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Real Ghost Stories

The Rest Of My Experiences


Childhood House

This carries on from my previous story. When my sister was born and after the ghost incident where the three entities were trying to take her away, we now shared a room. This would be room number two as I refused to sleep in the other room. Her crib was against the north wall opposite the entrance door on the south wall. My bed was on the west wall and I would sleep north to south. The foot of my bed was next to a large wall closet with wooden doors. I would have had my first demon encounter in this room.

While asleep one night I woke up to a radio playing static from my closet. I was only six at this time. I looked over at my sister and she was sound asleep. The radio kept playing very softly at first but then it gradually got louder. I was too afraid to open the closet doors so I went to go wake up my parents. In my house walking anywhere at night felt like you were walking through a crowded plaza and everyone is staring at you because you are not welcome. I hated to go anywhere in that house. I ran across the living room to my parent's room and woke up my dad. When he came to my closet he said that he heard the radio playing the static too. We discovered my toy microphone machine was making the noise. There were two problems with this; one being this toy didn't have any radio ability and two there were no batteries in it. He took the toy out of my room and I never saw it again.

The next day as I was in my closet trying to find something to play with I heard a loud bang coming from the top of the closet. I looked up to see what it was and I was met with a cascade of boxes falling off the top shelves. I got hit in the face and suffered a black eye. There was no way whatsoever that these boxes just fell. The top shelf is at least 3.5 feet wide and these boxes were only 2ft wide and pushed all the way to the wall. My parents took the boxes out and stored them in the attic. A few more days go by and I go back to the closet looking for something to play with. Again I hear a loud bang. I look up and I am met with books falling on me. I got another black eye. I was a little girl with two big black eyes. My parents finally just removed all the dangerous stuff from the shelves.

I was sleeping in my room with my sister sound asleep and I have a nightmare. In my dream I see a soft pink glow coming from the back of my closet. He is the demon that lives in my closet. He told me that I had to do what he said or he would hurt me. He told me that I had to kill my kitty and I said no. In my dream still, I told him no and went to go ride my bike outside. He changed the scenery on me so that I was lost in the desert and I couldn't find my way home. In my dream I eventually get home and I run back to my closet and he laughs and says "See you have to do what I say" He said now you have to kill your mom and your kitty. I was having none of that. I told him no again and I began the struggle. I can only describe it as playing tug of war with your soul. Now I have never been to church and my mother was a witch so she never taught me about angels or demons. But as I was fighting this large red demon in my sleep I started to call out for an angel. Apparently I was being really loud because my mom bust through my bedroom door to find me in a puddle of sweat, crying and screaming for an angel. I never got my angel, I as a six year old defeated a demon by myself. My mom woke me up and the next day I had a fever of 105 degrees and I was sick for about a week. I decided I was never going to sleep in room number two ever again.

The house itself never felt right. I was always afraid to walk around at night. One night while trying to find a room to sleep in, I gave up and decided to sleep in the living room, alone. I kept the TV on for light. The feeling of being stared at was so strong all the time. I arranged my couch pillows to hide myself from whatever would be looking at me. As I was drifting off to sleep I heard someone sit on the opposite couch. Now my dad was at work and my mom and sister were asleep in bedroom number one. I knew this was someone else. I broke out in a cold sweat and froze. I could hear it breathing. Since I made my make shift cubby for protection I couldn't see it and I pretended it didn't know I was there. Somehow I fell asleep and I had a dream about a skeleton that lived in a car that was parked by my bus stop.

In my dream I was walking down the street and I looked in the car. I saw a figure inside. His head was looking down and he was wearing a baseball cap. I got closer to the car and the head lifted and I could see a skeleton his eyes started to glow red and he grinned at me. He stretched out his hand and started waving for me to go to the car. Well I ran away and as I looked back I saw him shake and a black slimy mist rose out of his eyes. This mist chased me all the way back to my house. I jolted awake and found myself looking at the ceiling. My protective fort had been dismantled. I lay there sweating and panting and I feel a cold rush towards me and if I could see this thing. I would have said that it was only three inches from my face. The front door opened and my dad walked in, the thing left. Now I can't sleep in the living room, I was running out of places I can sleep.

I eventually find a place where I could sleep; on the floor of my parents room. I would literally sleep under their bed until something else decided to join me. I don't know what it was and I don't know if I ever want to find out. It felt very oppressive and I felt like it was always laughing at me. I went through this nightly rotation of bedrooms from the age of 6 to 12.

