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During my career as an amateur researcher of the paranormal I came across various types of manifestations. However, I have never written about a type that I have come across a few times. It may have a name but at least I am not aware of it. So I have named it as "Shynil" simply because of it's extreme aversion to get detected

The type represents evil all right and often makes an appearance as an ordinary person performing some minor innocent act. The damage it can cause is mostly minor. But sometimes it's actions simply do not make sense. Perhaps it is used by the higher level of evil to fix something that has gone wrong in the wider scheme of things or it simply operates on its own and enjoys causing a few deaths.

One example I can narrate to explain "Shynil". There is a large book store in city connected with an equally big music/video chain. When I went there for purchasing some books, elevator had a board "work in progress". I started to climb the stairs and near the 3rd floor I spotted a person meddling with the open lift. The aura of evil was so faint that had I not gone near him out of sheer curiosity, I would not even had spotted it. When I asked him who he was, he drew out the company card and stamped visit card for maintenance window. But by then I had realized the danger. I kept my hand on it's shoulder. Instead of shoulder bone I could feel a soft jelly like vibrating material underneath. Before I could move, he had almost galloped through the stairs in a quite different way than the humans do. I called the maintenance. They said they had received a complaint but had not sent anyone to fix it yet. So what this creature was up to is anybody's guess...

There have been other instances where I have come across "Shynil" but I will turn back to my main narration. During this incident I had almost given up possibility of any supernatural involvement.

My friend Vinod runs a technical training institute which undertakes corporate trainings in areas related to test automation. Competition is a challenge and Vinod is known to think of various avenues to keep his costs competitive. We are good friends but as our careers progressed, meetings/calls started to reduce. Last I had spoken to him was easily a year back.

One day Vinod's subject came up by sheer coincidence. For lunch, I happened to be sitting on the same table as Aziz who works for the training department of my organization. He mentioned scarcity of trainers for a certain test tool. I asked him about Vinod's institute. To my surprise Aziz said they were out of business for quite sometime. I called Vinod's cell in the evening. It kept ringing. While returning back I went to his institute only to find it locked. I decided to visit his home over the weekend.

What I came across was a big shock. His father and mother both who had grand plans for his marriage looked crushed. Vinod himself was lying in his room, had lost more than 30-35 lb and he was looking almost like a skeleton. He recognized me and smiled a weak smile. I offered him some coconut water. He took a few sips, tried to get up but could not, and then went to sleep in a minute. I then spoke with his parents to get the whole story.

Around 6 months back Vinod came home with burning fever. They took him to the family doctor who gave antibiotics course, Vinod was better after it and was back to the institute, took couple of corporate courses in Pune himself. But one day, once more he was down with the fever. He had to be hospitalized for a week. Without Vinod's enterprise and zeal the institute had started to slip. Against his parent's advice Vinod went back to work, and back he was down with a fever.

This time the bout was serious. There was whole range of tests, hospitalizations but no improvement was seen. Around 2 months had lapsed. Vinod paid off the staff and decided to close the institute for a while rather than losing the reputation completely. After that he went to his office once when he felt slightly better to collect his stuff and came back burning with fever. Surprisingly none of the tests showed anything wrong. Every diagnosis showed him to be in perfect health but the fever remained, draining him out day by day.

What hurt me most was the sense of defeat in Vinod's face. But I could think of nothing except some unknown viral. It was only when we were saying good-bye, his mother dragged me by my sleeve near her and said neither Vinod nor his father would believe in these things but she was convinced that someone was putting evil spells on him. She begged me to help her. I was not sure if in this case I could be of any help. But I asked for the institute keys...

I had no clue what to do so tried to check if any inauspicious object was hidden anywhere in Vinod's office and couple of classrooms. Everything was clean. Vinod's laptop was in a laptop bag. Out of curiosity I called his home for the administrator password. This was the last thing he had used before leaving his office for the last time. I really had no hopes. But before accepting the defeat I decided to take the laptop home and take a look.

I logged in as administrator as Vinod use to do and searched the drives for files for typical words that are used in "chants" designed to make humans ill. There was nothing. As a final try I clicked on the CD drive. There was a DVD which was recorded in one of the institute classrooms. Though I did not understand the subject technically, I grasped the concept of recording after speaking with Vinod.

It was not always affordable to travel at various locations to conduct the same course. For customers it costs too much and for Vinod also it was hectic. So the arrangement was, Vinod will conduct an open course with discount in his institute, shoot it and after editing will send the DVD back to the customers for a one time payment. It can then be uploaded as an online training site or shipped to the other locations.

