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The Man In The Flannel Shirt


I'm 18 years old now, and for the past few months I've had this one man appear in my bedroom. I don't know exactly what he is. I heard from some people that this man might be my spirit guide due to the fact that whenever I see him I don't feel afraid.

I had this experience a few weeks ago which made me really start to wonder who he was. I was lying in my bed and had just woken up, it was probably around 9 am. I rolled over onto my back and noticed something weird. There is a gap between my dresser and bookcase where we used to have a small coffee table, but that is gone now. I saw a young man sitting in the gap. His age, my guess, would be probably be in his mid-to-late 20s. He had medium length straggly brown hair and was wearing a flannel shirt. His style looked grunge. I've nicknamed him Kurt because after I told my sister about him she said he sounded like he looked like Kurt Cobain, which he kind of did style wise.

He had his legs stretched out before him and was leaning forward onto his knees. He was staring forward in the direction of my bookcase. I did the classic thing of opening and closing my eyes a few times to make sure I wasn't imagining things, but as I did this he didn't disappear. I remember not feeling afraid at all, and I'm the kind of person who is TERRIFIED of the idea of ghosts. I felt completely relaxed. After a few minutes he was gone.

It's hard for me to describe what he looked like. He didn't look like a real living person, but he wasn't transparent or anything like that. He just looked strange. I've seen him once before standing by my bedroom door, but this was only a really quick thing. I just looked up from waking and saw him just standing there. He quickly vanished.

I've also had experiences where I've been sleeping and heard a man's voice shouting in my head. It always wakes me up and I feel weird afterwards. Sometimes it will be just screams, or maybe my name or something like that.

I was just curious as to whether anyone else has had a similar experience and could maybe help me understand what exactly he is. He has never, ever made me feel afraid and never interacts with me. He just stares blankly in a different direction.

Any ideas?

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, charlottetybalt, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Jla (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-31)
First of all I can't believe that I came across your post. I googled ghost in flannel shirt and read the same description of a young man that my mother and I have encountered 23 years ago. My brother and I were just kids and we were in the basement playing video games. Then out of nowhere this man walked past us from behind. My brother had no clue that someone else was in the room. What I found peculiar was that he seemed to have walked from the sliding door to the other sliding door that was across the room. I never heard the doors slide open or closed. I ran into the garage and asked my father if he had a visitor, and he said no. Then I asked my mother who was cooking in the kitchen if she had anyone over. I explained to my parents what I saw but neither of them seemed too concerned. So I let it go. Not sure how long after my mother also saw him in the basement. She was doing laundry. She saw this man walking toward the sliding door, she didn't think anything of it since my dad is usually working around the house and sometimes has a helper. She said hello to him, he stopped and slightly turned his head toward her. She put the laundry basket down and when she looked back up he was gone. This man looked like he was in his mid to late twenties. He was tall with a medium muscular build, had a red flannel shirt, quarteroid pants, work boots and his hair was wavy brown and the length just above his shoulders. He kind of looked like a lumber jack. Every so often my mother and I talk about the man in the flannel shirt and just wonder what in the world we saw.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)
Shanksh Puff, wah ever that wash, it wash delish, I'm off to beddy-byesh, ash promished! Nighty night! 😊 ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)
Puff, I have never had a 'Cosmopolitan', but I will be brave! Make mine a double, please. I don't like anything tooo strong, I think my breath is strong enough.
Shall we have the skirl of bagpipes for a minute or two?
I still like the look & sound of scotch!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)

I think our on board bartender knows how to make a Cosmopolitan... Or do you prefer something a wee bit stronger? 😉

Puff Bayram
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)
Hey there, may little old ladies 'crash' the party too? Just for a little while, I promise! Just for ONE drinky-poo? It is almost my bed time!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)
The Bus!? Hey! You know you're going to need tunes for this ride, and I haven't written in a while.
What do you say Puff? Think we need a special theme song to crash this party? I think SGN's tour needs a howler myself. Something brand new. I'll be right there!

Jerry Noble 😁
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-25)

The bar is on the first deck, just past the dance area. Just be careful near the right side rear wheel well...we've built in a special exit. 🤔

Tickets from the 'Tour' are free this trip as we are going to 'crash' their 'party'. 😲

All aboard! The Bus is running and will be leaving the station soon.

