my profile. It has been over a year now an...

What A Surprise Conformation by Piperasc

Let me start by saying I am a true believer in signs from our loved ones that have passed over to the next realm. I don't believe in God and such so I use realm as a way to describe the next phase of life. I used to believe but my faith was shaken and broken. And no one can give me a suitable explan...

My Grandma Visits My Mom On Her Wake by iamestee

This story happened during the wake of my mother last April, 2018. My husband and I were busy preparing for the documents needed for her burial hence, we asked his dad (my father-in-law) and his cousin to take care of the vicinity while we're away. When we came back later that afternoon, they to...

Grandma's Visits by Linjahaha

This occurred back in 1975 when I was married to Bill, my first husband. The marriage stunk, and that was probably the reason all this happened. We had just moved into a nice 3-story apartment complex on Euclid Avenue in Euclid, Ohio. It was a spacious, and beautiful 1-bedroom apartment. It contain...

Hello Pa by BiancaB

Recently, my grandfather passed away. The loss has been devastating, as he was one of my favourite people on the world. We are blessed to have our grandparents as adults, and my grandfather, or Pa, was very close to me in my life. The only thing that brings me some comfort is having had the chan...

A Helping Hand From Heaven by GingerRead

My great grandmother became terminally ill by August of 1999. She had recently celebrated her 95th birthday and we were all grateful that she had lived long enough for us to have one last celebration with her. Sadly, the last two months of her life were spent in intolerable pain. She became highly d...

Housemaid's Last Goodbye by Panini18

Before the doppelganger incident, my cousin experienced another scary event after our housemaid died. This housemaid of ours has taken care of her since she was a small child, and luckily I got a chance to see and spend time with her until I entered 1st grade. This housemaid of ours, ate Saling (...

Dream Visitation And Possible Astral Projection? by Emilieoxox

I have two stories here, the first of which I am certain was a spiritual visitation from my Grandparents in a dream state, so it wasn't an actual dream but rather a way of lost loved ones coming through to us as we're sleeping and on a different vibration to what we are when awake. STORY 1: It...

My Grandma's Ghost (part 2) by ghostsarecool

So I am back hello once again everybody. This is in kind of the same vein as my last story, as you can tell by the title, but this one is about my other grandma, my mom's mom. She died when my mom was 20 of ovarian cancer, so I never met her. So let's get going, shall we? So earlier this year (Ma...

One Year Later by Limey

This event happened close to twenty years ago. I can check the exact date, but I don't think that's important. I had what is called a visitation dream. Like most people, when I've had a particularly dreamy night, I usually forget everything a few minutes after waking up. My first wife and I divorc...

The Ghost Man? by Fnaffan_jaylen

Hey everyone I am new to your ghosts stories, call me Jaylen. Anyways I'm going to be sharing a story that happened when I was 6years old. I believe 16 or 15 years ago. I don't really remember much but I'll try to write down as much as I can remember. This was in the summer of 2004 I believe, It...

A Night Visit From My Father After His Death by RalphHyde

My father had lived with my wife and me for several years before his death and we had enjoyed his travels with us to the old farm where I grew up as we now lived in the city. A year or so after his death I had a visit from him in my mind which although 20 years ago is as fresh and clear as if it h...

Goodbye To A Princess by Jubeele

We have known our neighbours, Dean and Miriam, for over fifteen years. A loving couple in their seventies, they had been together for close to fifty years. Miriam was everybody's sweetheart. A Princess, beautiful, generous and caring. Then came the heartrending news that Miriam had late-stage pa...

Someone Was Sitting In That Chair by BiancaB

I have written previously about the house I grew up in, and it being a house that seemed to draw a lot of paranormal activity. This event happened to me when I was 15, at a time when I was quite open to what was happening in the house. I have changed names, but used them to make the story easier to ...