By this time I had given up hope of finding something using my analytical skills so I completed my Sadhana and with full concentration begged to get some direction. Surprisingly my inner conscious pointed me toward the laptop bag. I went through all the drawers found numerous boarding passes, train tickets, forgotten entry passes of various IT companies, a note book that was blank. I was about keep everything back, cursing my instinct when I found a small receipt. It was from the professional training recorder who had shot the latest DVDs. It contained part 1 and 2 of the training, first one was 90 minutes and the other one was 90 minutes 30 seconds.

I started the laptop and started the first part. It was 90 minutes exactly. I then looked at the second part which was to my surprise only 88 minutes. I called Vinod's home. His father asked him and confirmed that he had not edited anything. In fact this was the DVD he was editing when he had felt feverish and had to rush home. I knew I was on to something now.

The mystery existed somewhere in the second part. So the next night I decided to go through the 2nd part again and again. It was a painful exercise. Around 2.30 minutes part was cut somewhere without even Vinod knowing. Why and by whom was the question.

I went through the part-2 twice but could not find anything out of context. During the 3rd and 4th time I was familiar with the contents so I could relate to the flow. How Vinod was teaching, what he was covering, how students were asking questions and Vinod's way of clearing doubts. The camera was always focusing Vinod and the whiteboard or moved towards the student who had asked the question... When the camera moved towards that particular student, few others sitting around him/her were visible. In such cases the camera moved between Vinod and the student until the query was resolved. So there was a pattern to this training. My hopes rose because now I was in familiar territory. If a pattern is broken I will get my answer. But still it was not easy.

I ran the first part for 2 minutes and as expected it covered the entire class room. It was simple room which could accommodate 50 odd students with desktops and around 45 were occupied. I jumped ahead and moved to the first tea break session and could see 47 students So the couple had come in late. But it not was difficult to tell who they were and I remembered their faces just in case I need to recall later.

I went back to the second part and started it again and I hit what I was looking for on 22nd Minute. A student had asked a question about whether the tool will run on certain version of one of the popular UNIX flavors. The answer had to be yes. Even I could understand that. But immediately after this question, the camera was focused back on Vinod who was saying "Yes". But he was looking doubtful and hesitant. What was more strange is the direction where he was answering was back side of the right wing and the UNIX question had come the from left side. So there was something wrong here for sure. First of all I could find no reason why Vinod would hesitate to answer such a simple question and why would he look on the other side? So he was answering a completely different question for sure and this is what accounted for 2 + minutes cut.

I then switched back to the first part post break and focused on the right back wing waiting for any questions that was coming from that direction. And the luck was with me. In 2-3 minute a student asked something. But my eyes spotted the chap next to him. He had come late, there was something weird about him, his looks, his dress, his body, his posture were normal but his eyes were not. They were looking straight but without an ounce of interest or boredom. In fact they were vacant as if they were staring in completely different zone and nothing was getting registered.

"Shynil" somewhere the word exploded in my mind, So it had penetrated this class without blinking an eye and was least bothered about what was going on. Now I was more or less convinced that this apparition had asked that second question in the 2nd part or perhaps echoed what it's masters had told it to say.

It was not capable of showing expressions and as it's basic tenancy he had aversion for detection. So after the training was over, using his limited powers he somehow wiped out the 2 + minutes as logically as he could but later realized he may still get detected. By the time the DVD was out of it's power zone and Vinod's office held a large collection of images of various deities which Shynil would not dare to enter.

So he was trying to stop Vinod using the only technique he knew. To slowly move him towards death. The thing was not powerful enough to kill on the spot but knew how to make best use of limited powers it had got. I knew this category not to very be cruel but selfish. Once it's purpose is achieved it will stop harming. And that was avoiding any possibility of detection. I knew I will never come to know why he had asked that question or who told him to ask it or what was the final plan. But I was not bothered. I wanted to save my friend.

I wanted to get to the bottom of this though and looking at Vinod's current state there was only one way. I took his mother in confidence and visited him early next day. He was paler and the fever still raged at 103. I softly turned him to my side and put him under very light hypnosis.

I slowly took him back to the day of the training and moved ahead I asked about the operating system question. As expected he waved is hand and said it was a rather foolish question. Of course it will work. I then held my breath and asked the next question very softly. "What happened then Vinod?".

There was a very tense moment. Vinod was a normal human being. But everyone has an instinct stored from thousands of year of history of enemy that attacks the soul and can drag it into darkness for ever. Layers of generations of safety has buried it deep but at least a very feeble alert is generated and Vinod must have felt it too. I softly tapped his forehead and waited. He said "There was him in the corner, had not seen him, he asked "The software still cannot cater to a certain condition. I have written an open source plug in. Can I distribute to all if you give me the email ids"."I was uneasy don't know why but I said yes and moved on".

