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A Visiting Shadow


When I was about 9 (I am 14 now), I used to play by myself alone. Both my parents had jobs so I would be left with a baby sitter. She used to tell me spooky stories that got me goosebumps.

But one night while I was alone in my room I saw this shadow, it wasn't mine for sure. But I ignored it. But then suddenly I saw the shadow waving at me! I thought it was probably my little sister pulling pranks on me until one night when she was sitting next to me watching T.V. The shadow came back again. Well my sister couldn't do it since she was right next to me.

When I asked her "Do you see that shadow" She said: "What shadow?!?" Then the shadow did not come back for probably a month. Until one night I woke up at 3:00 am for a glass of water, I noticed my windows were open so I went and closed them. Then suddenly I heard a whisper "Remember me?" I was really freaked out and when I turned back to have a look I saw that shadow again. I tried ignoring but I couldn't and then suddenly my jar, which contained water in it, broke.

It was in the middle of the table, I was the only one in the room so no one could have pushed it! Then suddenly I heard a voice singing! The shadow kept on singing "Remember me?!?"

Please I need help I don't know why this shadow is after me. He keeps coming in my dreams once a week and and sings, this is very creepy. I don't want to tell anyone else because they will just think that I am going mad (which for I am not) and when I heard about this website I wanted to share this experience please I really need some help!

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ghostboy3131, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-25)
francyne - as you've been told repeatedly, if you don't like the way we do things, take it up with admin. And when you become a mod, you can make decisions you feel necessary to keep the site running as smoothly as possible and try to prevent flights of fancy from turning into reality.

I'd rather piss off every member we have than encourage a kid's claims that he is a member of a long line of monster killers.

We don't need your approval nor your permission to do our jobs. It's been obvious from your first comment that you have an issue with us. Please feel free to find a site were you agree with every decision that is made.

And before you think you're going to turn this into something it isn't, I will delete any comments I feel are disrespectful to anyone.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-25)
Hi Francyne,

Rook is spot on. If you read between the lines of all the comments to Mazahir you will see everyone has been respectful and open minded.
The bus is highly amusing but as far as I'm concerned Mazahir seems like a nice guy. As long as he keeps it real there's no harm done.

I've only been here since the start of the year and only recently did I encounter the bus. (I was so confused when I first read Rook yell something about a 'BUS' to one of the mods. Then had a right old chuckle at what later followed!) But that bus ride, if you go back and read, was totally called for! As the man was acting creepy towards Miracles.

As for this kind of thing getting out of hand if people here don't stop to question when something feels off this site will quickly fill with comments like:

Ripped_Abz says: yo 1time me an ma posse woz in daa woodz rite an so we izz jus chillin out ma m8 Daz woz jus standin dar an we seen bigfoot. Wutup kthnxbi

Cyb0r3Blonde says: hey qt u' so brave asl?

That's the calibre of crap we can look forward to if things don't get get nipped in the bud.

(LOL the site won't let me use 'txt' talk. Had to 'cheat it' to get it through. Well that just says it all!) 😆
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-25)

You concerns are valid and yet here we are commenting on an experience from 3 years ago... And until 2 days ago the 'newest' comment was from 11 months ago... And its offering advice to a 'possible' 15 year old individual to stay grounded in reality, letting them know this is NOT a sight for fan fiction and truly hoping that this individual does not really believe that his life is really like that of a popular TV Show.

Coming from a family of sensitives that use their gifts to help others is one thing. To come from a 'long line' of 'monster hunters' is another.

And while the Miss Demeanor may not be the most mature way of handling things, breaking out the 'bus' is sometimes the only thing that allows individuals to vent theire frustration due to an individual who truly does not follow, or even try to follow, the posting guidlines.

I will 'put the bus up' if mazahir does not post fan fiction or offer advice based on a TV show... Heck I've already told mazahir thanks for teaching me something about the Islamic religion and the use of a certian talisman. This is a wait and watch situation...


francyne1031 (49 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-25)
Why is every adult attacking a 15 year old kid? The whole "bus" thing you guys all do is extremely mature also. So it's very ironic, since it's all adults jumping on it. Have to say it's also funny how for certain group on this site this comment guideline goes straight out your "buses" window... We don't mind getting the skeptic's point of view, as long as you are respectful and tolerant.