My Mom Let Me Know! by Piperasc

So my mom passed last year. A quick back story, my mom and I were never super close until about 4 years ago. She moved to Georgia the summer of 2018 and I moved to Florida in September the same year (3 hours away). My husband and I were able to visit several times. She passed May 5, 2020 during C...

Carol And The Man With The Top Hat - My Daughter's Ghosts by Aros

It all began when my daughter was around 2 or 3. I had put her in her crib for a nap and told her I wasn't going to turn on the ceiling fan because it wasn't that warm in the room. The only way you can activate the fan is to pull the chain from the fan itself which is above most adult's heads, or th...

The Twin Sister by Piscesian

Over the years, I experienced several encounters with entities who are not from this realm where we are living in. Some of those encounters I have shared on this site, there are others I am still reconsidering about sharing. This one, I don't think of as a ghost encounter but I can't deny the fact t...

Maybe We Saw Our Deceased Grandfather by Prugs

This is my first story here. I have been an ardent devotee of real life paranormal experiences and can't wait to share mine. The story that I am going to share happened with me in 2013. I can tell you with 100% surety that it was not any hallucination or my eyes playing tricks on me because my sis...

Heard My Grandpa Again! by Vrinda

I've been a huge fan of YGS over these years and decided to share my experiences one by one. I have had many experiences since I get visions, I can see and feel stuff. So this might be worth noting down right now. So this story isn't particularly a haunting one, but definitely gave me the chil...

I Miss My Father Dearly: by CrimsonTopaz

As a child from a huge family, being one of the eldest had many advantages and many disadvantages. The advantages were staying out with friends later, being able to go out with friends to concerts, shows, and movies. (We couldn't afford that though). The disadvantages were having to take our y...

Father Points Out Missing Life Insurance Policy After Death by Aros

It was 1991 and my father was killed in a car accident just 6 months after my sister was also killed in a car accident (My first story was published on that recently). This time of my life understandably was much like being surrounded in a persistent fog. I was staying with my mom at the time and we...

Sister Phones Me After Killed In Car Accident by Aros

In December of 1990 I was living in New York City trying to make it in the rock music industry. The last time I saw my sister, D'Lea (pronounced "Duh-Lee"), was the year before when she visited us. One morning as I was getting ready for my day job I received the phone call no brother ever wants to r...

A Sister's Love by ntzehn

My mother told me this story when I was in my teens. I loved hearing stories of the experiences my parents had with my dad being in the Army. But she told me this one was a little spooky and that it involved my older sister. In 1963 my father got stationed in Fairbanks, Alaska. It was a big chan...

Death, Dreams And Small Premonition by MsRevz80

I want to say a big hello to you all! I haven't been able to log in for quite a while but I have been reading the experiences every so often. So glad to have this knowledgeable community to refer to over the last decade or so - with that being said, I am hoping to get some of your insight into the f...

He Brought Her To Me by Suzy2

As we continue to live in this "unique" time, my hope for you all is to be safe. Crazy times! I have mentioned before that I lost my dad a bit over 10 years ago and my mom passed July 2. She suffered from dementia for about 5 years but the last 3 of her life was devastating. It's been the longest ...

He Turned Into Light by lady-glow

I met JR - not Ewing - in December 1991 at the Christmas party of the company we both were working for. Since he lived and worked in northern Mexico our interactions were limited to a few times a year in which the employees from the central office in Mexico City and the ones from the satellite provi...

Of Sandalwood And The Ghost Month by Jubeele

Growing up in Southeast Asia, the seventh month of the Lunar calendar was a strange time of the year. Buddhists and Taoists believe that during this period, the King of Hell would release the ghosts or spirits in his domain to wander the mortal world, seeking food and entertainment. People were told...

It Wasn't A Dream by Maverick_30

Hey everyone, I've been floating around this site reading stories for a long time now and finally built the courage up to send in my own. For a bit of background info, back in 2011 I had a small 2bdrm unit in Adelaide. I had a friend who was in need of a room and I had a spare room so he moved in...