Mild hypnosis results in a deep sleep. I knew he was safe and I knew what to do. But at the same time I was curious about something. I kept the DVD with me the whole day. Towards the noon I was feverish but it did not worry me. The focus had shifted from Vinod to me and it was exactly what I wanted. Just before the twilight I drove towards a secluded place out of the city near the river. I reached an old unused cemetery. No, I did not want to make things more mysterious but desperately wanted to check something.

Then alone in the fading light I pulled the DVD out. I then put few drops of very auspicious oil on to it and immediately had an expected reaction. Something dropped off the near by tree. Almost few feet away from me. One look at each other was sufficient. It was a dim existence and did not differentiate me from Vinod in terms of strength. The location suited his powers.

Darkness and cemetery. So perhaps it became overconfident. I could feel the fever surging. I could have fought that too but I have been taught not to take up the battles that are not necessary. I pulled out a matchbox and burned the DVD. This too must have been a shock to that existence. But it's work was done. There was no proof. It was safe now. It slowly retreated and disappeared.

I do not want to describe it. These existences even in their original form do not have a structure that can be described. It went it's way and I went mine. I was smiling. It will dawn upon it after sometime that a human being had seen it in it's original form. The agony and humiliation it will suffer after that will be the revenge for what Vinod suffered. But it won't attack me. The jolt of the holy oil and complete lack of fear in me must have penetrated even it's slow brain not to try anything else. And I was happy to have become one of the few on this earth who managed to see "Shynil" in it's real form.

Needless to say with the DVD out of the way, Vinod recovered very fast. While he gained strength I once thought of going to his office and find out name and other details of the "Student". But I knew everything would be in order but fake. There was not much point. I got on with my life.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, mangadanga, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Vikram: I've already been in contact with Martin (site admin) so maybe, if you hurry, you should e-mail him directly and apologize to him. Any further noncompliance with the Comments Guidelines will result in immediate banishment. I'll accept your apology but I won't apologize for doing my job as a Moderator of this site.

Please do yourself a favor and re-read the Comments Guidelines.

Vikram (14 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
zzsgranny, I apologize for being rude and mean to you. While it was not my intention, I did so out of anger. I am sorry. I take back my words. Please don't think I am apologizing to you to avoid "PERMANENT BAN". I am apologizing to you because I feel bad about have said, what I said. There were certain actions which could have been avoided from both ends but I am responsible only for my actions.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Vikram: Just so you know, the site administrator can see every deleted comment. All it will take for me to have you permanently banned is 1 simple e-mail.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-03-02)
Vikram: I deleted your comments and even though I really don't have to explain myself for doing so, I will. Mind your manners.

This comment from Vikram is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-02-24)
Vikram - I'm the only mod who commented on this story, and in no way did I indicate I was taking a stand either way. And just because you validate him, doesn't mean anything. We, or at least I, don't know you so your statement means absolutely nothing to me. Maybe you should read the comments again. Most of the comments were directed to a former member called Haunter.
Vikram (14 posts)
9 years ago (2016-02-24)
It appears that well experiences Mods/Members are taking a stand which is slightly inclined towards non believing of the story. Some indicated that the author has complicated the story more than required. Respectfully, I would say that the story as explained was very well explained. The author is inactive on the site, but he is not a person who would copy stuff from elsewhere are write it up here.

"The Author lives in India and works for a software giant while dabbling in poetry and paranormal research in his spare time. His non-fiction has appeared on various websites dedicated to occult research. Winner of the FANPOP human rights poetry contest in 2009-10, his work is forthcoming in Thieves Jargon."
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
Mangadanga has been inactive for 3 years.
RedWolf, I'll add some clarification to help out.

Mangadanga's term "Shynil," is a portmanteau word (see Humpty Dumpty's explanation of 'Jabberwocky' in Lewis Carroll's "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"), formed from "Shy" -wishing to be unnoticed- and "Nil" -from Latin "Nihil" meaning "Zero" or "Nothing." These alleged entities of Mangadanga's experience are difficult to identify -if you're not Mangadanga- and try to leave behind them NO evidence that they've been there. It's a bit like an X-Files episode which makes Agent Mulder look even less stable than usual. 😉

Additionally, Mangadanga's story was published 3 years ago and has not been republished: Haunter just started adding plagiarized comments to it to provoke people.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
RedWolf - the o/p hasn't been active on site (at least noticeably) in 3 years. Your questions and comments may not be responded to so you may have wasted your time.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-21)
I have a few questions. First and foremost why would you re-submit a story you wrote in January of 2013? Why the name Shynil rather than Shyling? Why make the story more complicated than it needed to be? Some people said they had to read it twice. If I had to I wouldn't bother.
You may have thought what you did for your friend courageous, given the fact that you did nothing to protect yourself I found it foolish. There were also some parts unbelievable. You confronting the "maintenance man" then touching his shoulder and it wasn't bone it was a jelly like vibrating underneath. Definetely reads like a creature from Supernatural or Grimm to me. I could go on but won't.
Just one last question. Why didn't you answer one question, or make any comment when appropriate?

