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For the past couple months I've had something in my home that has caused me and my family a great deal of stress. The entity was unknown to me only appearing while I was sleeping and causing sleep paralysis. Normally I consider sleep paralysis a medical condition that can be caused by stress or lack of sleep. I didn't associate anything paranormal until my husband and I experienced sleep paralysis at exactly the same time one night. The entity I determined is a polymorph. A polymorph is an energetic being that is able to hide itself by altering the type of energy it gives off. Making detection very hard and allowing it to hide itself so it won't be found. This also causes the entity to hide its species. Any being that acts in such a way normally doesn't have good intentions.

I am uncertain of what this thing wanted but it was searching for something that was close to me and my family. It could have been associated with a past life or something else, to be honest, I may never know. It attacked me while sleeping one night causing horrid dreams. When I snapped up from a dead sleep I saw a flash of light in the corner of my room and a horrible feeling of oppressive energy. It was sitting in the corner of my room staring at me. Even though I couldn't see it I felt it there. For some reason the only thing I said was, "You bastard! You are lucky I don't have my camera!" I don't know what that has to do with anything but I was pissed.

Over the next couple weeks my house felt very heavy. My cats were walking low to the ground all stupid and my dogs were barking for no reason. Then the activity stopped. I knew the thing wasn't gone because it never left it just hid from me. Then all hell broke loose. At 3 am on Sunday February 6th I was hanging out with my husband. He was in the living room watching TV and I was baking brownies in the kitchen. I was using an electric mixer in a metal bowl. It was pretty loud in the house. All of the sudden I heard a loud sharp noise that sounded like a mix between a growl and a scream coming from the dining area that separates the kitchen from the living room. My husband asked me if I had just killed a dinosaur (don't ask). I said "No, that was the TV" He replied that it wasn't because he had paused our show so that I could finish baking and not miss anything important. He assumed that I hit my metal bowl some strange way to make the noise, I hadn't. My animals were not in the dining room and nothing seemed to have fallen or moved to produce such a loud animal noise.

I shrugged it off as strange and at 6am we went to bed. While sleeping I had a dream about a woman handing me a dead baby that I was supposed to embalm and get ready for a funeral. Now I am an accountant so this has no relation to what I do for a living. The baby was a little girl about 9 months old. It turned into a glass doll by the time I was trying to get it embalmed. Then she hands me another smaller baby to get ready. But this one turned into a glass cat doll. I set the cat doll down and came back to it and it had turned into a real cat. This cat was really big. It had black and grey fur and red glowing eyes. I really like cats but this one scared me to death. I tried to throw it outside and was successful but when I looked outside I saw that three of my other cats were out there with it. The demon kitty smirked at me and it knew that I would try to rescue my children. I opened my door trying to usher in my kids and the demon cat got through too. I ran into my bedroom and it broke down the bottom half of my bedroom door. It was walking towards me. And it spoke in a very deep growling voice. I can't remember what it said; I really wish I could remember. As it was walking towards me my dog Loki appeared and attacked it. He ripped out the stomach of the demon cat. As he was pulling out the stomach guts the cat transformed into a big black hairless four legged beast thing with really super sharp teeth. It was incredibly skinny and smelled really bad. My dog Loki had killed the thing and it lay on my floor spewing stink.

I woke up in a puddle of sweat. I heard Loki outside my window barking and growling. It felt very heavy in my room. I said out loud "If you don't get the F#$% out of my house I will make you regret your very existence!" (I don't like to be woken up) I fell back asleep somehow and then I remember my husband shaking me awake around 2 in the afternoon. He told me to come into the living room. I walked out to the living room and my couches were moved, lamp had fallen over, rocking chair knocked over, coffee table up-ended, and all my cats hiding in my office. I keep Loki and Ajax outside because they are big dogs and Loki was in the back-yard where he is supposed to be and Ajax somehow was in the front yard. There is no way he could have gotten out of my yard without Loki escaping too. And no one could have let him out because Loki attacks people and someone would have gotten their face removed. Poor Ajax was shaking scared out of his mind! Loki was stuck guarding the entrance to our house growling at thin air.

The inside of my house feels much more comfortable now. I think the polymorph has left my house but I don't think it has left my yard. I think it may try to find a way back in. It really freaks me out but I am trying to make it so uncomfortable that it moves on. If it does get back in and I can't get rid of it I will see if I can get one of my demons to come help. I really don't want to because I don't want to inconvenience him but if he is my last resort I will ask.

I will keep you posted if anything else happens.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, redphx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
[at] red,
Oh holy crap! I had no idea that old tigerpuss commented on your story. Oh lord, what next?

Peace Lady,
Jav ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Hey Red!
I know what you mean about ruffling feathers girl. It seems I can only be a good girl for so long before I end up sticking my head into the mix again. Lord knows I don't want to start up another redhead fight, but I do believe it has a lot to do with how you and I find ourselves in that possition so often. 😆
We just can't help being who we are, I guess!