Once I was in my teens I wanted to have my own room instead of living like a nomad in my own house. I was able to choose between room number one and room number two. I decided to take room number one. I moved in and got everything set up nice a neat. My dresser had the typical teenage crap on it arranged in no particular fashion. After cleaning up one night I left my room to go get something to eat. I was gone for about 5 minutes. When I came back all the stuff that was on my dresser was now on the floor but arranged the same exact way. I didn't know what to think and as I sat and pondered trying to look for a possible explanation my curtain shade flips up with lighting speed. The shade that I had was a plastic one that would hook at the bottom. It was loud when it went up. I ran out of my room like I was running from a rapid dog.

For the next couple nights I was a nomad again. I got so freaked out all the time that I moved my bed into the closet, slept with Christmas lights on every night, and I had my TV run all night long. I always watched Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. I can recite that move line by line. The TV would automatically turn itself off.

One night at three in the morning my stereo turns on full blast. It is one of those stereos where the volume is controlled by a knob that rotates either right or left. This scared the living crap out of me! I would stand up to go turn it off and it stop. I lay back down and it would start up again. And it was loud, volume all the way up! I finally got pissed and told it to get the F@%# out of my room and stop touching my S#$% It stopped and I decided it was time for a new room. I made my sister switch rooms with me. She can stay with the creepy ghost. She now had room number one and I took room number two. Everything seemed fine but I had developed insomnia. I started to take Excedrin pm every night. I was able to take six of those pills and I still would be too scared to sleep.

I was fifteen now and I constantly had to have one of my friends sleep over. I couldn't be by myself. My friend and I began to dabble in witch-craft. Her house was once a nice place to be but it got really scary after some time (her house will be coming up in another story). I was unable to sleep in room number two and since my parents were now getting divorce I took the master bedroom. It had a huge walk in closet and bathroom attached. This room was big and cold all the time. I would always have dreams about horrible things. I had one dream where a man was chasing me around my house and he trapped me in my shower. He took out a knife and stabbed me in the stomach. I lay there bleeding and then I wake up and my stomach really hurts. I look down and see a huge red mark. I think it may have been from me because I may have been holding my stomach. I will not speculate something actually touched me.

More things happened in this house that I can't explain. But the ones I discussed were the most traumatic for me.

My Friends House

One night we were walking outside to get the mail. It was a full moon that night so the desert looked like it was noon. You could see everything in the moon's neon glow. As we were sauntering and laughing we heard footsteps behind us. Most people could say that it would be just the wind. But when in the presence of something "unnatural" the human body can sense it. Alarm bells go off in my head. From somewhere in the bushes beside us a twig snaps like someone is stepping on them. I look over at the bush and by the time I look back I see my friend running away down the road. It was like 'You don't have to outrun the ghost, you just have to outrun your friend' as I run down the road too I look and see that I have two shadows! My small little female shadow and a larger bulky animal like shadow that is running on two legs. I think I flew back to her house I was going so fast. One minute the shadow was there the next it wasn't. We no longer went to check the mail.

Her cat was evil. I have a lot of cats and I always find stray cats to make friends with. I have never had a cat not like me. Her cat started out really sweet. Then he started to act odd. He would attack people. He would wait for someone to turn their back to him and he would jump on their back sink his claws in and bite. He would draw blood and you could hear the crunch when he bit down. His aura changed from being a sweet cat to being a menacing evil thing. I would sometimes wake up to the cat sleeping on my chest and he would be staring right into my eyes. I was always afraid he was going to bite my face off. We started to lock him out of the room at night because he was honestly trying to bite our neck while we slept. Every single night without fail he would get back into the room. We thought it was her family doing it. But the night we stayed at the house by ourselves he got in again. My friend told me one night she woke up to her door opening and the cat coming in and the door shutting. She was home alone so something else was letting evil cat into the room. I don't remember what my friend did about the cat; I think she gave it away.