This happens time and time again. It's really quiet sad. There are a different set of rules the that this group holds itself too. More and older posters are supposed to set an example... Geez guys. This happens over and over again. Just done with seeing it. If you have nothing to say that's for the benefit of the OP then don't clog up the comment section with this crap. It's getting out of hand.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
mazahir took down his Face Book account from his profile. Doesn't he know that all we have to do is go to our own F.B. Accounts and look him up to get to his profile? But why would we bother?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
I would watch the show Paranormal State if there was nothing else to watch.
The show did a second taping of a supposed haunted bar in Smithtown Long Island. They stayed at a hotel not too far from my house. They had told people if they wanted to go to meet them at the hotel to be there at a certain time. My daughter wanted to go and asked me to come along.
We met my sister and her daughter there. The first person from the show was Chip Coffey and I spoke to him for a few minutes. He is their Psychic/Medium and he looked bored but he could have just been tired or hung over because they had a party after taping. But as easy it is for me to read people I got nothing not even a sense of him being psychic. Again he may have been tired or had his guard up. I said hello to a few of the other cast members and sat down with Serge a cast member and we were telling him stories about the house I grew up in and my sister still lived in. My daughter said mom tell him about the ghost that locked you in the basement. I believe I wrote a story about this on here but I will tell it again for those who haven't read it. We had a ghost in the basement, he would never materialize but you knew he was there and he didn't like me. One night I went into the basement to do laundry and as I was walking up the stairs and could feel him behind me. When I got to the top of the stairs I couldn't open the door even though there was no lock on the door knob. I slammed my body against the cheap ply wood of the door and it felt like I was hitting a brick wall. I was getting really scared because I could feel the ghost getting closer. All I said was oh dear God please help me and the door opened easily. My sister and her friend were in the house when I went downstairs and they were playing a joke on me by leaning against the door but even if they had when I slammed my body against the door something would have given and I would have heard them laughing. When the door opened they weren't even in the house, they couldn't have ran away from the door and gotten outside by the time the door opened. I told them what had just occurred and they didn't even want to go back into the house.
Serge listened to my story and other stories about the house before my story. Serge jumped up and grabbed my hand and brought me to Ryan who was talking to a producer and told Ryan he HAD to hear my story. Ryan was so hung over all he could say is that's some scary stuff. LOL They didn't ask my sister if she wanted to have the house investigated since her stories weren't as believable and I no longer lived there and she didn't have the experiences I did so I guess it wasn't worth their time.
Sorry this was so long but I wanted to comment on Rooks statement about sticking to the "possibly fake" ghost hunting shows. This particular show is no longer running because Ryan had some sort of cancer. Hopefully he is recovered but I doubt the show will resume.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
I have an 'issue' with the show 'Medium' as well as 'The Ghost Whisperer' and it's this...

I know the 'true' story behind the real life insperation for both shows... And it makes me 'sick' to see what they have been 'morphed' into. I'll stick with the (possibly faked) Ghost Hunting shows at least they are not warping someones real life.


Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Horah, the bus has arrived!

Miracles I avoided Medium like the plague for years! Until I was around at my Mum's place and had to 'sit through it' with her one night. Well after that I was HOOKED. It was NOTHING like I thought it would be. I apologised to Mum who'd been recommending it to me for years!
I've probably only seen about 10 eps spread over a couple of years. But it's a show on my 'things to finally watch one day' list. 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
rook - thank you for being able to wade through my comment and understand what I was trying to get across. Sometimes less is more, but I've never mastered the art of not talking too much 😆

Keep the bus idling. We'll be able to board soon 😉
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)

Your point being 'Don't lift story lines from TV Shows or Movies and try to pass them off as your 'real life' experiences.

The Bus is ready and waiting... We have munchies, drinks, music and it seems the Troll Patrol Plus some are ready to 'screen' anything that gets published.

(DJ and Driver of the Missdemeanor Fires up the sound system... Aldo Nova can be heard vibrating down the Block as he climbs inot the drives seat ready to roll if needed...)