Love you girl,
Jav ❤
TIGERKING (2 stories) (60 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-09)
you shouldnt be dealing with demons. What aaare you doing? Be careful.
deathandrosesparanormal (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-12)

How are things going with you? I just got this feeling for some reason... What is it about? I don't know. I ws reading about the Sock Puppet name... I do like that. But this name stands differently. So, how are things going with the above... Or what's changed with it?

Mikka H 😊
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
Oh yes Jav! I know about those gravesites and all. It cracks me up when I hear people talk about how Jan Brewer made up stories about people being beheaded in our desert. Uh I think not. People are being taken out to the desert and executed everyday! The mafia is running our state and no one seems to care. You are closer to the border and believe me Tucson and the surrounding area has gotten to be a scary place at night. Just like Phoenix. There are just some places that I am not allowed to go to by myself and I shouldn't be restricted in my own freakin city. But I guess no one really understands because they don't live it every day. We Arizonans are just complainers anyway.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-04)
I am getting really peeved about the site STILL not being able to accept my story that keeps on growing by the day!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-30)
You know that one night you're going to turn on the TV and it will 'breaking news' cutting into your favorite show reporting how the authorities had just discovered a massive grave site. Too many bodies to count. And then every night for the next two weeks that count will rise.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-30)
Yeah, but without the rain, what? Besides, neglected farmland in Pinal County? Come on, we all know what that land is used for now. Just try driving in that direction. See what happens when you get close to the Pinal County line, not the Interstate, try going into that area man. You can feel it from the frontage roads.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-30)
Im afraid if we get more rain we are going to get more dust storms. Because all that dust came from the neglected farm land in pinal county. A double edge sword I presume
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
I had been fighting off an asthma attack since the fires last month and when that thing started blowing through here I was out by the caves and barely made it back in time to get to the hospital. The dust was just too much for me. That was messed up man!
And we didn't even get half of what you guys got!
Later on, I was watching it on the news and I couldn't believe how bad it got. That's twice now. We need more rain, fast!

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
what!? How did it put you in the hospital? OMG I hope you are ok?! I was actually stuck smack dab in the middle of that sucker when it hit. I couldn't drive. I was stuck at a Burger King parking lot in a bad part of the city for about an hour. It was horrific. The visibility was zero.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
As long as you're alright. I was wondering what had happened to you.
Oh yeah, those dust storms? That last big one we had that moved on out your way put me in the hospital for half the night!
Glad to hear you've got things in hand.

Jav 😊
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
I still can't submit my story. But all is good. I know this demon. I've never met him before in person so I wasn't sure of his energy. But he is a friend and welcome in my house. So all is good. My husband and him don't get along very well at all. I think its funny. He likes to play jokes too. Like mimicing my husband's voice. I think my husband is talking to me when he is not and sometimes I think I am going crazy but then I remember my guest and know that he is getting a good laugh at my expense.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I'm not afraid too bad now because I think I know who he is. I think that he is one of my friend's friends. Which is why he would choose to scare my husband and not me. If it is him then I have some serious apologizing to do. If it isn't him then I have a serious problem because he is a demon. I think it's him though. I've never met him in person before so I don't know his energy imprint and I don't know what he looks like. I am going to find out more when I go home. I hope I just have a nice house guest rather than someone who is trying to harass me.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I'm going to wait on an update from you before commenting on what is posted so far. I'm very curious to hear what comes of the EVP sessions for one, and since this entity hasn't seen fit to materialize physically I'm wondering about it's actual strength. But I'm sure you've already thought of that. Please do keep us up on this though. I'm thoroughly intrigued because of the impression he's made on you. I don't see you as one who frightens easily.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I apologize, profusely if need be, for letting my attention waver from your problem. I will go back and read through your post now, this seems much more important than anything else I've talking about today anyway.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
see this is why I have to post it as a story. No one will be able to find it and comment on it! I will have to wait until Monday. By then I should have updates too.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
Nightmare Is Real

This started three nights ago. I was having a dream and in my dream I kept asking the question 'Are you here? Are you here?' then all of the sudden I heard a loud "YES!" it woke me up out of my sleep and I felt a presence in my room. I was so tired that I didn't really pay attention to it and I fell back asleep. One night later I was having another dream and in this dream I was talking to a being that I didn't recognize. He was completely bald and he was pale pale white. Like his skin was almost a tainted light blue it was so white. His eyes were black but not the entire ball it would be like regular human eyes except he had black iris. On the corners of his eyes it looked like blood was dripping. His mouth was filled with razor sharp teeth and his smile was too large. Almost like a clown but not quite as big. It was kind of like the joker grin. His mouth was dripping blood at the corners too. He had a black hooded robe on. He smiled at me and winked then vanished. Again I woke up to feel a presence in the room but I thought nothing of it because I didn't feel threatened. He was malicious but not towards me. I figured he was just passing through.

Later that morning after I left for work my husband had a dream. He didn't tell me about it until last night. He described the same entity that I saw. Except this being was trying to attack him. They were both in the living room and he was trying to speak to my husband. My husband kept telling him to leave and get out of the house. The entity wouldn't leave so in his dream my husband called down the white light and it made this guy really mad. He started screaming and flailing his arms around and the white light hit him on his forehead and started to split him in two. The being lunged at my husband then it was gone. My husband woke up afraid to open his eyes because he felt it still in the room.