Later in Life

My parents divorced and I moved into the city with my mother and sister. I was sleeping in my new room which was actually in the guest house next to the pool. I was so happy to finally be able to sleep! Then one night I was drifting off to sleep and I felt a presence. I started drifting deeper and I dreamt that a wind came and knocked on my door. When I opened the door I saw a hat floating in midair. I assumed it was on someone's head that I couldn't see. I began to black out in my dream and still in my dream I come to in my mom's room. I see her sleeping and I pick up a coffee cup that is next to the bed and I hold it over my head. I was going to hit my mom with this coffee cup. Instead I screamed, no! I threw the cup against the wall and I flew backwards into the door. As soon as I did this I felt something leave my body. Once that happened in my dream I jolted awake in my bed and I felt the same kind of feeling of something leaving my body. Once I felt it detach from me my walls started to creak and it left. I being scared out of my mind jumped out of bed flipped on the light and remained awake until the sun came up. I speculate that this was one of the spirits from my old house that was mad at my mom for leaving.

I spoke to a medium and she came to my childhood home. She took one step in and then turned around right out the door. She said that my childhood home has a portal in the back master bedroom shower. She said it is crawling with lower vibration entities and they are very strong. She said that when she envisions sending white light into the house she can hear screaming inside her head. She said that it was infested and she doesn't want to work on it. I finally found out what was/is going on in that house. A portal, the back master bedroom shower was the creepiest place and that is where in my dream I got stabbed. It is still open but since I don't live out there I don't have to deal with them so I don't care.

I moved out on my own at 17. My boyfriend and I rent a house together. The first night we were there our dog started digging in the yard. I go outside to see what he is doing and I find a zip lock bag with a picture of a woman and a picture of another woman wrapped in yarn. Also I find a gold heart charm, a letter written in Spanish and a picture of the Virgin Mary. But the Virgin Mary was a skeleton and she was holding a strange looking cup. I immediately thought this was some sort of spell. It creeped me out! I ended up burning it; I only had one night where I felt I was being watched. I think that both girls in the photos were still living and the watched feeling may have just been the energy I released.

Eventually we got custody of my boyfriend's son. His son was sleeping in his room and I went to go turn his light out and he asked me to close his closet door. He told me that when the closet is open he has nightmares and he can see an eye looking at him. I don't think anything of it. Then he goes to stay at his moms for the weekend and we locked our dogs in his bedroom while we were out so they wouldn't eat our furniture. The door to his room used to have a metal grate on it on the bottom. We replaced that with just a wood board that we nailed into the door. Well, when we came home we found our dogs sitting on the sofa, shaking with their tails tucked. Now these dogs were German Sheppard's and they were our guard dogs. We look at the kids room and see that the dogs pissed everywhere (they are house broken and have never peed in the house) and they chewed through the wood board just so they could escape from the bedroom. Something really freaked them out and they would never go back in there again.

I questioned the kid about the eye that he would see. He said that a little boy was in his closet. I kept asking questions and I learned that this little boy was African American, he was nine years old, and he died in water. I told him not to talk to the little boy. I went in to his room and spoke to the closet and told the little boy to move on into the light. I told him that he didn't belong here and that there were friends to play with in the light. My son never mentioned the boy again but he mentioned scratching noises coming from the closet now.

Since I grew up in a bad evil energy vibe house I am used to that kind of energy. I know when something of a lower vibration is near. His closet took on a lower vibration. I learned over the years that I do better fighting things in the astral than as my physical body. I looked at the closet in the astral and discovered an imp. He was about two feet tall, skinny, red, and huge yellow eyes. He didn't threaten me he looked almost scared that I found him. At the time I didn't understand the demon race as I do now so I kicked him out of the closet and off my property. Looking back I feel bad that I did that, he was a sweet little fellow just looking for a safe place to live.

I've met a demon who is a really nice guy. He feels very oppressive and menacing because that is his aura. Where his race exists is in the lower vibration state. He helped me understand the demon race and the angels. He also helped me understand the misconceptions that humans have about demons. Just like any species they have a will. They can decide if they want to be nice or mean. They are not fallen angels but a species all their own. Demons are purely energetic beings and they are very strong. When they throw things, bite, scratch, or touch they are giving a warning to be leave them alone. If a demon really wanted to do harm to someone it would be very bad and there would be no way to stop it. Most of the "bad" demons just feed off the energy from fear and they will never actually hurt the person. They just need the energy to survive, it's their nature. I don't get mad when a demon scares people because like I said they need the energy to survive. It is just like a person needs to eat and drink water. It is our right to tell them to leave but a person just needs to be stronger than the demon and change their energy. If they are not being "fed" what they want they will move on.

