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Real Ghost Stories

Tolkas In The House


I'd heard the stories when I was a kid, but it was a few years ago, when reading a Sylvia Browne book that I figured out what this was. Different from a ghost, a Tolkas is a ghost like presence made up of the psychic energy of the people in a certain place. Unlike a ghost, a Tolkas can physically hurt you.

Our Tolkas first appeared in Melrose Park Illinois. The family lived there in a house. The house was on a block that bordered a large swamp. The swamp was bordered on the other sides by a paint factory, the railroad, and an Alberta VO5 shampoo factory.

Anyway, my sisters would let it slip that "We had a Ghost". Friends would be allowed over after school, and sure enough "the Ghost" would appear. Friends would run screaming out of the house. The ghost seemed to get along with everyone, but me. My mother told me that several times she had to shoo it away when it hovered over my crib. On one occasion though, it meant to hurt me.

Our house had a long hallway. I was about three when it happened. My mother was at one end of the hall and I was at the other end. She called to me. I ran to her. The ghost suddenly appeared between us. I was lifted off of the ground and thrown sideways at my mother. My mother had a cigarette in her hand. The cigarette went in my left eye.

My mother instantly rushed me into the bathroom and turned on the bath faucet. Holding my eye under the running water, she actually saw the red glow of the burning material in my eye. I wasn't blinded, but I am legally blind (diminished eyesight) in that eye.

We moved out of that house when I was six. The family broke up. My mother, I, and younger brother moved to New Mexico. We moved into a very old and crumbling house. I took a room off of the back porch. We had been there about a year. The key though, was that just a week earlier, my mother had held a "Mary Worth" party (you summon spirits through chanting). That is how the Tolkas found us.

I was asleep, but awakened by a scream. I looked up and the Tolkas was in doorway, blocking me from exiting the room (I knew it was the same Tolkas-Native American woman-round face, teepee shaped body with the covering an Indian blanket). Like a frightened seven year old would, I temporarily hid under the covers. Then, I decided to make a break for it.

As I sat up to get up, I felt a hand grip my throat. The hand pushed me to the bed. I continued to try to get up, but was slammed back. This fighting actually went on half an hour (I looked at the clock). Suddenly, the Tolkas was gone and I tumbled out of bed onto the floor. Barely able to breathe, I belly crawled to my mom's bed and tried waking her up.

She was upset that I was disturbing her. I told her that the ghost attacked me. She ordered me back to bed. No way was I going back to that room. I curled up at the foot of her bed and slept there.

My mother awoke at 5 for work. She carried me back to my bed. I got up 90 minutes later for school (we lived in the country). After I got to school, my Teacher noticed that I kept rubbing my neck. She took one look at my neck and rushed me to the school nurse. The nurse looked at my neck and said it looked like I had been "scratched by claws". She asked what happened. I told her I was attacked by a ghost. She called my mother, who was forced to take me home.

The Tolkas never appeared again. Both houses were torn down a few years later.

Other hauntings by Dudester

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dudester, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

tomtom1983 (8 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-28)
Well, actually, ghost can physically harm you. Also, no offense but Sylvia Browne wouldn't be the best person to follow when trying to understand things of this nature.

A woman that charges six hundred dollars to find spiritual resolution might not have a person's best interest at heart.

While Humans can create such entities, it would be from a living source and not one that has died. If it was such a source it could be remedied with sage and a home cleansing along with some therapy if that living source is still present, as more often than not, the person is completely unaware they are doing this.

However you must be certain that it is not an actual spirit. Spirits can project any image they want you to see, and on some level exactly what you fear most.

The idea that spirits cannot harm you physically is negligent at best. Over time the Human spirit can become quite powerful, from anywhere to messing with electronics all the way to screwing with internal organs and health. Some spirits can mimic the body's nervous system.

These "Tolkas" can also be very dangerous and fatal. Since they are formed from negative energy they must consume negative energy to grow, and they will.

As in any case, never rely on one source for all your information.
dreamergal72 (6 stories) (793 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-12)
that terrblie thing that a Parent or adults hurt a child But Children are God's creator children that he made by to love and I'm sorry to hear that you going through that along time and By the way I can't find what you say mermoirs of a child firefighters I look and Look Can't find them can you please sent a Link? They should have law back then like now.
Dudester (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Hi Snowhite,

She was doing it to try to entertain teenagers. She has narcisstic personality disorder and she frequently doesn't consider consequences as people with NPD think the world revolves around them.
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-10)
Don't understand why your mother is interested in summoning spirits. 😕
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
PS) It may not mean anything to most people these days, but the laws back then were not at all in favor of the child. It wasn't easy growing up with the stepfather from hell. I know how it felt Dudester. The friend I mentioned was me.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
It's cool, I found it. My problem was using Bing first, as soon as I realised that, I switched to Google and it came right up.
Thanks for the heads up on your background, it made me feel better when I read what the firefighters had done to remedy the situation. Hats off to those guys for being there for you and helping to mold you into who you are today.
The part about your grandfather and his death? Whoa! That's a story in itself if you ask me!