Last night before I went to sleep my husband told me about the dream and we realized we were dealing with the very same thing that I saw in my dream. So we concluded that there was in fact something in our home. We did an EVP and we haven't reviewed the results yet because as I am writing this my husband is still sleeping and we are having it record while we were asleep. I didn't sleep well at all. I kept feeling something in the room. When I woke up this morning to get ready for work I kept hearing my dog Ajax scratching on my step-sons door like he wanted to get out. He kept scratching and scratching. I go over to his door (he has been gone to his moms this week) I go to his door and hear the scratching and vibrating of the door. I get mad at scream at Ajax telling him to stop. He keeps scratching I fling the door open only to see that my dog is not in the room. It is completely empty. My dog is outside. I closed the door and asked it to not do that anymore.

These past few days I've been hearing my husband's voice calling me. Only to realize that he wasn't home. My husband has also been hearing my voice call him and I've been at the store. I've had things go missing only for them to show up in a completely random spot. Like car keys in the litter box. (I know I didn't put them there) I don't know who this guy is or where he came from. I need to get rid of him if I don't know who he is. I have to check with my friend to see if he is someone she knows. He didn't show any malice towards me only my husband. So I don't know what to think of that. Usually it is the other way around. I will update on the progress of this one. And let you know if we get an EVP's. My husband said though that when he was talking to him in his dream he couldn't understand what he was saying. I told him that he may not know how to speak English very well. There may have been a communication barrier that may have escalated the situation.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-12)

Forgive me for being an asshat and not realizing that you commmented on my stories. That is so rude of me. Yes over time I have tried to become the aggressor in haunting situations. Normally if an entity is harrassed enough it gets fed up and leaves. That is now my main goal. Protect and harrass. I try to show no fear anymore. Which is easier said than done.
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Sorry about the tone of that last post. I think I was just a bit cranky from not having eaten lunch. I feel better now. 😁
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
Interesting story. Although I've had thousands of dreams in my lifetime, I don't recall any that were truly nightmares. In other words, so horrifying that I woke up in a sweat and scared out of my mind. I think I would have reacted in a similar fashion that you did. My patience is next to zero when it comes to shenanigans that cause unnecessary problems. If I knew some kind of entity was causing the problem, I'd likely be "up in its face" and yelling at it! If it was persistent and stupid enough to let me see it, I'd likely cause it physical harm!

Sorry... Let me calm down now. Just thinking about having an unwelcome guest in my home is making my blood pressure rise!
deathandrosesparanormal (1 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-02)
Demon Demon Proelium.
Abraxas illuminates and extiguishes
Mandimple (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-13)
I thik I have something like that in my house too. Just a few days ago, I had a nightmare, like you. I dremt that I was in Russia (Don't ask) and I was standing on a cliff with my family and a dog (I don't have pets, so its kind of werid.) the dog fell down the cliff and I was crying like a madman. I had a flashback and I now know why I cryed. The dog had been throught with me thick and thin... Then the rest of my family died from... Being strangled by air? I was the only one from my family left... Ask any questions you might have and I am not kidding abut this story. I have plenty more.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
redphx: It's as good a name as any! LOL 😆...Sock puppet's good too, but I don't think it would have the same impact 😆 ❤

Anyway, I like this story...
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
come to think of it I may have heard that term while my step son was playing dungeons and dragons and I just didn't associate it with that. Funny how the mind works. LOL. I was wondering where the heck I came up with that. ROFL 😆
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
I call it a polymorph because I didn't know what it was. I could've called it a sock puppet and it would have been closer 😕 I was not able to get a good read on it. And everytime is got close (my chihuauha would sound the alaram) it would change it's energy. Polymorph isn't a real term, it is one that I just started using. I should've mentioned that.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-11)
redphx: Interesting story!...Love how you take NO crap from non-living beings...

The only problem I have is calling it a "polymorph"...The only reference I can find about entities being considered polymorphs is in video games, or board games like "Dungeons and Dragons"...Polymorphs exist, of course, but in the form of things like diamonds, or ice...I'm not trying to discredit your account, just saying I haven't found any concrete information that "polymorphs" are truely a paranormal phenomenon... 😊 ❤
totpokin (6 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Before you try a demon, you can maybe ask your pets for help. I have the prediction that they have more vivid and stronger feeling of the presence of a paranormal act. In private and pure English, you can simply ask the question, "Would you help me make the mean polymorph go away?" If you have treated them dearly they are likely give you an indication of a "yes". Good Luck! 😁
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
just one. He is an old friend. I don't ask him for help that often only when it gets really bad. And nothing else has worked. I have two more things to try before I would ask. That is if the thing tries to come back inside. Right now I am at a happy standstill
turfster (2 stories) (9 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-09)
Question 1. How many demons can you call upon to help you?
Seriously your thinking of fighting demons with demons somehow I don't think that's going to work out. Maybe you mean deacon but it was a typo I hope.

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