"City nights, summer breeze makes you feel alright
Neon lights, shining brightly make your brain ignite
See the girls with the dresses so tight
Give you love if the price is right
Black or white, in the streets there's no wrong and no right, no

Outta site, buy your kicks from the man in the white
Feels alright, powder pleasure in your nose tonight
See the men paint their faces and cry
Like some girl it makes you wonder why
City life, sure is cool but it cuts like a knife, it's your life

So forget all that you see
It's not reality
It's just a fantasy

Can't you see what this crazy life is doing to me
Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life
Life is just a fantasy, can you live this fantasy life"


Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Tweed - I was a huge fan of Medium and was thrilled when I realized Allison Dubois was a real woman that they based the show on. But like you, I knew there was no way all the episodes could be completely 100% real-life experiences. There has to be fluff added in order to keep audiences interested.

My son and I were watching Animal Planet Haunted one afternoon and the music became all spooky. My son asked me why it was so scary (he was only about 8 at the time). I told him it was like our home. Our housemates are not scary and don't make us afraid to be in our home. But if there was mood music when telling someone some of the things that have gone on, it could make it a bit scary. I muted the TV and put it on closed caption. He was able to realize that without the mood music, it wasn't scary at all.

Not sure what my point is there, but I'm sure somewhere I have one 😆
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Mazahir, it's cool you like Dean and Supernatural. We're just pretty perplexed by the similarities to your life and that you draw attention to these similarities. I'd be weirded out if I had a show close to my life. But I wouldn't think to talk about it, unless it came up.
Like Miracles said it'd be good to read a story from you. Or perhaps hear more about your family business.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Miracles I used to watch Medium and assumed the writers probably based some of the story lines on fact. Or pieces of fact blended with fiction. Even though Medium is based on a real woman, and her family, we must assume that 90%, possibly higher, of these kinds of shows are complete fiction. Otherwise there would be no show. Or, if completely factual, the show would end in like 1 episode, be boring, and no one would watch it!
I can imagine that the writers of Supernatural would turn to fact based sources for inspiration. Then build on these ideas to create an exciting show.
Lol Chopping vampires heads off, that'll teach 'em!
mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Hi! I know Dean is played by Jensen Ackles as I am a fan of the show. My life is similar to the show so that's why I'm a fan of it.
Secondly, I don't give advices on experiences which are related to the show for example like the chopping the head of a vampire. I give some advices which are correct.
Did you see my advice on this experience of the author? And I said he can easily contact me, its because we are from the same country and most probably from the same city.
Plus, I am a huge fan of Dean Winchester, and if you want to call me Dean wannabe, so call it, because I have a brother younger than me. And the similar from the show and in my life is that we have this family business and I have a younger brother.:)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Tweed - you've beaten me to it 😉 I was going to explain the same thing to our Dean wannabe. I am a fan of Supernatural, and I can say this with confidence, if Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki come across something paranormal in their lives, they're not going to go to a cemetery, dig up the bones, pour salt on them and burn them. Or if they come across what they think might be a vampire, they're not going to chop that person's head off.

I fear the advice our Dean wannabe will be giving will be based on the show. As you said, it is a TV show. And even though I do think sometimes the producers, writers, etc base some of the script on their personal lives, I don't believe any of them are/were hunters.

Again, a caution to all of our members. Read profiles, f/b pages if provided, other comments from the one giving advice and their stories if they have any. Don't just base your belief in someone's advice if they've based it on a TV show.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)

I couldn't find your FB link for some reason so I don't know what the other posters are referring to, other than the 'Dean' name.
Going by a few comments it seems like you've annoyed a few Supernatural fans. I took a minute to look up Supernatural and I would like to add to what RedWolf has said.

You must understand that Dean Winchester is not real. You have indicated you understand this, and I'm very relieved!
As I've never watched the show I had to look this up: According to the internet Dean Winchester is played by a dude called Jensen Ackles.
This Jensen dude is just some random guy who was lucky enough to get the part of Dean and make a career for himself as an actor. Jensen was chosen from possibly hundreds of other random guys for the part. It could have just as likely gone to some other dude.
Whichever actor got the part of Dean, in this case it's Jensen, the outcome is pretty similar:
When Dean's actor Jensen leaves the studio after a day of filming he probably goes home. From here he'll walk his dog, play with his kids, call up his Mum. Or maybe he frolics with supermodels, I really don't know.
The point is he's just some random guy out there living his life and not really a super hero ghost hunter.
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Ok, I'll bite - exactly how is your life like that TV show Supernatural? And what exactly is it you hunt?
mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Hey there guys. My name on FB is Dean Winchester because I am a fan of Supernatural and Dean's my fav character but to tell the truth my life is alike from Supernatural so that's why I'm obsessed with the show.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-24)
Hey everyone hold that bus for me!
Mazahir_winchester whenever somebody on this site makes the claims you are making to be the truth really realy the truth we tend NOT to believe them. Especially when they use the name of a television character. Claims to do what they do in the show and it is the "family business" as it is in the show which by the way the show is NOT based on TRUTH it is based on the writers imagination. So no we do NOT believe you do what they do as they are ACTORS acting out a SCRIPT.
Okay that being said I have to go pick up Slimer and my and 3 other ghost/demon catching devices for anyone else who wants one and I'll be right there to catch that bus.
Oy my head never felt like exploding over a posters fantasy, but there is a first for everything.
P.S. I'll also stop by the liquor store and bring an assortment of booze for the ride.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Ah the disadvange of being at work and NOT being able to visit all relavent sites for more information.

