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The Ghost In The Web Cam


Once, about ten years ago I had leased 40 acres and a small isolated cabin near Pine Mountain Georgia. One day after I had lived there about a month the Land Lord who lived in Florida dropped by to inquire as to how I was liking the little place. He mentioned that his teenaged daughter had really liked spending her summers and holidays in that cabin. During the conversation he told me that she had suffered a tragic skateboard accident the year before on her 17th birthday.

A couple of weeks later, toward the end of November, I happened to ask the Sister of the Land Lord where the young lady had been buried and was told that it was quite near. Since it was within walking distance I strolled over one warm day to visit her grave. Etched in her tomb stone were the words "BE CAREFUL, I AM WATCHING OVER YOU" I thought that that was an odd inscription and went on with my walk.

The next night as I was chatting on the internet with a Lady who lived in North Carolina, we both had our web cams on and each of us was alone in our respective homes. I happened to glance at my own image in my web cam and noticed a pale smokey glow that was floating just behind my shoulder in the cam, thinking that something was wrong with my cam I gave it a sort of thump with my finger, and chatted a bit more, glancing back at my cam I then noticed an image of a young lady who seemed to be looking over my left shoulder at the cam and computer as if reading what I was typing. As I looked at her image she swung around toward my front door as if some one had just entered unexpectedly. I even noticed that her long brown hair swung away from her shoulders as she turned, I was a bit startled because I knew that I was alone and a quick glance behind me confirmed it, there was no one there!

Two days later the Land Lord made an unexpected visit and I happened to ask him if he had a picture of his dead daughter, yes it was her, the same person that I had seen looking over my shoulder in the cam that night!

On another day, after I had moved from that place (not because it was haunted, but for personal reasons) I again had an opportunity to visit her grave site and this time I read what was etched on the stone, it said "BE CAREFUL, WE ARE ALWAYS WATCHING" and there were etchings of small animals and not the words that I had first read there.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, wolf-mitchum, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

WillowWaly (2 stories) (97 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-10)
OP's first gravestone reading:

OP's Second gravestone reading:

The actual photo of the gravestone reads:
"Be careful, I'm watching."

Occam's Razor doesn't direct me to a re-carved gravestone here, but to a normal lapse of human memory. (wolf-mitchum, please don't take this personally; all our memories operate this way. It's part of being human.) That was true even before I saw the Find A Grave links.
Triskaideka (2 stories) (388 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-29)
I'm actually a member of Thank you for finding the links, Hud. I was compelled to make listings if I couldn't find any. But since they exist, I instead left flowers. 😊 Yes, it's a weird compulsion. But when one can't visit on foot, it's nice to visit "in spirit", you know?
TheKissOfDawnHuddy (7 posts)
11 years ago (2014-01-29)
Hello there... Bob... And everyone.

This is my first comment after lurking for quite some time. I've read your story and researched it a bit because it kind of strung a chord. 😳

I came across some information about both mentioned people (thanks for providing the names & other more personal info).

Here is an article dealing with the circumstances...
...t's about Lindsey Sara Moore and the skating accident in 2004.

I confess that I tried to get a photo of her and was just very curious about this story.

Then I even FOUND HER actual GRAVE with pictures:
Http:// with stone and inscriptions and even the animal figures!

& some about her father Wade Moore's passing:
& his site at something like a Facebook for graves (pretty strange something like this exists but everything is possible lol):

Thank you very much for this one. Kept me awake all night and left me thinking about it very much.
She seemed to be a blessed spirit with a happy and caring life.
If you have more, let me know, pass it around.

This is it. Bless You. πŸ˜‰
lostghostgal (69 posts)
12 years ago (2013-07-08)
She probley curious to see who you are since you were in her father's cabin and I know she is harmless. I am in my 40's but I don't look like it. 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-26)
I am sorry to hear Mr. Moore passed on. I am sure, no matter the locations of their graves, he and his daughter are united.
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-26)
"There are no simple answers for tragedies." Sadly I have just now found out that Mr. Wade Moore passed away at the age of 57 in Gulf Breeze Florida in 2012.Mr.Moore was the Father of the Young Lady that I wrote about. He too is buried in Hopewell Methodist Church and I hope and pray that He and His Daughter are together again at last, I also hope that He is buried next to her.
Rook,I am at this point, unsure if I saw the animal etchings on the toombstone at first viewing... Maybe on my second visit I was determined to REALLY look at the stone because She had paid me a visit and I wanted to be sure that I had seen the writing on the stone correctly.So...there you have it, Accidental Death of Young lady, changing messages on a toombstone, ghost in the web cam and a deceased father to boot. Sounds sort of like an edgar Allen Poe story only this one is not fiction.
Bob Mitchum
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-25)
Hi wolf-mitchum, when my husband and I are given an identical piece to read aloud, what he reads, and what I read, is usually two different things. πŸ˜‰ This may be due to age, or poor eyesight. Lol.

