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Real Ghost Stories

Spider Web Cottage


George finally found a place to live; a rented place of his own, and a place with the one luxury he'd not seen for the previous twelve months, his own bathroom! Spider Web cottage was tiny, so small in fact, there was a danger of falling down the circular staircase should the sleeping occupant venture too far to the edge of the double bed which, after much maneuvering, had been squeezed onto an undersized mezzanine floor.

It was home however, and a place to gain the much desired privacy so lacking in shared accommodation, especially for a teacher getting on in years.

The cottage sat alongside a small courtyard which nestled behind a row of shops fronting the village high street. Parts of the structure were listed, and according to accounts dated back to the 13th century. It was unclear who or what occupied the original building, but rumours ranged from it once being a farrier's shed to that of a storage room for the illegal manufacture of unauthorized liquor.

None of this was of concern to George as it was home and, he could come and go as he pleased. More importantly, he now had the luxury of lingering for as long as needed in a hot bath, the old cast iron tub gracing the floor of what was probably the most spacious room in the cottage, the bathroom.

The other room, the lounge, carried a small refrigerator and a stove with dodgy heat controls. An unsteady chair and small table, the only other creature comforts, took up the rest of the limited space.

Closer examination of the accommodation gave George some ideas and, after a little thought, the double bed found itself downstairs in what was the lounge, with the solitary chair and table elevated to the mezzanine floor, companions to the newly purchased stereo system. Any chance of falling out of bed and down the metal stairs now eliminated.

He was soon to find out why the tiny cottage was so aptly named Spider Web Cottage. Each morning required the delicate task of removing a host of spiders from the bathtub. A glass and piece of hard card acted as rescue materials as he deftly cupped each spider, slid the card under the glass and deposited the bewildered creature in a flower urn outside the front door. How they managed to return each night remained a mystery as a thorough investigation of the small window and adjoining walls betrayed no gaps or cracks.

It wasn't long before George befriended a local pub and would spend pleasant weekend evenings in the company of locals.

On one such Friday evening, after consuming a little more than usual of his favourite brew, George ambled home with the welcoming thought of sleeping late into Saturday morning.

Bed felt warm and welcoming as he stared through the window at twinkling stars. 'There is a definite chance of a crisp, frosty morning,' he thought as he drifted into a peaceful sleep.

George suddenly woke!

A silver glow painted a single beam of light across George's bed. The moon was up and on such a clear night the outside world shone with crystal brilliance.

At first he was baffled at his sudden awakening, nothing, neither inside or out stirring to warrant the sudden disturbance. The world was at peace!

He was about to roll over and attempt to recall a rather erotic dream when the bathroom door creaked.

He sat up!

"Probably my imagination and the remnants of the earlier liquid intake," he pondered.

Turning over he fell back under the warmth of the duvet. The door creaked again, this time with a slow prolonged squeak.

George watched, the door now visibly moving back and forth in slow rhythmic swings, the movement reminiscent of a child experiencing its first encounter with a new toy. This was creepy, very creepy. He doubled checked the outside, just in case a breeze now disturbed the world; nothing!

"What the hell, what do you want?" He yelled.

The door stopped moving, he waited; perhaps a physical investigation a good idea, but remaining in bed definitely a safer option.

At first it sounded like a gentle breeze, a whisper, as one might hear when resting in a forest or along a river bank. The breeze increased in tempo, rising to the sound of a strong wind whipping round the corners of a house and then, as George pulled the duvet closer, his eyes white in disbelief and fear, the wind struck gale force, howling and whining round and through the small cottage with a ferocity that could take the whole building with it.

He dared a glance outside, but the world remained peaceful. His eyes were back searching, but for what? Nothing inside the cottage moved, it was just frightening sound, only a terrifying roar echoing its deafening intentions. Nothing in the cottage moved!

"What, who, the bloody hell are you!" George yelled above the roar.

It suddenly stopped, as if responding to his call, and once again the room fell silent, except for one thing, the door, that bloody door, swinging once again. This time however, it eased noisily wider until it stood fully open.

George gasped, uncertain of what would arrive next.

He wasn't to be disappointed! At first he thought it was a dog, a large black one without ears.

As the animal, thing came closer, he saw it wasn't a dog, in fact it wasn't like anything he'd ever seen. The thing, creature, object, he was lost for description, looked like a very large egg and stood about three feet high. It moved towards the bed without visible signs of locomotion and reminded him of a wobbly lump often animated on children's cartoons. This lump was less attractive, greyish blue best describing its colour.

"What the hell are you?" He was yelling again.

The thing didn't respond and moved to the side of the bed.

A sudden change took place, George felt at peace, the fear replaced with an unusual calmness and sense of well being. He felt himself pulled towards the thing and allowed his head to move closer. Did it want him to touch it? He was never to find out, as the gales and roar arrived once again, and, as if taking its leave in the noise, the thing disappeared. With its disappearance, so went the howling sounds, disappearing into the night as the passing train might whistle a fading tune.

