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This is going to be long winded because I have a 12 year background to explain the actual events that have taken place with this particular story, so please bear with me!

When I was 12 years old my brother brought over a friend of his named Gary who was 5 years older than me, he joined my brother, mother and I for dinner (a REALLY hot curry my father loved to make that we had left over and always had us knocking back iced water throughout the meal!)

Back then my brother and sister (both older than me) would often have their friends over and would hang out on the back patio, and I would come out every so often with nibbles and stuff for them, they'd let me sit down and talk to them/hang out a bit and I'd feel quite grown up for being the youngest one there. I used to chat to everyone there and Gary was there quite a lot.

By age 14 I had gotten to know my brother and sisters friends quite well (I pretty much had like 10 big brothers and several big sisters!) And our conversations would now go on a deeper and more intellectual level, Gary being one of the main people I would talk to about anything and everything.

When I was about 15 I was hanging out with everyone on the back patio, the night wore on and people were gradually heading home, I usually stayed up until everyone left to tidy things up so no one would get into trouble by mum and dad for making a massive mess, there was about 10 people left sitting around a table. Gary was sitting at the far end of the circle around the table from me and we caught each other's eye and he smiled at me, one of those "I really like you" smiles, I kind of shyly smiled back and we kept catching each other's eyes for the rest of the evening, everyone had left except for Gary and I had started to clean up, we were talking and I sat down next to him and he said to me "You know I can remember when we first met, it was me, you, your mum and your brother, and we had that insanely hot curry and you had those pink glasses on you used to wear (I wore contact lenses at this time) "

I really was taken aback he remembered all of that, and we ended up holding hands and kissing, and talking until the sun came up, he said he was confused about the age gap and I think he was sacred of my big brother too, but he really likes me and then he left.

After that we'd see each other at parties and gatherings and sneak off to a private place to talk and catch up, but the age gap was always an issue for him. My sister took me to a pub with her one night when I was 16 and Gary was there, I was talking about my School Ball (Prom/Formal) coming up and asked if he wanted to go with me, he said he didn't really do that stuff and he was sorry.

I attended a mature age campus at the age of 16, normal High School simply didn't agree with me, a guy from the campus made his intentions toward wanting to date me clear. And low and behold Gary popped up at a party and asked came over to my friends house I was looking after for a week. We started to kiss, and I said it wasn't right because of the guy from campus, and I didn't want to hurt or upset anyone, and him showing up out of nowhere was kind of confusing. After that I moved out of home at 16.

I hosted my sisters 21st birthday party when I was 17 at my house (living with that guy from the campus). Gary was there, finds me and pulls me aside, kisses me before I can blink, then gives me his address and phone number, and we stayed in contact. But I would never cheat on anyone so nothing sordid happened. We wrote a lot of letters to each other. I used to write a lot of poetry and short stories, and he was a musician and kept asking me to go to his gigs, but my boyfriend never wanted me to go anywhere like that, so I never did make it to one.

At 18 one of my brother's friends "Rob" hung himself and I phoned Gary to see if he was okay and we had a long talk about Rob and everything and he said he hated the fact I was with someone else and the conversation pretty much ended there. He got together with a girl shortly after that, I ended up leaving the guy from campus and moving back in with mum and dad. Another one of my brothers friends was there to pick up the pieces and we ended up dating, meaning Gary and I would still catch up from time to time, but we kept our distance.

The next few years we were like two ships passing in the night, Gary had a beautiful son with the girl he was with, and I went from one nightmare relationship to the next, we would see each other every so often at parties and catch up, but it wasn't quite the same.

I was 24 and my boyfriend at the time was a black metal musician and we got free tickets to the "Metal For The Brain" gig that was on. We were at the bar getting a drink and I turned to my left and I see Gary walking past the stage the next band is setting up on. I put my drink down and ran across to tap him on the shoulder. We hadn't seen each other for just over a year. He gave me a massive bear hug and lifted me off the ground almost. He told me he found his girlfriend and mother of his child in bed with his best friend a few months ago and how good it was to see me. We catch up for a few drinks, and exchange phone numbers. He leans over and says to me quietly "I'm not happy you're with someone you know?"