My Most Recent Experiences

Two months ago I was outside smoking a cigarette, it was around midnight. The atmosphere of the night felt really off and heavy to me. I was leaning against my car and I hear someone jogging. I don't think anything of it. I hear it getting closer so I perk up and watch for the jogger. I hear the jogging, I hear the steps hit the ground; the problem is I don't see anyone. I follow the sound with my eyes. This phantom jogger runs right in front of me and continued down the side walk. I was dumbfounded. I thought that it could be an echo from another street. I walk to the sidewalk and look around then suddenly someone clapped their hands right next to my ear. I freaked out and ran inside so fast that I think I left my shadow outside. I got the impression this phantom jogger was laughing at me, what an ass.

I was asleep one night and I woke up and I feel a presence outside my house. It doesn't feel friendly but I decide to go investigate. I walk outside and I can feel it. I can't see anything because it is dark. I really have no idea what the hell I was doing, at that point in time I felt like I was going to be lunch. Then I hear a loud crash, made me jump out of my skin. I sensed that it was running out of my yard and as it was running away. It was turning people's motion detector lights on, except that there was nothing their physically to trigger the lights. What really creeped me out was that I have never felt that type of energy before. It felt almost animal; I am working on a theory for it.

On Friday I had a run in with an incubus. I really hate it when I get sleep paralysis and I fight with everything that I have to get out of it. I usually can but it takes me a few minutes to do so. As it was I was sleeping in bed next to my husband when the sleep paralysis hit. At the same time this happened I felt my feet get pulled down and a heavy weight on top of me. I felt like this thing was trying to rape me. All I remember saying in grunting sounds was 'No.' I was fighting with all my might to break free and I was swinging on my arms at this thing. My husband woke up and pushed me because I was shaking the bed. This broke my paralysis completely and I felt the incubus leave.

On Saturday night I felt him in the room but I told him that I was much stronger than he, and that I didn't like being paralyzed. I told him that this was my house and he could stay if he didn't attack me again. I told him that if he did attack me again it would be the worst mistake of his existence. I felt him leave the room and I slept peacefully. Then last night, Sunday, I had only a brief episode of paralysis that lasted only a couple seconds. He must have been very reluctant to go any further. I don't mind him living in the house but I just don't like to be attacked, though it is his nature to do so, so I can't be mad at him. I am going to be curious tonight when I go home to see if he is still there.

My life will continue to be a paranormal investigation. I have left out a lot of childhood events; maybe I will share more someday. I will update with new experiences as they happen.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, redphx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)
Truth - I am so sorry to just be getting back to you. I didn't realize you have commented on my story. I feel awful for letting you go unsanswered. I hope you don't think I was ignoring you.😐

My dad too had a lot of bad energy about him and that is why we think that the portal was able to sustain itself. He is doing much better now and his house seems much brighter but I do think that entities are drawn to their energy preferance. It could very well be that your parents energy had lured some beings into the home. It is very possible that you could have been sensing something. My step-son is able to sense spirits too. I am trying to teach him to understand his gift and not be afraid of it. I am also trying to teach him not to discuss his ability outside the house yet so he doesn't get made fun of.

Rab- Don't worry I don't get offended easily. In the comments it said that we are NOT Wiccan we are witches. My family does not practice the religion. It's like you can have Catholics who go to church and all that jazz and then you have people who just believe in God. We are kind of like that. We don't get together and practice spells from a book or anything. We don't call out to the gods/goddesses or follow the Wiccan beliefs. Being a witch is more of our heritage/bloodline. Like you have a family who can all sense spirits. That is their ability. As a family we all have a magic and 6th sense ability. We all have different strengths. My family allows each child to determine what religion they want to be. My family never told me they were witches until I was older. They didn't pressure us to their beliefs. I actually just started to practive magic myself. I would create my own spells and I just had it figured out even though I never did it before. So you will hear me say it sometimes that I am a witch I am not a wiccan. I don't believe in the wiccan religion.

To answer your question - No - I don't think that being a witch has in any way made my experiences increase. I think being a witch has made me open to feeling more things and I am able to pick up on more energies that would go unnoticed to some. Ghosts and spirits and demons are not bias. They don't prefer one religion over another. They are drawn to energy if they are drawn to anything at all. I don't think that I am on the demon list of visitation. The place I grew up is a very haunted place. People who were religous beyond belief were also being haunted. It is the land not the people most of the time. My home had a portal in it. The portal was sustained not because I am a witch but because my father (who is acutally a christian) was full of bad energy.

