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My Experience With Negative Energy In My House


I'm not sure on how I'm going to write about my experience or if YGS will even publish it. I'm going to try my best, because the person that helped me through it told me that my experience and actions can help other people without this type of knowledge too. I feel he is right so I'm going to share it with you.

Lately my husband and I experienced a very bad atmosphere in our house. Both of us felt the wipe in the air. He told me that lately something is chasing him from his own house and that we should consider selling it. I knew what he was talking about because I felt the same, well except the selling of the house part. I decided to rather cleanse the house again because we both worked so hard here to make it a home; I say that because it looked like a dump when we bought it.

If read, in one of the stories about the method of cleansing with a straw broom. Whitebuffalo was the one who suggested cleansing of a house with a straw broom, but I can't remember what the name of that specific story was.

Both of us were very, very tired. It felt like if something was draining us all the time, but whenever we left the house the tiredness and tension would also leave us. Inside the house everything would go wrong, all the plugs malfunctioned. My husband checked but nothing wrong with the electrical part even my oven gave its last heat out of the blue. Well like I said everything went wrong from the plugs the oven even the electrical gate shut down, and my husband was just tired of everything that happened it was like our house wanted to shut down on its own.

I told my husband about the cleansing that I wanted to do with the straw broom, and he said that I can go ahead because he is now sick and tired of what's going on in our house. I forgot to mention that even our dog that is like a child for us was diagnosed in the same time with Myasthenia Gravis. It took all our savings to save our dog. I did sell my car at the end of the day to make up for all the medical expenses for my dog. Things were just awfully bad for us in every way you can think.

Before I did the cleansing I saw a white shadow passing me by in the hallway on a high speed. When I saw that I just realised that my house is invaded by negative energy. My husband kept telling me we are cursed after the swimming pools' pump also malfunctioned. Now that was a silly thing to happen, because the pump was only about a year old. With all this bad luck striking at once, I also started to think in the same direction as him. All these things started just after Christmas. I just realised that the four of us are the only ones that are still hanging onto each other in that house. I'm talking about my husband, me, my son, and our poor dog. I just knew I had to be strong and fight it.

I did the cleansing with the straw broom just like Whitebuffalo suggested. The cleansing starts at the part far from the backdoor. I started in my sons' bedroom all the way up sweeping the negative energy out of every corner of my house with that broom. Now I do everything with God. Some of you are familiar with that part of my character who knows me on this site. I believe to pray while cleansing my house. I trust in God since I was a child, and He never failed me ever. I was praying out loud while sweeping out my house and told evil negative energy to leave my house in the name and authority of Jesus. While I swept the hallway my hair raised and I could feel something very strong there. I just kept on sweeping and prayed out loud until I swept it out the back door of my house and asked God to bind them and take them into the darkness of the galaxy so that they will never return.

After the cleansing with the broom I did what Rook suggested me to do. I opened all the windows and lit some lavender incense. You can use any incense you like. I took of my shoes and went outside and barefoot on the ground I asked God to drain all negativity out of my body spirit and soul into the centre of the earth where it will not return back to me. I went back into the centre of the house and lit a white candle. I closed my eyes and started to pray. I asked God to send His spirit down to my house and to burn out all evil and negative energy out of my house. While praying I visualized the flame from God going through the whole house burning out all negativity. I asked God to shield our house and yard so that no evil will find our address. I thanked God and ended my prayers.

I must say the atmosphere changed. My husband told me that he felt better coming home again and that this heaviness that was on his shoulders is gone, and his depression was better. Things were calm and normal again.

In the same week after the cleansing we exit our back gate to go to the shop and noticed a car at the front gate. We didn't recognise the car and decided to go around the block to check it out if it's still there. In our country everything is dangerous and we are very alert at all times for strange vehicles and stuff around our house. After our drive around the block we stopped next to the strange car because the owner of the car was now out of the car looking around as if he was lost. My husband asked him if he could help. He said; "Yes please. I'm looking for this address" It was our address. This guy couldn't find our house. He parked in the street in front of our house where our house number is written big on the post box that is next to the front little gate. It is so clear that it is impossible not to see it. That was the first one not to find our house. This man was from the bank. My husband opened an account and he brought papers to sign, and collecting a copy of my husbands' ID He didn't want to come into our house or even the yard. He said that on that Friday another one of the bank will deliver the bank card to my husband.

That Friday I told my husband that we should look out for this other guy from the bank. We waited for him and on arrival this man jumped out of his car crossing the road to the neighbours' house. My husband went out and called him. He said while standing next to the post box with the number so big in front of him:" is this house number 47?" I just realised after that second incident that the shield is in place over our house.

