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Real Ghost Stories

Closest Thing To A Demon


This is not about demons or devils. This is about the man who is technically my grandfather. He died before I was born. No one mourned him, and I mean no one. He was a pedophile, alcoholic, violent, abusive individual.

On first impression he was a charming man, handsome, polite, personable. But he couldn't hold up the charade for very long. He ended up losing any friends he made pretty quickly.

By the time he died his children were teenagers and young adults. The circumstances surrounding his death were mysterious and still are. He was found a long way from where he lived. He was last seen running through this area from, seemingly someone, through suburban backyards, frantically jumping fences but no one was seen chasing him. His body was found near by a short time after, he had been bashed.

Times were different in my grandparents' day. A woman raising a family as a single parent was uncommon, likewise this idea wasn't financially supported in society. Financially it was impossible for my Grandmother to up and leave him, just like that. She did her best to keep the family safe. Eventually she would open her own florist business and with the success of this and music teaching was finally able to leave him. She kept the family home and he went to live with his sister.

My Grandmother believed in ghosts but never talked much about them, with this one exception. Shortly after my grandfather died, a few weeks or so later, she was taking a bath. As she laid back to immerse her hair she felt someone push and hold her under the water. She thrashed around but could not lift herself up. Eventually the force was lifted. She threw on her gown and ran out to tell the, by then mature, kids what happened. She wasn't the sort to talk about ghosts with or around younger people. She would never talk to me about this incident, only to say "That's not something you need to worry about". They all believed it was him. I got the details over the years from other family members. They remember her as running into the lounge all out of breath and dripping wet. Mum quoted her as saying "Your father tried to drown me"

This horrible event is hard for me to imagine. I never knew my Grandmother to be afraid of anything.

We lived with my Grandmother for a while in the 80's, about four years. I knew her house well. One of the floor boards outside Gran's bedroom was very noisy. Back in 2000, shortly after she passed, we were clearing her house out. This process took a long time. But this night happened shortly after her passing.

Gran had four rings which were special to her. There was a story behind each of them. The diamonds and gems had been passed down through the generations. My Aunty had put these rings aside, in one of Gran's drawers and told her three siblings to each choose one to keep and take home. My Mum isn't interested in jewelry and wasn't interested in any of the rings so my Aunty told me to choose one instead.

This particular time Mum and I went over to the house at night. It was a very windy night. Mum was in the garage and bungalo thing and I was clearing out the kitchen and bedroom. I felt sad taking one of Gran's rings, I decided it best to make this the last task of the night. As I was sorting through odds and ends in her bedroom I was thinking about the rings. I hadn't told anyone from the family about this, but I'd secretly hoped a particular ring hadn't been claimed yet. It was because of a conversation I'd had with Gran about her rings one day. She lit up when talking about this particular ring. It had diamonds and emeralds. The emeralds had come from her Grandmother's engagement ring and she had them set with a diamond which came from her mother's engagement ring, together with a diamond from her own engagement ring. It was the way she loved talking about this ring that day, that made it special to me. My Aunty loves family history and sentimentality so I figured she would have that ring. I didn't mind, as long as it was in good hands, and I knew that with her it would be.

Finally I took a break and checked the drawer. To my surprise that ring was there. This is where things get weird.

The rings were in a top drawer of a tallboy, so I was standing. It was very windy that night and I began hearing a conversation, sounded like outside. I thought the wind was carrying the sound because you couldn't normally hear outside street conversations from inside the house, unless people were yelling. These voices were simply talking. I don't remember exactly when this conversation started. But it was right about when I decided to look at the rings.

As I was looking at the rings I realized the conversation was my Grandmother and two of her passed on friends. They sounded like they were having the best time. Just like one of my Gran's many dinner parties. The strange part was my lack of reaction. I was listening intently thinking 'that's definitely them', but I felt strangely numb and slightly on edge. Also strange they sounded like they were coming from the back spare room, which was also my old bedroom. This didn't make much sense. But I guess, if they really were there, they might use a room where they weren't likely to be interrupted. This or, the act of opening this drawer, with the intent of choosing a ring, connected me with them. Either way there was something about the wind that night which felt helpful to my hearing them. Though I can't fathom why.

Gran's bedroom door always naturally swung closed, leaving a large space open. It's an old house. So the bedroom door was semi closed. I was stood at the drawer with my back to the door, listening. Then the familiar noisy creak of the floor boards outside the bedroom door. Someone was there and it wasn't Mum, I would've heard the wire door which sounded like a crash symbol. The floor boards weren't sounding as if someone was walking on them, more like standing on them and positioning themselves. I knew it was him, my grandfather.

