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Real Ghost Stories

Salalah Experience


Oman, is known for its history in black magic, spirits & jinns, recently I had the opportunity to experience this first hand.

My boyfriend, another guy friend and myself decided to drive to Salala which is in Oman, Salala is a beautiful part of an otherwise dry mountainous country, it known for the numerous wadis, waterfalls, incense trees and many other attractions, also Salala is the only part of Oman that receives rainfall (between June to September) and so it is green and luscious, they have a special rain festival during the monsoons, where tourist from all parts of mid-east gather there to cool down and unwind, it's a peak season for tourist and you may find all hotels and lodges are full to the brim, anyway we decided to go there as being in Dubai we don't see a lot of rain and greenery around here. So on the 25th July 2011 we all got ready and left from Dubai at 10:00 pm approximately, my boyfriend took the longer route (despite my grumbling) though I knew a shorter route to get there so after driving for more than 16 hours we reached Shalala at 5: 00 pm the next evening.

After dinner we set about looking for a hotel or lodge so that we could freshen up and sleep the night, being the peak season all hotels were full by the time we found a hotel with vacancy it was almost close to 9:30 pm and the hotel we found had just one room empty. Now I don't want to name the hotel as people here are very superstitious and I don't want it to get bad publicity, our room was on the second floor of the hotel, at the end of a long corridor, it was a single room with twin single beds, set far apart. After checking in and paying we went upstairs and my boyfriend and myself choose the bed at the right side of the room and our friend took the bed on the left, now let me be a bit specific and give you the layout of the small room, it was shaped like a alphabet 'L', as I open the main door, I have to walk through a small passage with the kitchen and the bathroom on my left, then I walk into the bedroom, our bed was opposite the passage where we had the clear view of the main door, kitchen and bathroom, there was TV on a small table there too right near the foot of our bed and my friend had a wardrobe near the foot of his bed and the air-conditioning above him.

My boyfriend had been driving non-stop for 16 hours, he was very tired and told him to shower first; meanwhile I set out his night clothes, unpacked some essential toiletries and kept the remaining bags in the wardrobe. We had packed small so everything fitted perfectly. After my shower and other nightly routine I climbed into bed and was asleep before I knew it.

Later in the night I woke up with a start, my eyes just flew open and I was keenly aware that there was something watching me, as I sat up I saw a mist figure near the bathroom door, it was clear, my boyfriend was sleeping next to me snoring loudly I must add, I looked at it for a while and just fell back and went to sleep.

The next morning when I woke up it was about 11:30 am, my friend was awake too and did not look as if he slept well in the night, after finishing our morning routine of brushing and showering etc., the three of us were just sitting on the bed whilst I packed, we were on our bed he was on his bed with his back to the wall and facing us. He started telling us that he could not sleep because the cupboard door creaked opened and closed all night, it scared him enough for him to have a sleepless night, that moment I remembered the mist figure that told them what I had seen.

Just then the cover of the air-conditioning (which was off by the way) flew across the room and landed near the TV, if the cover had to fall it would fall on his bed, but this was like someone had forcefully thrown it across the room, we looked at each other and said "time to go" and took our things and left.

We stayed in Salalah for another day, but did not go back to the hotel, we thought its better we sleep in the car than face the wrath of the unknown.

I should also mention that while coming back they listened to me and our journey took only 12 hours.

Other hauntings by Bliss006

Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Bliss006, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
(at) Rook & Amit - Go on guys do as you please, somebody needs to teach that guy a lesson anyway.
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Game set and match - Rook!
Sorry Bliss - We were having some fun here, and couldn't resist it
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Hahahaha! Looks like I stirred up quite a hornet's nest here!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Now Now... I may not speak the LANGUAGE but 'Tone' can carry the 'meaning' of the words... But if all your going to do is 'complain' that you were not talking with adsouza does that mean our conversation is over?

Match Point Rook?

Just wondering.


sanjeevgeorge (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
adsouza you can mind your own business. I was not talking to you. Poi pani nokuda chettay
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Thanks Rook! However I doubt your message got past.
Sanjeevgeorge - Bangalore? Are you still there or have you moved to Dubai? The last I heard you were traveling. Get a life. Each day I see you pasting your opinion on everyone here. And you said 'Religion matters' once.
I don't speak Kannada, but I assume you understand it since you have spent close to 20 years in Bangalore, so - Hogalai! Talletin beda.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)

See, people are already asking you what I was driving at... Did you come here to read FICTION? If so you need to re-read the GUIDELINES of the site.

