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Our Co-founders Haunted House


I am a member of a newly created paranormal investigation team based here in my home town. It all started when our group of about 10 or so friends decided to go to the Waverly Sanatorium in Kentucky. That's what got us started in the first place. Over the next few weeks some of our group members kind of fizzled out and didn't hang around as much but there are 5 or 6 of us that are still going strong, including me.

My first solo experience with a spirit happened at one of our group founder's house. There are three founders, me and two of my friends and this is our normal hangout spot on the weekends. A little history about the house we were in at the time. My friend's stepbrother and his mom used to live in that house. His mom is now passed on, rest her soul. She was into the Wicca and witch craft realm. She would hold sΓ©ances in grave yards do different rituals in the house they lived in with no regard for what could happen.

Me and my friends, 2 girls and 4 or 5 guys, were hanging out over at this house. (Nothing really happens in the house while a big group is there) But the girls were ready to go home, so my friend who owned the house was going to take them home. We had the idea for me to stay back on my own, first mistake, and do an evp session in the house. Which of course being the tough guy I thought I was I said sure.

They leave, I say good bye to the girls and see them off. This is where it gets trippy. I go back into the house to do the evp session. The recorder is lying on a table by the door and the kitchen is on the far side of the room as you walk in. It's a rather long living room that leads to three bedrooms and the bathroom and that's pretty much the house. Other than the attic, which is a big no no to go up there alone.

So I walk to the kitchen and grab me a drink, when I came back in the house felt a lot heavier than when all the guys where there and already I could tell something was not wanting me to do this. As I am coming back from the kitchen to grab the recorder I felt like I had to stop in the middle of the living room. So I did, I stare down the hall and I knew something was there, I could just feel it. Then I hear 4 footsteps walk right up to me and stop. At this point I was pretty freaked. Then it was like someone stomped their foot right in front of me where this thing should be standing.

That was enough for me. I high tailed it across the street to his other house and sat on the porch until they got back, I waited for maybe 20 minutes. When they returned they thought I was still in the house. When they saw me come off the porch and I told them what happened my friends said that I look physically shaken and I had no color in my face. This is a half hour after it happened.

I swore to my buddy that I will never be alone in that house again, I don't do so much as sit in the drive way and wait for him to get home, I sit at the Krystals down the road.

To this day he thinks that it was his stepbrother's mom but I think it was someone else. Sounded more like a man to me. But we can sit across the road and watch the lights turn on in the house at night and we as a group go turn them off because after what happened that night freaked us all out. Later that night after I got my nerve back we all went in and did the evp session together. Our other co-founder of the group swears he kept seeing a little girl all around the living room, mostly standing right between me and him.

I think that the reason there are spirits there and wanted me out was because they didn't know who I was and I think the stepbrothers mom is still attached to her three foot tall china doll that is still kept in the house. Which that and an old newspaper is all that is left of hers. Everything else was thrown out which I'm sure helped nothing.

Thanks for reading, just needed to get this out there to see what other people thought.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, bigsasquatch, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-20)
Hey Squatch!
Long time, no see. You know, you miss out on a lot of the really good stufff by not stopping by very often.
Howe's tricks? πŸ˜†

Jav 😁
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-20)
They weren't there, it was just me. They were taking some of our other friends home when all this was going on.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
13 years ago (2012-02-05)
I would be frozen solid if that happened to me. I would like to be a paranormal investigator in that it would be thrilling but I wouldn't want to be one in that I'd probably die of heart failure the first night. In my opinion you were brave to stay alone in the house, but what did the others in the group do while this was going on? πŸ˜•
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Lou-I like the way you put that. A few of the people that read this seen the words wicca and bad in the same sentence and decided it was time to break out the soapbox. But people have to realize when humans become involvled in anything there's going to be something bad come out of it at some point and we just have to embrace the good and try to weed out that bad.
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
At this point we were and maybe the three week mark since we started up. It was our first failed attepmt and hopefully only. Taught us a lot and we learned from it.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)
Thanks for your account.

Why do people watch scary movies, why do people ride rollercoasters, why do people do anything that invokes exhiliration? Becoming an investigator for me was pretty natural, I had overcome any fear when I was forced to protect my family during our ordeal.
People overcome fear by facing it.
If you were afraid of sharks and decided to go into a shark cage to overcome your fear; would it be a monumental failure if you pulled away from the bars the first time a shark bumped the cage? Maybe we should reserve our judgement of others at least until we have overcome ourselves, what we are condemning them for.
We all know why this argument started and we all know it didn't have much to do with the story.
There are good people, and there are bad people... There are people who know just enough about Wicca to use their knowledge to torment others; just like there are people who know just enough about Christianity to gain your trust and victimize you as well. If you want to defend something, you ought to at least come to grips with the reality that it isn't the religion, it is the people who hide under the guise of it for self serving purposes who should be condemned.