This was a very strange moment and still is to remember. I could still hear the jovial conversation through the wind, but I knew 'he' was outside the door. The floor boards creaked again, I was sure he was peering in through the opening in the door. I tried to ignore it but after a few more creaks, it was too much. I quickly put the ring into a box I found in the drawer, put this into my makeup bag and into my handbag, then gathered everything else. This simple action seemed to take for ever.

It might not sound like much, but this was the scariest ghost encounter I've ever had, still is to this day. I don't believe I'd ever encountered my grandfather before that night and Gran's house never felt negatively haunted by anything.

I ran out of the bedroom heading to the front door. Exiting the bedroom was awful, I felt he was standing right there, enjoying scaring me. The rest of the house was dark, usually I love the dark, but not that night.

Mum was still in the garage. I said something simple like "Mum, this feels weird, can we go?" She said she also felt weird. I said I hadn't locked up yet and didn't want to go back up alone. She told me to wait in the car, which I gladly did. Then I realized I'd left the kitchen and bedroom lights on.

When Mum got into the car I asked her how the house felt and she said it felt good. She said she felt negativity shortly before I came down but that it left again. I was glad of that. I asked if she heard any talking and she said she didn't. I didn't want to talk about what had happened so I said I thought I heard a noisy bunch of people walking past the house before I came out.

Shortly after that night I had a dream about my grandfather. In the dream I was standing outside Gran's house, in the front yard. It was night time and windy, like that night. I was standing outside the garage, he was standing at the pathway to the front door, almost blocking me from entering, now that I think about it. As odd as this sounds he had yellow skin and strange patches on his face. The patches were skin which resembled a deflated balloon, a bit sunken and dimpled. These were around his temples. That was it, end of dream. Needless to say the mood wasn't good.

It was many years later that I told my Mum about what happened that night, and the dream. The rest of the family only spoke of positive ghost encounters around that time. Maybe I was targeted for whatever reason, ergh. When I told her about the dream, she told me that's how he looked when she identified him. She also said he looked wet.

Mum was interstate when he died, no one wanted to identify him. His sister hated him, despite taking him in, she didn't want to do it either. So it took a few days. Because of Gran's florist business, which mostly came from funerals and weddings, we've seen a fair amount of dead folk. I've seen at least one yellow-ish corpse that I can remember, he wasn't as yellow as my grandfather in the dream. Mum said she never came across anyone so yellow again. No one had anything to do with him after Gran kicked him out. In those years it's possible he developed jaundice and turned yellow. But the body staying yellow like that after a few days? Perhaps the morgue staff put some yellowy lotion on him for some reason. That might explain why he looked 'wet'.

He was buried in an unmarked grave at the end of the street where my Gran lived. My Gran was buried in the same grave. Gran's headstone has no mention of him. It's like he never existed. It's possible this pissed him off enough to scare me, why the heck me though? I had nothing to do with it. Needless to say the yellow details provided by Mum freaked me out a little.

When I think about hearing Gran and her friends I can now separate that from the scary stuff and choose to just recall that part of it alone. It would suck if the creaking floorboards were my Grandmother and I simply got the heebie jeebies and jumped to the wrong conclusion. I might have missed out on a really cool encounter. But my gut told me the direct opposite. It was like he was interrupting something which would've otherwise been totally positive.

Thankfully I've had nothing more to do with this creep. What I've had is a brief encounter which chilled me to the core. Can't begin to fathom what it would've been like to live with him. He really is the closest thing I've known to a demon.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-15)
Jan, it's always great finding someone else who hung around cemeteries as a youngster. Well done to your Dad for making that curious choice of pass time. I think children benefit from context around the harder subjects.
That book sounds great, I'll have to hunt it down.

Val, I agree it was a financial decision, above anything else. Also I think it may have been organised during their marriage. I got the impression (or maybe I was told this, not sure) that it was something of a 'done deal'. I really love your poetic reasoning, like A LOT, very cool! That had never occurred to me, but it's possible she was more at peace with it than I knew. She was such a meek and mild, polite woman, generally, but every now then she'd do or say something tough as nails. So maybe this was one of those times.
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Tweed, I may have an idea on the 'shared' grave, it may have boiled down to dollar and cents logic. When someone was of very poor character, my Mom use to say, "Not worthy for a proper grave or remembering." Could be family felt this way about Grandpa. From what you've said, I gather they did.
You said this was a family plot, as such the area may have already been paid for. Not liking the fellow, Grandma probably didn't relish the idea of buying him a plot of his own; plots have never been cheap, so it could have been a financial decision as well. Afterall, you have to put the dead somewhere. Depending on the cemetery's rules at the time, he may not have even been in a casket or embalmed. Just wrapped in a shroud and placed in the hole. He may have even been cremated and the ashes placed there, hard to say without seeing the area.
Of course, I can easily imagine a more 'poetic' reason; Grandma felt that in this manner, she was letting him know, 'to get to MINE, you have to go through ME', while having turned her back on him for eternity.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hi Tweed,

Even as a child, my Father, a lover of local history, would take me to all the small New England cemetery Plots. He saw this as time with his Daughter and a lesson.