He was alone again. The night outside remained the same, ice crystals forming as dawn grew near. The door, the door to the bathroom, it remained open.

The next Friday George related his story to the interested patrons. They laughed, taking the opportunity to blame the extra alcohol he'd had that evening.

"So, the story is true!"

They all turned to eye an elderly gentleman tucked in a corner. He nestled a whisky in two wrinkled hands.

"What do you mean Alfred?" Peter laughed.

"The child, that boy who disappeared in the early twenty's, some said he was murdered and buried under the cottage..."

This was too much for Graham. "You don't believe in that rubbish, do you?"

"Let me tell you George, you were used to release the child to the next world..." Alfred took a sip. "That blob you saw, that was energy!"

"What crap, energy, George was hallucinating! Drank too much..." Peter was back.

"Tell me George, how did you feel when the energy passed on? I mean did you feel good or bad?"

"Quite relaxed, strange really-I actually felt good. Yes good, really good..."

"I rest my case..." The old man grinned, "You did a service George, they were waiting for you..."

"Who in F's name are they!" Graham was getting angry. He gulped the remnants of a lager down and slammed the glass on the table. "Fill er up love, I think I need an escape from this bunch of weirdoes..."

"There will be more George. I can feel it's not over yet..." Alfred stuck a glass on the table.

"It's my round..." George was already searching for the money. This was getting interesting.

PS: To respect my privacy, it was written in the third person.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Mataba, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-13)
This is an entertaining story, but I personally am skeptical about it being true.
Mataba (3 stories) (4 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-09)
A special thank you for all the comments posted so far. I am aware the story reads as fiction, but I can assure all, it did happen. There was more, and is being submitted at present. I have written the new material in the first person. My experiences in the cottage were weird to say the least, but at no time did I feel unsafe or threatened, only annoyed and perhaps a little sad, as is related in the next submission. Thank you all again for taking the time to read my experiences.
lucy_k (1 stories) (2 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
That was a great story! I really liked the way you wrote it in third person.
Tonith (1136 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-08)
Something about hearing it in the third person that makes it read like a short horror story and not something that actually happened. I believe such events can and have happened but this one rings more of imagination than truth. Too neatly packaged if that makes any sense. If I'm right, this person should consider writing as a vocation. Good story and well written.
ghostgal2008 (1 stories) (10 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-07)
Wow, what a great story! That sent chills up my spine especially the bit about the spiders coming back every night. I would have really freaked out. But, remember that if you feel something weird like that you should stay calm and if it keeps happening call someone and maybe get the house blessed and help the little boy cross to the other side.
libertybelle (14 stories) (207 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-07)
Extremely well-written--actuallly very reminiscent of some of MR James' work, and I can give no higher praise than that.

But I'm a little vague on the spiders.

Did they leave after the incidents of the night when George over imbibed a bit? Is he still having to get them out of his bathtub in the mornings? Are spiders just a kind of nuisance in the area? (I once lived in a neighborhood where they were a major pain) 😕

Anyway, you've certainly piqued the interest of THIS certified, card-carrying arachnophobe! 😆
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-07)
What an awesome story! I was mesmerized! It is so good... I wonder, is it a true story? I like to think so. I hope to see more tales from you! 😁
FRAWIN (guest)
17 years ago (2008-06-07)
This was a good ghost story if you were telling it to entertain but to pass it off as true- I am a little skeptical.

tv (3 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-06)
Hafa Adai. Great story. I wonder if it was
really the boy or what? Nice ending though. 😁
Karyn (1 stories) (63 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-06)
I'm with KimSouthO, I HATE and abhor spiders! The title almost made not want to read the story so I kind of saved it for last. It was a great story though. I wonder what the old man meant by, " there will be more"?
All in all an enjoyable read! 😊
templer_knight (1 stories) (14 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-06)
It was apparent you were writing in the third person from a couple of sentences in Mataba. However, it was a brilliantly written tale. I found it thoroughly enthralling.

What was experienced is like nothing I've encountered before though. None the less, I was captivated by your telling.
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-06)
Hi Mataba and thanks for taking the time to share your encounter with us.

I'm one of those who believe that although good writing skills are required when addressing your readers, you have gone beyond that. What I mean is that the choice of words, structure as well as imagery has the effect of distancing, at least me as your reader.

I understand that sometimes we need to personally distance ourselves from the alleged events that have somehow stigmatised us but there has to be a limit to how far we go.

A last note: just with a "user name" and having an empty profile page is enough to protect your privacy, the 3rd person, instead, doesn't add to the credibility of the encounter at all.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2008-06-06)
Not sure if an urban legend, a great ghost tale or actually happened, but... No matter. I enjoyed the story very much (except for the spiders, severe arachnaphobia!)

Thanks for sharing with us!

God Bless!

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