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Comments for 5 Bed House With Cheap Rent: Page 1

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Haunted86 (9 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-13)
I would say that maybe it cursed and the spirits that used to live there in the house are haunting it and making sure no one disturbs their peace from the after life
NightGhost (guest)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)
Awesome, classic ghost story! Typical of a natural haunt. Probably an incorporeal family living there. I read that description in a book of a invisible family who hasn't left the place. The man could be the husband/father figure, the baby and the rocking, the mother/wife figure soothing their child, and the claw marks may have been their dog! Some incorporeal families never leave their homesteads! Just a thought, but great story!
JennusDemenus (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)
To be honest, once we got out of the house, we didn't go back. We probably could have done the research, but we just wanted to be away from it! I know, lazy on our part, but we were happy to leave and never look back. My roommate just emailed me the other day that the owner had died and the son had decided to level it and sell the land. I hope the future owners do better than us.
Diyanuh (2 stories) (39 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)
Oh my god I'm glad you guys left because I don't even want to imagine what would have happened there if you would of stayed longer... Maybe people only last 6 months because maybe everyone who lived there, saw the claw marks as soon and as the 6 months where over they leave because maybe the claw marks have like a time to come out
hobbyholly (11 stories) (572 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)

Is there anyway you could research the house via old records at a local library or something
Did anyone move in after you?
JennusDemenus (1 stories) (7 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)
We stayed for nearly 6 months. After we left, the deputy sherrif for the area told my roommate that he wasn't suprised when we left. His actual statement was, "When I saw you two young girls move in there, I knew it would only be a matter of months before you were gone again." Nice, huh?
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-12)
So how long did you and your friend stay at the house? More than a month I take my hat of to you both. I would have legged it as soon as things started happening. Shame the pictures did not come out it would have been interesting to have seen what was happening. Excellent story

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