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My whole life I have seen one thing or person since I was a young child, starting at the age five. The thing/ person always had a yellow-fire outline with pitch black eyes and what I believe to be a mouth.

Starting In Streamwood - I had been playing with my stuffed animals when through my bedroom door I saw the Fireman walk by. I got up to follow him. It was around 5pm during the spring. As I followed the man he went to middle of the living room and reached towards the ceiling and its black mouth opened as if it was screaming. This happened at least 3 more times, until we moved the next year. I was living with my mother and grandparents during those fire man visits.

After we moved I did not see the man for over 2 years. However, when I moved back in with my grandparents I started seeing him again. We all had moved to a new town, North Aurora ill. Also this was a new house.

At the age of 7 I would see the man at least once a month. He would always do the same thing. Walk to the living room and reach to the ceiling and look like he was screaming. At this time I had reached out to my family, I had started to become scared. Every time I would see this man, he would always look at me as it would perform its thing. They would all look at me and explain it was just a dream, or I was just too excited about things. I however did not take that as why.

A few years later my mother and I moved out and moved to a home that was in Aurora. This house was almost like the house I grew up in Streamwood. It is a very dark house.

2002 Aurora - This time with the fireman it became too strong. I was living with my mother and father, we had a dog. It was fall time, 11 pm. We had all gone to bed. After sleeping for a few hours I heard a man scream and run down the hall screaming. I then smelled smoked. I have asthma and I was starting to have hard time breathing. I got up and touched my door. My dog started to growl. I had thought my house was on fire. When I touched the door it was cold. After feeling it was safe to open the door I looked down the hall and saw a very bright light but when I looked dead at it, I saw that it was my fire man. I heard my mother's door open and as she stepped out the man vanished. My mom started to ask if I was ok, why I was screaming, I told her that I had not screamed, that I thought it was a man. We both could still smell smoke. So we followed the smell. It led us to the kitchen then it started to move. Right back to my mother's room. As we reached her room, we finally felt warmth. We stood on a ladder the heat and smoke source was just in the middle of the room. No heat on the floor or ceiling. It was at this point my mother started to believe me.

Also my grandmother told me a story. The very first house (Streamwood) in the 70'S had been on fire and lost a teen age boy. Which they all knew and it was someone's fault that he died in the fire.

I have no idea if he is the one I have been seeing, but at least this gives me a place to start with.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, davidswife, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
davidswife - bless your heart! Check your email, okay?

Has the fireman come back then? I know in your previous post you said the fireman was nowhere to be seen after your guest pissed off the evil one in your home.

Please, before you and your family leave this home, make sure you find someone who can ensure that this evil does not follow you. You know the fireman will go with you. He always does. But this evil needs to be "dealt with" in this home.

Have the attacks on you and your family lessened?

My prayers are always with you and your family. Marjie
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-25)
thank you so much for being here for us!
I hope your thanksgiving was a good one. Ours was cause we left our home.
We tried doing talks with the spirits in our home. We were going to have someone come in and help but I was in the hospital then my husband. With our talk asking all to leave we didn't get any where. However they don't seem to be stronger or anything like that. We have been able to record evps.
With our newest member getting closer to the due date, we are going to try and move. So we will try and keep recording and get them away from us. We would not mind if it is just the fireman, but the others we want to be rid of.
Thank you again!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-25)
davidswife - I realize it's Thanksgiving, and I don't want to infringe on your family time right now, but whenever you get a chance would you let us know how things are? You've been on my mind.

My prayers are with you and yours.
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
well thank you for thinking of us. After the crazy halloween we had a mean family member play with our house. What I mean, she was taunting the spirits in our home. Last time she is ever coming over! It must have angered the one that is mean, and fireman is no where to be seen. Makes me very nervous. We are hearing voices that are saying things like; "die with me, I want to die, death". I am very angry but trying to just let it go. I feel that my anger for her and what she did will just fuel our already sticky situation. We are thinking of moving, but not because what is going on, we already know they all with follow. We are wanting to move becuase of the baby to come. But we believe we will try something this coming week, and deal with our problems in this home.
Hope all is well with who all read this!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-11-07)
davidswife - I'm just checking on you and your family. Whenever you get a second, let us know how things are going, okay?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-23)
davidswife - I will continue to keep you and your family in my prayers.
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
well my eldest does not speak well, but I can tell that he is not happy with his room any more. We have been in this place for over 6 months. And he has always been loving it. He hates sleeping with me and my hubby. Cause we snore I bet. So I never worry about him coming to bed with us. Last night he wanted to stay away from his room.
My youngest did not play in there either, but will go to bed.

We are waiting until nov, because we are doing a few trips until then. And I just don't want to feel rush and get annoyed
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
davidswife, shew I'm glad you've been keeping one! And I agree, this voice is very unsettling. Does your little boy hear her too?