We text messaged and phoned a few times after that, and then things got a bit crazy for me. My boyfriend moved back to Melbourne, asked me to marry him and said he would set things up for us over there. He then started self mutilating himself and e-mailing me the pictures. Phoning me up saying we were over because he was going to kill himself, then call the next day and say he still wanted to marry me, and the next day we were over because he was going to kill himself etc etc. After a month of this I finally snapped and my friend took me to the emergency department because I had broken down completely. They admitted me to hospital for some "time out". The second day I was there, some girls came into the ward who we all thought were visitors, and they ended up stealing a whole pile of stuff, including my mobile phone. That was the only place I had Gary's number.

5 months after this I had moved back to my parents place, I was in the spare room, organizing my shoes and I heard the telephone ring. 5 minutes later, my mum comes to the door and tells me Gary had an overdose the night before and he has passed away. I remember just sitting on the floor and no words would come out of me, mum asked if I was okay and I said I was fine (I wasn't I was gutted)

About 7 or 8 months after the funeral, I was at a friend's house lying in bed in the spare room I stayed in there. I was thinking about Gary, about what could have been, and was he okay where he was and I started to cry. It was then I felt the sensation as though someone familiar was there in the room with me, even though my friend and his boyfriend were at the other end of the house watching television.

I suddenly felt a very soft "hand" stroke me down my left arm in a very gentle and loving/comforting way. I took a deep breath and asked out loud "Gary? Is that you?" and I felt the same "hand" stroking my arm gently again. I then felt this overwhelming calmness go right through my whole body, I felt peaceful and serene. It was then I realized that this familiar "someone" felt exactly like it felt when Gary and I would be together in the same room, even from accross a crowded room I could feel him thinking about me and knew he was looking over to find me and see where I was.

THIS was definately him with all of my heart, soul and mind I have no doubt of that, and it relieved me in a certain kind of way, to feel that familiar feeling of him again. After having to go through the sudden shock of losing him, and realizing how much we both had missed out on. That moment right then felt as though someone had rewound time and put both of our souls in a freeze frame and there we were together again. I said "thank you" out loud and told him I had never stopped and never will stop the feelings I have for him in my heart and as strange as it may sound, I didn't hear him say anything, but I FELT him give me that same sentiment back. An almost warm tingling sensation was going through my whole body, and it was so peaceful and safe, it just felt like... Him. I said good night to Gary and I drifted off to a very peaceful night's sleep.

Since then every few months or so I will be overwhelmed with thoughts of Gary and then I will feel like he is there with me, like that feeling you are being watched, only it isn't a creepy feeling. I feel that calmness and serenity go through me. I asked him out loud not to do the physical touching thing with me because it unnerves me when it happens, and he hasn't done it since. I will feel that tingling sensation a lot though, the back of my head will start to almost feel like it is buzzing, but oh so gently and definately not a poking or prodding. It's like that feeling you have when your partner or someone close to you is standing right up close to you and you can feel them even though they aren't touching you physically. I'll ask him questions sometimes and "sense" his answers, if that makes sense, like when you have a conversation with someone in a dream, only you aren't actually talking, but you are still communicating.

Last year I went to the conscious living expo, and had a reading done by a psychic there. She said she had a message for me from Gary (No I didn't tell her any details or anything). She said Gary said what happened was an accident, and not to feel sad any more. He likes it when I smile. He said he never should have turned down my offer to go to my School Ball, he regrets that a lot, and yes when I feel he is there with me he is there, he is watching over me and his son and family. He also said something about the football, but I never did get that reference. I think he watches his son play football maybe?

So now every time I am thinking of or feeling Gary around, I smile and thank him for caring enough to watch over us all and I strive to be the best person I can be so that when he sees me, he won't feel any sadness either.