Thanks again, squatch.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-21)

I have a question that has been bugging me sense this whole 'debate/disscussion/conversation' whatever you want to call it began...

How long had your group been together at this point in time? If I read the experience correctly this was one of your very early attempts at investigating a location.

Am I right in thinking this? Or did you guys jump in head first not quite expecting what it was really going to be like? I don't mean any offence, I personaly feel its the former rather than the latter... Which is it?


zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
bigsasquatch: I understand now, thank you...I'm glad you have a method of protection, very important 😊...I'll quit pickin' on ya' now! πŸ˜†...Again, thank you for answering my questions!
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)

I wasn't trying to make it seem like I have an ought against wicca, one of my best friends is wiccan. All I was saying is that was his moms belief system if you will. She also practiced witchcraft. Not saying that they are incorperated together. Thats just what she did. Like I said, there is always a way to turn something bad into something good, however she did it. My religious faith has nothing to do with my thinking here, I feel people get blinded by there religion sometimes and come off as bible thumpers if you want to call them that. I try to keep it out of my observations and investigations exept for our prayers of protection and things of that nature.
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Yes, I have been back in that house nearly every weekend since, but not alone. We take our newer members and see how they will react if something happened. See if they react like I did or try to provoke it or just what ever they decide to do to handle it. Most of the new members don't experience anything. We have had a few hear knocks and something they discribed as someone that was dragging their feet. But nothing like what happened when I was there.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
bigsasquatch: What I'm trying to understand is the reason behind your insistance that Wicca was the impetus to ghostly activity...Usually, such a belief is based in another religious background...
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Hello bigsasquatch,
First of all, welcome to the YGS website. I think we might have gotten off on the wrong foot. But like the others said, if you post a story on this site, you are going to get questions and many times it's to get more of an understanding so that we can give you better suggestions. But it can be difficult for us to believe a story when the author either decides not to answer at all or when s/he does, they go on the offence.

With that being said, I have a few of my questions that I like you to answer, if you could. First of all, has your friend ever experienced anything on his own in that house? From one of your posts, you mentioned that the team uses the house as a training center for new members. So, I can take it that the house still belongs to the family? Why is it still there and why wasn't sold? Fear is part of human nature, so it's nothing to be shame of (for a lack of a word) to get scared and run outside. What I want to know is were you able to go back either on your own or with your friends to get in contact with whoever is in that house? Again, coming back to the post where you mentioned that the house is used for training new members. Did any of the new members experience anything?

Again, welcome to the site but remember you and everyone here is dealing with the paranormal; something that nobody fully understands. People on this site are here to both learn and help out people in need. If we say that a story is fake, or pull out the BS blankie... It means that the way the story is written makes it sound fake. When that happens, we tend to ask A LOT of questions and it is up to the author to offer explanations to set us straight. Only then can we help the person in need. It doesn't do anybody any good if we go on the offence and start biting everyone's asses.
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
"If I may ask, do you personally hold this belief as fact because of your own religion?..." I'm not sure what your asking... πŸ˜•
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
bigsasquatch: I don't believe that simply being Wiccan, or perfoming magic really has anything to do with bringing an entity or spirit into our plane or dimension... I do think, however, that the "Mom" opened her home and invited something in, but anyone can do that... I really don't think her religion had a damn thing to do with it... If I may ask, do you personally hold this belief as fact because of your own religion?...If that's too personal, you don't have to answer...

Nysa: It's all good! πŸ˜‰
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Yes, we do know what she did. I personally do not, but her son live right across the road from that house an will not so much as walk in it. He knows what she did and wants to stay away from it. Obviously something bad came from something she did, the things she did, Wicca AND witchcraft...
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Well then it is presumptuous to assume that "what came from her practices of witchcraft or Wicca was not good." You don't actually know what she did & you certainly don't know what caused the haunting. To continue to assert that it was the cause or had a hand in it is ignorant.

Granny I thought you were suggesting that the account indicated she was doing something Wiccans would not & that confused me. Sorry if I misunderstood.

