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Akron House And Crystal Blessing


This event happened the duration I lived in my old house in Akron with my friend, back when I was 18 and 19 years old. The house was one of the oldest houses within the city and on lend to us to use while we got on our feet. The moment we both moved in we knew something was off. I'm a very firm believer in the fact everyone has psychic abilities, and was raised that twins have a split soul and are more susceptible. Also have always been very into spirituality. (I'm a twin myself.)

The house was very old and had most of the furniture from when the lender's mother lived in the house. While this was a nice fact it still gave a very chilling feel especially to my room. My room had the most original articles of furniture. Now I don't think anything was tied to the furniture, and both Sarah (my friend I moved in with) and myself felt very uneasy. The whole house was constantly cold feeling, even when we had the heat up high. Particularly it felt almost alive at night the air was charged with energies.

The first two weeks we slept in the same room which happened to be the mother's old room. It really was the only room that felt safe and even then only when you were on the bed did it feel safe. I remember always having dreams about the house, nothing else though while I lived in it. Always centered to the dining area. I use to always avoid being near the basement door too.

I decided to try and pick up on what was making such almost sinister energies, by using my aura to feel and hopefully get a mental image. It worked the first time and very quick. In my mind I saw a very tall figure shrouded in black wrappings kind of like ripped clothing but nothing under. When I did this it was when things got to their worst, like the entity took notice of me looking at it and learning it.

When I would be out and my roommate/friend would be home she'd always call me to talk while I was running errands or job hunting. I remember one time she called and asked me. "Cole I think I just saw myself. It was my silhouette though but solid it didn't attack but, after I saw it, it sprang like lightning towards the basement door." This made my heart stop and I was confused. At the time I only fairly knew about different sorts of spirits and entities, but I knew it wasn't a shadow person or doppelganger. I told her it had to be a manifestation of the negative and fearful energy she had personally in the house, as well as mine even.

I always have been heavy into crystal divination and using earth's own energies via gems to work spiritual situations and events. I decided it best to leave up quartz around the house particularly in each corner of the master bedroom where I was staying most the time. This helped the whole room feel safe as long as the door was shut, the energies were very null in it.

Then when my friend was out at work, I decided to go down stairs get some food for lunch, I found absolutely every cabinet, oven, fridge/freezer, door open. The thing is none of the food or anything was in any of the places we put them everything was pitch black except for the fridge and empty. While it sounds amazingly fake I know what I saw, and scrambled up stairs to get my phone and call my friend and tell her what happened.

When she got home we both went to the kitchen together only to find the kitchen how we left it the night prior. This upset me greatly and made my friend nearly beside herself with fear, so I decided I'd use my knowledge and practices to do a crystal blessing of the house. Using a pure chunk of amethyst to calm and provide serenity, along with opal for hopeful insight to what was going on I went in each room and prayed charged the stones with my energy and released that energy filtered by those tones to try, and calm what ever it was. This whole time I only saw that figure in my mind and it only sent chills down my spine.

Upon getting to the dining area where the basement door was located this is where it proved futile. I couldn't muster any energy and only felt the sheer dread and sinister energy almost feral and angry like I backed it into a corner. Sarah suggested that I go down into the basement and try things there.

Neither of us ever attempted going into the basement both out of sheer fear as well as no real need to in the first place. I couldn't get the basement door open when before we could. Both of us tugged and tried hard but it just was freezing cold on the handle and we couldn't do anything to get it to budge. Giving up we both went to bed and decided it safe to stay in the master bedroom together since I had been trying to give her, her privacy by staying in the second room.

I remember that morning was the last day either of us stayed in that house. When we went down together to have breakfast and talk about our plans on moving out there was a piece of old paper in what looked like black paint or ink scrawled on it. " Geh' jetzt " taking the message we did as said and left.

To this day even on the other side of the country I still almost feel this presence and even fear it will come to me. I'm not sure what it is or what it might represent or be tied to in that house but, all I know is I will never set foot in that city alone ever again.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, ZeitOfClubs, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
Welcome to YGS! ๐Ÿ˜Š Well, at least I didn't say anything bad. ๐Ÿ˜ณ The words are right, but just not how it would be said - yours flows much more naturally. Of course being from Germany, one would hope so, right? Hopefully mine was not too harsh on your ears (or would that be eyes in this case?)
Anyway, welcome!
WolfMaiden89 (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-05)
[at] valkricry
I know you posted your comment 2 years ago, but I found this site short time ago and I'm about to read all the stories here.
You were right, these two words are German and I think they were meant as a serious warning. Good thing, that ZeitofClubs and his friend moved immediately.
May I help with the translation of your questions to ichbindrin12? (I am from Germany, btw.)
"Is German native to you? I only speak a little, but we should respect the site and try to stick with English."
Means in German: Ist Deutsch deine Muttersprache? Ich spreche es nur ein bisschen, aber wir sollten die Seite respektieren und versuchen, bei Englisch zu bleiben.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
It sounds like German because it is. "Geh' jetzt" means "Go now",for those who are unfamiliar. Ichinbrin, you seem to be excited to see German posted here ๐Ÿ˜Š Ist deutscher Eingeborener zu Ihnen? Ich spreche nur wenig, aber wir sollten den Standort respektieren und versuchen, mit Englisch zu haften. (For those unfamiliar: Is German native to you? I only speak a little, but we should respect the site and try to stick with English.)
ZeitOfClubs (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
[at] Goldduster - I would have to ask my old roommate I never really learned my way around Akron so I'm not sure entirely where it was, I know it wasn't too far from an elementary school, I just can't remember the street. I'll ask her.
ZeitOfClubs (1 stories) (2 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-10)
[at] Hades & DelzLdy It's a bit involved topic to explain simply in comments but you can feel free to email me (found on my account info), and I'll gladly explain to the best of my ability what I've been taught.:)
Hades666 (guest)
12 years ago (2013-04-04)
Can you explain to me how crystal blessings work? I have heard about them but not so much.
ichbindrin12 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-03)
Das hรถrt sich an wie ein Deutscher. Ich finds sehr intressant dass es dir irgendwas auf Deutsch gesagt hat
goldduster (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-02)
where at in Akron is this house there is a psychic that has classes and ghost hunts may have information on the house
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-02)
Very creepy. Sounds like it was a good idea to move.
DelzLdy (2 stories) (50 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-01)
While I firmly believe stones carry energy, I've never learned to use them as you do.

To put it mildly, your s*t*o*r*y (necessary to keep the c*l*o*w*n nut at bay) raised the hair on my neck.

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