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The Blackness


First off I want you to know my name is Jacob. And let's face it we all have stories. You have them. I have them but we all have our fears... Mine is the blackness.

The blackness is what I see everyday. Out of the corner of my eye and even in front of me. But on a particular day in December, we made the decision to put our cat, who was 17, down. That's when everything started to accelerate. Black here black there! Until I finally saw what I was looking at: a small cat was darting in and out of my vision and I got scared... Really scared...

Now let's move forward to about a week ago, I and our friends were playing videogames and one of them nudges me and points to the corner and says "You see that?" and in the corner you could see blackness. It was like someone was shining a blacklight, you could see the wall but it still was black. The other 2 look over and saw nothing and blew us off.

Now again let's go back to around Sept. 2008, I was playing on the stairs (smart...I know) and I was expecting my dad to come home with food and I hear the garage door open and close and so being 10 I ran to meet him. I saw a blackish patch in the back corner and I could smell the faint hint of cigarette smoke then it quickly disappeared. And then my dad walks in the door and stares at me he asked me what's wrong. All I could say was black. My dad was confused but shrugged it off.

These experiences have been going on since well, forever. And I don't really know what's been going on at all. Any suggestions?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, SpiritKid, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

SpiritKid (3 stories) (6 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-29)
The Doctor said my eyes have shown slight sleep debrivation and other than that is fine.

And for the cat, It scared the crap out of me because the cat looked exactly like the one we put down and it was so early on I just froze because I realized she was dead.

And for a shape... It kind of seemed like a man but at the same time it didn't...I don't know how to explain it, Sorry Dx

And sorry for not commenting:P I've been busy
Nickk948 (2 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Walk towards it! Don't be afraid of it! It will feed on your fear! Confront it! I know
Kolchak (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
The exact same things have happened to me. It's like weird things are happening but your the only guy in your family who notices anything. The blackness is like the embodyment of your fears. You see it when your sad or vonurable. I wrote my story down and sent it to this site. Mabye reading it could give you an idea of what you should do. It hasnt published yet so you may have trouble finding it.
Kolchak (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
The exact same things have happened to me. It's like weird things are happening but your the only guy in your family who notices anything. The shadow is like the embody ment of your fears. You see it when your sad or vonurable. I wrote my story down and sent it to this site. Mabye reading it could give you an idea of what you should do. It hasnt published yet so you may have trouble finding it.
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
Yes elliemae you did understand me correctly, thanks for making it more clear. 😁

So spiritkid you told the doctor you were seeing black spots, s/he did a test & told you the spots were not a vision problem? Sounds to me like you really WANT to be haunted.
mysterPOO (63 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
i agree too with nysa and xXelliemayXx. Could you please explain more detaily about the 'blackness"and your feelings towards it.anyway,thanks for sharing the story. But if the blackness keeps bothering you, do please consult a optician. Maybe it could be your vision which is not right. Do your parents know about your prob? Hope you will reply soon. 😊
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
Don't be too hard on Nysa... She is just trying to help and sometimes we ask questions to rule out other possibilities.

The questions we ask are for a reason... To help you with your experience and ruling out that it wasn't your eyes playing tricks on you or an eye problem of any kind... We now know that there is definatley something going on.

Would you please describe what the "blackness" looked like? Did it have any shape? And I think what she means by asking you describe how you were scared is for you to explain... Were you very scared... Did you feel an overwelming sense of dread? Did you feel like the air was thick and heavy? Or did you just feel threatened by it?
Any exttra info always helps hunny 😊

Thanks for sharing

P.s. Nysa I hope I got the gist of what you were getting at right 😉
SpiritKid (3 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
I have 20-20 vision and my eyes have gotten tested and there is nothing wrong with them:/
Nysa (4 stories) (685 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-23)
Well first off why were you so scared of the cat? Obviously seeing a cat where no cat really is will freak you out. But you stress that you weren't just scared, but "really scared." Can you put into words why that was extremely scary for you? Secondly, you describe two times the "blackness" was very clear to you did it have a distinguishable shape? Lastly have you discussed this with an optician? Seriously because black blobs that come & go in your vision can be a physical eye issue.

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