You will find that wiccans are usually very peaceful people. More so than most other people who practive the traditional religion. They are very accepting and usually don't radiate bad vibes. They are not on Gods hit list so bad things come and get them.

I understand your way of thinking. It is what you were taught. When we are children we are taught what the people around us thought was right. As a child we didn't know any better but as you grow older your views and what you believe are lost inside you and what is projecting is the beliefs that you were taught. That is why my family was very careful not influence me with their own ideas. It is very hard to start breaking the habit of rephrasing what others told you as true. I will never say that what I say is true and what you say is wrong. I only ask that you strip away what you were taught and think about something from a different angle.

Now you know that wiccans do not cause hauntings in their home. If those people were say Christian or athiest the haunting would probably still occur. The beings that haunt us have no religion unless they are a ghost of a human. Otherwise it doesn't matter one bit.

Does that kind of help?
AshyVikernes (1 stories) (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)

Well I had a lot of bad stuff happened to me [that I CANNOT say on here] when I was a christian.

So yeah... With my beliefs now nothing bad happens to me. XD
Rabidren (14 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-08)

Can I ask something? It looks like you've had a TON of events happen in your life.

I also read in your comment that your family is wiccan.
(I don't mean any offense), But do you think it's possibe that most of these events happened because You're a wiccan? (No offense, really!)
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-06-24)
I read the stories but not the comments. Wow! That's a lot to happen to one person! I honestly wish I could see and sense these entities. I don't think I currently have any problems that would be asociated with such things. However, I'd rather be able to see and/or sense them than not. At least I'd know they were there. That's half the battle.

There was a lot of negative energy in the home my parents had in Yorktown when I was between 13 and 26. Some of it was probably caused by them; especially my dad. However, I have to wonder if there was something already there. I often felt like there was something living in the attic. Being a teenager for half of the time I was there, perhaps I could sense their presence.
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-05)
It sounds like you have a very interesting family history. You might think of writing down as much of the information as you can get a hold of, because oral history and traditions are only kept alive through retelling and word of mouth.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
ugh...sigh...i've reached my patience level. Whatever you say... I have my way of thinking and you have yours and that is all I'm going to say on the subject.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
If you were born to pirates on a pirate ship you would not be a pirate, but an individual able to choose for himself whether to be a pirate or not. You seem to be taking free will out of the equation. A person can choose whether to be a witch, or a pirate. All people have the ability to take charge of life's circumstances and craft their own fate. The powers of a witch lie dormant within us all. We choose to embrace that power, or deny it.
You seem to be trying to convince us that witches are a sort of race of their own. Sorry, witches are no different from anyone else, except that the witch chooses to embrace his or her innate powers.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
Ok. I don't know why people think the blood was skipped. My grandfather has the ability too but he ignores it, doesn't talk about it, and is embarrassed by it. That is why my great grandmother taught my mother, besides the fact that she didn't like men to 'practice'. There was no "skipping" There was a gap in teaching but the hereditary ability didn't go away. If you were born to pirates on a pirate ship you would be a pirate. I am a witch born to witches with a witch family. I have exhausted my ability to enable people understand. It is a hard concept to get because of all the things people have heard about witches and how they are in real life. Yes people can practice the craft, do spells and what not, but to me that makes them a Wiccan. I feel that a bloodline makes a witch and a spell book makes a Wiccan. But those are my beliefs.
There was no skipping. The sex of the children doesn't mean anything. And if some of the children don't practice that doesn't mean that they don't have the ability. It would be like having the body to play basketball but choosing not. Just because they don't use their gifts that doesn't mean they don't exist.
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-12)
I gotta...
All I can think is that our definitions of "witch" MUST be different.
I am just saying, here.
For ME, "spell work" does involve tools. But when learning spell work, one is generally taught that the body and mind are just as important than any other ritual item. I mean, think about it. Without your brain, you could not recall to protect yourself. Without your mind, you might not recall what happened previously that you would have to protect yourself FROM. Without your body, you could not perform the spell.
So... Collectively sitting around and WILLING something to happen (if they never got up and physically DID anything to MAKE that happen) in a group of self professed witches... Would be a "Group Spell". They are using the "tools" of Self.
Still just as powerful as a dagger or amulet. But... Even before THAT...
I am not sure why it seems so important to prove a bloodline, but if you LOOK UP the definition... Yes, you can come from a broken line of witches. Yes, you can "pick up" the Craft that a previous family member may have enjoyed. But that does NOT create a clear LINE (A line is a continuous connection. Father to daughter or son etc, with NO "skipped" generations).
It DOES however show where your blood CAME from.
I can trace my roots back to a certain Pirate to the Queen. But that does not make me a pirate. If I chose to follow in his WAYS, THAT would make me one.
In Respectful sharing of ideas.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-11)
Good way to put it. I am refering to when people light candles and do rituals and all that. I would consider that a spell and the collective thoughts the casting. I think we are on the same page now 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-10)
Always keep an open mind... These words have allowed me to learn so much over the years... Always keep and open mind...