You can tell me it's none of my business, or email me if you'd prefer, but why November?
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
you did. No worries. I have been keeping a diary most of my life, with all the details of what is going on paranormal.

I find this new girl voice to be very unsettling. We heard its voice again this morning. Saying "i want to die"

We talked to our friend about it. And him and his wife want to come over. Although we are thinking of waiting until nov.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
davidswife, I can't remember if, at anytime we've talked, I've suggested keeping a Journal. If not, I apologize to you for not doing that. It's a great help in many ways.

You've already noticed that the fireman is with you more when you've spent time with your family. There may be more patterns than this one. I would definitely start keeping one, if you haven't already. Especially since this new voice. This one really bothers me. 😢
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
oh yes, the girl voice was a complete new one. It through us for a loop. We have heard more male like voices and more hollywood demonic sounding voice.

The fireman is not a daily occurance. But I have seen a pattern that when I am with my family more, he is with us more. I have been seeing my family more this past week due to the fact my great grandpa turned 85.
Lots of people coming in and what not.
So seeing the pattern, this makes no sense I don't see him or my kids.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
davidswife - thank you so much for the update. I hope and pray that the help you are receiving is going to rid you of the evil in your home.

Does the fireman frequently become quiet for a few days or is this something new? Is the little girl's voice new also?

You and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. ❤
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-21)
darkness I know I have some good advice here. However I have done lots of talking through emails. So that way I can get more detailed and more personal.

As of right now 10-21-10.
We have not seen the fireman in a few days. However the voices that we have heard over the years are becoming louder. I have come to believe that we are dealing with more then just one THING. And one I think is in for more hindering then wanting to just move on. The fireman has never done anything bad that I can connect. This very morning MY husband and I were laying in our bed just wanting to get more sleep. Our kids bedroom is right next door, we share a wall. We can hear everything they do (thin walls) I can hear my one son snore and the other playing with his train set. My youngest snores, so I knew it was my eldest awake. My eldest does not speak well at all. He has yet to put a sentence together.
As we listened to him play we heard plain as day a girls voice say "kill me now please". We ran into their room and only found our two boys. My eldest was hiding under his bed though holding his thomas in his hands. He was scared. He came to me.
This is startling.
I am in contact with someone who is helping.
I think we have lots of steps to go through though.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
Geez granny what a number of posts to be sitting on hey! Hahaha 😆❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-12)
davidswife: Any updates for us?...I'm curious to know how you and yours are!... ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-06)
davidswife: You have been given some great advice here from a lot of trustworthy and reliable posters. I was going to mention quite a few differant things then realised a lot of my friends here have already covered it, they are good at doing that. 😆 Please keep us updated on your findings this is a very interesting story, I wish you and your family all the best.

Thank you for sharing.

phoenix125 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
Perhaps that is the way he died. The ceiling fell on him...
indiandaksh (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-05)
i think this 'fireman' is more attached to you because it has been following YOU and it does not stay in one specific house. The story your grandmother told you sheds some light on the firemans actions. The teen, when caught in the fire, perhaps was screaming for help, that's why the soul also shows what it had been through. Seek someones advice and get the poor soul towards the other side-Your friend Daksh ❤
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Miracle email me
Davidswife4ever85 [at]
Just cause what my uncle has said and done about this whole ordeal my upset people.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
davidswife, thank you for letting us know. I have a couple of different thoughts here, but since I'm not a medium I should probably just keep my mouth shut.

What the heck... I don't keep my mouth shut very often so why start now. Okay, here's what I think. One of two things is keeping this boy here.

Either your uncle's guilt over not being able to save his friend's life. And if this is the case, my God, someone has to talk to your uncle and explain to him that his guilt is keeping this boy here and he has let go of his guilt or his friend will never be able to cross over.

The other thing could be that the boy is trying to get someone to tell your uncle that he doesn't blame him. Either way, I think you're going to need a medium's help.

I'm not even going to suggest that I'm right with either of these theories. I'm just as likely wrong. 😆
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
well a few of you wanted to know if my uncle is alive. Yes he is alive.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
davidswife, I too am really interested in whether or not your uncle is still alive.

Also, from personal experience, there are mediums who can help you and never have to step foot inside your home. They can tell you what to do to help this boy cross over.

I can't help but think there's more that needs to be done first. Hopefully the medium, if you can find a true one, can help you with the message this boy has. Please keep us updated.
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
shell: I have never written this out before. I don't believe I ever told this story to anyone who had published it. I personally never seen a story like mine to date. However I believe that I can not be the only person in the world that has things like this happen to them. If you remember where you saw these similar stories let me know I would love to read up on them and get some ideas.

GRANNY:email me if you want, I will in email tell you want has happened to my children and I in more detail.
Davidswife4ever85 [at]
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
davidswife: I'm curious as to the attacks on your children... What exactly has happened?...Sometimes entities will do things like pinching or poking, etc to gain the attention of someone... Is your uncle still alive?...I think he's the one you need to confront with this, and explain your situation to... This path would enable you to avoid bringing in a medium, or resorting to methods that, in my opinion, will only chase him away, and not give him the release from this existance that he deserves...