The Last Visit To Say Farewell by meinmein

My mother told me her experiences, which is the last visits and messages of our relatives who just passed on. I never met my oldest sister because she died when she was still a child, about 2-3 years old because of sickness. I thought I just have 2 sisters until my mother told me at the age of 5-6. ...

My Cousin Attended Her Own Funeral by Oceana

The funeral of my cousin was really strange... Especially when I saw her standing in the corner of the church. The church was full of family and we just sat listening to the service and to others saying their goodbyes. It was nothing extravagant, but it was nice. I get distracted really easily b...

A Childhood Memory Of An Apparition by Sasanaa

Greetings to everybody, This is the first time that I am going to submit a paranormal experience in YGS. I hope you will enjoy reading it. I had this encounter when I was around four years old. Actually I don't have an extremely good memory of my childhood but I can remember this incident as ...

She Frightened Her Away...! by good-ghosts

I met with an accident on 22nd Feb 2020. Suffered 7 facial stitches and skull fracture. So I was on bed rest for almost 2 months. I was very close to my grandmother who passed away in 2004. I have had visitations from her a couple of times. She even came to visit my baby once. During my hardships,...

Grandfather Sighting by LaurenNH13

When I was around the age of 12 my grandfather passed away. It was a very sad and unfortunate time in my life. To give a little bit of background, I have always believed in spirits/paranormal - something has always called to me about death/spirits. To start, I have NEVER experience anything like thi...

A Surprise Call by ccmerlin

I got a call from my dad telling me my grandfather was in the hospital up north and was not doing well. They were going to cut off his leg to try to save him, but it did not look hopeful. They didn't want me to come see him, and I couldn't talk to him so I sadly expected a call soon informing me tha...

A Mother's Final Goodbye by Overlordundead

S o at first I'd like to say that this story is a little foggy to me so I don't have the detailed specifics of the story. Also I have to explain a few things in order for a few of you to understand where I'm coming from first of all I am currently an adopted child living with my aunt (my mother's si...

The Dream by Shrikant

My name is Shrikant and I am 50 years old man. I am from Mumbai (Bombay).I am going to share my story which happened in my childhood. When I was about one and half year old my mother passed away. She met an accident. You will surprised to know that though I was a toddler but I can still remember...

Voice Of My Dad by asires85

My father passed away due to cancer last Christmas. When he was alive, I was actively taking care of him especially when he couldn't move that much anymore. I was always grieving and crying whenever I feel lonely and whenever I miss him, which is normal because losing a parent will really affect you...

Brother Showing Me Early Signs by Ashleypo

For starters I'm going to say that this is my very first story here on this website. I love reading other people's ghosts stories here so I'm excited to share one of my own! Recently on March 30th, 2020, my oldest brother Ronnie passed away so suddenly. We have all been devastated since we've rec...

My Dead Friend Visited Me by Newintown

One of my closest friends died in a freak accident a few years back. We had an extremely close bond despite only knowing each other a couple of years. I believe that this bond has transcended his death. I've had several unexplained experiences involving him since then. Here is my latest: I moved...

Felt Like A Message From My Mom by VeronicaMarie

My mom died in March of 2010. Around Christmas time that year, I was online gift shopping, but started feeling mopey thinking about how Christmas wouldn't be the same without her, and my heart wasn't in it. A few hours later I took the bins down the driveway for pickup the next day. As I was walking...

After My Sister Passed by Suzy2

My sister passed about 25 years ago. She was 35 and had breast cancer. The last 5 days or so of her life, she started speaking to my grandmother who had passed about 10 years earlier. This was my dad's mom. I will say, she was heavily medicated and said some very strange things but the consistent th...

Great Grandma Came Back One Last Time by snavej

This incident took place before I was born, in the mid 20th Century. I heard about it from my father back in the 1980s. When he was a little boy, my father lived in the small village of Llanfrechfa. This was in the county of Gwent, which is in the south east of Wales. That principality is part of th...