😊 😉 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
I am having trouble finding it. Can you post a link to the story for me?
Dudester (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-09)
For those interested, Google "Memoirs of a Child Firefighter". It will give you an insight into my so called childhood.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-08)
I'm very pleased to see that some of this has come out in the open. You are not kidding about the laws back then, I saw a very close friend go through some very tough abusive situations at home. I also recall that she did not have the kind of protection under the laws at that time compared to what we have today. So I realize you were at the mercy of whoever was in charge. It breaks my heart when I think of the childhood my friend and you were denied.
I'm happy that you found this website, the folks here really do care, as you can see just by reading through the comments on this story. And I'm looking forward to more stories from you.
So welcome to the YGS family Dudester, we're all dysfunctional here!
😊 ❤ 😉
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-08)
Thank you for your very honest answer. I am sorry for anything you went through as a child with regards to being abused... No one deserves that... No one. As traumatic an event as you described when you were three, would leave a lasting memory, even at that early age... I just sense there was some coersion behind how you were supposed to remember it.
Although I am unaware of having any experiences as a child, I have had more than my share as an adult. Regardless of what it is called, an attached spirit can be a very menacing, damaging experience.
I truly hope you continue to heal from all that has tormented you... Regardless of our own personal challenges, every day we see the sunshine is another day we can declare victory.

We are winning,
Dudester (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-08)
Lou, There was abuse and neglect, but the ghost episode was a complete and different thing.
looney85 (3 stories) (188 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
Thanks for sharing your story Dudester very scary!
But I do agree with Lou and Deviousangel when it comes to relize there's more to this story. I'm sorry aobut your eye and neck, I hope everything is better now.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
Lou, that's exactly what I was thinking, I guess I just didn't want to throw it out there in front of everyone. But I have to agree, it sounds like an escapist view of what really was going on.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-07)
I am going to say this as bluntly as possible, and if I am wrong, I welcome your much-deserved response. Were there other occasions when your mother was abusive? Cigarette burns and choke marks need some explanation for the authorities, and I have never heard of the police or the Department of Human Services accepting paranormal explanations. Do you truly recall these instances, or were they what your mother told you when you were older?

Sorry, but it was the first thing that popped into my mind. If spirits were harmful to you and only you, your self worth must have taken a blow when your mother embraced them, ignored your terror, and then summoned more spirits to torment you.

Dudester (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-05)
Thanks Devious. Yes, there was much more going on which I won't get into here. Forty years ago, there wasn't laws to protect children and now there is, THANK GOD. Thanks again for the feedback Devious.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-04)
That's pretty impressive, that a ghost had that much energy to pick up a human being and throw it. Very surprising.

I have to say right off the bat that I trust very little of what Sylvia Brown and other commercial "psychics" say. There may be some truth to her capabilities, but I'm wary of anyone who makes money off of that kind of thing. Aside from that, what made you think that this is a "tolka"? You said yourself that they can't hurt you, so obviously this is a different type of spirit.

And let me tell you, if I were a mother and I saw something invisible hurt my child, I wouldn't have spent another night in that house. I would have taken my child and fled that place INSTANTLY. Especially because you were blinded in that eye because of that experience. I certainly would not have treated you like your mother had after you mentioned the spirit's presence a second time.

I don't know what your relationship with your mother was like but it sounds to me like there was something deeper going on here than a haunting. The fact that your mother SUMMONED spirits in your home AFTER you had been BLINDED? There's just... So many problems with this whole thing.
Dudester (4 stories) (9 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-04)
I don't get why this ghost was so obsessed on me. I'm glad it was just the two occurances. Since then, it is as if I've been surrounded by Angels (I think my Guardian Angel is a large fearsome entity) as I've survived all kinds of interesting (non supernatural) things. Thanks for the feedback.
stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-03)
sorry didn't see myself repeating you then red 😕 lol, thought forms take a lot of work to produce, I know indian mystics can bring them into being with meditation, chanting, rituals etc.
stormangel (3 stories) (55 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-03)
ive heard of 'tulpa's which is another word for thought forms, I'll google tolka:) so your mum, who held a seance, sent you back to bed? That's not to good. Didn't the school have anything to say about you turning up with claw marks on your neck? Hope nothing like that happens again, sounds like they disappeared along with the house though. Thanks for the story it was very interesting 😁
redphx (4 stories) (827 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-03)
I've heard them called Tulpas and what a tulpa is; is a made up fictional entity that was invented by collective thoughts. One of the most known tulpas is "slender man" He is a made up being (actually made up by a story on the internet) and now people are having "sightings"

I think you just had a ghost.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-03)
I don't get it. Why in the world was the Tolkas hating on you all the time? And why wouldn't your mother believe that it had attacked you? It had done it before, so what's the deal?
Also, I hope that your mother has done something to make it go away. It seemed to follow you so it's only natural to think it still would.
Either that or it was summoned during her 'Mary Worth' party which, by the way, I've never heard of before. And if that's the case, is she going to stop bringing that thing back in? Especially since it's got a history of violence toward her child.
😕 🤔
Anyway, welcome to YGS
Frankie_Elise (3 stories) (15 posts)
13 years ago (2011-03-03)
Wow, that's really freaky! I'm glad they didn't follow you, because that would be horrible. Sorry about your eye, and neck; I'm glad you're healing well (:
❤ Frankie

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