Being only 10 years of age, my thoughts fell in a different direction. My unspoken question was, as sickness often took a spouse leaving children behind, or perhaps some died with her, the man was left a Widower. Often the Widower would remarry, quickly as the need for home care and child care was so necessary. Perhaps the second wife dies as well and this gentleman marries again...

Has anyone ever read the book/play, OUR TOWN, by Thornton Wilder? The jest of the play/short story, is all the characters are not any longer living. That was where my 10 year old mind went. I would write in my mind the squabbles that might be taking place under the various stones.

I never shared those morbid thoughts with my Dad and I did learn Family history as well as Town history, along the way.

I still wonder about the stone with one male name and several wives, when I come across it.

I missed you Tweed!
Jan 😉
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Jan, it's great to have you back! ❤
I've been busy with work and busy in general lately. Haven't had much time on YGS, I have much to catch up on.

I feel very fortunate to only know my grandfather through recounts from others. The downside is there's very little I know about that part of the family. While I don't care for him, I'm still curious about that family.

Glad you enjoyed reading, though I know it's not a very nice read. It's funny how many people missed this one. It must be cloaked in negativity and invisible to anyone in a good mood lol.

RSAChick, you're welcome. There may not be any definitive answers, just an abundance of definitive guesswork lol.

Biblio, I'm glad you brought up the grave weirdness. I was eighteen at the time and couldn't get my bearings about it. That said, theirs was a family plot, as I understood it. It was always known/planned, something I knew while very young, that his resting place would also be hers. As a kid that made even less sense to me, having had a sense that he wasn't the best person. I used to visit the cemetery as a kid, for something to do, as it was close to her house. I used to visit his grave and ponder what I'd heard about him. A bit morbid, but childhood curiosity stuff. Anyway, I can't understand why she was okay with that plan. Or why the family didn't change it, give her another plot.

I also got the sense that something was lifted from her home, after she passed, and that he was able to reenter because of it. It's entirely possible he became obsessed with the ring, or any other physical object in the house. He was a swindler by all accounts, so he no doubt owed money. It also felt like something was keeping him out of the bedroom, where I was that night, and I'm thankful for that.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hi, Tweed.

Like RSA, I have no memory of having read this story before, but as I was re-reading the comments, I found that I'd a couple of them at some point. I had a question nagging at me after I read the line: "He was buried in an unmarked grave at the end of the street where my Gran lived. My Gran was buried in the same grave."

What in the name of all that's holy possessed anyone to put the two of them into a single plot? Your grandmother basically turfed him out of their house (from a sociopath's point of view, "his" house), humiliating him within the family and the general community. Later, she was interred above his body with the headstone commemorating her alone, hiding him from the community's memory. I'm a bit surprised that loitering menacingly is *all* he did!

Sociopaths can become unreasonably possessive over material goods, not to mention disproportionately outraged by perceived offenses; it seems like he was (in his own estimation) demoted from ruler of his roost to humiliated outcast in his sister's home. Perhaps the death of your grandmother is the reason he was even able to re-enter the house; the strength of her personality would have acted like a barrier, resolutely keeping him out while she lived. After the ignominy of his burial, he wanted to be spiteful just to prove that he could do it.

I'm not entirely sure where all of that came from, but they were the images I saw as I read through this compelling & disconcerting experience.

Pursuant to an earlier conversation we've had, there's a fair amount of overlap between our maternal grandfathers: an uncomfortable amount.

Best, as always,
RSAChick (115 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-11)
Thanks for the reply, Tweed.
Your comments have added detail to an already fascinating tale.
Excited for my small part in unraveling this mystery! There may be no definitive answers, but I have enjoyed the ride.
msforgetmenott (17 stories) (316 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-11)
Tweed! Where have you been?

I do not know why I missed this event, but shall have to go back, and check around this date in your print. Sometimes life gets busy and it is hard to catch up.

