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witchgirl2010 (2 stories) (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
If this shadow being is not harming you that is good. Just practice your faith (what ever it may be) and pray. If it becomes threatening find someone who can help you. Usually theyll go away on there own if you ignore them and don't give them any energy (fear, ect...) I hope this helps!
galvon (142 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
damn my grammar fails today

But just think about it.

It isn't that easy and evreyone knows it.

Especialy if its a stronger entity.
galvon (142 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
omg I think that comment is the most stupidest ever...

*than your safe*

Laughing out loud in real.

You think its so easy?.

You don't know anything oft he shadow thing and judge it as a demon.

Presuming only a christian pastor can help>

You sure do do your name honour...

Any church can help and it has to eb doen several times at some moment for the entity to completely leave...

Its not as easy as you made ti sound out oft he comment the christian.
TheChristain (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
sorry to hear that but try to stay calm and tell your pastor quickly, he can help. Ask him to pray for you and then your safe! (the pastor has to be Christian!) 😐
whalo83 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
hello my name is brad and I'm new to this site I too have a dark figure of a man or what ever it is that torments me I don't know names and the way you describe it is not the same as mine but I do feal sorry for anyone who has to go through what we go through I'm still trying to put my story on here but it tells me it has to much back log all the best from brad england.
Azara_Death (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
The demons name is Azazel and yeah, I've seen him too. I know what you're going through because I'm one of the only people in my family that can see supernatural things. 🤔
kardagen (2 stories) (161 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
Rash: I don't mean to start anything, but I think your misinturpreting Jitow's Choice of words. I don't believe he meant Voodoo literally but figrativly, its a Saying.
agimat_warrior (4 stories) (18 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-29)
just have a symbol of your faith with you most of the time, if you are a protestant / baptist then have a pocket bible in your pocket, if you are a catholic use your holy symbols. Same goes for every religious denomination.

They could not do anything to you unless you let them through fear and ignorance of faith.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
Jitow: No you didn't say it is a demon... The author wanted to know what the name of this demon is... Sorry if that came across as directed to you 😊, it was not my intention... ❤
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
'Galvonne, not to argue but you can throw your voodue in without telling someone else that are wrong.'
If you actually read Galvon's comments instead of jumping on him you would of realized that he does not give advice based on voodoo.

I have had experiences with voodoo so I found your statement to be out of place.

And oh yeah please tell me what exactly should I be careful of. You seem to know something I don't.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
I don't know who sais demon but is was not me. However, I do believe that if there is such a thing as a ghost, it is manifestation is at the behest of a one. Radish, I do not do voodoo but I would be very careful who you blindly claim knows nothing about it and I did not know you had been here long enough to know Galvon that well, you must be claranosient.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
His name is "shadow person"... And he's not the only one... I wouldn't be so quick to call one of these beings a "D" word though... In most of the stories I've read and heard about them, they don't do much except fade, or move away... Of course, any one would feel scared initially, but really, why?...they don't give off negative vibes, they don't attack, most of the time...

Can I ask why you think it may be a demon?...Did you feel threatened or pick up any negativity from him?...If so, you may be right... Alot of people, myself included, believe that a spirit takes a lot of energy to manifest, and a shadow may be the best they can achieve, with the amount of energy available to them at the time...So, if a negative or threatening vibe is absent, then I would have to suggest that it may be some one with a message, or a guardian spirit...

Looking forward to more, thanks for posting! 😊
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
You have a point there. It might not even be a demon. But Andrewjwgifted will be the only person to find out if he is a demon or not cause the entity is interested in him.
jazzeyjay (3 stories) (215 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
Andrewjwgifted: It just may be that you and this person may have been connected in a past life. He may have followed you over to this life to maybe warn you of something or to finish something that was no completed in your past life. Why do people always assume that an entity is a demon? Everything is not a demon! I hope you can do some research and find out what it is and what it wants. He just may be a messenger, you just never know. Try talking to him and see if you can get a response. Be careful and God bless you!
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
I was not aware that Galvon practiced voodoo.
Jitow you are jumping the gun a bit here You do not even know what voodoo is. If you did you would of known that his advice does not involve voodoo.
In my church, knowing the name of a demon counts. It makes getting rid of it quite easier.
galvon (142 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
jitow I was never saying the name was correct.

Never did I say it was voodoo either.

But any sorts of research can infact help you.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
Galvonne, not to argue but you can throw your voodue in without telling someone else that are wrong. This is a young person not a priest or minister, he absolutely does not need the name. That is what Trudy was saying. He is not posessed, there is just something in the house at this point. For all the different names that have been thrown out here, in the US we call this bad.
Jitow (362 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
Rebuke it in the name of Jesus and His Shed blood. Tell it that you and your house are covered by the blood of the Lamb. It will not be back anytime soon. You only need the name if you are a priest or minister. If you are not one of these, I would strongly suggest that you drop the name issue. Read your Bible out loud, leave it open on your nightstand, play Christian music. Have you invited the Holy Spirit to live in you through Christ's sacrifice?
Huntersfield (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
It's so scary, I live in Denmark and I have also been seeing this thing. Actually I've been seeing it since I was 10 and I'm 19 today:S
galvon (142 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)

Actualy your wrong knowing the name of the spirit can aid you in alot.

You can do research about it and find out its other weaknesses when other things don't work.

Or even ask a man of that part to do something about it.
Trudy44 (60 posts)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
Dear Andrew,

You don't need to know the name of the spirit. Just make it leave. You can test it according to 1 John 4:1-4. If it fails make it leave in the name of Jesus. ❤
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
I have heard that this spirit target people who bind a lot of evil spirits so therefore you may pose as a threat to it. Be very wary with this one. It is very tricky (that is if it is that particular devil)
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
But the description with the hat and the coat fit the description of what we call The Midnight Robber in Trinidad.

I love this story. It is one of the rare ones that hit home to me.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-05-28)
This sound like the Moko Jumbie from my story Obeah on this site.
You are not crazy hon. Some spirits are very tall.

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