I contacted Rook for help on the end of February. I was in such a big hole at that time and desperately in need of help from someone who's got the knowledge to help me. I just asked God in my mind one night with tears running from my face: "please God help me to find someone who can help me with all of this going on in our lives because it is not from You". I just knew I must contact Rook and my feelings were right because I owe this man many thanks for assisting me through this difficult time in our lives.

After the cleansing I had a very bad dream about my dog. I dreamed that he was in terrible pain and covered in mucus and couldn't breathe. On 31 March my dog died. He suffered in such a way that I don't think my husband and I will ever get over his death. He was the centre of our world. With the grieving and emotions negativity came back again. I did the cleansing and shielding again and all is better again. I learned something about everything that happened this year with us. You have to stay strong, wake up and open minded and most of all try not to be or speak negative words out loud because your words can have a big impact in your live and wellbeing. Words have more power than we realise. God warned me about my dog and I was not alert up enough to have seen this coming to him. I still blame myself over that. That's why I say to be alert and wake up all the time.

Sorry if this was boring and long. I hope my experience with shielding and cleansing can be of help to someone one day. I would just like to add that Rooks' recipe about cleansing and shielding stretches over three days. Mine was such an emergency that it was done in one day and it worked for us. Remember I pray with everything I do. Rooks' recipe is for all religions. Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Trix, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-15)

Thank you, I normally stay fairly quiet and above all can not get involved with giving advice because I just don't know enough about the paranormal. The one thing that gets me going though is INJUSTICE! I simply don't understand why anybody would go to such lengths to follow somebody else around and give him so much sass when all this person does is HELP HELP HELP others! What's happening to respect for others and sympathy for those who need help?

You yourself know how much trouble I was in one day (thanx for your help) and how my instinct sent me looking for Rook. He sensed that I was in trouble and came looking for me on a day when he rarely gets online! He solved that problem for me, and not only. Jav, I also had no work! I'd lost 10 kilos because I had no money for food! Rook took care of that too, work came out of the blue when there is an unemployment rate here in Greece (officially around 20%) unofficially closer to 35%. Call it coincidence if you like, I call it a miracle. What else can I say?

You don't constantly bag somebody who spends his life helping others because it makes him feel good. The world would be a so much better place if there were more Rooks. My Commandment number 11 is, if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all. If you don't like what you read here... Don't come back. That simple.

Nice to hear from you Javelina
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)
[at] Vanessanda,
Good for you lady! And a perfect thread you've chosen to say your piece. I salute you. 😁

Jav 😊
Vanessanda (3 stories) (226 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-14)

I'm still fairly new on this site so I haven't had a chance to check out your profile yet. Frankly, I don't feel any need to. My question to you is this: why do you constantly make derogatory comments, which are in fact not really aimed at the authors themselves, but at the mostly highly respected and most loved person on this site?

Whether you believe the stories or experiences is beside the point. Whether you believe that Rook is genuine or not is also irrelevant. The fact remains that the people who Rook has helped have been able to turn their lives around. And whether you believe it is coincidence or horseapples or psychological is of no importance.

Have they been helped? YES THEY HAVE! Has he charged anybody money for his time, his help or his advice? NO! Does he take time away from his family to help others whenever they need him? YES! So what the heck is your problem? If you can't respect Rook, then have a little respect for your fellow man who is suffering and finds comfort and relief from a man who is a philanthropist with a spiritual nature that you could not possibly ever understand let alone reach. And that, is precisely your problem... The fact that you could never understand nor ever be like Rook or reach his spiritual standard.

What is important is that people, like myself, have been helped by Rook when nobody else has been willing or able to help us.

So, if you don't have any respect for Rook, then please try and respect those of us who had nowhere else to turn but to Rook!
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-20)
Hi cosmogal26'geetha50,CF,taz890, thanks for all your kind words, you are all beautiful people in my eyes.
DA, this is not an old story. It just took me so long to start writing it. I didn't even knew Rook shared this experience with your guys... I also wouldn't have mind if he posted it to YGS.
Javelina and Rook, you are two beautiful friends and no need to praise me like that-you make me blush'. I'm just plain and simple old Trix and honoured to be your friend. Have a lovely day all of you.
Ohh...temilicious, I wonder why do you think I'm angry? Just because I stand my ground and gave everybody the information needed doesn't mean I'm angry. The point is you tried to shoot me in the foot but instead you shot yourself in the foot. You can ohm' and ah' as much as you want I couldn't care less what you think of my experiences. I'm not retarded I saw exactly what your intentions were and I have the right just like you to put any false accusations straight. By the way the hospital with the little booklets is in Sunnyside Pretoria. You will find it easily go to ward C and ask for one of the old staff about the booklets that they gave out during the 90's. Just for the record-apologies accepted. Have a lovely day you too.
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-17)
Oh no trix I am so sorry if you thought I made you come across as a liar. I did say I think, and note I said 'think' you tend to dramatise your experiences at times.
Like you also mentioned you are also used to banks calling and not coming physically to your door step meaning I wasn't falsely accusing you just stating my info.
On that point I think I put my opinion across without being rude or trying to berate you and again I'm sorry if I came across as offensive but I do not apologise for what I said or how I said it cause I do think I was respectful enough. Never did I once mention your dog because, like I said, I think there is some truth in your stories.
I appreciate your giving me details but unfortunately it still doesn't change how I feel. Sorry if it angers you but that's how I feel and I know feelings and thoughts aren't always correct hence I make sure I include them two words in my comments off lately. Something I learnt when facilitating.