I have always thought that spell casting (as a solo practioner or in a group) consisted of focusing one thoughts to 'influence' a certain outcome. (Mind over matter by use of a focus point (candle, mantra (chant) wand, alter...whatever) what you refer to as thinking "collective thoughts".

For me this applies to orginized churches...

Praying to Heavenly Father to heal the sick...

Wicca: Asking the 'Earth Mother' to heal the sick...

No matter what it's called... In the end 'bending your will (the will of 'group thought') on a certian outcome is a form of 'spell casting'. This is something that I have learned over the years... It does not have to be called spell casting (and in the light of history has been called many different things) but the simple truth is a focus on a certain outcome, bending ones will towards it... CASTING your thoughts (or those of a group) in a effort to 'influence' events (at least to me) is 'spell casting'.


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
more like if they want a certain outcome they will try to make it happen. For instance if they don't like someone in the family, they will "will" things to happen so the person goes away. Some of the time they are not so nice and they call it punishment. I don't partake in these hate events but they happen. I guess it could be parallel to what others do spells for. They just don't do spells, all they do is think collective thoughts
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
All that history is fascinating, redphx.
One thing caught my eye, though, and I find I must ask you about it.
"When all the sisters get together they focus on outcomes to shift the future in their favor." Are you saying that they change the course of Fate to create a different "whatever will be, will be"?
Thank you.
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
I don't think we have the same definition of bloodline. I mean my genes period. I don't consider the chain broken from mother to son just because the mother didn't teach the son because he didn't want to learn. And I would still be considered 6th generation, that doesn't take into consideration if I was a witch or not, that is just a fact. But the son passed the gift to my mother and was taught by my grandmother.
Myself I am self taught I guess. I don't follow what my mother believes and I don't follow what a lot of people believe to be honest. My mother learned a lot from my grandmother but twisted things around to fit in her own ideas. Even the people in the family who don't proclaim witch have abilities and beliefs. When all the sisters get together they focus on outcomes to shift the future in their favor. It is really quite fascinating. There are no rules we follow, no rituals, spells, gods/goddesses. We are our own way.

I must be explaining this wrong. Or I may be just a new type of witch that you've yet to come across.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-09)
Well then it is I who must have been 'unclear' in what I was asking... I thought, by your statements to some of my questions, we were 'traceing' the maternal bloodline... Hence my comment that the 'line was broken' when your Great Grandmother had only boys... I'll even quote the line that may have led to this misunderstanding...

"Yes only on my mothers side." (please see one of the earlier comments on this story)

Again I may have been misunderstood when I stated, "I find it fasinating that you can trace being a witch back along your mothers boodline." and then asked, "You did say that you are a 6th generation traced back on your Mothers side, correct?" To which the reply was..."I would be 6th generation born on US soil. 7th generation counting who lived on US soil. If that makes sense."

As I 'crunched the numbers' I was under the impression that I was doing so on an unbroken Family line, from Mother to Daughter (the maternal side)...I again apoligize for any misunderstanding on my part.

Did your Mother teach you what she learned from your Great Grandmother, or are you self taught? I was an active practicing witch for 21 years, self taught, and while I have found another path I still am fasinated with how others practice / gather their knowledge...