I think we all have a family member that we would like to erase but of course we can't. Yours being worse than most.

You always catch the reader spell bound, yet this telling captures the reader into the very moment. So very well written.

Really good to see you, my best ❤

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-11)
Just to clarify, this ring is very busy and confusing, there's ten stones in total. There's two larger stones which I long thought originated from different places/rings. But the jeweller said the two main stones were almost certainly paired together at one point. So those are the two that would be from his family.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-11)
Thanks Val, I thought it a rather spiffy design, if I do say so myself lol. It feels good going into this, I think I 'needed' to keep her ring as her ring for a while back then. I know I wouldn't have done this eighteen years ago. But now feels different, feels right.

RSAChick, you make an excellent point about cleansing! I'd not even thought of that, aren't I silly! I've never had any bad vibes from this ring, no lingering negativity I'm sure. But it should be cleansed all the same, I'll put it with some cleansing crystals.
Thanks also for pointing out the origin of their engagement ring, another thing I'd not considered. Despite his horribleness, he may have had it in him to have some affection for his part in the ring.
There are two diamonds from his engagement ring to her, which came from his family. His grandparents, I think it was, or great grandparents it might have been. I don't know which side of his family that would be, only that his family were all French.
His sister passed away not long after he did, so I never met her. But apparently she was tough as nails, and the only person he cowered before. She used to beat him up very fiercely if/when she found out he'd mistreated anyone. I've wondered if she was responsible for killing him. Brought that up a few times as a teenager, but everyone disagrees or laughs it off. She never married and had no children, so maybe my grandfather felt he was owed back the engagement ring somehow. My grandmother had her ring design made after he passed, maybe he held a grudge about it.
That makes your suggestion about cleansing all the more pertinent, thank you!
RSAChick (115 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
Hi Tweed, I don't recall reading your story before. I love it!
While reading through the comments it nagged at me that your ghastly grandfather must have some other connection to this ring and that's why he chose to bother you - The diamond from your gran's own engagement ring: where did that come from?
Just a theory.
If you think it was just him being greedy then you're probably right.
But perhaps there was something particularly important to him about this ring or the diamond?
Cleansing your gran's grave and making the rings into a pendant sound like top ideas!
Cleanse the rings as well while you're at it!
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
I love the idea of turning the ring into a pendant! I'm sure your Grandma would approve. And on a choker? Stunning choice.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
Hi Haven,

It's hard to comprehend how people get stuck in their bitterness. For my grandfather to be so full of hatred for such a long time. It's beyond my understanding, just makes no sense.
I really feel that it was him that night, even though I have nothing but a feeling to back it up. It was such an icky moment, every part of me was screaming, 'it's him, get out'. Eurgh.
There's a certain satisfaction in this new knowledge. It feels like I have a better understanding of that moment, and also of my Grandmother. I've always respected her, but my respect runs a little deeper now. 😊
Haven (20 stories) (307 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
Hi Tweed -

Thanks for the update. I'm sure your grandmother would be pleased that you are making the ring into a pendant but keeping the stones in the arrangement she chose.

With the additional information you have provided, there is no doubt in my mind that it was indeed your grandfather you heard that day when you got the ring. He was probably angry that he was not able to take the ring himself and benefit from it when he was alive. He probably was also angry that your grandmother and her friends seemed to be having a good time, he was able to see that she had moved on and was happy regardless of what she endured at his side.

Take care.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-10)
Update about the ring in this narrative.

The ring I took home on that strange night has been in the same box I put it in ever since. I have spindly fingers and very bad luck with rings. They seem to slide off no matter what. So I have never had this ring resized, and never worn it.
Recently my husband suggested getting it made into a pendant with gems from my engagement ring. (That I hardly wore for fear of it slipping off!) I'm a sentimental fuddy-duddy, so having the ring boxed up as a keepsake, exactly how it was when my Gran wore it has been good enough for me all these years. But my chap brought me around to his way of thinking. As he points out the stones are all from marital, or engagement, rings. So, as he says, it's overdue my turn to carry that on.
The more I thought about this the more it endeared me. So we booked an appointment with a jeweller to talk options and also get Gran's ring valued. Turns out Gran's ring, in particular the emeralds, are worth a dumbfounding amount. The ring now has it's own paperwork, for gawd sake.

I always knew my grandmother came from wealth. The day she told me about her rings, she went into detail about the emeralds on this one. She spoke about the way they needed to be set and how she had to find the right jeweller and not trusting it to just anyone. She must have known their worth and kept it quiet. I wonder now if my good for nothing grandfather knew their worth during their marriage, and if this is why he haunted me back then. Maybe he was so twisted he thought he could pawn this ring in the afterlife?

