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This story takes place when my oldest daughter Dynasty was roughly 1 1/2 to 2 years old. We had been living in our new house for about 6 months to a year. The house was haunted and we knew it shortly after we bought it. We always seemed to end up in haunted places. It was creepy being alone at night because this feeling would go over the house and fear would rise up in you. I would hear walking on the walls and in the attic. This is not the kind of attic you can walk around in either. There were several eery things in that/this house. But one in particular scared me so much. Mike.

After being there for a while I started to feel an entity in the halway by the first door in the halway. It was easily 6 feet tall and 3 1/2 feet wide. (Think Bluto in Pop Eye) Almost everytime I walked through the halway I would feel something to my left (where the door is) right next to me. I would feel the heat come off of him. Like when you are standing right next to a person and you can feel their body heat. I would feel his intense and uncomfortable gaze on me, and sometimes I would feel his breath. I would find myself walking around him. He would put off this image being between 30s to sometimes early 50s. I never got a solid read on him because the "age" of him seemed to vary within an instant. This would go on for months.

Soon I started to get the impression of a name. It kept popping into my mind. Mike. Mike. When I would pass him. Mike. Mike. I began to call him by his name. It fit. And it fit right. I would say his name becasue even though he scared me nothing truely bad ever happened. He just gave me the heebie geebies!

He would become more active. He started blipping from one side of me to the other as I walked around making me feel like a hamster in one of those tight tubes that bring them from one cage into another. He always leared at me. After awhile he started to touch. Becoming more solid. When I would pass in the hall I would feel like I walked through warm jello. Like an energy wall built up. Tingling here and there through out the house as he decided he didn't need to stay there. He would start to lean over me as I went to bed. I could feel him right over my face as I tried to sleep. It took me hours to fall asleep! I would see a blacker than black mass in the darkness of my room every night. It was him. I guess he thought it was fun.

I could feel his smile as he made me uncomfortable. He became sinister. I never saw him with my 2 eyes but I did see him. He was a hulking man. Attractive except for the horrible energy he put off. The more scared I got the worse he became (of course). I am not sure how long things had gone on before things built up to their worst. One night when my husband was at work working a double (until 2 in the morning), he decided to really let me have it.

It started during the day. I would walk through the house doing my thing. Chores, playing with Dynasty and he would be every where not leaving me alone. He even scared Dynasty! He moved a toy, he kept touching my hair and my back. Dynasty would say she saw a man in her room at night. And that she saw one in her room now, while we were playing. She was afraid and a little off a lot of that day. We started to hear bangs that were not the usually ghost bangs. (WE had more than one ghost but Mike emitted his own energy. You knew he was there.)

Loud pops, a few cabinits would be open. I would find a plate on the floor that was up on the counter. I would hear someone in the bathroom. It was like omni Mike! He was ever present and making sure we knew it! It was as if he expanded himself and we were stuck in a horrible ball of Mike. I would yell at him and tell him to stop. Literally shaking scared. I would just tell Dynasty I was cold when I shook and told her that I was yelling at the ghost. She knew about them already so I saw no point in hiding it from her. (I am raising her to know about them so that she will know how to deal with it.)

His outburst would continue through the day scaring us both. Bed time came around for Dynasty and he decided to make a lot of noise. I got Dynasty to sleep somehow in her bed. And went to retreat in my room. Trying to feel safe in my lamp light. The feeling of being stared at would not cease and all of a sudden I worried about Dynasty. Mike had been acting up so badly lately I could not in good conscience leave my toddler in her room alone. It felt safer to bring her into my room where I could keep an eye on her. So I picked her up, sleeping, and brought her into my room and laid her in bed with me.

I tried to read but couldn't shake the hostle feeling. I tried to sleep and started to doze but Mike started to hit the bed. Bang Bang! The bed shook violently like someone just plopped onto the bed hard! I told him to stop but he didn't. I felt him laugh. I started to doze and then the bed shook violently! Every single time I started to fall asleep the bed would shake violently! I could tell he enjoyed it. The jerk.

He kept waking up Dynasty. He kept waking me. So around 1:30am I was at the end of my rope. I was tired and I was scared and I was fed up! I told him to f*ck off! I started fuming and putting out some energy of my own! I was so upset I wasn't scared of him anymore. This was the first time in 22 years that I was able to stand up to a haunt. I ignored any further attack from him.