Of course Fiction slips past every so often but long time members here have what we refer to as the BS Blankie for those. So if your here to read fiction please go some place else. If you think someones 'True Experience' may be Falsified or perhaps has a NATURAL Explanation then please share your opinion with us. Please do not limit yourself to experiences from India, as the experiences submitted come from all over the world.

This community is here to share and discuss their Possible Paranormal Experiences. By Exchanging Ideas and Theories some of these experiences have proven to be more 'natural' rather than 'paranormal'. Others come here looking for advice/understanding or HELP which we as a community try to give. Of course as stated before some of the STORIES that get through are pure BS, it happens.

So, are you here to read and offer theories of Real Experiences or did you come here with the mind set it's all 'Fiction' and just wish to point out that fact... Even though you have no basis for it.


aman_yooo (17 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Sanjeev, I think you should leave her alone, if you think her experiences are false then don't read them.
Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Sanjeev open your eyes a little wider and read my last comment once agin, I am not trying to convince you or anyone else, if you think that the experiences I am sharing are made up then maybe you should stop reading them. This site is made for people to share their paranormal experience so if you have nothing to share and are going to be here bad-mouthing other people's experiences then maybe you shouldn't be here.

This comment from sanjeevgeorge is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Sanjeev, I am not trying to convince anyone here, I know what I saw and my friend knows what he heard. To you it may seem like a dream and well that is up to you. I am just narrating the events that took place. So you keep believing what you believe and I will believe what I saw.

sanjeevgeorge (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
[at] bliss006 the AC part I can't explain, but maybe the events at night were dreams 😁
Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
Hi Sanjeev and thanks for your comments, but I don't think three different people share the same imagination. The AC cover flying across the room was certainly not "Imagination".
sanjeevgeorge (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-27)
well, while going there you had an overnight journey, because of which you all must've been too tired. So it's possible that some of the things that took place were just imagination and natural phenomena
Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-21)
Dan - thanks for the comment, as I have mentioned before people don't really like talking about spirits here so asking the hotel manager would be useless, cause any rumors about hauntings could scare away potential customers:-)
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Excellent story! Thank you for sharing this experience. When I read about you waking suddenly to the mist figure, I was biting my lip going, okay... Possible hypnagogic hallucination. Then you mentioned your friend hearing the creaking all night, and the A/C cover and that was just too much. I wonder what happened at that hotel, or why it would be haunted?

Oh, and by the way, I LOVE that you pointed out your route was the faster route! Hahaha, that gave me quite a chuckle. πŸ˜‰
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Bliss006~ Would have been rather creepy I bet, you can almost guarantee that other people would have witnessed something in the room before and after you stayed there aswell. Have you thought of asking the people who manage the hotel perhaps? Or is that kind of taboo?

Thanks for sharing

DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
I like the fact you all decided to leave as soon as the air conditioning cover flew across the room, I can just imagine the mutual look and the "okay let's go people!" moment!

Thank you for sharing this
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Bliss006 - then maybe that means everyone else is as respectful as you, at least we can hope so 😊. I truly did enjoy your story and am glad you shared it with us.
Bliss006 (6 stories) (49 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
[at] Miracles51031 - I did that as soon as I came back home, but sadly nothing was listed, but I do think that the hotel particularly the room has a reputation, that maybe the reason why it was the only vacant room in a packed hotel. Oman being a Islamic country people are not very keen to speak out about spirits and other entities.
champion (3 stories) (172 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
Bliss006- good story, I always think its time to leave when things start flying across a room by themselves or not.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
Bliss006 - I realize you said the people there are very superstitious, but I wonder if it's possible someone else has stayed in the same room you did and experienced something. If so, there could be a slim chance that someone might have listed this hotel as a haunted location. I'm not suggesting you go against your principles and divulge that information, and I certainly hope no one asks you to, but for your own curiosity and that of your boyfriend and friend, I would search the net and see if you can find anything. Maybe someone else has experienced something and they don't care about values, superstitions or offending anyone.

You can search this site as well as, just in case you're curiousπŸ˜‰ The stories are listed by country, which should help.

By the way, I admire the fact that you didn't mention the name of the hotel 😐

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