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
yes, that is it. Thanks for understanding and explaining it further. I must not have been explaining it right.
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
i don't know why people are finding it hard to understand redphx its simple, she is what's known as a hereditary witch, you get self taught witches who like some cristians choose to be that way as in born agains despite there family and you get hereditarys who have come from generations often handing down knowledge in the form of a grimoire to the next in line correct me if I'm wrong red but I have read a bit about this and that is what if gatherd fromwhat you have said just thought id try and clarify a bit
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-08)
I never said the bloodline was unbroken from mother to daughter. I said it is all one bloodline whether it be from the males or the femals. But the "teaching" has all been from the mothers to the daughters. I gurantee the males in our family have the same abilities but they won't talk about it. I really think you are reading way to much into it and making a simple concept really complicated. The bloodline is always there no matter who carries it. Let's say it is part of the X chromosome (I am making this up for a point) Then the X chromosome will get passed to both the female and male offspring who will then pass it on to their offsepring. Now I have only given you my mothers paternal family information. On my mothers maternal side they have witches as well. But no one goes by Wicca since it is a religion. We are witches by blood. Yet some have more ability than others, some don't want to embrace it, some don't care enough, and others are very abusive with their abilities. It all depends.
biblefreeme (2 stories) (137 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)
i can't help thinking that the things you found buried where part of a binding spell maybe you released somthing when you burnt the picture of the virgin mary I think that might have been a black madona do you remenber whay color thread was wraped around the picture diferent coulours can serve a diferent purpose
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-06)

I'll start with your own words, I do not want anyone to think I am bashing...I'm just trying to understand something you've said... I quote...

"we are not wiccans. We are witches. I think of it more of a blood line rather than a lifestyle. It is actually my mothers line."

From this I gathered that the 'bloodline' was unbroken and traceable back for a long time... You mentioned the 1400's and a move to Cornwall before the family re-located here to the U.S. In the 1840's. (I've broken that down already... See previous post) I also understand the provided information to this point... But now you've said...

"Everything was passed from mother to daughter through teaching. Except when my great grandmother had two boys. She didn't teach anything to my grandfather. She saw my mother some and taught her as much as she could during their small visits."

Now here is my 'issue'...For the bloodline to be Unbroken from Mother to Daughter, then there would have to at least 1 girl born to each woman, going all the way back to the 1400's...or however far the bloodline can be traced... It's why I asked if this 'bloodline' could be traced on the Mother's side or the Father's side.

The fact that your Great Grandmother only had boys shows a break in the 'direct' bloodline from Mother to Daughter. The 'powers/gift' whatever one calls the 'power' with this bloodline has now skipped a generation and is therefore diluted. I hope that makes sense and does not insult you, or anyone else for that matter...

I do not mean to nit pick, but I truely wish to understand where you are coming from.


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
Wow! I am impressed with your work. Yes the plus or minus factor is a good factor to have especially when births weren't recorded.
Everything was passed from mother to daughter through teaching. Except when my great grandmother had two boys. She didn't teach anything to my grandfather. She saw my mother some and taught her as much as she could during their small visits. Which is really unfortunate. My mother learned about 'voodoo' healing with herbs, nature, mostly we do things through thought. I have a deck of cards that used to be my great grandmothers. I never asked who had them before she did. One thing my family was always good at was being secret. My mother said that nothing was ever written down because it was an invitation for people to prosecute. I figured that was smart. If you don't want people to think you are a witch don't prove you are one. LOL
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-03)
As far as the 'generation gap' is concerned... Using the fact that you are 7th Generation on American Soil the average age of 'Motherhood' traced back through each Mother works out to be 22 years of age... (based between 1840-1849...) Mind you this is the average that fits with the 'arrived in the US in the 1840's from your comments, there is room for younger or older 'Mothers' at the time of birth. (just a plus or minus factor...)

I used 1840 / 1845 and 1849 as base dates... Subtracted from our current year 2010... Giveing a deference Of 170 / 165 and 161 depending on the year used... I then divided those numbers by...18, 19, 20... Ect. 22 gives you 7.5 'generations' based on 1845 and 7.72 'generations' based on 1840. 1849 gives the closest to a 'solid' 7 generation using 22 as the average age of Motherhood at... 7.31 'generations'. Again there is a plus or minus factor, your Mom was 27... Her Mom was 18 etc...

Other than being a 'Witch', is there anything else passed from generation to generation? Books for instance? Rings or other jewerly? Anything that connects each generation and helps them 'learn' about their abilities? (Could be Family Stories)


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Yes a lot of people do view the the otherside differently. Which is their free will.

I would be 6th generation born on US soil. 7th generation counting who lived on US soil. If that makes sense.

Yes only on my mothers side.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
That makes a bit more sense, "species" I can accept this chain of thought, looking at otherworldly entities as 'different species' that can exercise free will to be 'good or evil' that's plausible, However...