And it's really nice to know that no matter what happens there is always going to be a soul out there that cares.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, DragonStorm80, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
1 year ago (2023-07-06)
DragonStorm80: Yes, we loonies do miss you, you were one of the most liked in our group for so many reasons, your sense of humour was unlike none. I'm glad my wife and I were able to meet with you a few years back on the night we all did karaoke. It was such a special memory of mine albeit with too many beverages under my belt, I don't sound as good as what I'd remembered on the night when I watch the

Sadly missed and not forgotten,

your friend Darren.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
1 year ago (2023-07-06)
DragonStorm: I haven't been on here in ages and I really don't know what drew me here today. I read a few comments and then got to wondering whether you decided to scrap your profile. I'm glad you didn't. I guess I was hoping for some of your tom-foolery to lighten my mood. Maybe a supernatural voodoo bat-sh!t crazy witchy cat-lady kind of sign. I dunno.

Every day your name pops up in my Facebook memories. We Loonies miss you. I miss you. I want you to know that I cherish the time and messages and memes and memories we shared here, on Facebook and in life. I love you. ❤
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
11 years ago (2013-06-13)
If this were a movie, and would make a fabulous one imho, I'd go see it and not just once! Thank you for sharing such a beautiful and personal account DragonStorm. I'm putting you in my faves and can only hope to hear more from you!
Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
Also just curious what part of Australia and if in WA what would the psychic fair be called and what are the details?

I would love to meet the lady you were lucky to speak with and if I bumped into you it would also be an honour to meet a fellow YGS 😁
Christine_Pandora (1 stories) (80 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-06)
Hi there,

Firstly I would like to say I personally was half and half about believing in true love especially at such a young age - unless it was proved as in you had to have those feelings for a very long time seeing as so many people jump into the "i love you" thing way too early...

However I am with one of the most amazing people I have ever known, someone who just gets me and can put up with me and even though we are both only 19 and it will be our 2 years in January I feel this connection with him that I haven't allowed myself to believe in and I would like to think it's true love... But will wait until he and I are much older to admit that 😁

Normally I try to not think about stuff like this, however this story has made me think about what it would be like to loose someone like him or any of my family and friends for that matter and how real this sort of thing is and has brought me to tears, however they aren't just sad tears because reading how strong you are and all that you've had to go through is an inspiration and I am so glad that there are people like you who can over come the "bumps in the road" that life throws our way and still have faith in the good out there 😊

I truly do hope that one day you and he will be reunited ❤
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-05)
ghost_of_you ~ thank you for your comment 😊 And I do plan on doing just that

Stephy~ thank you very much! And I was pretty amazed with that psychic too I hope she is at the fair this year! As for the irony I guess that's how life rolls, but let's hope karma gets to the guy who is still living and caused so much grief ❤
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
Awww I just read this. How sad for you, and for not only Gary but your boyfriend who kept wanting to kill himself! Its ironic that Gary died, when the other boyfriend kept threatening to kill himself. Its like a bad twist in a movie. 😢 I'm glad you got your resolution though. And wow, what a good psychic that she could tell you something specific like the dance!
ghost_of_you (2 stories) (28 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
This is such a wonderful story. Kind of like, the things that happen when your going through the confusions of being an adolescent in a relationship, and afterwards, a lot of what if's and if only's.

But, I'm happy that both you and Gary finally found peace in each other. It's a great thing that even beyond the boundaries of the living, Gary has made you want to be a better person. You're lucky to have him watching over you. Live your life the way Gary would have wanted you to.