I am sure you read exactly what you were meant to read, at that point in time. Spirits work in mysterious ways.

Thank you for sharing an interesting post with us.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-25)

While its possible that the spirit effected what you 'saw' as a means of communicating I made the statement that I did because you said that not only was the inscription different, there was the added details of the animals etched into the stone... Or were the animals there both times and you only mentioned them when you described going back to the cemetery a second time? Or did I 'misread' things. πŸ˜‰


wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-25)
OK, one more post on the changing inscription, it IS possible that I misread that inscription on my first visit and that in all actuality it was my mistake, and then on my 2nd visit maybe I took a little more time to read it. But in all truthfulness, I believe it said exactly what she wanted me to see writen there which was "Be careful, I am watching over You "I think she was giving me the information that she wanted to give me. I know it is unscientific to believe that somthing etched in stone can change, but apparently that's just what it did. At least for my eyes.Again, thank y'all for reading my story and for all the feed back that I received on it. You Guys are the greatest.
Bob Mitchum ❀ ❀ ❀
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-22)
Very good story, wolf-mitchum! An eerie encounter indeed. I find it interesting how spirits interact with us through technology and would completely freak out if I experienced what you did. Thanks so much for sharing this!
P.s.- I tend to read more stories written from older submitters than the I do the younger ones.
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-22)
Val,thank you for your comment. About that small Cabin, I think that now it is up for VACATION rentals only, in other words people can rent it for a wekk or two and relax, it is within driving distance of callaway gardens, a well known resort area in Georgia, and as I said, it is sort of isolated, it also has a "no trespassing" sign in the driveway leading up to it, however the cemetary is about 3 or 4 miles away and easily accessible, as I recall the church is called pleasant grove methodist church and is near sunny side baptist church but on the opposit side of the road, the young lady's grave is stright ahead and can be seen from the church parking lot, it is the only one there with the "two hearts" motif and her last name is moore I believe her first name is lindsey.
meow3 (23 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-22)
Very good story. I'm especially fascinated by the fact that the words on the gravestone had changed! 😲
HappySpirit (187 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
An interesting and touching story, indeed, including some of the "post story" tidbits like the Christmas tree. The changing gravestone inscription is the most bizarre. The theory of Occam's Razor, which postulates that the simplest explanation is usually correct, would say that Rook's idea (gravestone changed by the family - it can happen) is the likely explanation. Being a fan of the belief that matter can, at times, change form on a very substantial level according to changes in the consciousness of the viewer, I wonder if wolf-mitchum simply moved into a reality where the headstone was different. This explanation/perspective is less about ghosts and more about the sometimes strange ways that space/time operates (esp if strong or deep emotions are involved), so I will not go on further about that.
marysmith80 (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
Many times I have witnessed a young ghost called "sage" she wears a pale blue lace dress that goes out in an victorian fashion and small white frilly ankle socks with pale blue shoes that fasten with a strap. Sage tells me many things about life when she was alive but is always depressed and sometimes quite agressive. I tried to put my story up about my first encounter but it never is on. I have not mentioned that I am a spritualist and can see the "others" as I like to call them. Please comment back if you have any problems and youd like my advice! Thankyou 😁 by the way this story is very unusual yet it pulled me in.
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
Oh, Bob...
You did not mention the Christmas tree in your original story, and reading about that seems so incredibly sweet and touching. Perhaps she was/is indeed looking out for you and letting you know (through the epitaph) that you are being watched over. As you said, maybe it was only in your head meant only for you. I don't think seeing writing any odder than seeing things no one else can.
I wonder if anyone else has leased that cabin since, and if they did what they made of the tree?
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
OK I see some questions on my story about the web camera, as far as I can recall it was a veo usb port plug in camera that sort of sat on my H/P monitor and as some one said... It was "about" 10 years ago, the web cam was purchased at wal-marts as was the computer and I think I still have the old installation disc around here some place stashed away but not the web cam. As for the changing inscription on the stone, well not one of you could be as surprized as was I when I returned to the grave site and re-read that inscription, I really can not blame any of you for being a bit skeptical about that... But that's exactly how it happened... So what more can I say?
Thank all of you for ALL of your comments, I enjoyed reading them very much.
Bob Mitchum (AKA) wolf-mitchum
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
Bluerose19,I am sorry if I scared you into not posting in here, I am just an old geezer and harmless, I do admit that I let my own misconceptions enter into my perceptions of the "younger" Generation that might post in here and I appologize if I might have offened you by taking issue with your post. Please feel free to say what ever you like about my comments in here, I promise I will not put an "old persons" curse on you. Lol lol and lol πŸ˜†
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
oh and wishfulnull, I would really like to thank you for the very warm B/S Blankie, it was very nice of you to offer an O/P a nice warm blankie for his ride on the "dream bus " LOL LOL AND LOL
Hey,just a bit of old person humor, we like being humored by young people.
wolf-mitchum (1 stories) (11 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-21)
OK Y'all,I appologize for taking issues with the return posts on this site, sorry because I am not the type to tell lies just for the sake of telling lies and I "thought" y'all were making fun of my story because I an an "older" citizen, after reading some of your return posts, I see that just maybe y'all are really nice people in here and here again I appologize for thinking differently, my thinking on the young lady in question is that maybe by living alone in that isolated cabin as I did, I might have been facing some unknown danger that maybe she wanted to warn me about. Now you must understand that this is just my surmizing or my input, maybe the inscription is what she wanted me to read, as it might not have been really there, just in my head and to get me thinking of being wary of my surroundings a bit more, apparently she loved animals and we both share that that love, that is one connection, she also liked the cabin as did I,thats the second connection. As I think I said in the story, when I moved from there I searched the cabin and found all the old Christmas ornaments I could find, bought a small Christmas tree and left it there decorated for her as I felt her presence as if she were over seeing my departure. I don't know all of our connections nor why she came to visit and let me "see " her nor do I know why I read what I read on the tomb stone, but those are the facts as they happened, I felt that I should not attempt to discuss much with her Father as he at that time was in the grief process, always crying when he mentioned her, fumming about the care she received at the hospital ect.ect.In life she must have been an exceptionaly caring person and as I see it she retained that caring attitude even after her death. I have passed that place many times but for some reason I have never felt like going back inside it, nor do I wish to make contact with her family, I have however visited her grave on numerous occsions and even left small animal figurines there I still feel as if there is a connection with her some how, which is another reason I posted our (hers and mine) story here on this I was about to post this... The site flipped me to my email... Is that odd or what?
Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
Dear Bluerose19,