Unfortunately we are not always going to agree with al stories on this forum but when done with respect I think we can agree to disagree.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
well wow! You told him! Good for you trix standing up and proving your not lieing in this post (not that 99.9% thought you had) a great come back
CF (10 stories) (43 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Hey Trix.
That was a great story. And, sorry about your dog. I hope you DO get over his death.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Ok yeah, that was probably it. I just know I had read it before. Thanks. Trix, I am sorry to hear about your dog. As they say, all dogs go to heaven.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
[at] Devious,
You may have read it on face book when Rook posted it up as it was happening.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
You are my hero today lady! Good for you for telling it like it is and being the strong person you are.
I am proud to call you my friend. ❤

Jav 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Just out of curiosity, is this an update on an older story? Because I KNOW I have read this story before. I remember the exact scenario with the bank people driving by the house.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
You go girl...Trix, you put the nail right to the head with the comment to Temilicious. I was wonder Temilicious meant by the comment that the bank don't make house calls (I don't know about South Africa) but here in Canada, there are exceptions made where the bank comes to the house; especially, if it means that we as a customer would provide business for them.

As for your pet dog, apparently Temilicious doesn't have a love for dogs or any animals because if that was so, then Temilicious would know the feeling of losing something you truly care about. Your dog was part of the family and it would hurt anyone to lose their pet; especially knowing that it suffered before dying.

Just ignore people like temilicious. There are always people who are going to put down stories without good cause. They will ignore the fake stories and go after the good ones.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Tix, Thank you so much for letting me know about the broom. I will take your advice to speak loud and clear and make it known that the negative energy must leave. It's always a pleasure talking with you Trix. Thanks again, and enjoy your weekend. 😁
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Hi Rook,
True friends are hard to find and thanks for being one of my truest friends.

For the record-from now on I'm going to work in the garden bare foot. It's summer here now and I'm going to be very busy in the garden.

Take care and have a wonderful weekend you and your family. Trix.
😉 ❤ 😉
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Hi Javelina, I so wanted to vote for you but it says-Please vote for someone else-I wonder why? But for me your friendship means the world. Thank you for that!
If people are trying to pull you down-be proud of it, because it only confirms that you are above them.
Take care my dear friend. Trix.
😉 ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Tremilicious...yes my life is very interesting indeed and I'm not going to argue with you because you have the right to feel like you feel and to speak out whenever you are unhappy. Isn't that what South Africa is all about?

First I want to apologise for going to your profile to get more light on you as a person. I see you are a dreamer. You also stated that you yourself didn't really have any experience with a ghost yourself. So your experience with the paranormal is actually within your dreams. Actually then you won't really understand everything I'm talking about because you lack the experience of ghosts.

Secondly I don't have to proof myself to anyone. Commonsense can be so uncommon sometimes...
But one thing of me you don't know is that I will not tolerate your accusations of calling me a liar. I'm going to give you all the information you need. It's your choice what you going to do with it. I give this information so that anyone who wonders can use.

First-the bank. My husband applied for a credit card at-Nedbank, Brakpan Plaza, Kingsway avenue, Brakpan, 1540. Nedbank Greenbacks redemption telephone nr-011 710 4710. Card enquires telephone number-0860 555 111. They said within a week he would know if it's approved. The bank phoned my husband and said it is approved. The following day the first man was at our house. It was strange though because I know in the past you have to go into the bank in person. This guy said they do it for security reasons because they had incidents at the bank with fraud addresses and other stuff that he didn't mentioned. This man needed another copy from my husbands' ID and we didn't have one on that specific time. He said not to worry another guy will come on Friday and they can sort it out then. At Netbank Brakpan Branch they DO NOT give your credit card over the counter-they DO deliver it to your address and I must say they are doing their job.

Okay now secondly-the drama about my beloved dog. Seuntjie was diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis and treated by Dr. Dave Miller at Johannesburg specialist veterinary. His treatment cost as nearly R20 000. Yes you have it right R20 000. Please be welcome to phone them at 011 792 6442/3 if you have any queries about Seuntjie the dog with Myasthenia Gravis Dr Miller was his specialist.