Clothes Pegs by edenchan

My maternal grandmother had a habit of collecting clothes pegs. At age 78, my grandmother was still sharp and spry. I remember that whenever she folded newly-washed laundry, she used to like gathering the clothes pegs and shaping them into a mound in the middle of the bed where the errand was usu...

My Grandma's Ghost by ghostsarecool

Hey everyone! Just like a lot of you, I've been reading stories on here for a while, but I eventually decided to write my own story because I think it's very interesting and very sweet. This happened Christmas Eve 2017. Ever since I was a little kid, I've been sleeping out in the living room on Ch...

Going To The Cemetery by Dana64

Today, Feb.8, 2020 at approximately 1:45pm my husband and I were heading to the Cemetery to visit my youngest sister who passed away at age 38. Today made two years and we were meeting my family to visit her. Weird things have been happening, like my husband's toothbrush being thrown twice in the ...

Tribute To A Dishwasher by silverthane61

During my assignment to Schofield Barracks in Hawaii, I often would wake up at 0530 in the morning to put on my gym clothes and run to the barracks to participate in morning exercise. Since I lived close to my unit, I would run back to my quarters to shower and eat before returning back to duty. On ...

Ghostly Voices by adove

This story happened in Kentucky in 2017 and then again in 2019. My mother was ill for awhile and always said she never wanted to be placed in a old folks' home. She wanted a promise, so to make her feel better we said we wouldn't. But as it happens sometimes, her illness got worse we couldn't keep h...

Wandering Soul by ATARAH

YGS, newbie here! This is my first story that I have experienced when I was a child. Since I was a kid my mom and my grandmother are the one taking care of me, but then my grandmother was diagnosed with a cancer and my Mom was the one taking care of her. When I have a free time after school and s...

Is My Mom Trying To Tell Us Something? by Cherubim

My mother died on Mothers' day 2012, she was home in NC when it happened. My cousin called me while they were getting ready for her funeral. She said she found a book behind her couch she's never seen before?! It's called "Heaven Is For Real." It's a true story of a little boy that died and came bac...

Unexplained Message Via Facebook by MrsRamsay

I hadn't planned to share this one, but Silverthane's great story about the candle blowing out at the church (Spirit Wind) motivated me. Of all of my "experiences" this one is the most weird and far out, I think, so I'll just give it my best shot. I lost a lot of people during the 2012-2013 "scho...

Merry Christmas From The Other Side by Cherubim

Years ago at Christmas time I got a big tin full of popcorn from my mom, the last Christmas we had together. The metal tin is almost a foot tall with an angel on it. After eating all the popcorn, I filled it up with old pictures I had laying around. There were all kinds of photos of cousins, camping...

She Came To Let Me Know by Cherubim

I have a Facebook account I use for family out of state. One late night in June of 2014 I logged on to find a message from my cousin I grew up with back home in North Carolina. She told me my aunt died. She was the last of the sisters on our moms' side. I was so surprised and, of course, sad. I star...

A Father's Goodbye by Lallie

My mother and her father never had a good relationship. Her dad was orphaned at a young age and then adopted by 'not-so-nice' people. He later married my grandmother and soon had my mother. Unfortunately, he was involved in a motorbike accident at a very young age, while my mother was still a baby. ...

One Last Visit by jsbsf

We were moving from Chicago to San Francisco, and I left first, while my husband stayed with our Golden Retriever in the condo. It was in June 1999, and I was in a hotel in Reno when he called to tell me his father died. A couple days after his father passed away, he was awakened in the night by ...

Garage Door And Smoke Alarms by jsbsf

My mother died on April 28, 2012. About a week after her death, I believe it was on May 7, we heard a noise and I looked out the window. It was dark outside, and I saw light coming out from the garage downstairs. So, I knew the garage door was opening. My husband and I went downstairs and observe...