The one piece of advice he has offered, while on an older experience, was not a bad suggestion... But I have rolled up my pants and put on my waders cause it seems to be getting a wee bit 'DEEP' arounf here.



P.S. I will check the FB page once I have a chance at home...

(Too much the Magic Bus... Too Much the Magic Bus)
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Lady-glow - I'm right there with you, Tweed, BJJ, Rook and whomever I missed. Considering he also is calling himself Dean Winchester on his f/b page, it would be very hard to believe him. I do hope none of our members are taking anything he says as truth.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Mazahir: with the due respect but after checking your Facebook account the only way I can picture you and your brother "fighting ghosts and other supernatural monsters" is using marbles and rattles for weapons and, perhaps, the dirty diapers you both just stopped wearing. 😐

I am ready to ride the bus!
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)

Puff Bayram (the Bus Driver himself) has informed me that the Bus is warmed up and ready, even better, permission has been granted should she be needed, so no worries there.

Heck Puff was prepared to drive her anyway but BJJ arrived before they cleared the garage. 😉


mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Hi there, Tweed!:)
I know no one here is into fantasy. The things that I was saying are true. By a very rare coincidence, my life and the Supernatural show are kind of alike. The family business is common, the brother thing is common.
So I hope you do believe in coincidences and believe that I am not making it up, or making my life a fantasy.:)
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
I was kind of hoping the bus would stop by and it's probably selfish of me to be a bit disappointed. Then I read a bit more and now I'm concerned so I'm speaking up.

Mazahir, I do *kind of* get where you're coming from with coincidence. But I have to say fiction is fiction and no one around here is into fantasy.
I'm actually a bit concerned about your perception of reality.
I've never watched the show Supernatural but I must have seen the commercials enough over the years to understand that it's about two brothers who fight ghost butt or something along those lines.
So I was taken aback by your profile.

I was, still am, a huge fan of shows like Dexter, Sopranos, Twin Peaks, Marchlands. But I in no way would ever want my life to be anywhere near to these shows.
If you are clinging to fantasy to fill your life with meaning, you need to give yourself meaning. You will find meaning in thought, education, people, animals, nature, hobbies, interests, passions.
Fiction is there to add to ones life, not to become it.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)

I mean no offense when I say this... Only time will tell... But I do welcome you to YGS.

Please feel free to post any experiences you have had as well as offer advise to others... But remember... People from ALL OVER the world post their experiences here and while we may be FIRM in our belief's they are not everyone else's so please DO NOT offer your opinion or advice as the ABSOLUTE TRUTH... Just give your opinion based on your own experiences.

Have a nice day.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)

If you look to the right -------->

Just above the comments 'list' you will find a link for the APP... Hope that works for you.


mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Rookdygin, thanks for accepting and believing me:) And yeah I'll often post helps on recent cases.
PS: Does this website have an app on android phones?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
If that is truely the case mazahir, then WELCOME TO YGS... But the best way to help individuals is to choose more recent experiences to offer advice on.

As you can see the MODS and other members (like myself) here are VERY protective the this sites reputation for hosting 'TRUE Paranormal Experiences' and Honest offers of Aid and Advice and Analysis and we do not hesitate to defend it.

So 'Forward the Buffs' as it were...


mazahir_winchester (1 stories) (14 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-23)
Nope this is not what I said about how the paranormal works is totally correct from the show. Well I'm not even here to kill monsters and all. I'm here to give advices so that people may stay safe.:)

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