Don't step on my toes. Before making anyone a liar here get your homework done first and your facts right. Please don't read my stories because you will not understand it at all. Trix.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)

You truly are a wonderful person. I'm am happy to call you a Friend.

For the record I like horses and apples too. 😁


Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Aaw! Trix,
You are the sweetest person. And smarter than the average naysayer too. Thank you for just being the beautiful person you are friend. ❤

Your friend,
Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Oh Moony,
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Another pitiful attempt at getting under rooks skin? Dude, you picked the wrong experience to crap on. You know it too. You're calling Trix out as a fabricator? No, no, no.
You really have sunk way too low this time Moongrim. This is just getting sad now... 😕
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Hi Medial, thanks for posting. Remember anger is a condition that makes your mouth work faster than your mind. Everybody have the right to speak out and reason with each other. It's not worth it to fight. There is much better things to do that to fight. Enjoy your weekend. Take care Trix. 😉 ❤
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
Hi, zzgranny. I have read your story about the help of Rook. That was a very interesting experience indeed. To answer your question-yes I had to repeat the ritual again. I contacted Rook at about the end of February. My beloved dog died 31March 2011. After Seuntjies death I had to repeat it again because the negative energy came back. Rook is such a wise and good teacher. He told me that our grieving and negative emotions weakened the shield so I just got hold of myself again and did the cleansing again, and the negative energy exit. Take care and have a lovely weekend.

Hi Cosmogal926,
Thank you for your comment. Just remember to clean your broom afterwards by putting it into a bucket of water for a while. Words are very important and powerful during a cleansing because you are chasing bad things away, and you have to tell it to leave. Enjoy your weekend. Nice talking to you.

You are very much welcome. You are so right and we must use this ammunition to protect us against evil. Have a lovely day.

You need 60 muscles to be angry and 20 to smile so why would you make things so difficult for yourself. Yes I love apples and horses are the most beautiful animals. Have a lovely day.

Don't worry-whatever doesn't kill you really does make you stronger! Enjoy your weekend.

Temilicious...I will return to you last, because I have some good information and some research for you to go and do.

Thanks for your comment. I should have posted this experience months ago. I'm glad I did now because there are so many people that needs help-like I did but didn't had the knowledge to help myself in the right way. Thanks Rook for sharing your wisdom with us. Thanks again for posting Taz890. Have a wonderful weekend.

Don't worry let Moongrim enjoy herself-we know better those of us who can share the same experiences. Have a lovely weekend.


😉 ❤
Medial (2 stories) (25 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-16)
I agree folks, let's here Moongrim's elitist super skeptic science guru theories on this one.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Did you get on the wrong side of the bed today? There are stories that are in your face fake. But just wanted to know what your points are for thinking this story is fake?
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
trix wonderful post thank you for sharing, it is great to have someone come back and let others know the adice given on ygs worked for them.
Sorry to hear about your dog, looseing a pet is heart breaking but like you say you have your memmories and I am sure your dog will be there to greet you with a wagging tail when...anyway.
Rook has given this advice out so much latelly it is nice to have someone say it works and helps.
Thanks again
Temilicious (7 stories) (99 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
i kind of have to go with Moongrim here, and when I say this I don't mean your whole story is made up, I just think you have a tendancy of tweaking your stories to make them more interesting to the reader.
I say this taking nothing away from Rook and Whitebuffalo, I admire them and find their advice works.

Maybe if you could explain which bank you are talking about because I am also from South Africa, 15minutes away from Pretoria and South African banks don't do house calls. You have to go there physically, all that they would do is post a letter telling you you have to come in and collect or sign (credit cards are posted), if they don't call. I didn't want to write this comment without having read your other stories and again I stand to be corrected but in grysmannetjie you talk about a hospital that gives out pamphlets/flyers to patients. That is a lot of printing for a hospital.
I hope I am not coming across as being rude but I just think your stories are dramatised.
If I am wrong I'm sorry and I do hope your family is safe. That's all that matters.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Trix - don't misunderstand my comment to Moongrim, okay. I was being seriously sarcastic.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
[at] moongrim:

Did someone take your last eggo waffle this morning?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Moongrim - it's so nice to see you and your smiling face again:) Your kinds words have been such a blessing lately.

This comment from Moongrim is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

DragonStorm80 (1 stories) (440 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-15)
Trix ~ I am so glad you still remember your dog every day and the memories live in your heart, and thank you for your kind words, and I am sure if you ever let any negativity get to you that you have all the ammunition you need to clear those things up, you have a great day and it's good to see you back ❤

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