Truly a testament on how strong a person's TRUE Love can be... Love truly conquers all. ❤

Thank you for sharing this. 😊
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-13)
Truth In Darkness ~ Thank you so much, it is a comfort to know everything is okay on the other side as it were, you are very lucky to have spirits to watch over you yourself 😊

Pretty In Pain ~ Thank you so much! It was good to have a double validation yes, I think I will go to the expo again this year in October and see the same psychic again and see what else she may find out about the ghosties around me! 😊

Thank you for reading guys ❤
PrettyInPain (3 stories) (153 posts)
13 years ago (2011-08-27)

I really enjoyed your heartfelt story. I am so sorry that Gary passed away and you went through so many hardships. I don't know why those girls were evil enough to steal your phone when you were in the danged hospital, but it makes me shake my head at humanity. I am so glad you received validation that Gary is okay not only through the psychic, but Gary himself. I hope your future is full of much love and joy. Thank you for sharing this beautiful story, I am sure it wasn't easy for you. You are a beautiful person.

PiP ❤
TruthInDarkness (4 stories) (259 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-29)
I agree. It is a sad story. It's "ending" is a mixture of both sorrow and happiness. I guess that there are times that we don't know what we have until we lose it. I'm glad that he is watching over you. I sometimes take for granted those that watch over me. Whatever or whoever is watching over me has definitely saved my arse more than a few times. They do, however, allow me to fall on my face at times. I guess they figure that there are some mistakes that I need to learn and pick myself back up from. I must admit though that some of my life's "trials" have grown a bit tedious and tiresome.
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
Tazzicles ~ Thank you so much for your reply there, you know I kind of feel bad for making everyone cry so much on my first story, but I know they are all good tears ❤ The fact that this story has touched you so deeply, truly does touch me back just as much, everyone's understanding and kindnesses towards this story have really been amazing and I thank you and everyone from the bottom of my heart for that.

JoyBells ~ thank you very much 😊
JoyBells (3 stories) (60 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-21)
I'm sorry for your loss. Very powerful story; wonderfully written. You conveyed your feelings so well, I even shed a tear.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
ok I'm back for another try at this one
I have to say this story got to me so bad but in the best way possible.
I have told others their stories had me crying but this one I could not stop, I had to walk out of the room and I was working alone so no one to explain to why I was crying so hard.

Everyone of us has lost that someone who was so important to us that the feeling of their loss never seams to get any less. This story brought that feeling back to me ten fold.
Honestly thank you

Now I don't want to upset anyone here but this has to be my all time best story on here, and I have been through a lot of them 😆

Dragonstorm I am so so so glad you felt that you could share such a powerful heart wrenching and touching story with us all.
Bless you from the bottom of my heart.
❤ ❤
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
Miracles and Jav ~ sorry for making you guys cry! I guess I am so used to this is just the way it is, I don't really get as upset over things as much these days ❤

Tazzicles~ Thank you, look forward to hearing what you have to say next

Daz ~ He always did know what he was doing and why, so I am sure what you say is correct, I am going to see that psychic again at the next expo, I may have other people that want to say things that I can't hear right now

Granny ~ I don't feel sad when I think about him, I look back with happy memories, and knowing he's still around, well it never makes me sad anymore so that's a good thing so far I think.

Javelina ~ I like this song! Thank you so much for the link!

DARKNESS~ Never take any one person in your life for granted, and of the people that are good to you, go out of your way be just as good back, because you never know what day is your last to be with that person, and thank you for your comment, I'm glad you liked it

If I missed anyone I'm sorry I really do appreciate all of your comments ❤
DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
Thank you all for your comments! ❤

I agree everything happens for a reason and all of this has taught me many things, I never take any kindness for granted, and your kind words have been very much appreciated.