The Story Of My Brother As Told By My Mother by Faith_2000

I cannot actually recall the story I am about to tell since I was only 3 but my mother remembers it like it was yesterday. Okay so for this story a little background is needed. So I'm 19 and have 4 siblings: Chantelle (25), Alex (24), Taryn (21), and Logun (15). I live in a small place in Wal...

Never Had A Chance To Say Sorry by Eerie69

Is there any circumstances in your life that changed you? An event that you will never ever forget? Perhaps a situation that taught you something? Well, I was just wondering if someone perhaps has the same experience I had when I was a kid. To begin with my story... I was in the province, not...

Ghostly Coincidence? by Suzy2

Back in 2010, my parents were living with me until they could find a place of their own. I was selling my house at the time and, unfortunately, my dad passed away so my mom and I got an apartment together. It was a cute 2 bedroom/2 bath and had a laundry room off the kitchen. About a month after...

The Soul Reappears by Raul97ner

This incident happened in my family's residence in a city called Coimbatore of Tamilnadu state. The year was 2005 and I was an eight year old boy. We were a small Hindu family consisting of my parents, myself and my grandmother living in a big house. All other children of my Grandma (my uncle & a...

A Playful Kid by Jynxer

My story happened when I was just 8 years old at the province of Tarlac. I had a playmate named Kelvin. He was a playful child, jolly and nice, but one day he got sick and died of pneumonia at a young age of 5. I remember it was our summer vacation when he died, so there is nothing to do at our h...

Butterflies And Flowers by NightlyEclipse

I haven't posted here in a few years. Didn't need to, I didn't have any spooks, and life was pretty calm in regards to anything spiritual. A shame it didn't stay that way. Recently I moved and for the record moving is one of the most stressful things ever. In the middle of all that moving an...

My Grandpa Is Still Awesome by WisconsinLady

This is my first story, YGS community! My first 2 stories will focus on unexplainable events related to the sudden and unexpected passing of my grandpa, Grandpa L, in September 1988. I'll split these experiences into 2 stories. The first story here will be about paranormal events that occurred s...

Here's Your Sign (a Bow For My Beau) by GSDLady

After I moved from my apartment on Ducharme Street in Hull, Quebec (see Ducharme Street Entity), I started dating a man named Denis B and I moved into his garden home on Jean-Dallaire Street where he lived with his daughter Stephanie and their little dog, Pookie. Shortly before I met Denis, one o...

Bonanza by Dar77

This happened in 2014. I had finally decided to try out a DVR, since it was included with the satellite dish package I purchased. Mind you I never really learned how the thing worked, so I never got much use out of it. However one day, I noticed that it had recorded something on it's own. I found...

Grandma's Visit? by DragonLuvrD

It has been a while since I last posted on here, and as bad as I feel about that, I haven't had many experiences lately. However, I did have a visit not long ago. My grandmother, who was more like a mother, passed away in May. This is a woman who was open to the paranormal, and if something was t...

More Than A Coincidence by Cherubim

I've often wondered about coincidences... Are they really? Someone once told me there are no accidents or coincidences. This made me reflect on past memories. One my mind keeps going back to is of my aunt. We were only 9 years apart so she insisted that I call her by her first name. She was so much ...

More Things About My Late Husband by MrsRamsay

I posted here about my experience with some old VCR tapes that I thought were doing some strange things, but neglected to mention all of the other things that have led me to believe, over the last 25 years, that my late husband, Scott, likes to communicate with me. First, he was a young Marine Corps...

He Wanted To See The New Little Darling by LuciaJacinta

In January 2009 my dad was in a very minor car accident. He aspirated from the shock of a teenager hitting the car from behind. Then he passed out. It lead him to go into a coma. At first, he was in and out for a few days then eventually the coma set in and he didn't wake up. Despite there being no ...

My Grandma's Visit by johjong129

This story happened when I was Grade 6 (my age at that time is 12) in the province of Misamis Occidental, Philippines. I was on vacation that time when I got a call from my cousin that my grandma (my mother's mom) just passed away. I grew up with my grandma and this really saddened me. I st...