After that night I would refuse to acknowledge him. I wouldn't say his name and I refused to the best of my ablility to be frightened by him. It took about a month before I felt he was no longer in the house directly but I could feel his lingering energy. We saged the house and used Florida water (holy water) on everything. We yelled out the ground rules every single time we even thought there was the possibility of him or any other ill intending haunt in or around our home. It took around 2 years before I felt comfortalbe saying his name again. I still try not to say it in my house or on my property because it seems he might still pop up since he seems to be listening in at times. Every month we sage the house, lay salt when need be and never even leave it to chance if something doesn't feel right.

We still have ghosts in our home. We are pretty sure our home is much like a hotel. They stop sometimes along their journey and drop in. We know that not all haunts are like Mike, but he was the worst yet. We have had the smoking man in our house. A little girl with a white high collar dress and a blue ribbon who would just read in our library. So we would leave her candies until she was ready to leave. We have had so many spirits and experiences that I cannot count them all.

So my advice for most people when they expereince something like this. Lay ground rules. Get fed up with it! Get past being scared and take your space back! It will take a while to make something this strong and forcefull to leave. But keep at it! You WILL win!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, gelflingfay, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
haha I wouldn't call you a fruit! I like Jim Hensen too, but I haven't heard of the Dark Crystal. I will look into it at some point 😁
gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Thank you guys! I am really trying to be a good mom but I still need so serious work in the fun

My name was inspired by the Jim Henson production of "The Dark Crystal" a favorite of mine and the main characters are gelfling and fay are faeries (assuming you hadn't heard that term). I came up with the name when I was 12 and it has stuck through almost every online anything I have. 2 things I still really like. This doesn't mean I am a fruit however just like pretty earth things. ^_^
stephyw2001 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Good job Gelflingfay! I'm proud of you. Us women have to be strong or we end up like stupid Jamie Lee Curtis in the Halloween movies. (Ahh! Drop knife, run, Ahh! Drop other weapon, run... She deserves to be hunted, stupid woman). I have to ask though, how did you choose your user name? I keep picturing a hair product fight in the bathroom or something, with hair gel and mousse and stuff being flung around... 😉
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-07)
Koodos to you for sticking up to Mike. Koodos to you and your husband to being open with your girls. I think all children should have parents like you. In my opinion, I think fear is a good think because in the end, it makes us a better person because of it.

Your story is going to my favourites... 😳
SnowdropSnowflake (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)

If I ever have to face extremes like this in my life, I will honestly try to be like you. It's amazing how you are such a direct and great person. To conceal your children from the truth would just be as worse as having more spirits in your household (I would never wish this upon ANYBODY), because these young children should know that they should not be under the threat of these horrible demons.
And I congratulate you because you eventualy fought back. And you were there for your litte ones. Anybody would be freaked out, but we all have to be brave and fight our own battles. I feel that you will probably be a guardian angel once you enter the afterlife.

Your Humanly,
Caz (342 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
Gelflingfay, I just have to say, I so admire how you handled this very scary experience! I too have told a spirit to Ahem! 'Go forth and multiply', but unlike you, I didn't do it out of anger or bravery! I did it out of sheer unmitigated terror! Thank goodness, it worked...instantly! Also, I think the way you're handling it with your children is to be commended! I wish you and your family all the very best!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-05)
You are not alone in the way you use your energy. I have always known it to be that way also. As a matter of fact, until I started frequenting any of the ghost sites, I never knew what a shield was. I had my own protection nonetheless. This in no way means that shielding isn't important. I feel they are one in the same, just brought about and felt in a different manner. But without the "energy push" in your arsenal, when confronted by a bully? You don't know what you're missing! 😆

gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
That energy push. That is what I call it. I hear many people say they place there shields up. It is much of the same thing but the visual is totally wrong for me personally. I feel like I am dressing for halloween with that phrasing (I am not dissing anyone or there practice, just for me it doesn't synce well with me), so I have to go with a feeling not really an image. I imaging feeling it. Like a heat wave almost. It helps so much. I feel it up a lot now. It works for me. I used to do energy work for awhile and so I try to capture that in my outward expression and fill it with intention. It works well. At least at home because I am aloud to set the ground rules here. If I went to an abandoned building and had issue with a haunt it might waver because it is their space in a sense so I feel I have little right to tell them what to do there except not to hurt anyone. I hope this doesn't lessen your faith in me. I have a high respect for the dead and the alternates. I am always uncomfortable if I step on a grave. That is after all like walking on someone as they sleep. There have been a lot of strange sounds around my home again recently. And it is not the house adjusting or the fridge. I know my house sounds. Like just now I heard something get moved in my laundry room. We are due for a cleanse and a good healthy discussion with the spooks! Lol. So tomarrow We have some work!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Stay strong lady, your strength will carry the day. What you are doing, as far as the children are concerned, is spot on in my book. My mother did not hide these things from us either, to my everlasting gratitude. We couldn't speak to others outside the family, so I do understand how that is.
What stands out for me in your experience is how you say that you "started fuming and putting out some energy of my own!" THAT I understand very well! It is as close as I've heard anyone come to how my mother explained it. She said it was like an "energy push" and that it always worked for her.
You're on my hero list now Warrior Queen!
Thank you so much for sharing this with us, I hope others will learn something from what you have and are continueing to deal with.

gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Thank you guys I am trying my best. As I child I had plenty of people to talk to about it and my whole family believed but we didn't know what to do except pray. We used to bless the house but it wasn't enough. We were still scared. As I got older I had heard about things to do to make a better impression but when you are shaking in your boots its hard to make it stick. I just want my girls to know what to do. Were we live they have no one to talk to about it since people around here seem to not believe in ghosts. I am more than willing to be a sounding board to support them. My husband and I do things regularly around the house openly infront of them and tell them what we are going so that they learn. We will mention each time we see a ghost out loud so they can hear it and find that it is not so uncommon. The only time we don't do it is right before bed so we do not scare them. It is tuff some times but totally worth it! 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
gelflingfay - I think this is honestly one of the best testimonies I've read about taking ownership of your home. Once Mike pushed you to that breaking point, you stood up to him, told him where to get off (literally), and laid down the ground rules. You refused to let him get to you anymore. You refused to let him win.

The place where I think a lot of people fail under these circumstances is they mistakenly believe if they do a blessing, smudging, cleansing, whatever method they choose, if they do it once...bang, their big bad is gone. They don't realize sometimes it takes more than once or twice until the problem is taken care of. I'm glad you knew what to do and that you listen to that instinct that tells you when something just doesn't feel right.

I also want to say that I agree with granny about the way you're raising your girls. I'm raising my kids the same way. I grew up not having anyone to talk to about the things I heard and saw. I wanted my kids to know they have someone who understands; someone who will listen and always be there for them.

Great story ❤
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
gelflingfay: Wow, you got it under control!...What a great testimony about how to turn your fear around, and put THEM on the defensive LOL...

And I commend you on the way you're raising your children... So many of us on this site, and around the world really, didn't have that support growing up... Good for you 😊!

I love this story, and thank you for posting! 😊
gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
My girls are still scared of them. But I tell them that even if they are scared to tell it to go away. That they were not invited and anything else they feel they need to say. But they (Dynasty now 6 and Fiona 2) are learning. We are no nonsense with most spirits. Well really no creepy bussiness.
Nonsense we don't mind to much of actually. Like thumps bumps, a pencil falling every now and then. It is usually when they project creepy or danger that we worry about them. We are trying to teach them, the kids, how to discern the difference and what to do for what situation. It is getting tricky though. My kids are ALOT like me when I was a kid. Terrified of everything! Lol. But I didn't have the tools growing up and I want them too...
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
It sounds like you have things under control, but keep my name close if something changes. I've had a few similar encounters.

We all have a fight or flight response, but I've been pushed into kicking the "L" out of mine... Now its just fight. Keep your family close, from what I am hearing, I know you won't let them down.

DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Thanks for sharing your experience! Mike sounds like a real creeper and I am glad you are raising Dynasty not to be afraid of spirits. Dynasty is such a cute name by the way. It sounds like you and the other half are smart to cleanse the house every so often... I think sometimes spirits come around more frequently when they sense someone notices them. It seems like that is really their primary concern, just to be noticed.
gelflingfay (1 stories) (52 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)
Absolutely! It is just pushes you past the point of scared into defense and protection.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-04)

Seems we have a bit in common. We all have our breaking point, that moment of resolve...don't we?

God Bless,

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