And parts were hard to write about, but over all it was good to have it all down in one place, and sort of cleansing to have this up and to hear your replies, as I submitted this I did say out loud "well Gary everyone on the world wide web is about to know about us now" 😊

You learn to appreciate the good people in your life more when you lose someone close to you, and I thank you all for your comments ❤
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-20)
Ahhh what a story hey Stace, hearing this story from you here and in real life is an eye opening sensation. Take comfort in the fact that you will continue to experince his feelings and love for you forever on this physical plane and then your spiritual. Great story Stace, favouriting it! 😊 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
I can't remember the last time I cried this hard over any story. I had to walk out back for air, I was bawling so loud! My tears are still rolling down as I write this. I'm leaving a link for you sweetheart, it seems perfect for the two of you and I hope you like it.
Your friend,

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
dragonstorm, I can't even think how to express how I feel about this.
All I can say is thankyou for putting your heart on here for us all to see.
It is a rare thing to find "the one" and so sad that you never had the chance to be together.
I am finding it so hard saying what is going through my mind right now, this story has thrown me totally and that's not me!
Will add another comment later,
Bless you dragonstorm ❤
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
Dragonstorm80, Thank you for sharing your story and it has touched me deeply, you and Gary connected on a spiritual level that was at first limited by age and then unfortunately limited by circumstances... I am sure, actually I know Gary would not want you to blame yourself in any way for what happened to him or the what if factors around your own circumstances... And going to see a psychic was an opportunity for Gary to get his message across to you in hope you can find some peace and closure... Him touching you gently and being near you was all part of his plan and the plan of his and your guardians to help you heal and move on... Life throws us a curve ball now and again and its sometimes hard to rationalize it as something part of a greater plan, because it sometimes just sucks to the high heavens pardon the pun, but I think Gary will have all the support he needs on many levels beyond our comprehension to heal with in himself the choices he made when living... Thanks for sharing mate take care... ❤

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
DragonStorm: My story is similar to yours... And I do believe that everything happens for reason... I look back to that period of my life, and have to say, that I wouldn't change it for the world... That sounds crazy, but if Leslie's Dad hadn't passed away I never would have met my husband, or had my boys...

It may take a lifetime to see it, but you will 😉...

Your story touched me deeply, thank you for posting ❤
sarahmariacecilia (3 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
This was so comforting to read, as the same thing has happened to me. My own childhood love passed away and I regret every day never telling him everything I always wanted to say. I hope one day he will come visit me just as Gary visits you. ❤
Much Love,
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
geetha50, there is a reason and he just turned fifteen and my wife is as good as they come that's why I said it will never be. I will always cherish what we mean to each other
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
This story was painfully sad and yet extremely beautiful. I think there is nothing more pure and sweet than true love. I am sorry that you two were unable to spend enough time together, and for his untimely passing... But I do believe he is watching over you now, and I hope that you two will have a chance to be together again, perhaps in another life...
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
DemonTeddy - I understood what you were saying. I was just trying to support your comment 😊.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
I'm 28 years old now and I hope to marry (hopefully sooner than later) but when I do, I hope to marry a guy with a connection like yours. I envy what you have! (In a good way).

One of the posters here said that everything happens for a reason. I think that applies for you. There is a reason why you fell in love with her and there is a reason why you guys are apart now. But the thing is I or you know the reason why. In time we all know the reason to the almighty question "WHY?". In the mean time, I hope you enjoy your life with your family. Wishing you all the happiness in the world.
Your fellow poster. ❤

I really like this storm and like Miracles, I'm at work and it took me a lot of energy not to cry like a baby. Going into my facvourites.
aiafaith1 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
What a sweet and sad story! I do believe that was Gary there with you. Thanks for sharing.

AF1 ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
Dragonstorm, this was a very emotional story. I am so sorry for what happened to Gary, but glad that he still watches and cares so deeply for you. Amazing story Dragon, thanks for sharing it with us. ❤
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
There is a saying... What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger. It is sad that you and Gary couldn't get together but the type of love you two had for each other can't be broken and he showed that he will always be there for you. I think you two might be soul mates but I don't think all soul mates always come together.

Also, I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you find true happiness.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-07-19)
Miracles51031, I know what your talking about just being in the same room and its like you can feel what they feel for you and vice versa a powerful connection that is as supernatural as some of the stories on here and my heart bleeds for DragonStorm and for Gary!

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