Lola by EL_Aey_Night1986

This is my personal experience 5 years ago at our ancestral house in Ilocos Sur, Philippines. It's been 2 years since my parents came to Ilocos Sur to attend the wake of Lola. This story is not long but rather a short story which was a true personal experience. I do not know how to explain what h...

Is Grandma Saying Goodbye? by Anne28

My story happened when I was 18 years old... I was raised by my grandmother, and among other cousins, I was her favorite grandchild. We were so close because my parents were busy working so she literally raised me up. One night, around 10p.m.,as I was about to go out to buy something at a nearby ...

Late Husband Communicating Through Old Vcr Tapes? by MrsRamsay

Good evening. I've spent much of my afternoon reading this site with interest and could not resist writing to you all (on this dark and rainy post-holiday evening). I've spent years noting to myself dozens of incidents that seem paranormal, but have only recently been curious enough to look around o...

My Step-mom Says Goodbye by Mel-D72

It seems that most of my experiences throughout my life have been with family members and close friends. I honestly can't say why these are the only type of experiences I have. I wish I knew, honestly, because I am very open to the idea of spirits. But I shall get on with my story. This happened ...

I Thought Dad Just Came To Visit Me by hansolo

I have had a few paranormal experiences myself along with everyone in my family. I believed in ghosts since I was a little girl, because I guess it's always just been a part of me growing up. My father passed away in 2016 from a small-celled stomach cancer, he was diagnosed in 2015. I had less th...

My Guardian Angel? by kai046

Greetings YGS members. I have been reading a lot of stories on this site and inspired me to share my own experiences. But first, let me tell you a little about myself. I am a 29 year old Filipino American working in a publishing company here in the Philippines. The story that I am about to share isn...

Goodbye Through Free Falling by brierose444

A day before my birthday, my ex boyfriend from middle school/high school passed away suddenly. He was murdered for reasons we still don't know, or at least the media doesn't. (The murderer has been arrested). When I found out, I was shaken but not completely surprised as I heard he had gotten into d...

Max And His Goodbye by ClutchCain

So this happened to my uncle and when he told me what had happened I was almost in shock. My uncle is a small musician and was traveling for a tour they were doing last year (2018). The tour was going very well and they were having a good time until they got to Germany. About 30 minutes befo...

Mum Says Goodbye by Ray1

I have been reading the amazing stories on this site for a year now and thought I would like to tell mine. Apologies in advance as I am not a great story teller, but here goes: My mother passed away at the young age of 39. She would always tell myself and 2 other siblings that she didn't want to li...

Visit From Grandad/dreams? Part 2 by MNgirl97

This is part 2 of a story I submitted called "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" It is important to read that story first and then return to this one! I posted the story "Visit from Grandad/dreams?" sometime spring of 2018, without having told my grandma of this experience (who had been widowed of cours...

The Friendly Old Lady by The_Morrighan

I've been reading all your stories for a long time so thank you for sharing your experiences. Here's one of mine, short but interesting I hope: I was on holiday from University and visiting my Uncle's farm in Lancashire in the UK. Bare in mind that it is next to a very small rural village wher...

Bringing Him Home by notjustme

YGS... It sure has been a minute for me, mostly been doing the reading and not much to share until now. To my old friends, surely you remember my late ex boyfriend (Derek) who passed but continues to watch over me and communicate with me through dreams. He always seems to show up when major changes ...

My Friend's Message? by Mel-D72

This just happened to me last night. (3/25/19) I thought it strange and wanted to share to get your impressions. (I'll explain my thinking at the end.) A little over 40 years ago, I met a little girl on the playground at school. We were both 8 years old. She was new to the school and I was one of ...

Cigarette Smell by Pasindu

This story I'm about to tell you, happened to a friend of mine while I was at his place long time back, I will try my best to describe the situation as it happen. In Sri Lanka, we had a regular power cuts (some years back) due to no rain and water to generate power, so every night from 7 PM to 1...

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