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
lady-glow - I'm not going to chastise you for your comment, actually I gave you a positive point for it 😉 However, next time could you post your comment on one of your stories so we don't derail the conversations on this one?

Thanks 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Bibliothecarius "...and the ever-vigilant lady-glow made reference to haunter's profile:..."
You nailed me, considering that I was trying to keep my eyes open while commanding my brain to work on something to say about Haunter's post at 3:30 am! 😆
At that early hour and using only the tiny screen and keyboard of my iPod I didn't have the clarity of mind as to copy-paste both comments to compare them side by side.

Now I see that Haunter closed his profile and have no doubt he did it because he couldn't keep on denying his claims any longer.

Good riddance!

HAUNTER: I know you are still around under a, yet, new username... But your antics are the same... And your writing style caught my attention from your first comment.
So, I have to admit it, I have been keeping an eye on your comments and profile for the last few days and couldn't swallow that a Canadian, or any other person whose first language is English, could write the way you do...sorry!

Then it was "your picture". At least you didn't use one from Brad Pit or Ian Somerhalder, or any other celebrity.

I couldn't resist the temptation of answering to your previous ranting so, here's what I have to say:

"... And lastly coming to lady-glow's comments regarding looks and my domicile, how come you get the right?! Look that of a 'saudi arabian' dare you...don't you think you're just crossing your limits here?..."

"Your" looks: if you had chosen a less public figure I might not have given a second thought about them, but I had seen the image of such a good looking guy before somewhere. I did a quick image matching search and... You got busted!

Domicile: Dah, dude! Even a blind Canuck would know palm trees do not grow anywhere in Canada! 😆

Did I cross the limits? Not really, -your own lies did.

And, please, remember: the members of YGS are not a bunch of naive and gullible kindergartens... The Troll Patrol is watching.
sn69 (6 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Ohh, this page's great, I have to say! 😁...great work pointing out that true facts about our dear poster, #bibliothecarius
Regards and respect to you
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)

All three of my other posts are based upon YOUR request for help/support in the comments. You appealed to Mods and to Posters to help you out: I took your request seriously enough to look into it. I suspect that you now wish I hadn't... Sorry about that. 😉
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)

You may wish to look up the definition of "redacted."

"I do not think it means what you think it means." -Mandy Patinkin as 'Inigo Montoya' in Rob Reiner's 1987 adaptation of "The Princess Bride" by William Goldman (1973).

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)

With regard to plagiarism, the first comment on here is from joshuakeys:
"HI Mangadanga
I have gone through the Story, but still I have my doubts & still unclear about the entity, you mentioned that the entity was sent by its Master, Who could be its master, or is it that Black Magic was crafted on your friend? If yes, I know the victim will become as you mentioned about our friend, But not sure about the Entity "SHYNIL" coming in person & attacking the victim.
Anyways Nice writeup, Thanks for sharing

Your first comment is:
"Hi Mangadanga, going through your story, I do have too a many doubts & still remain unclear about the entity, that you mentioned was sent by its master... Who could be its master, or was it that kind of black magic that was redacted on your friend? Even if yes, I'm still not sure about the entity 'Shynil' coming in the person & attacking the victim...anyways, thanks for sharing...
With Regards
Hayden aka haunter"

Taking the thoughts of another person and passing them off as your own original thinking is plagiarism. Yes, you adjusted a phrase or two, but you did it so sloppily that the accusation by lady-glow stands. (Hell, you didn't even bother to switch out the ampersands with the word "and.") It isn't even a good attempt at plagiarism; it's the sort of inept bumbling error I'd expect of a middle-school student, not Prince Mutaib's bin Abdullah's doppleganger.

Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Stopping by just out of curiosity:

Why are there octothorpes on haunter's posts? Then, of course, I started reading the comments, and the ever-vigilant lady-glow made reference to haunter's profile: I took a peek. The first three sentences are from the confrontation between the outraged creature and his creator in Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein.' I have re-read Frankenstein every summer for the last 14 years, so I was a little surprised to see the uncredited statement, "I do know that for the sympathy of one living being, I would make peace with all. I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other." It did seem rather out-of-place to re-read it in winter. After that, the material inclusive of the Newton Quote is plagiarized from Isaac Asimov's 1964 collection of scientific essays "Adding a Dimension."