Most people do not view the 'other side' in such a way... No one knows enough about it to say one way or another for sure, hence my definitions applying to entities that have made their 'choice'

Mean, Hurtful / Hateful equals 'demon'

Good, Helpful / Guardian equals 'angel'

Once an Entity makes this choice it effects everything about it when it manifests on our side of the veil / in this world...

Demon equals foreboding, menacing, lying, cheating and unwelcoming.

Angel equals comforting, relaxed, helpful, truthful and welcoming.

They can still choose to look however they wish, though form follows intent most of the time...

I'll 'run the numbers' on the generation thing... See if I can give you a workable tree... You did say that you are a 6th generation traced back on your Mothers side, correct?


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
The generation gaps are mixed. Most having kids in their early 20's late teens but of course there is always the exceptions. For me to be certain would take a while to do so. I can try. Let's see my mother had me when she was 27. Her dad was 17. His mom had him when she was 21. Her mom had her when she was 18... And it gets lost.

I have to disagree with the free will statement. Being that. If I were a demon, I would be a demon. That is my species. I can choose to be a good demon but I can't choose to change my species. Same goes for angels. Like Lucifer he is still an angel. He can't change his species. If I am human I can choose to be a good human or a bad human but I can't change who I was born to be.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
Rook - I've been following this one since it was published, and am curious to see how it plays out. I'm learning more about witchcraft as it goes. I'd like to hear more from redphx and her ancestry simply because it is something that interests me.

Unfortunately, the other story on this site has drawn all the attention away from other stories. There are a lot of great stories that aren't getting any attention, some who are looking for help, and some who just deserve to have their story acknowledged.

Hopefully whitebuffalo has taken care of the other story it will lose it's glamour.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)

I had hoped that this story would generate lots of debate and discussion. Does anyone have any added inputs for this thread?


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-30)
I can agree with your 'spirits' definition, as they have never been 'human'.

My definitions were meant to be very general and I hoped to cover 'most' peoples feelings when it comes to placing 'names' on entities.

Let's work off of your 'idea' that demons can be good and angels evil... I am a BIG believer in free will... Having said that I offer the following...

Tags should not be placed on entities until they have made their choice. What I'm trying to say is this...

You have entity A and it chooses to hurt people and cause hate and discontent... It has chosen to be a Demon... While entity B has chosen to be nice and to help and protect people, it has thereby chosen to be an Angel. Until they exercise their 'free will' they are not one or the other, it's only afterwards, as judged by their own actions and motives that they should be judged and called by either title (Just as we all should be judged by our own actions).

I hope this helps... Now I have to ask a question concerning your family line, you say you are a 6th generation witch here in the US... What is the 'generation gap' (age wise) in your family. I hope that makes sense... Is there 15 years between mother and daughter, 18, 20? Does that make any sort of sense?


redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)
oooh thanks for the definitions. Also I may add that spirits are non-human entities. Like tree spirits and such. But yes demons can be good and angels can be bad. It is not the general. It is just like a human. We can all do bad and good things because we have will. Those being are given the same. If one has a will they can decide what to do. It is very hard to explain that to most people because religion has really destroyed both beings in a way. We have a misconception about the true nature of existance.

We came to the US in the 1840's. I can actually trace my family from when they moved to Cornwall in the 1400's from Ireland. It is very possible my father's family had some witches. Unfortunately I will never find out because of issues with his side.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-29)

I think some simple definitions are in order here, it just may help others understand where you are coming from when you say 'demons can be 'good'. I'll start, and I'll try to keep it general and not wax into any religious definitions.

Ghost: Human spirit, now living impaired, may be seen as a residual hauntiing or may be inteligent.

Angel: Non-human spirit/enity: brings feelings of good will, helpfulness and protection. Assosiated most commenly with a white or a golden light. Peaceful feeling when manifesting.

Demon: Non-human spirit entity: Brings feelings of strife, conflict and or hate. Angry, fearful feelings when manifesting. Assosiated with Shadows and darkness.

There are even entities that range in between 'Angels and Demons'... Mischief makers and Poltergist, harmless for the most part but for people who do not understand what is happening may be misinterprited as 'demonic maifestations'.

I find it fasinating that you can trace being a witch back along your mothers boodline. When did they move from Cornwall to the US? 6 generations ago is a nice 'big' time frame, can you narrow it down?



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