On a nicer note the pendant idea will eventually go ahead. The stones will be arranged in the same way they currently are, the way my grandmother had them arranged. I'm hoping to incorporate the ring framework into the pendant, eliminating the removal of any of the stones from their current places. Framing this with the stones from my engagement ring. It'll be a tear drop choker. Keeping it traditional, the best way for jewellery if you ask me! As far as polite conversation goes, I'll tell acquaintances it's costume jewellery, if it arises.

We don't have any children and I've been thinking about where these stones will eventually go. Who will benefit from them financially when we're gone. I think a charity, one which helps families of domestic violence. Because that's what my grandmother needed all that time ago. I was lucky, I fell for an angel and married him. If it wasn't for him, I probably would never have had her ring valued in the first place.

Oh crud, it's Halloween I just realised. This update will likely get chewed up in all the ouija boards and Charlie stuff. Boo!

Anywhoo this is a cool conclusion to a scary ghost encounter. Knowing all this has made me rethink that night. I have to wonder the timing of his looming at the door with my fetching this ring. It certainly throws a different light on things. But I will continue directing my thoughts to hearing my Grandmother and her friends laugh it up.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-14)
zzsgranny- I left a message with the admin that posted story. I've been off the grid over the weekend. I'll have to check and see. I'm hoping they see the error. Or, I actually believe I will remove myself from that group. Wrong is wrong.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-11)
Wish-Not: Any update or progress made? Just curious because I know I've gotten some nasty replies before when I tried to advise page admins.
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
The thing with facebook groups is they're often managed by people who don't know any better, they're not professionals in the publishing industry.

If you complain to a particular facebook group and you're communicating with the group owner/moderator/etc, while you're at it, you can mention to remove any other stories from YGS where they didn't get official permission from the author. Just a way to help other people here at the same time. If they don't know what story come from where, that's when you tell them if it's copied from elsewhere, it's infringement, and their whole group could get forcibly closed if they don't clean up their act.

If you're making a formal complaint to Facebook using their copyright infringement procedures, however, legally, you can only specify your own work.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
FYI - the Facebook group I found my stories on, and demanded they be removed, responded by removing them and apologizing.

Martin - I suggested they contact you.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Martin - glad you said that because I complained loudly and often when I found my stories on Facebook today. They are my experiences and those of my kids'. If I wanted to share them on Facebook, I would do ot myself. 😠
Martin (602 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Tweed, Google will only display results for publicly accessible content, if it's private and requires special access, then Google will not be able to index it. But these facebook groups are a plague when it comes to copyright infringement, if you are the author of a story that has been stolen, you have every right to complain 😠 and you can follow facebook's instructions:

Reporting Copyright Infringements
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
I'll see what I can do. I'll explain the copy right info from YGS. I'm hoping they will understand.

On a side note, guess they were needing some REALLY good stories to fill their page.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Okay, Wish-not. It's in a group and I can't see it 😆 I don't want to join the group, but if you're a member, can you explain the situation and ask that they remove it? They really don't have to since you're not the original author but most times, if you ask nicely, they'll comply.

Otherwise there's not much else we can do.
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Before everybody gets upset, please notice the "like" and "share" buttons (for facebook as well as twitter) under every story. If someone uses these, a link is posted that leads to our site, full credit is given to the site and the author.

This is a fail safe against plagiarism.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Some pillock has copy/pasted one of my narratives on bloody facebook. I don't have a facebook account and can only read 'login to continue' from the link I was sent. Can someone please let the genius know I'd like them to remove it.

Bollocks to this. Got to roll, will sort it tomorrow.

Thanks heaps Wish Not for wording me up!

General question about facebook and search results. Noticed search results never turn up facebook crap, why don't search engines show stuff from facebook? Bit counterproductive isn't it?
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Wish Not I just sent you an email to your gmail account. Check your spam folder lest it end up there. Hopefully it's worked. 😊
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
So, just incase I just can't get through to you, go to my profile and click on my gmail account and send something to me. I will be able to reply back with info 😊
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Tweed- I sent it from work email. Not sure if that is why. I'll go over to my yahoo account and resend.
I clicked on the email address you have posted on your profile page.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Wish Not, are you sure you sent the email to me? Nothing's showing up in my inbox or spam folder. Maybe try resending it?
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-09)
Hey Wish Not, probably just as well you told me as I'm in the habit of not checking emails every day lol. I'll check it out. Hope everything's okay.

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