It would definately help you if you knew his name, and could communicate directly to him... I think he chose to show himself to you because you are the one he knows can help him... That you are taking steps to find answers is probably comforting him in some way... SOMEBODY knows his name... Keep messing with the people involved until you get it! 😆...

Once you get his name, send the kids somewhere to spend some time, and have a person of the cloth with you when you attempt to communicate and send him on...

I don't know if I'm helping or not, but my heart goes out to you... I hope for the sake of you and your family a resolution comes swiftly... ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
By the by- Jesus Christ Himself used Holy Water to cure a few people. Let me tweak a few thought processes here. A Blind man? A leper? Holy water works.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
Just in catching a few of the comments...
The Guilt. The guilt of the associations (no matter how REAL they actually are. Time and Memory have a way of tainting our views of things. Especially in a situation in which people may be sitting around and "secretly" discussing things that "are not spoken of" in a particular setting- such as a family unit.) can, and will bind an entity.
SOMEHOW you must relieve the guilt, and it will lift.
The real issue, as I see it, is the safety of your children. From the sounds of it, most "new aged" remedies are not quite up your alley. That is fine. To each his own. That is what makes this Lovely world go 'round.
May I make a few suggestions? I promise you, they shall not be "fly by night", nor will they be easy.
Discuss what was seen ALL that time ago. TALK about what happened that this poor young man (his soul was NOT lost) lost his life. WHY is it that the family seems to be "protecting" the "truth"? As Miracles stated, SOMEone is "keeping him alive" with their hidden feelings about the whole situation.
I understand that you are not Catholic. That is fine, as well (obviously). I actually did a wee bit o' research after "meeting" JimD here. I walked into fifteen Protestant Churches in my area (a four city "block", if you will) and straight up ASKED the Pastorate staff IF a ghost was suspected, WHAT suggestions would be given. Once they got over the shock, and understood that I was asking in ALL seriousness, (and filled me in on quite a bit of HIStory- Yes, play on words intended) I was just as surprised to learn that eleven of those fifteen Protestants would also FIRMLY suggest the use of Holy Water Blessed by a Catholic Priest. Most of those eleven would suggest a higher authority, but knew that to be a mite more difficult to achieve. Honestly, it sounded like, to ME that the TIMELINE of particular Religious Roots would be the pull in that direction (Basically: The Tried and True, OR "pinch off" religions came FROM that Religious Foundation. To cut off a flooding basement, you would find the SOURSE of the flood, not simply fix a few cracks in the wall. Go to the Parent.)
If you are a practicing Protestant, why not go to YOUR Pastorate staff and pose a similar question? See what THEY would suggest?
Wado (thank you)
Shell1982 (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-04)
This story is really familiar. I'm sure I've heard about a figure outlined in fire somewhere before, a long time ago. Have you posted this story anywhere else, or told it to anyone who might have written about it in a book somewhere? If not - I've a feeling you are not the first person to report seeing an entity like this - I would do some research and see if you can find anyone else with a similar experience.
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
Well I guess internet has some power itself. I told my grandmother and grandpa about this site and that I wrote on it. And well they opened up a little more.
I still do not know his name, frustration there!.
But the story of the fire in the 70's.

IN the summer time, my grandparents and my mother had left town for a little vacation. My uncle and his friend (fireman) hung out at the house and started to smoke, and I believe it was just cigs. Also they were also drinking.
Some of the details I am leaving out just out of respect, email me if you want to know more. I just don't want to have it online forever.
Well my uncle survived but was not able to save his friend. They found his body in the living room on the couch.
This teenage boy was a good friend and very loved by my family.
JimD (431 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)

I am sorry that this has occurred. You and the kids are in my prayers. Well, no pressure, at all. Email me, if you feel comfortable doing so, and if you need to. I'm praying it's low level, and it flees.

I do feel contacting a medium is a huge mistake, and I normally so counsel on cases, but it's your call. If you need more, I'm free. May God protect your family.

PS The Holy water, contrary to intuition and commonly held belief, works regardless of the belief of the user. You see, the spirit knows its power. Stay well.
davidswife (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-03)
I will be very honest with you all, I am not Catholic. I am protestant Christian, and pretty firm on that. And I can not do this holy water thing, only for the fact if I don't believe in it I don't think it will work. However if things get worse and my children become more and more attacked, I will try anything.

I do not think I am any more brave then the next mom out there. I can not act scared around my kids. That can set something else in motion as well.

I believe I will try and contact a medium outside my home and start a talking relationship that way.

Once again wonderful advice, even if I don't believe in something personally does not mean it don't work. I just want to be careful. I am a nervous nelly really.

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