Puff Bayram
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-24)
Puff Bayram - As of right now, I have a hangover due to an exciting Saturday night. Where is the bar?
Argette (guest)
12 years ago (2012-03-24)
Ooh, a Simply Ghost Nights Tour! Can't wait. How exciting. Where do I buy my ticket?
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-24)
DJ Fred sounds like a blast. Huge J Garcia fan here...
I considering starting my own Ouija Board patrol company. For a small fee, me and my team will come out and do a proper dispose of your house Ouija.
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-24)
>:] ahaha 😉 I'm going to say what I want. Offensive or not, it's my opinion. I won't judge you as long as you don't judge me. Well, maybe.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Come on nyu!...Jump on the bus with us!...Drinks all around, and don't forget your swimsuit for the hottub on the roof... The Miss Demeanor is the most awsome-est bus in the world, and Rook said he's go'nna take us on a Simply Ghost Nights tour 😆...WOO HOO...Now, where are those Aussies? 😕
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)

Are you going to get a serious about this or are you getting on the Bus?

Puff Bayram...
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
I'm christian too mister:p and I didn't imply that since it was merely a joke. Ya'll need to lighten up! We aren't dead yet.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
charlotte: I like Moongrim's idea... How long have you lived in your current home?...Could this be a former tenent?...Again, that goes along with Moonie's suggestion... Maybe ask the neighbors a few questions...

And when you're through with the neighbors, come along and jump on the Miss Demeanor with the rest of us loonies 😆...

Rook, I was thinking yesterday, we need a new adventure!...Pamiga and Skittles have been way too quiet, and I could use a good bubbly hot tub soak on the roof 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Rook - bless your heart. That's exactly what we needed after the last couple of days. Thank you ❤
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)

I'm a Christian... And I don't run around 'crushing' Ouija Board suggestions... I recommend Knowledge, Protectives and to Never Ever Treat it as a GAME. But I do not SCREAM 'EVIL' every time the word gets mentioned.



Having said that and running the risk of being chased by the 'Fun Police'...

"This is you Conductor and Driver Puff Bayram... ALL ABOARD THE MISS DEMEMNOR! Tonight's tour takes us to the Bijou Theater where we will take in a Witch Board / Blair Witch Project Double Feature before heading out to points unknown for a Ghost Hunt of EPIC Proportions, I've heard rumor Simply Ghost Nights Loves the Location. So come on along, The Gas Tank is Full, the Bar is Stocked and DJ Dead Head Fred will be spinning your favorite Spooky Tunes. So ALL ABOARD. The Ride Starts Now!

(Sorry for the hijack...)

Puff Bayram
ngute80 (220 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Miracles-LOL how funny! I think sooner or later he will understand how we "roll" on here:-)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
ngute80 - 😆 we must have had the same thoughts at the same time LOL. I just talk more 😉
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
nyuboom - obviously you haven't been around here very long or you would have noticed a couple of things:

1. Sometimes the joking overtake the stories and the fun police step in.
2. Religion isn't something that is taken as a joke.

I think we've already covered the Ouija board, so I won't mention it again.
ngute80 (220 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Thank you Miracles for adding that.
-nyuboom- we joke around on here all the time, but not in ways that might offend others, and their religious preference.
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
I guess this site isn't for joking either ^_^ I'll keep that in mind too!
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Thanks, Miracles.
I'd like to point out that just because someone thinks using a Ouija board is a bad idea, it doesn't mean they are a Christian.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
nyuboom - just another heads up, stay away from saying things like "must be the christians" because that's one more way of really ticking people off.
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Well jeez, saying Ouija board is like saying Voldemort in Harry Potter around here.
ngute80 (220 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Its probably because you told her to use the ouija board. Most of us on here think using the ouija board is a stupid idea unless you really know what your doing.
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
I don't get why people are against what I said. Must be the christians.
Casper_the_ghost (9 stories) (180 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Thats an interesting piece of advice Moongrim gave you on investigating what this character was staring at-might give some indication on who he is or what he wants from you? Now you said he looks strange, can you explain this more? If it is Mr. Cobain, prehaps he's trying to come up with lyrics for his next song to the angels! 😐
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
Make a sketch. See if the locals recognise him. I don't suppose you've checked to see what or where he was staring at? May be important.
nyuboom (1 stories) (28 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-23)
This man must be someone who has lived in your house previously, try looking up the history of the area and see who has died. I do promote using Ouija since, well, I have used it plenty of times and nothing bad has happened. I think if you can be relaxed and calm while using it with a friend then maybe you can get the ghost's attention and get the answers you seek.

If you do end up using the ouija board to get answers, make sure not to give away things, like "are you the man in the flannel skirt". Because some ghosts like to lie and make you believe things that aren't true. Ask questions like "how old are you" "what are you wearing?" To get the correct and honest answers.

:]] I hope I helped.

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