The photo to which lady-glow alludes is indeed and older photo of a Saudi Royal grandson, but it was taken directly from this article, '5 Most Handsome Men In The World" posted on January 1st, 2008 by "Alicia" on the website ""; The first 4 are quite handsome, but the fifth looks like a pretty twenty-something woman in drag.

Either haunter is very well read, or he/she finds items on the internet to cut-and-paste onto other websites in order to waste time.

logan (3 stories) (222 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)

I would kind of emphasis what Tweed said - voting buttons on here are similar to 'like' buttons on FB. Just treat this site as any other - a source/good information. Perhaps don't have to react to everything said in the comments section, be choosy.
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
please, this is to all... First of all, this is a page, a story where the author itself isn't included or involved... I don't think this conversation regarding the subject of 'Shynil' & its further misconceptions which was started by me indeed should not be continued for further... Truly saying, I did have been rude while writing up, but I HAVEN'T just plagiarized any comment on the page!...& that is to #lady-glow...if you do really think if I have, then why don't you better point it out for yourself... Another thing, can't words just appear similar... It does happen when texts used in a comment resembles with's basic & natural!... And lastly coming to lady-glow's comments regarding looks and my domicile, how come you get the right?! Look that of a 'saudi arabian' dare you...don't you think you're just crossing your limits here?... I don't care or fear if this time once again I get lose my 'karma'... (which is already -1)... I just want to appeal this to everyone here... How come anyone have the right to criticize about just anyone's personal's to all YGS members, mods & even to all mere visitors here!... Do cooperate... With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
#lady-glow Ohh, how could you?!...alright see I AM sorry... Maybe I did have been much rude here... But are you saying about 'plagiarism', like really?... Where, I mean where on earth did you get such a thing... I don't think think I do have to just simply scrap off someone else's post that also for commenting in a story!... & furthermore I am new to YGS, don't really know much about voting, karma & all... Anyway sorry for the inconvenience caused...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
I know I am seriously off subject here but... Martin, Mods, could we please, Please have a "Huh!" emoticon to go with our others? 😐
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)'s like a sin commenting here... This is say that I just meant to ask about this 'Shynil' thing which actually remains unclear until the end of the story & that about more than half of the people here have commented regarding the same... Well, my dubiousness lies on the fact that is asking some question a crime or something like 'making a fool of your own self... Thinking if I'm talking lots again, the author can possibly close his ears down...& this is not a comment, rather it's an advice which I would say the author better hears it for which he actually requires, I suppose... Hayden aka haunter
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
...and then Lady Glow goes and posts while I'm typing. So that's me with my foot in my mouth once again, damn yo.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Haunter, I don't really know you and have no idea what the deal is with all the down votes you're getting. But just so you know, anyone can vote up or down at any time. I doubt the author of this story is the one doing it, as the story was posted in 2013 and it seems this member has been inactive for some time.
Don't worry about the vote stuff, it happens to everyone. 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Haunter: mangadanga hasn't been active on the site for about three years.

Do you wonder why you are getting negative karma points?
Let's see...
Ah, I think it is because you literally plagiarized a previous comment made by another person on this story!

Did you think no one would notice?🤔

By the way... I love the palm trees on the background of "your" profile picture. WAIT A MINUTE... Palm trees in CANADA?!
Oh, and your resemblance to one of the members of the saudi royal family is so uncanny...
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
#speechless...just going to stay mum this time... Will just wait what happens next... Anybody eager to vote down here, sure that very person is welcome! With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
#mangadanga or whatever may be your name... Just voted me down, like really?...😲 don't know if my words did make you lamented...didn't mean it although... But what you did surely is silly and simply uncivil...🤔 don't care anyway! With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
haunter (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-20)
Hi Mangadanga, going through your story, I do have too a many doubts & still remain unclear about the entity, that you mentioned was sent by its master... Who could be its master, or was it that kind of black magic that was redacted on your friend? Even if yes, I'm still not sure about the entity 'Shynil' coming in the person & attacking the victim...anyways, thanks for sharing...
With Regards
Hayden aka haunter
Rohan_mhtr (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-14)
Great read, very nicely written, hope to read more of your experiences
Akclone (1 stories) (6 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-23)
Does it me or anyone else also... Who thinks that this entity is sound like supernatural's shapeshifter...

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