Appreciate that you count me among the regulars.😁
(Psst...don't take my name in the same vein as rook, grannny or other veterans please! I am just a beginner's level. I still read the user's manual😐,if you know what I mean!)

Sceptic-Ari (2 stories) (611 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
Dear WishfulNull,

No need to thank me buddy. I was defending myself too, wasn't I!

Though it was really nice of you to acknowledge.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
Bornparanormal: πŸ˜† I was going to say you have quite a vocabulary for a 1 year old LOL! Not to mention your typing skills πŸ˜†
Bornparanormal (19 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
Sorry I meant 14 I am 14 haha did not notice my mistake sorry! 😜 k
Bornparanormal (19 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
I am Ashley and I am 1; and I truly believe what you say I have had more than a handful of accounts with things like this I would really like too here from you
Baronessie (4 stories) (12 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
One of the most bizzare stories on here, that's for sure! So interesting though, how the writing changed. I've had webcam chats before and always wondered how it would be if a spirit wandered into the picture. Did the friend say anything about it? Very cool story. Best of wishes to you.
harrypotterrules (59 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-20)
How did the words on the stone change the next time you visited?
Bluerose19 (3 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Though I did not mean anything 'bad' to the O/p in my last comment, I am a little shocked and disappointed by her comments 'misunderstanding' us, and blaming the 'whole' group of 'young people' for raising doubts on her story (Though I was NOT among the ones who did that).😒

Hmmmm...I am scared and I think from next time I will better stay away from commenting on any senior adult's story from now on, provided he/she is new in the forum. You never know how they 'take' your comments. It's Okay! Sigh!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Hi Bob,
I still think this one goes in my bizzare file. As far as the epitaph... Well some strange things get put on those stones at times. Rook offers up an explination which sounds logical, but... I don't know, I kind of like the mystery to it.
Oh and in case you are wondering, only very special cases make it into my bizarre file. For me they're real gems 😊.
P.S. Please don't mind the 'whippersnapers' they really do mean well.
demonicsheikh (55 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Do you happen to have the recording of the webcam? Just curious
She was a teen so it is possible that she takes interest in chatting, social sites etc.
WishfulNull (151 posts)
12 years ago (2013-04-19)
Dear Wolf-Mitchum,
I want to apologize to you. Your feedback on the details I had questions about definitely cleared things up for me, and the members of this site take out-of-the ordinary experiences very seriously. It's MY face that should be red! (And, it very much is, right at this moment...). I also want to thank Sceptic-Ari for his explanations on my behalf - he is right that this site sometimes gets posters who make up stories for various reasons - some to see if they can fool people, some to laugh at commenters who take these false stories of theirs seriously, and when that happens, it just gets under my skin. I need to learn to let people answer questions first... Before hauling off and suggesting B.S. Just like the young whippersnapper I am, hahaha.
. πŸ˜‰ I am rightly schooled on this one...and, I am very sorry about this too - I didn't mean you to think I called you an Old Person, when I meant Original Poster... My dad just turned 76, and I have a lot of respect for him, and other senior citizens. Please accept my deepest apologies for my hot-headedness, as I sincerely did not mean to disrespect or insult. 😒 ❀

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