I find it insulting to suggest that any religion or spiritual practice (the witchcraft part) attracts negative entities or that following one religion or spiritual practice is the ONLY way to prevent it. I am also intolerant of making claims as to the reason entities are present based on ignorance of the practices.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
See, I think that has got to be one of the most beautiful things you can do for a spirit. It breaks my heart to think of the multitudes that feel trapped in their situations. So to have someone come along and help them like that is just wonderful.

bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Jav- Its neat to stand and watch from the sidelines. There was a time we were walking around downtown during a historical tour that he does and he stops mid sentence in the middle of the street and says almost in a whisper, " ok I hear you, we can do it now" and he just starts praying. Most of the prayer was so fast and low that you couldn't understand what he said but when he finished (I had been explaining to the tour guests what was happening so they didn't worry) all he said was "I'm finished and he made it." (the spirit that is.)
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Nysa: Obviously you misinterpreted my comments... It was not my intention to imply that Wiccans are exempt from human behaviour... Only that perhaps the "Mom" refered to herself as Wiccan without the true knowledge or commitment to the religion... Much like those people taking part in the rituals and celebrations of Easter and Christmas consider themselves "Christian" because they do so... I understand why you feel offended, but I was offering some alternative explanation as to the reason for the alleged haunting... 😊
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
I was saying she had a part in both. Never said that either had a part in the other. But what came from her practices of either witchcraft or wicca wasn't good. I don't know which, she died before I got to meet her so I wouldn't know which caused what. So yes it is important because what ever she did brought something else into that house, whatever it may be that she did. Shes the only one that knows that. My experience with a wiccan was positive but shes a positive person. There is always a way to use a good thing for bad purposes.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
I find the crossing over ceremonies quite fascinating. As I've mentioned on previous experiences, I've never been present at one of these. But just knowing there are those who can help spirits in this manner, gives me hope. My mother was one of those people, I just never was a witness to the ceremony myself.

Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
So you are suggesting that one is more responsible than the other? Were you using the Wiccan label to explain why she practiced witchcraft? Because it is true that the majority of Wiccans do practice magic, it would be extremely appropriate to use that wording to specify what you meant by witchcraft. But that has nothing to do with ghosts, spirits, or evil entities. So why is it a part of the story that could not be left out?
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Nysa, I also said "Wicca and witchcraft" obviously separating the two from one another. Not implying anywhere that they were a connected to each other.
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
From what he tells me there's not much that he does on his part. He basically makes sure that's what they want to do and when they want to do it. Then he prays to two angels that seem to be the ones he always wants to help him. I think he said their names were Gabriel which is a woman and Luke.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
No he suggested that Wicca or witchcraft was at fault for making "bad" (his word) things present, then instead of clarifying what he meant by that responded rudely & arrogantly. It IS insulting to suggest that a persons spiritual or religious practices invite negative consequences.

Do you seriously think there would be no backlash if some suggested a place was haunted because someone was praying to Jesus with no regard for the consequences? Or replace that with "practicing Muslim rites" & the person would be called a racist.

Incidentally, I am not sure why it was suggested in the comments that she was doing something un-Wiccan. The only specifics were that she performed rituals, which most Wiccans & many religious people do. And that she held seances in graveyards, which is not a religious practice, nor is it generally considered witchcraft (though this is the second time I have seen it implied on this site). It is also not specifically counter to Wiccan beliefs, assuming nobody living or dead was harmed, which I have never heard it suggested happens in a seance.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
bigsasquatch: πŸ˜† I probably should have added "etc" onto that question!...I've never had the experience of crossing a spirit over, but there are a few of our veteran posters who have: LouSlips and Miracles51031, to name two...

Thank you for answering my questions, and if I think of any more I'll be back...I'll be back anyway, seems I may need to monitor this thread πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Thank you for clearing that up. I was thinking you may have had the recorder going even if it was across the room from you.
Be happy to read any further accounts you bring, EVPs included.

Welcome to YGS!


PS~Ignore the rest, I do~
bigsasquatch (1 stories) (29 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Later in the night we didn't get anything. But I didn't think that we would. The house had a complete opposite feel about it. Unlike earlier I was comfortable for lack of a better term. But we do have some evp from an old confederate hospital we visited. I'll attach them to that story if we can dig them out of all the others. It's one of our newer and younger groups so it's not the best sessions but still good findings.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
Oh Jav, and I also wanted to add that I gave you good karma for your post, just because I knew it would make you angry not seeing the minus sign next to your name. Ciao!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-10-20)
bigsasquatch, I am not going to waste my time on you any longer. You have resorted to petty insults because you have nothing better to say. I hope you will at least continue to answer Granny's questions. Everybody makes mistakes and I get that, stuff happens, but do not act all high and mighty and get mad when someone points out the faults in your statements. Good luck on your future investigations.

Javelina, that is such a cool story and I just have to say that you are a fantastic, stellar person. Every one of your comments makes me smile because of how incredibly thought-out they are! You are just so immeasurably wise and syrupy sweet, like a little prickly pear you are, and we are all just so darn lucky to be in your presence. I totally just want to pinch your angry little cheeks. If only the rest of the world could be so lucky as to shine in your endless radiance. You are like the motherly shepherd to all the angry sheep on this site. May your days be filled with rainbows, puppies and kittens.

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