My name is Aisling. I am a 13 year old girl. Lately I have been feeling extremely uncomfortable in my home. Every second of the day I feel as if I am being watched in an angry manner, I have begun to see shadowy and clear white figures out of the corner of my eyes, my westy (west highland terrier) Hazel has been acting rather strange lately. She would often dart her head from one side of the room to the other for at least 5 minutes at a time and also begin to growl and bark the walls, doors and stare up the stairs at the very top. Sometimes I would hear people talking, although I would be home alone. On many occasions I have heard doors slam, knockings, whispers in my ear, and an odd clicking noise on the handle of doors. I have become very distressed with all of this and seeing that I am getting ready to go into secondary school, it is a tough time for me. I really don't need a ghost with me too. I will tell you a few experiences I have had over the course of 2 weeks, in my own and other houses. Starting with last night.
Story No.1
I had just turned off the main light to my bedroom, after I had been reading for quite sometime. My sister had already fallen asleep, where as I was obviously still awake. The second I had turned out the light, I began to hear and odd mixture of clicking and knocking come from my wardrobe (which was situated right beside me). I thought nothing of it at first, but it became louder and louder then suddenly stopped short, just like that.
After a short while I had drifted off to sleep, but only to wake at around 6:00am. This time something different had begun. An odd scratching noise started under the floor boards, again I thought nothing of this, but like the clicking and knocking it began to become louder and louder, then suddenly stop short. All of a sudden I got this feeling as though I was being watched with aggression (If that makes any sense). For the rest of the night I remained awake, where as my sister had slept through the whole thing (she's a very heavy sleeper).
Story No.2
I climbed into the golden bed at my cousins house (My little cousins loved to call it that because of its golden covers, they also called it the golden room). After a few minutes I began to feel uneasy, as if I was being watched, yet again. I tried my best to ignore it and thankfully my best payed of, I drifted off to sleep about a half hour later. Unfortunately I woke again at around 2:00am.
When I woke, I was facing the wall (to my right). I was half awake half asleep, when I felt someone turn towards me, as if they were turning to watch me. A rush of fear flew through me, but then I realized one of my cousins could have climbed in beside me so I turned to check. I was terrified, absolutely terrified. I found: No one, no one at all, just the feeling of being watched. As I lay there in fear, I suddenly heard an extremely loud whisper say something (I didn't hear exactly what) and then the hall light go off. The frightening thing is not a single door opened...
Thanks for reading my stories and I really hope you can all help me out. God Bless you all.
I never revused to take yours or anyone elses advise, I NEVER EVER SIAD THAT!
Your now twisting my words, I don't expect strangers to act like my mother, who might I add DOSEN'T believe a SINGLE word I say, so I'm alone on this... So don't twist my words! I am happy to take everyones advise, if you don't have anything nice to say way are you saying anything at all!
I am scared to be in the house alone, but love to read about ghost and watch them on tv. I just like it. I'm a mixture of fear and excitement. I feel both, scared and also excited by them, its a mixture
I hope I helped you with your "confusion" with my story, I am both, love ghost but can be afraid at times, especially when I'm alone on the matter...